Demystifying the “Blocked due to access forbidden (403)” Error in Google Search Console

Earlier known as Google Webmaster Tools, Google Search Console is an essential tool that provides insights about your website’s health and search result performance. Occasionally, it may present you with some seemingly complicated error messages like, “Blocked due to access forbidden (403)”.

In this guide, we’ll try to deconstruct and demystify this error, explain its causes, and provide troubleshooting solutions.

Understanding the “Blocked due to access forbidden (403)” Message

Google Search Console presents this error status when some of your website’s pages are not indexed because your server has prevented Googlebot, Google’s web crawling bot, from accessing them. This is not a common occurrence and may indicate a need for a technical review of your website.

Bear in mind that Google usually crawls a webpage before it is included in its index. If a page is indexed without being crawled, it could adversely affect your Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

The Cause of “Blocked due to access forbidden (403)”

When Googlebot sends a URL request to your server, the server sends back HTTP status codes in response. These codes provide information about how and if the requesting browsers and crawlers can access the URL.

The 403 status code, in particular, indicates three things:

  • The server understood the request.
  • The server denied access to the URL because the provided credentials did not warrant access.
  • Browsers and crawlers need permission to access the specific resource.

Typically, if your server returns this status code, it indicates a technical issue with your website.

How to Troubleshoot “Blocked due to access forbidden (403)” Pages

Google Search Console allows you to analyze and export a list of pages affected by this error. You can also filter your pages to only show those included in the sitemap.

To fix this error, you’ll first need to decide if the affected pages should even be indexed. There are three possible scenarios:

  1. Some pages may contain data that should not be found on Google Search. If this is the case, adding a noindex tag can prevent these pages from being indexed.
  2. Some pages like a paywalled news article may require users to log in to view all of the content. In this case, you can change your server’s settings to treat crawlers differently and add structured data to inform Googlebot about the paywalled content.
  3. Lastly, some pages might be publicly accessible but still return a 403 status code due to a deeper technical issue, such as errors in the .htaccess file, faulty WordPress plugins, incorrect IP addresses, or a malware infection.

In addition to temporary fixes, it’s advisable to schedule regular technical SEO audits to ensure long-term visibility and prevent potential issues from becoming severe.

Closing Thoughts

Fixing the “Blocked due to access forbidden (403)” error requires a logical approach, understanding of HTTP status codes, and efficient troubleshooting. By effectively managing this error, you can ensure that your website remains in Google’s good graces and continues to perform well in search results.

Tags: #Blocked403Error #GoogleSearchConsole #Troubleshooting #SEO

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