Demystifying the “Blocked due to access forbidden (403)” Error in Google Search Console

Earlier known as Google Webmaster Tools, Google Search Console is an essential tool that provides insights about your website’s health and search result performance. Occasionally, it may present you with some seemingly complicated error messages like, “Blocked due to access forbidden (403)”.

In this guide, we’ll try to deconstruct and demystify this error, explain its causes, and provide troubleshooting solutions.

Understanding the “Blocked due to access forbidden (403)” Message

Google Search Console presents this error status when some of your website’s pages are not indexed because your server has prevented Googlebot, Google’s web crawling bot, from accessing them. This is not a common occurrence and may indicate a need for a technical review of your website.

Bear in mind that Google usually crawls a webpage before it is included in its index. If a page is indexed without being crawled, it could adversely affect your Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

The Cause of “Blocked due to access forbidden (403)”

When Googlebot sends a URL request to your server, the server sends back HTTP status codes in response. These codes provide information about how and if the requesting browsers and crawlers can access the URL.

The 403 status code, in particular, indicates three things:

  • The server understood the request.
  • The server denied access to the URL because the provided credentials did not warrant access.
  • Browsers and crawlers need permission to access the specific resource.

Typically, if your server returns this status code, it indicates a technical issue with your website.

How to Troubleshoot “Blocked due to access forbidden (403)” Pages

Google Search Console allows you to analyze and export a list of pages affected by this error. You can also filter your pages to only show those included in the sitemap.

To fix this error, you’ll first need to decide if the affected pages should even be indexed. There are three possible scenarios:

  1. Some pages may contain data that should not be found on Google Search. If this is the case, adding a noindex tag can prevent these pages from being indexed.
  2. Some pages like a paywalled news article may require users to log in to view all of the content. In this case, you can change your server’s settings to treat crawlers differently and add structured data to inform Googlebot about the paywalled content.
  3. Lastly, some pages might be publicly accessible but still return a 403 status code due to a deeper technical issue, such as errors in the .htaccess file, faulty WordPress plugins, incorrect IP addresses, or a malware infection.

In addition to temporary fixes, it’s advisable to schedule regular technical SEO audits to ensure long-term visibility and prevent potential issues from becoming severe.

Closing Thoughts

Fixing the “Blocked due to access forbidden (403)” error requires a logical approach, understanding of HTTP status codes, and efficient troubleshooting. By effectively managing this error, you can ensure that your website remains in Google’s good graces and continues to perform well in search results.

Tags: #Blocked403Error #GoogleSearchConsole #Troubleshooting #SEO

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Unraveling HTTP 403 Errors and Effective Ways to Fix Them

Have you ever encountered an HTTP 403 error while browsing the internet? Striving to navigate to a webpage and being confronted with this forbidding message can halt any progress and cause noticeable inconvenience. Whether you are a website developer, website owner, or internet user, understanding what prompts this issue and how to address it is crucial.

HTTP 403 Errors Demystified

In technical terms, an HTTP 403 error is a server-client message code that implies the server understands the client’s request but declines to authorize it. This usually happens when we attempt to access a webpage and we are forbidden from viewing the content.

A sampled error message might read: “403 Forbidden – You don’t have permission to access / on this server.” Essentially, it is an HTTP status code that hinders access, causing a potential loss in website traffic if not resolved promptly.

Root Causes of HTTP 403 Errors

One primary culprit behind 403 errors is the configuration settings associated with a specific file or folder. These settings define user access rights, such as read, write, and execute permissions.

In some cases, the website owner might have altered these settings or failed to establish appropriate permissions, leading to the error. Incorrect or corrupted htaccess file settings, wrong IP addresses, issues with WordPress plugins, discrepancies in page links, malware, or a missing index page could also be to blame.

HTTP 403 Errors: Signs and Symptoms

Web designers can visually customize a 403 error just as they can with 404 or 502 errors. The error might appear differently on various web servers and websites might use slightly different names for this error. Some common examples include:

  • Forbidden
  • Error 403
  • HTTP Error 403.14 – Forbidden
  • 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP 403
  • Forbidden: You don’t have permission to access this site on this server
  • Error 403 – Forbidden
  • HTTP Error 403 – Forbidden

Decoding the Remedies For HTTP 403 Errors

Addressing a 403 error involves a multipronged approach, exploring different dimensions and troubleshooting various possibilities.

