Driving Brand Success: Latest Trends and Statistics in Digital Marketing

The digital world is ever-evolving, and with it comes drastic changes in the scope of digital marketing. Here, we delve into recent digital marketing statistics that can improve your brand’s marketing strategy, irrespective of your industry.

Understanding Social Listening

The ability to effectively listen on social platforms requires brands to always be alert to what is being said about them online. This allows for a better understanding of audience reception to content, the struggles of the target, among other insights.

Social Media: An Influential Marketing Channel

Social media plays a key role in digital marketing with about 89% of both B2B and B2C marketers employing it. Facebook holds a significant part of this with approximately 48.5 million users.

Facebook Monthly Active Users

The Shift Towards Mobile

The boom in mobile device usage is also significantly impacting digital marketing. In fact, 63% of organic searches now come via mobile devices.

global desktop vs. mobile share with mobile ranking higher than desktop.

Trends Influenced by the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic led to a drastic change in digital marketing. An interesting trend revealed an increase in social media activity both by brands and consumers.

Average social media usage in the U.S. went from one to two hours daily to 4.2 hours per day, signifying a 20% increase year-over-year.

mobile device use has increased to 4.2 hours per day, which is up 20% year-over-year.

Video Marketing on the Rise

Video marketing witnessed a significant spike in interest, with an increase in video marketing by about 41%.

The Importance of Going Digital

Digital marketing is crucial for businesses today. Through effective marketing strategies, businesses can target their ideal audience, establish connections, and generate sales.

Traditional vs Digital Marketing

While print is deemed most trustworthy, research shows that 39% of customers make purchases motivated by digital advertising campaigns compared to traditional print campaigns.

Digital Marketers are Highly Sought After

With the rise in demand for digitally savvy marketers, companies are progressively adding more digital marketers to their teams.

Digital Marketing in the UK

Digital marketing spending has reportedly increased to £25.84 billion. It was found that most businesses have chosen to increase their spending on digital marketing due to its increased ROI.

Through consistent adaptation to changes in the digital marketing industry, businesses can modify their strategies to meet the needs of their target audience and achieve their goals.

Tags: #DigitalMarketing #SocialMediaMarketing #MobileMarketing #VideoMarketing

[Reference Link](!https://thesocialshepherd.com/blog/digital-marketing-statistics)