Maximizing Business Efficiency with Serverless Architectures: Future Trends and Market Growth

With the recent surge in digital transformation across industries, businesses are increasingly looking for ways to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and reduce costs. A revolutionary development that promises to cater to these demands is the serverless architecture. This article explores the implications of this paradigm shift and its transformative potential for businesses.

Understanding the Efficacy of a Serverless Architecture

Serverless architecture is a cutting-edge methodology for creating and running applications without managing the backend infrastructure. In stark contrast to traditional infrastructural models where businesses must maintain and provision servers for their applications, a serverless architecture eliminates this operational burden.

Serverless architectures provide significant cost reduction and improved efficiency by eliminating the need for server management and provisioning. With serverless, the pricing is carefully calibrated against the actual usage of your code, thus making it incredibly cost-effective. Moreover, it offers automatic scaling, high availability, and a reduction in operational complexity.

A Deep Dive into the Types of Serverless Architecture

Serverless architecture comes in various forms, subject to the specific use cases and business requirements. These include:

  1. Function as a Service (FaaS)
  2. Backend as a Service (BaaS)
  3. Composite Serverless Applications

Making sense of Serverless Architecture – How Does It Work?

The essence of a serverless architecture lies in avoiding the underlying infrastructure management, thus enabling businesses to focus on their application code. A quick look at the Function as a Service (FaaS) will clarify this:

  • Application Decomposition
  • Event Trigger
  • Function Execution

Reaping the Benefits of Serverless Architecture

Embracing serverless architecture comes with an array of benefits for businesses and application development:

  • Auto Scaling
  • Pay-per-Use Pricing
  • Managed Infrastructure

Benefits of Serverless Architecture

Exploring the Growth of the Serverless Architecture Market

The global serverless architecture market experienced significant growth, with the market size surpassing USD 7.6 billion in 2020. Expected to grow at a robust CAGR of 22.7%, it is projected to reach USD 21.1 billion by 2026.

The global serverless architecture market has witnessed significant growth, with its size surpassing USD 7.6 billion in 2020. It is projected to experience a robust CAGR of 22.7% and reach USD 21.1 billion by 2026.

Who Is Serverless For?

Serverless architecture can bring notable advantages for a broad spectrum of use cases, businesses and developers:

  • Startups and Small Businesses
  • Event-Driven Applications
  • Microservices Architecture
  • DevOps and Agile Development
  • Burstable Workloads and Spikes in Traffic
  • Prototyping and MVP Development
  • Cost-Conscious Applications

Future Trends & Innovations in Serverless Architecture

The future of serverless architecture looks promising with advancements in emerging technologies like machine learning. Also, event-driven architectures are gaining significant momentum, leading to highly efficient and scalable systems.

Conclusion: Stay Ahead of The Curve with Serverless Architecture

With serverless architecture expected to grow at a CAGR of 26% from 2023 to 2032, it is primed to reshape the digital landscape profoundly. It offers businesses an efficient way to enhance productivity, deliver faster and more responsive applications, and reduce operational costs. To stay ahead of the curve, organizations should explore the transformative potential of serverless architecture for their operations and assess the best implementation approach suitable for their specific requirements.

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Tags: #ServerlessArchitecture, #DigitalTransformation, #ApplicationDevelopment, #EmergingTechnologies

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Exploring Innovation and Overcoming Challenges in Serverless Architecture

Serverless architecture, also known as cloud computing execution model, has been widely adopted due to its efficiency and cost-effectiveness. It allows developers to build and run applications and services without concerning about the server infrastructure management.

The Evolution

Serverless computing model feels like you are using a software-as-a-service application within your application architecture. It’s designed to take the distractions away and help developers focus on coding. One of its most admired features is functions-as-a-service (FaaS) or cloud functions. This is where you can run your server-side software without worrying about server infrastructure such as Kubernetes clusters or virtual machines. AWS Lambda, known for FaaS, is quite popular among serverless users, yet there is more to serverless than only AWS Lambda.

Flavors of Serverless

Recently, application hosting becoming more specialized is seen as a new trend in serverless. Services like Vercel or Netlify, which host your websites or Next JS applications, are examples where they manage your applications for you and still are considered serverless.

Some users refrain from writing much custom server-side code and rely on independent custom services. They use a third-party authentication system instead of their databases and libraries. Joe Emison, who is exploring this concept in his upcoming book, is one such enthusiast. He integrates numerous third-party services through a front-end application to depict a modern way of using serverless.

Enterprise-ification of Serverless

While serverless is hot in the market, its definition is going through a wave of changes. One such emerging trend is the “enterprise-ification” of serverless. An array of serverless-ish version of services being launched by Amazon is an example of that. These services, even though automated, don’t have a zero-cost floor, raising questions on their “serverless” tag.

Enhanced Features

Lambda, to cater increasing demands, has added several features some of which are SnapStart (to reduce cold start times) and an option to lock down the runtime version. These additions are meant to entice developers to run more workloads on Lambda.

Serverless Development and Challenges

Serverless development has its unique challenges. Common misconceptions like major changes in CI/CD with serverless are rampant. However, it’s the application architecture needing major revisions due to the removal of always-on servers.

Choosing the granularity of the service also generates debate among serverless developers. Should an application with 20 tasks have 20 Lambda functions or one function managing all 20 tasks? Seems like a simple question but the answer varies significantly.

Furthermore, the costs of serverless may seem higher due to visible pricing models but the overall cost, including the reduced labor in managing the Kubernetes environments, may be more cost-effective.

Wrapping Up

Serverless brings in a dramatic shift in how applications are built and managed. The complexity and costs associated are less tangible and upfront. However, the agility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness make it a worthy consideration. Architecting applications with serverless may take time initially but the long-term benefits are immense.

