Start Building Now: 24 Engaging JavaScript Project Ideas for Beginners to Intermediate Coders

Beginner-level JavaScript coding project ideas - MikkeGoes

Learning JavaScript is an exciting journey, but just going through lessons and tutorials might not offer the practical experience of coding that you need to truly understand the language. One way you can reinforce your knowledge and gain this experience is by working on some JavaScript projects of your own.

In this blog post, I will list 24 JavaScript projects, ranging from beginner to intermediate level, that you can start working on right now. All these projects are open-source, which means you can use the source code for guided learning.

How to Choose Your JavaScript Project

Before I delve into the list of projects, it’s essential to understand how to pick the right one. The key is to start with simple projects and gradually move to more complex ones. It is important to set realistic expectations and choose projects that are a tad above your current skill level. Going for overly ambitious projects might lead to frustrations when you encounter difficulties that you can’t handle comfortably.

A well-chosen project is one that is slightly challenging but not too far beyond your current skill level. Aim for projects that push you to learn and improve your skills progressively.

Now let’s jump into the list of JavaScript projects that you can try.

JavaScript Project Ideas

  1. Vanilla JavaScript stopwatch: Create a stopwatch that needs three buttons for user interaction: Start, Stop, and Reset. Find sample project here.

  2. JavaScript clock: Practice variables and simple if loops by building a digital clock. Find sample project here.

  3. JavaScript calculator: Coding a calculator is excellent practice for your JavaScript skills. Incorporate addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division functionalities. Find sample project here.


  1. JavaScript Maze Game project: Code your own maze with JavaScript. It is somewhat more demanding and hence suitable for someone who is comfortable with the language. Find sample project here.

Also, check some other project ideas like JavaScript Simon game, JavaScript platformer game, JavaScript palindrome checker, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions about JavaScript Projects

What are good JavaScript projects for beginners?
Valid beginner project ideas include a simple stopwatch, tip calculator, animated navigation toggle, and others.

How do I start a JavaScript project?
Start by identifying what you want to code, break it down into manageable tasks, and then start coding.

Where can I start learning JavaScript for beginners?
There are several resources to start learning JavaScript: Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, Udemy, etc. also check out these top YouTube channels to learn programming.


Building JavaScript projects of your own helps you understand how the language syntax works, how different issues can be resolved, and most importantly gives you hands-on experience with coding.

So which JavaScript projects are you going to build next? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy coding!

tags: #JavaScriptProjects, #OpenSourceProjects, #CodingPractice, #JavaScriptLearning

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