Checking the htaccess File

The htaccess file is commonly a server configuration file, and discrepancies here could be a root cause of the 403 error.

Resetting File and Directory Permissions

Creating files come with default permissions, which define how you can read, write, and execute the files. If the error springs from faulty permissions, this is one area that needs attention.

Disabling WordPress plugins

If a corrupt or incompatible plugin is causing the 403 error, one handy solution is disabling the plugin. Rather than going through each plugin, it’s faster and more effective to disable all plugins at once and reactivate them one by one to pinpoint the problem.

Upload Index Page

Another method to resolve these 403 errors is to upload an index page. If the homepage of your website has any other name other than ‘index.php’ or ‘index.html’, the error can pop up.

Edit File Ownership

Another common cause of 403 errors is incorrect file ownership, especially if you use Linux or VPS hosting. Ordinarily, files and folders are assigned to an Owner, a Group, or both.

Verify A Record

Another probable cause of 403 errors is wrong IP address direction. Do verify that your domain name points to the correct IP address.

Scan Website For Malware

Malware an be another cause of the HTTP 403 errors. Regular scanning of your website to identify any malware is important.

Clear Web History/Cache

Clearing browser cache and cookies may also resolve this issue. A cache stores data to make a website load faster, which is beneficial for subsequent website visits.

Taking these steps can help troubleshoot and resolve the 403 Forbidden error on your website, making for a smoother and less interrupted browsing experience.


HTTP 403 errors can disrupt a user’s online experience, but understanding the nature of these errors can aid in their swift resolution. A comprehensive approach involving checking server settings, resetting permissions, disabling faulty plugins, and regular website scanning can help get things back on track. Armed with these insights and solutions, you are well-equipped to handle and prevent HTTP 403 issues on your website.

Tags: #HTTP403Errors, #WebDevelopment, #WebpageAccess, #SitePermission, #WebsiteErrorFix

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Deep Dive into HTTP Status Code: 403 Forbidden

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a protocol which allows the fetching of resources such as HTML documents. One fundamental part of this protocol is the HTTP status codes, which are returned whenever a specific HTTP request is made. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into understanding one such HTTP status code: 403 Forbidden.

403 Forbidden: What is it?

Whenever a client sends an HTTP request to a server, the server replies back with an HTTP status code. The 403 Forbidden status code is one of such responses which signifies that the server understood the request, but it refuses to authorize it.

The received status code indicates something about what happened with the request. In the case of the 403 Forbidden status, the server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. An authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.

HTTP 1.1 specification (RFC 2616) section 10.4.4 states that:

If the server is refusing to handle the request due to an explicit deny rule, then it may return a 403 status code.

Example Response

To make this more understandable, let’s look at an example of a 403 Forbidden response:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Date : Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT

This is a basic example of what a 403 Forbidden response will look like. The date stamp is simply the time when the response was generated by the server.

Browser Compatibility

HTTP status codes, including the 403 Forbidden error, are specified by the HTTP protocol standards, and hence are universally recognized across all major web browsers, servers, and internet infrastructure. Thus, the 403 Forbidden error is handled and displayed in a similar manner across all platforms.

Impact and Solutions

The 403 Forbidden error can frustrate users if it keeps occurring on the websites they are trying to access. There are several reasons why a 403 status might be returned. However, there are multiple ways to debug and thus fix a 403 Forbidden error. These include rechecking the URL, clearing the cache and cookies from your browser, checking your file permissions, or contacting the website directly.


HTTP status codes are a fundamental part of our internet experience, and understanding them is crucial for both developers and users. The 403 Forbidden error serves an important purpose in the realm of internet security, and knowing how to handle it can save us from potential security risks.

Remember, a healthy server communication leads to a healthy internet!

Tags: #HTTP, #StatusCodes, #403Forbidden, #WebDevelopment


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Resolving the “403 Access Denied” Error in Amazon S3 and CloudFront

Are you grappling with a “403 Access Denied” error while trying to access your website hosted on Amazon S3 and served by Amazon CloudFront? Let’s delve into understanding the error, its causes, and various solutions.

