7 Essential Digital Marketing Strategies for 2023: Harnessing Influencers, Automation, and More for Success

As we anticipate the dynamic changes to the online marketing landscape, brands ought to prepare for the shifting tides. Traditional marketing methods like advertising may be losing their effectiveness, but newer strategies like chatbots and influencer marketing are gaining ground. Being ahead of the game means aligning with these changes, embracing new trends, and leveraging these strategies effectively.

This comprehensive guide provides insights on seven key marketing strategies expected to be influential come 2023.

1. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing involves collaborating with individuals or influencers trusted by a specific group of people usually referred to as “followers”. Brands offer these influencers compensation in forms like money, free products, exclusive deals or other benefits for endorsing their brand, products or services.

Influencer marketing’s efficacy lies in its power to inspire trust and drive purchase decisions. Around 63% of people trust recommendations made by influencers more than what brands are saying about themselves in commercials.

2. Mobile-First Marketing

Mobile-first marketing is becoming a priority for brands. It is vital for brands to offer a consistent and seamless experience across devices. Google’s 2019 survey reports that 59% of respondents prefer brands that enable them to shop via mobile.

Mobile-first marketing encompasses having a responsive website for mobile users and a start-to-finish mobile-optimised perspective when creating a marketing plan. This includes making sure that blog posts, emails, ads, and social posts are mobile friendly.

3. Marketing Automation

Marketing automation involves automating repetitive tasks allowing for greater productivity. It is used for various marketing activities, from sending triggered emails to website visitors to utilising AI chatbots for solving customer queries. Businesses can invest in automation platforms to help with marketing function, generating more returns on their investment.

4. Multi-Platform Content Strategy

Having a strong presence on all leading platforms is necessary for brand visibility. It is important to be present on all channels from where your top competitors get most of their traffic.

5. Brand Storytelling

Brand storytelling involves weaving together a brand’s values, products and story to create a narrative that tugs at customers’ heartstrings. This strategy humanises a brand and goes a long way to building loyal relationships with customers.

6. Chatbot Marketing

Chatbots are computer programs programmed to converse and react like humans. They can improve customer experiences by providing quick, personalised responses to customer queries.

7. Voice/Visual Search

Voice and search queries are projected to make up a large percentage of all mobile queries in 2023. Therefore, businesses should be prepared to adapt to this trend to facilitate smoother consumer experiences.

The marketing landscape is ever-evolving, that’s why it’s essential to stay abreast of the latest trends. Tailor these strategies to suit your brand’s needs and goals for continued success in 2023 and beyond.

Tags: #DigitalMarketing #InfluencerMarketing #MobileMarketing #MarketingAutomation #BrandStorytelling #ChatbotMarketing #VoiceVisualSearch .
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