Essential 2023 Digital Marketing Stats for Business and eCommerce Growth

Digital marketing is a powerful tool for identifying, building and targeting an audience for the conversion into customers. As a business owner or marketer, you should be aware of digital marketing averages and statistics. This post is created to offer you a comprehensive list of digital marketing statistics that can help you enhance and grow your business.

Digital Marketing: An Overview

Digital marketing means leveraging online strategies to identify, engage and nurture an audience and convert them into customers for a product or service. Digital marketing makes use of diverse channels to connect with both existing and potential customers. Some digital marketing examples include:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Email Marketing/Marketing Automation
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Pay Per Click (PPC)
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Native Advertising
  • Online PR
  • Inbound Marketing

Why Is Digital Marketing Essential?

Digital marketing is beneficial to business owners for several reasons:

  • Lower cost
  • Global reach
  • Potential for viral content
  • Measurable results
  • Keeping up with the competition
  • Personalization

Email Marketing Statistics

Email marketing remains an essential tool in an effective digital marketing strategy. Research shows that personalized emails improve click-through rates by an average of 14%, and conversions by 10% (Source: OptinMonster). Meanwhile, more than half of all emails are opened on mobile devices, emphasizing the need for mobile-friendly email marketing (Source: IBM, Statista).

Social Selling Statistics

Social selling is the practice of using social networks via social media to discover and nurture relationships with prospects, with the goal of converting leads to achieve sales goals. For instance, a report from Forrester indicates that salespeople who excel at social selling are 6x more likely to exceed their quota than their colleagues with basic or no social selling skills.

Lead Nurturing Statistics

Effective lead nurturing can make a significant difference to your sales and customer relationships. For example, companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at a 33% lower cost (Source: Databox, Invesp).

eCommerce Statistics

ECommerce has seen a drastic boom over the past few years. Research indicates that global eCommerce sales are expected to reach $4.9 trillion by 2021 (Source: Statista, Wolfgang Digital).

Mobile Commerce Statistics

Mobile eCommerce, also known as mCommerce or mobile commerce, involves online research and purchasing conducted on mobile devices. Mobile eCommerce enables you to engage your audience anywhere, anytime, increasing your business potential significantly.

Social Proof Statistics

Social proof plays an influential role in consumer behavior. According to Dimensional Research, 90% of respondents claim that positive online reviews influenced their buying decisions.

Email Subject Line Statistics

Personalized email subject lines have proven to yield the highest open rates, further emphasizing the need for personalized marketing approaches.

SEO Statistics

SEO is another critical digital marketing strategy. Data from isitwp shows that 93% of all web traffic comes from a search engine.

Online Shopping Statistics

Modern consumerism goes beyond just buying holiday gifts in your pajamas. Understanding your visitors’ online shopping habits can offer valuable insights for reaching your business goals.

Conversion Rate Optimization Statistics

Only about 22% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates according to Econsultancy. Conversion rate optimization can significantly boost this satisfaction rate.

Marketing Statistics

Companies that blog get 55% more web traffic. Additionally, 57% of businesses have acquired a customer through their company blog. Facebook is also considered “critical” or “important” by marketers for their business.

FOMO Statistics

FOMO or ‘Fear of missing out’ is a universal phenomenon that influences consumer behaviour significantly. It reflects the anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may be happening elsewhere and is often aroused by posts seen on social media. A report by Credit Karma shows that FOMO caused 39% of millennials to spend money they didn’t have.

In conclusion, knowing your digital marketing statistics can give you insights into strategic areas of focus for your digital marketing efforts.

Digital marketing, Email marketing, SEO, Mobile Commerce, eCommerce

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