Decoding the “403 Access Denied” Error

When your web requests to access data from an Amazon S3 bucket through a CloudFront distribution are denied, you may encounter the “403 Access Denied” error. Here are few potential reasons:

1. Incorrect S3 Bucket Permissions

The top-most common cause for this error is improperly configured permissions on the S3 bucket. For CloudFront to fetch the required objects successfully from the S3 bucket, it is essential that your bucket policies and access control lists (ACLs) are set up to permit CloudFront.

To enable CloudFront to access your S3 bucket, you can either create a new bucket policy or modify the existing one. This updated policy should encapsulate the “Principal” element containing the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CloudFront distribution.

2. Misconfiguration of CloudFront Origin Access Identity (OAI)

If your CloudFront distribution is configured with an Origin Access Identity (OAI), ensure that the permissions of your S3 bucket permit access from this OAI. The OAI impersonates CloudFront while accessing data from your S3 bucket.

You can grant access to the OAI by modifying your bucket policy or ACLs to include the necessary permissions. Inn the bucket policy, make sure to add the ARN of the OAI as the “Principal”.

3. Forbidden Responses Cached by CloudFront

CloudFront enhances performance by caching responses from your S3 bucket. However, if a forbidden response is cached, all subsequent requests might result in the “403 Access Denied” error.

4. Mismatch in Regions of S3 Bucket and CloudFront Distribution

Yet another possible trigger for this error can be a mismatch between the region of your S3 bucket and the region of your CloudFront distribution. To avoid this error, both the bucket and the distribution should exist within the same AWS region.

If you’ve created the bucket and the distribution in distinct regions, this error will prevail. To mitigate this issue, either create the CloudFront distribution in the same region as your S3 bucket or copy the objects to a bucket located in the compatible region.

Mitigating the “403 Access Denied” Error

Below are the steps you may take to resolve the causes we’ve identified:

  1. Verification of S3 Bucket Permissions – Ensure that the permissions for the S3 bucket are correctly set up to allow access from CloudFront and the OAI (if configured).

  2. Checking the CloudFront OAI Configuration – If an OAI is configured, validate that it has necessary permissions to access the S3 bucket.

  3. Invalidation of CloudFront Cache – If forbidden responses are being cached by CloudFront, you may need to invalidate the cache to refresh the responses.

  4. Confirmation of Regional Consistency – Ensure that your S3 bucket and CloudFront distribution are sited within the same AWS region to avoid potential region mismatch issues.


The “403 Access Denied” error can be a stumbling block while setting up a static website hosted on Amazon S3 and served through Amazon CloudFront. But with knowledge of the possible causes and steps to rectify them, you can overcome the hurdle.

Do remember to revisit your S3 bucket permissions, validate your CloudFront OAI setup, refresh the CloudFront cache whenever necessary, and maintain regional consistency between your bucket and your distribution. Following these steps will help you troubleshoot and resolve the “403 Access Denied” error and ensure seamless functioning of your website with CloudFront.

Keep Exploring. Happy Hosting and Serving!

Tags: #AWS #S3 #CloudFront #403AccessDenied

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Dealing with the 403 Forbidden Error: An In-Depth Guide

Welcome to this comprehensive exploration of the infamous ‘403 Forbidden Error’, a bothersome little bug that most internet users have encountered at some point. As with any technical problem, a methodical approach is key to understanding, and that’s exactly what we’ll be adopting in this guide. First, we’ll detail exactly what we mean when we refer to the ‘403 Forbidden Error’. Next, we’ll discuss the most common reasons as to why this error may appear on your screen. Following that, we’ll present some of our top solutions to (hopefully) get you back browsing in no time. So take a seat, relax, and let’s begin our discovery journey!

What is the ‘403 Forbidden Error’?

