Understanding Amazon S3 File Permissions: Finding Solutions for ‘Access Denied’ Issues


In this blog post, we will explore the intricacies of file permissions in Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and provide solutions to common ‘Access Denied’ issues that data scientists may encounter when copying files between S3 accounts. We will cover the basics of S3 permissions, examine the causes of these errors, and discuss the steps to resolve them effectively.

Understanding S3 Permissions

Amazon S3 employs a combination of Access Control Lists (ACLs) and bucket policies to manage permissions. ACLs offer more granular control, allowing data scientists to set specific permissions for individual objects within a bucket. On the other hand, bucket policies apply to all objects within a bucket.

When a new bucket or object is created in S3, the AWS account responsible is automatically granted full control. This includes both READ and WRITE permissions. However, when attempting to copy an object from one S3 account to another, data scientists may encounter ‘Access Denied’ errors. This is often due to insufficient permissions.

Common Causes of ‘Access Denied’ Errors

Several factors can contribute to ‘Access Denied’ errors when copying files between S3 accounts:

  1. Insufficient Permissions: The most common cause of ‘Access Denied’ errors is when the account attempting to access the file lacks the necessary permissions. This can occur if the file’s ACL or the bucket’s policy does not grant the required permissions to the account.

  2. Bucket Policies Override ACLs: Even if the ACL grants the necessary permissions, a bucket policy can override these permissions and deny access to the file. It’s essential to review both the ACL and the bucket policy to ensure consistency.

  3. IAM Policies Restrict Access: IAM (Identity and Access Management) policies can restrict access to S3 resources. If the IAM policy associated with the account does not grant the required permissions, data scientists will encounter ‘Access Denied’ errors when trying to copy files between accounts.

Resolving ‘Access Denied’ Errors

To resolve ‘Access Denied’ errors, follow these recommended steps:

  1. Check the ACL: Verify that the ACL for the file grants the necessary permissions to the account attempting to access it. To confirm this, navigate to the file in the S3 console, click on the ‘Permissions’ tab, and then select ‘Access control list’.

  2. Review the Bucket Policy: If the ACL grants the required permissions, it is crucial to review the bucket policy. Access the S3 console, navigate to the relevant bucket, click on the ‘Permissions’ tab, and then select ‘Bucket Policy’. Ensure that the bucket policy does not override the desired permissions.

  3. Review IAM Policies: If both the ACL and the bucket policy grant the necessary permissions, it is crucial to verify the IAM policies associated with the account attempting to access the file. Navigate to the IAM console, click on ‘Policies’, and search for policies relevant to the account. Make sure the IAM policies provide the required access.

  4. Utilize the AWS CLI for File Copying: If the above steps confirm that the necessary permissions are in place, data scientists can use the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) to copy the file between S3 accounts. The following command accomplishes this: aws s3 cp s3://source-bucket/source-file s3://destination-bucket/destination-file.


Understanding Amazon S3 file permissions and their intricate interplay is indispensable for data scientists working with AWS. By thoroughly examining the ACL, bucket policy, and IAM policies, individuals can identify and resolve ‘Access Denied’ errors when copying files between S3 accounts.

Data security is of paramount importance when handling data, and AWS provides multiple layers of access control to safeguard data integrity. However, comprehending these complexities is crucial to avoid unnecessary hurdles. This guide is designed to shed light on navigating these challenges effectively.

Tags: Amazon S3, File Permissions, Access Denied, AWS, Data Security

[Reference Link](!https://saturncloud.io/blog/understanding-amazon-s3-file-permissions-resolving-access-denied-issues-when-copying-from-another-account/)