Master Top 15 Full Stack Frameworks for Software Development in 2022

As the world of tech entrepreneurship continues to reel from the aftermath of the global pandemic, businesses have been forced to adapt, resulting in a higher demand for professionals adept in design, database management, and frontend and backend development. To keep up with this trend, full stack developers should arm themselves with knowledge on various full stack frameworks.

Top 15 Full Stack Frameworks You Should Learn

These are the top full stack frameworks which should be on your radar for this year:

1. React.js

React.js is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It features a component-based architecture and virtual DOM, which facilitates fast development of interactive web applications. Big names like Walmart, Netflix, and Airbnb vouch for its reliability, efficiency, and ease of use.

2. Vue.js

Vue.js is a versatile, open-source frontend framework designed for creating user interfaces in an efficient manner. It’s known as the “progressive JavaScript framework” due to its flexible component architecture and reactive data binding system.

3. Angular

Angular, an open-source full stack framework developed by Google, is another well-used option in the market. It boasts features like an automated form validation, dependency injection, and two-way data binding, all of which help developers produce results faster and more easily.

4. The MEAN Stack

The MEAN Stack combines Node.js and Express.js technologies, providing developers with an efficient way to develop web applications quickly, while also achieving good performance and scalability.

  • Node.js is a runtime environment that facilitates the use of JavaScript on the server side, ideal for creating fast, scalable network applications.
  • Express.js is a minimalistic yet robust framework utilized in building APIs and web applications in conjunction with Node.js.

5. Django

Django is a high-level Python web framework that offers comprehensive tools and libraries allowing full stack developers to build secure and scalable web applications. This framework takes care of mundane tasks like managing databases, freeing developers to focus on coding.

6. Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails promotes a “do-not-repeat-yourself” principle which expedites application development. It’s a fantastic option for both small and enterprise-level projects thanks to its extensive library of open-source code.

7. Laravel

Laravel is the go-to PHP framework that follows the MVC pattern, offering clean and elegant syntax combined with an array of rich features such as routing, caching, and ORM. These features simplify the process of building modern and scalable web applications.


ASP.NET is a robust framework developed by Microsoft to aid developers in building enterprise-grade applications. This framework greatly suits HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. It also enables the creation of Web APIs and WebSocket APIs.

9. Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a Java-based framework that significantly reduces boilerplate code. It offers features that facilitate the easy building of production-ready applications, allowing developers to focus on creating robust and scalable applications.

10. Flask

Flask is a lightweight Python framework known for its flexibility and simplicity. Ideal for small to medium-sized applications, Flask allows developers to build web applications quickly without unnecessary complexity.

11. GraphQL

GraphQL uses a query language to connect APIs to existing data. It allows clients to make specific queries and generate predictable results according to their needs.

12. Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a free, open-source framework used for creating responsive websites. It’s compatible with major web browsers, making it a go-to for cross-platform app development.

13. jQuery

jQuery, a small yet feature-rich JavaScript library, aids in handling events, implementing AJAX, modifying HTML documents, and more.

14. Symfony

Symfony, an open-source, free PHP framework, comprises a set of reusable component libraries. Its extendable architecture enables the addition of new features and functionalities.

15. Ember.js

Ember.js, a JavaScript framework that prioritizes convention over configuration, aids in large-scale application development.

Concluding Thoughts

While learning these full stack frameworks can seem daunting, it’s never too late to improve your skills. By choosing to learn a full stack framework that aligns with your career objectives, you can enhance your skills and open doors toward new opportunities.

Career Opportunities at Full Scale

Full Scale, an Inc. 5000 lister company, provides an ideal environment for full stack developers to grow and develop. With a fully remote setup, we welcome applicants from all over the Philippines. Join our team and experience a work-life-balance-led work setup.

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Tags: #fullstackdevelopment, #learning, #webdevelopment, #developmentframeworks
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