Let’s start at the very beginning – what exactly is the ‘403 Forbidden Error’? Well, in layman’s terms, the ‘403 Forbidden Error’ is a message from the website’s server telling us that we haven’t been granted permission to access a specific page’s data. This means that the server has gotten our request but has decided that we aren’t authorized to view the content we’ve requested. This refusal is generally a decision made by the website’s administrator, but it could also be due to some technical hiccups on the server or errors from your end. The ‘403 Forbidden Error’ can show up in a variety of ways, including:

  • 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP 403
  • Forbidden
  • HTTP Error 403 – Forbidden
  • HTTP Error 403.14 – Forbidden
  • Error 403
  • Error 403 – Forbidden
  • Forbidden – you don’t have permission to access [directory] on this server

Why Are You Encountering the ‘403 Forbidden Error’?

Continuing our investigation, let’s now look at the reasons why one might encounter this error. Predominantly, the ‘403 Forbidden Error’ arises when:

  • The server’s administrators mistakenly or intentionally place restrictions that prevent you from accessing specific website content.
  • Misconfigurations in the server’s access permissions or restrictions render the content invisible to you.

While these reasons may seem intimidating, worry not, as we have several easy-to-implement solutions to this issue.

Our Top 9 Methods to Rectify the ‘403 Forbidden Error’

1. Try Refreshing the Page

An initial, straightforward solution to attempt is refreshing the webpage. This simple action can often solve the issue straight away.

2. Check Your Internet Connection

A slow or unreliable internet connection could be the cause of your troubles, resulting in your access request timing out. Turning on airplane mode for 30 seconds might work as a quick reset. If the error persists, consider restarting your router. Still no luck? Let’s keep going!

3. Ensure You’ve Entered the Right Website URL

Accuracy is critical when typing a website URL – even a single typo could land you in ‘403 Forbidden’ territory. Be sure that you’re typing the proper website address and not trying to access any directories within it.

4. Clear Browser Cookies and Cache

In certain cases, corrupted cookies or cached data might be causing the website to misinterpret your access request. Removing this data could potentially rectify the issue.

5. Check Your Access Permissions

Some websites demand that you log in to access their content. If you aren’t logged in, you might get stopped by the ‘403 Forbidden Error’.

6. Get in Touch with the Website Administrator

If all else fails, contacting the website owner directly could be your saving grace. Send them a screenshot of the error page and await their guidance – they might be able to solve the issue from their end.

7. Connect or Disconnect Your VPN

Some websites block VPN access, which might cause the ‘403 Forbidden Error’. Attempting to access the website without your VPN could provide a solution.

8. Speak to Your ISP

Sometimes, your ISP might have blocked access to a website, prompting the ‘403 Forbidden Error’. Let your ISP know about the issue and see if they can offer a solution.

9. Stay Patient!

Remember the adage ‘good things come to those who wait’? It can apply to internet errors as well! If none of our solutions have worked, take a breather, give it some time, and try again later – you might have more luck then!

Wrapping up

And there you have it – our in-depth guide to understanding and resolving the ‘403 Forbidden Error’. Keep these tips handy, and the next time the error strikes, you’ll be more than ready to take it on.

Happy browsing!

Tags: #403ForbiddenError #BrowserErrors #ErrorSolutions #WebBrowsing

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Comprehensive Guide to Troubleshooting 403 Forbidden Error in Chrome

The 403 Forbidden Error is a common hurdle many Internet users experience. It pops up when you’re barred from accessing the webpage or resource you’ve requested for in your web browser – either because you’re not allowed to, or because you’re trying to access a directory directly, which most servers won’t allow. With the HTTP status code being 403, hence the name 403 Forbidden Error.

This thorough guide aims to help you diagnose and resolve the 403 Forbidden Error encountered on Google Chrome.

Refreshing the Page

Most of the time, a quick refresh could solve the problem, especially when the 403 error is temporary. As the solution’s simplicity, it is always the first step you should opt for.

To refresh any page, you can either click on the ‘refresh’ button on your browser’s address bar or use hotkeys – Ctrl+R on Windows or Cmd+R on Mac. However, this method does not guarantee to overcome the predicament every time, but it’s worth giving a shot.

Checking the Web Address

Frequently, a simple typographical error in the URL could lead to a 403 Forbidden Error. Ensure the URL you are trying to access points to a legitimate web page or file, but not a directory.

A directory’s URL typically ends in a “/”, which most servers reject because they have been set up to disable directory browsing due to security constraints. When properly configured, these servers would redirect you to another page or give an error message. If they’re not well-configured, they might throw a 403 Forbidden Error.

