Efficient Stream Processing with Apache Kafka, Apache Flink in Confluent Cloud

Deliver Intelligent, Secure, and Cost-Effective Data Pipelines

In today’s vast digital landscape, big data concepts have revolutionized the methods we use to handle, process and analyze information. Streams of data generated every second provides invaluable insights about various aspects of our online lives. Apache Kafka and Apache Flink are two major contributors in this realm. Confluent, which offers a fully managed streaming service based on Apache Kafka, embraces the advantages of Kafka in unison with the capabilities of Apache Flink.

Deliver Intelligent, Secure, and Cost-Effective Data Pipelines

Apache Flink on Confluent Cloud

Recently, Apache Flink is made available on Confluent Cloud, initially for preview in select regions on AWS. Flink is re-architected as a cloud-native service on the Confluent Cloud which further enhances the capabilities offered by this platform.

Introducing Apache Flink on Confluent Cloud

Event-Driven Architectures with Confluent and AWS Lambda

When adopting the event-driven architectures in AWS Lambda, integrating Confluent can provide multiple benefits. To get the most out of this combination, understanding the best practices are crucial.

To Be Continued…

Tags: #ApacheKafka, #ApacheFlink, #ConfluentCloud, #StreamProcessing

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