Understanding Serverless Computing: Evolution, Applications and Future Challenges

Serverless computing is an emerging technological advancement in IT infrastructure that effectively automate its operations and provide more efficiency. Despite its popularity, the term “serverless” still lacks a cohesive definition and is often not understood completely when compared to other established IT services such as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) clouds. Hence, this article aims to dissect the nuances of serverless computing and provide a comprehensive understanding of its applications and future prospects.

What is Serverless Computing?

A comparison of IT services and moving homesA comparison of IT services and moving homes
The term serverless computing is often used to describe a situation where the development and running of cloud applications do not require server management. However, such phrasing leaves much room for interpretation, thereby leading to misunderstanding and confusion. This article attempts to provide a concrete and precise definition of serverless computing, tracing its historical evolution and discussing its practical applications.

Dissecting Serverless Computing

Popular definitions of serverless computingPopular definitions of serverless computing
There are several definitions of serverless computing, but they do not provide a unanimous agreement. These existing definitions fail to encapsulate the central aspects of this new technology in a clear, unambiguous manner. To address this issue, we propose a refined definition of serverless computing, characterized by cloud computing platforms that allow applications to run without allocating and managing servers and resources. It also offloads responsibility for operational aspects such as fault tolerance or elastic scaling of resources to the cloud provider.

The Evolution Towards Serverless Computing

Sixty years of technological evolution toward serverless computingSixty years of technological evolution toward serverless computing
Dating back to the 1950s, the process of computing has come a long way, from mainframe virtualization in the 1960s through grid and cloud computing to serverless computing today. Severless computing is a high-level, applicable term that can be applied at many levels, including functions, containers, middleware, and backend services.

Future of Serverless Computing: Outlook and Challenges

Despite the benefits and growing adoption of serverless computing, it also faces a range of challenges, including performance, security, programming and applications. Moreover, the increasing diversity of serverless offerings and blurry boundaries between different cloud service models further necessitates clear understanding of the concept.


A depiction of the potential of serverless computingA depiction of the potential of serverless computing
The notion of serverless computing is undergoing various transformations. The critical emphasis of cloud platforms continues to shift towards automation, fine-grained resource usage, and focus on operational aspects of the cloud service, thereby gradually metamorphosing the landscape of cloud computing.

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