Clearing Browser Cookies and Cache

At times, the problem lies within your browser – the page with the error has been cached in your browser, but the actual link has been updated on the website. In that case, give clearing your browser cache and cookies a try.

Clearing cache might slow down the page loading speed initially since the previously cached data need to be re-downloaded. Clearing cookies, on the other hand, could require you to log in again to most websites that you’ve previously visited. Here’s an on clearing your cache in all popular browsers.

Verifying Your Access Rights

If the website you’re trying to access requires users to log in to view content, a 403 Forbidden Error could appear if you’re not logged in. Although ideally, servers should indicate that you must log in first, improperly configured ones might bring up a 403 Forbidden Error instead. Try logging in to see if it solves the issue.

Patience Is Key: Try Again Later

If all the straightforward solutions above do not work, your best bet is to wait for a while and then try accessing the page later. 403 Forbidden Errors often originate from the website itself, and there’s a good chance someone is already working on the problem.

Reaching Out To The Website Owner

When all else fails, you can attempt to contact the website owner or the administrator. Their contact details can often be found on the website itself. If it has no contact form, you could also try getting in touch with them via their social media platforms.

Consult Your Internet Service Provider

Sometimes, the 403 Forbidden Error could be due to your public IP address or your ISP being blocked. Though not very likely, contacting them about the problem could possibly help.

Disconnecting Your VPN

Finally, your VPN service might be restricting your access to certain websites. Disconnecting from your VPN session, or switching to another VPN service, might be a solution.

Tag: #403ForbiddenError, #WebsiteTroubleshooting, #ClearBrowserCache, #AccessDenied

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Understanding and Resolving the 403 Forbidden Error on Your Website

The infamous 403 Forbidden Error is one of the many error messages your website might periodically encounter. It’s not as ominous as it seems- in fact, it often signifies simple issues that, once identified, can be easily rectified.

In this guide, we’ll help you understand the error, what causes it, and the steps to successfully fix it once and for all.

What Is The 403 Forbidden Error?

The “403 Forbidden Error” is encountered when you lack the required permissions to view the page you’re trying to access. It’s not a catastrophic issue, but is usually a result of minor errors within your WordPress installation. Identifying the cause can be a little tricky, but the resolution is generally straightforward.

Common Triggers for The 403 Forbidden Error

There are several potential triggers that might provoke a 403 error on your website. These include:

  • Accidental changes in permissions within your WordPress site’s back end.
  • Issues related to your .htaccess file.
  • Installation of a faulty plugin on your website.
  • Incorrect configuration of your site’s hotlink protection.
  • Problems with your Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Comprehensive Steps to Fix The “403 Forbidden” Error

Fixing the 403 Error often involves investigating several areas within your website’s backend. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through this process.

1. Examine Your File Permissions

Firstly, examine the file permissions of your WordPress website using an FTP client or a WordPress file manager plugin like Filezilla. Align your file and directory permissions according to the predefined numeric values- 755 for directories and 644 or 640 for files. Incorrect numeric values can, at times, trigger the 403 error.

2. Investigate Your .htaccess File

Your .htaccess file can be another possible cause for the 403 error. A corrupted .htaccess file can be easily fixed by logging into your FTP client, locating the .htaccess file, and renaming it. Remember to refresh your permalinks settings post renaming!

3. Deactivate/Reactivate Your Plugins

A faulty plugin could potentially be responsible for the 403 error. Deactivate all your plugins at once by renaming your plugins folder. If the error disappears, reactivate each plugin one at a time to isolate the defective one.

4. Review Your Website’s Hotlink Protection Configuration

Your website’s hotlink protection configuration can sometimes interfere with file access permissions, causing the 403 error. It’s always good to review the configuration, especially if you use a content delivery network (CDN).

5. Consider Temporarily Deactivating Your CDN

If all else fails, consider deactivating your CDN temporarily. There’s a chance your CDN could be the actual source of the 403 Forbidden Error.


A 403 Forbidden Error might seem intimidating at first, but it’s usually a signal of minor issues within your website’s backend. By taking some time to investigate, you’ll be able to not only identify but also rectify the underlying problems causing these errors.

