2023 Review: Trends and Evolution of Serverless Adoption & Technologies

As we witness the continual rise of serverless technologies, it’s worth noting the highlights that stand out from the year as seen in key surveys. The technology remains at the forefront with the rapid adoption of cloud platforms and services by organizations across industries and sizes.

The Upswing of Serverless Adoption

In an annual survey by CNCF, a clear paradigm shift towards serverless computing has been noted over the years. Paradigm shifts in tech, as history has shown us with Functional Programming (FP) and NoSQL databases, are not easy and usually take longer than expected to penetrate mainstream thinking. However, the adoption of serverless technologies is indeed visible and gaining momentum.

As seen in Datadog’s survey, Node.js, and Python continue to be the dominant languages for AWS Lambda, the most common type of serverless workload. An increase in using Java has been observed owing to enterprise organizations finally moving towards serverless technologies.

Customer Trends and Serverless

Datadog’s customer trends reflect a diverse use of different cloud platforms and services. However, it’s important to note a certain bias in the results, resulting from the source of the data, which is largely from Datadog’s customer base. Despite being quite extensive, it can’t function as a perfect representation of the entire global market.

When looking at serverless adoption, Datadog’s focus extends beyond serverless functions to include managed container applications and edge functions. On AWS, for instance, an organization is considered serverless if it has adopted Lambda, App Runner, Fargate, or CloudFront Functions.

Looking Ahead

Despite seeming like old news to some industry observers, the continual normalization and standardization of serverless are noteworthy trends. For larger organizations using AWS Lambda, Terraform is leading the way, mainly due to their hybrid workloads. Interestingly, Frontend development is spearheading the creation of new serverless platforms, further highlighting the need for cloud providers to improve their DX for these services.

In conclusion, the momentum that serverless technologies have gained signals a shift in the industry. As more companies adopt these technologies, it will be intriguing to monitor how the serverless landscape evolves.

About the Author:

Renato Losio is a seasoned cloud architect and tech lead with specialization in cloud services and relational databases. Presently, he splits his time between Berlin and Trieste, while working remotely as a principal cloud architect. He also contributes as an editor at InfoQ and is an AWS Data Hero. You can find him on LinkedIn.


#Serverless #AWSLambda #CloudComputing #TechnologyTrends

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