Remember, the key solutions are to examine your file permissions, check your .htaccess file, deactivate/reactivate your plugins, review your site’s hotlink protection configuration, and if needed, consider temporarily disabling your CDN.

Keep calm, maintain backups, and happy troubleshooting!

#WebsiteTroubleshooting #403Forbidden #ErrorResolution #WebDevelopmentTips

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The Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Resolving 403 Errors

A 403 error can interrupt a user’s day and result in frustrated visitors to your website. It can even lead to loss in traffic and revenue depending on the affected page. But what causes such errors? And what’s the remedy? Find out more in this insightful post.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a 403 error?
  2. How are 403 errors different from other 4xx errors?
  3. What Causes a 403 error?
  4. How to fix a 403 error on your site?

What is a 403 Error?

A 403 forbidden error typically pops up when a user tries to access a website directory or a page with restricted permissions. Most websites disallow directory browsing to protect sensitive files. In some cases, a 403 error could be an indicator of a website compromise, resulting from malware or a compromised .htaccess file.

How are 403 errors different from other 4xx errors?

Unlike the generic 400 errors, 4xx response errors indicate specific client-side issues. While a 400 error denotes a bad request, a 401 error signifies unauthorized access, and so on. A 403 error specifically denotes forbidden access to a specific resource.

What Causes a 403 Error?

A plethora of reasons can lead to a 403 error, including:

  • Restricted directories or pages
  • Incorrect file or folder permissions
  • Corrupt .htaccess file
  • WordPress plugin issues
  • Missing index page
  • Incorrect IP address
  • Malware infection

To ensure a smooth user experience and maintain the website’s reputation, it’s crucial to address these issues promptly.

How to fix a 403 error on your site?

403 errors can often be solved with simple actions. Below is a chronological step-wise guide for troubleshooting:

  1. Verify the Address and Refresh the Page: Check the URL and its spelling. Try reloading (refreshing) the page.

  2. Clear your Browser Cache: This will force your browser to fetch the most recent version of the webpage directly from the server.

  3. Modify your File and Directory Permissions: Connect to your server via FTP/SFTP and review the file permissions. Update as necessary.

  4. Check for Recently Installed or Updated Software: Inspect your website for any new and unfamiliar plugins or themes. Check the vendor’s website for specific instructions. If you find anything unusual, remove the component and scan your website for malware.

  5. Check your .htaccess File: Locate the .htaccess file-a hidden file in the public_html folder. Checking this file is specific to cPanel users.

  6. Temporarily Deactivate your CDN: Content delivery networks (CDNs) can sometimes block access to certain resources due to misconfigurations or security policies. Temporarily disabling your CDN could help find out if this was the source of your error.

  7. Disconnect from your VPN: Some websites block access to users connected through a VPN to prevent potential abuse or circumvention of geo-restrictions.

  8. Scan your Website for Security Issues and Malware: Run an extensive scan of your website’s files.

Follow up with your hosting provider if none of the above solutions work. They can assist you with server configuration or hosting infrastructure issues.



The Definitive Guide to Starting Your Own Blog

If you’ve ever pondered what exactly blogging is, or if you’ve ever been intrigued by the idea of starting your own blog, then you have landed in the right place! This complete guide to blogging offers insights into what a blog is, its history, advantages and disadvantages. This guide will not only help demystify the concept of blogging but also provide practical tips and strategic steps to successfully starting your own blog.

Blogging: Unraveling the Concept

At its most basic, a blog is an online journal or website where you can document your thoughts, life experiences, or opinions on various matters. A blog can be thought of as a digital diary, where content is arranged in reverse-chronological order, meaning the most recent post appears first in the sequence. Blogging is becoming increasingly popular, serving not just as a platform for sharing personal ideas, but also as a viable tool for generating income.

The Origins of Blogging

The term ‘blog’, derived from “web log”, began to gain momentum back in 1994 with the creation of, one of the earliest known forms of a blog. In their nascent stages, blogs mainly served as online diaries. However, they quickly evolved into robust platforms where individuals could establish their authority in a given field.

Why Do People Blog and Can You Make Money out of Blogging?

There are manifold reasons why people blog. It could be a passion for writing, a hobby, an effort to establish their brand, or even a means of income generation. Making money through blogging is indeed possible and is gaining prominence. Various income streams can be developed from a blog, such as Google Adsense or other ad networks, affiliate marketing, selling products or services directly, or writing product reviews.

Blogging for Making Money

Setting Up Your Blog

Setting up a blog is relatively straightforward. Primarily, a domain name and a hosting account are required. With these in order, installing WordPress, an in-demand blogging platform, is the next crucial step. WordPress is widely recommended for its user-friendly interface and a multitude of plugins and themes that allow customization according to your preference.

Once you have your blog set up, you need a content plan or a blogging niche. The niche should align with your interests and resonate with your audience as well. Picking a niche that you are passionate about will lead to a fulfilling blogging journey. Following are some elements that should be integral parts of your blog:

  • Homepage: It is the first impression of the blog or brand.

  • About Us: It helps visitors understand more about you and your blog.

  • Contact Page: It facilitates the users to get in touch with you.

  • Privacy Policies: It delineates how the data from your website’s visitors will be used.

What is a Blog and How it Works

How to Write a Compelling Blog Post?

Writing and consistently publishing high-quality blog posts play a pivotal role in the success of a blog. Some of the techniques to create engaging content include crafting an attention-grabbing title, using effective blog post formatting, featuring relevant images, and incorporating internal and external links. Optimizing your blog post for SEO is another essential aspect you should never overlook.


Blogging can indeed be a fulfilling and lucrative venture if taken seriously and dedicatedly. Like any business, it requires an investment of time and consistent effort. Remember, you won’t see results overnight. But with persistent effort, you could soon be running a successful blog and enjoying all the benefits that come with it.

Remember to start – it’s the first and most important step in your blogging journey!

Tags: #Blogging #BloggingTips #StartingABlog #BlogWriting

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Troubleshooting HTTP 403 Errors in Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront is an excellent service for delivering content at high speeds globally. But occasionally, users may encounter HTTP 403 errors with the messages “The request could not be satisfied” or “Access Denied.” This article covers possible causes of these errors and how to troubleshoot to find the root cause.

Domain Name Association Issues with CNAME on Distribution

One common reason for HTTP 403 errors in CloudFront is when the domain name isn’t associated with an alternate domain name (CNAME) on a distribution.

To add a CNAME to your CloudFront distribution configuration, you must follow the instructions from the AWS resource on Adding an Alternate Domain Name (CNAME).

Geographic Restrictions on the Distribution

CloudFront allows you to control the geographic distribution of your content. If you have restricted the geographic distribution of your content, it could potentially result in 403 errors for users outside the allowed regions.

Make sure to carefully review settings in order to avoid these situations.

AWS WAF Blocking the Request

Amazon Web Services Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF) could potentially block requests, leading to a 403 error.

If your CloudFront distribution is configured with AWS WAF, ensure to review the AWS WAF logs and tune your WAF protections.

Errors from Amazon S3 Origin

If your content is being served from Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), a misconfiguration could result in 403 errors.

There could be specific reasons based on the type of endpoint you are using:

  • S3 website endpoint, further guidance is available here.
  • S3 REST API endpoint, additional information for troubleshooting is available here.

Errors from Custom Origin

If you’re using a custom origin and it is returning the 403 error, you may need to check the origin HTTP access logs. Directly making requests to the origin also helps identify if the origin is causing errors.

Signed URL or Signed Cookies Configuration Error

If content is private and access is restricted using signed URLs or signed cookies, any misconfigurations here can cause 403 errors as well.

You need to ensure these configurations are error-free as mentioned in the guides:

Distribution Viewer Protocol Policy

Errors could also be as a result of the viewer protocol policy in CloudFront distribution not being configured for HTTP and HTTPS.

Ensure your CloudFront distributions are requiring HTTPS for communication between viewers and CloudFront.

HTTP 403 errors on CloudFront can arise from various reasons. Identifying the origin of these errors is the first step in resolving them and ensuring your users can access content seamlessly.

Tags: #AWS #CloudFront #HTTP403 #Troubleshooting
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