Tags: #ServerlessArchitecture, #AWSServerless, #LambdaFunctions, #EnterpriseServerless

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2023 Review: Trends and Evolution of Serverless Adoption & Technologies

As we witness the continual rise of serverless technologies, it’s worth noting the highlights that stand out from the year as seen in key surveys. The technology remains at the forefront with the rapid adoption of cloud platforms and services by organizations across industries and sizes.

The Upswing of Serverless Adoption

In an annual survey by CNCF, a clear paradigm shift towards serverless computing has been noted over the years. Paradigm shifts in tech, as history has shown us with Functional Programming (FP) and NoSQL databases, are not easy and usually take longer than expected to penetrate mainstream thinking. However, the adoption of serverless technologies is indeed visible and gaining momentum.

As seen in Datadog’s survey, Node.js, and Python continue to be the dominant languages for AWS Lambda, the most common type of serverless workload. An increase in using Java has been observed owing to enterprise organizations finally moving towards serverless technologies.

Customer Trends and Serverless

Datadog’s customer trends reflect a diverse use of different cloud platforms and services. However, it’s important to note a certain bias in the results, resulting from the source of the data, which is largely from Datadog’s customer base. Despite being quite extensive, it can’t function as a perfect representation of the entire global market.

When looking at serverless adoption, Datadog’s focus extends beyond serverless functions to include managed container applications and edge functions. On AWS, for instance, an organization is considered serverless if it has adopted Lambda, App Runner, Fargate, or CloudFront Functions.

Looking Ahead

Despite seeming like old news to some industry observers, the continual normalization and standardization of serverless are noteworthy trends. For larger organizations using AWS Lambda, Terraform is leading the way, mainly due to their hybrid workloads. Interestingly, Frontend development is spearheading the creation of new serverless platforms, further highlighting the need for cloud providers to improve their DX for these services.

In conclusion, the momentum that serverless technologies have gained signals a shift in the industry. As more companies adopt these technologies, it will be intriguing to monitor how the serverless landscape evolves.

About the Author:

Renato Losio is a seasoned cloud architect and tech lead with specialization in cloud services and relational databases. Presently, he splits his time between Berlin and Trieste, while working remotely as a principal cloud architect. He also contributes as an editor at InfoQ and is an AWS Data Hero. You can find him on LinkedIn.


#Serverless #AWSLambda #CloudComputing #TechnologyTrends

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Exploring Serverless vs Microservices: Future Trends in Software Development and Cloud Computing

In planning for the future of a software development project, it’s vital to have a firm understanding of the underlying architecture that will shape the project’s trajectory. Specifically, business owners need to decide on an architecture that ensures agility, scalability, and performance. Among the front-runners for scalable solutions are two distinctive models: serverless and microservices.

The Microservices Model – A Brief Overview

The microservices architecture is, essentially, a decentralized application that has been partitioned into several modules, often referred to as services. Each of these services is tasked with executing a specific function. Generally, these services are specialized to perform a singular task exceptionally well.

The Serverless Model – A Quick Summary

Serverless architecture, as its name implies, eschews the need for your company to maintain its server space. Instead, a third-party vendor handles all the internal operations – storage, security, computing capabilities, among others – which could lead to significant cost reductions.

Key Differences: Serverless vs Microservices

Understanding the fundamental differences between these two architectures requires a detailed examination of several factors, such as functions, IT operations, cost, and runtime.


While both models have their unique sets of functions, the serverless model employs short-term functions that run based on specific conditions. Conversely, a microservices function is broader, often handling related processes simultaneously.

IT Operations

In the microservices model, the development team undertakes monitoring, deployment, support, and maintenance, whereas serverless architecture relies heavily on third-party vendors.


The cost of developing microservices tends to be higher initially, primarily because it demands several teams and meticulous planning. On the other hand, serverless architecture, with its shared resources and the absence of hardware specialists, is typically cheaper.


Serverless functions have limited runtime, contingent on the provider’s specific limitations. Alternatively, microservices aren’t limited by runtime, storage space, or RAM, making them more suitable for complex long-term operations.

Combining Serverless and Microservices Architectures

The rapid evolution in technology has presented development teams with the opportunity to leverage both the serverless and microservice architectures concurrently. By hosting a set of event-driven services (microservices) on a third-party infrastructure (serverless), companies can significantly enhance their scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency.

Advantages of Adopting Serverless Architecture

Serverless architectures offer several benefits, including easy deployment, reduced cost, heightened scalability and flexibility, decreased latency, and Function as a Service (FaaS). It also frees companies from potentially risky investment in excessive server spaces by offering access to vast computing resources owned by large technology corporations.

Advantages of Adopting Microservices Architecture

Adopting a microservices architecture comes with its share of advantages, such as the decentralization of tasks, reduced risks, and most notably, scalability. This model aligns well with modern management methodologies like Agile and DevOps and fosters a culture of responsibility and ownership among small development teams.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is serverless architecture the future?

    Serverless architecture is indeed seen as the future of cloud computing and software development models. It provides an automated solution to managing cloud computing resources, eliminating the need for users to estimate the required resources for their workload.

  2. What is the next trend in microservices?

    Trends such as serverless architecture, Cloud adoption, and DevOps are expected to shape the microservices industry’s future.


Tags: #Serverless, #Microservices, #SoftwareDevelopment, #CloudComputing

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Exploring the Pros and Cons of Serverless Computing in IT Infrastructure

In the realm of information technology, serverless computing has been making headlines, provoking discussions, and challenging traditional software engineering practices. Given its rising popularity, it’s crucial to understand the strengths, weaknesses, and application areas of this novel computing model.

Decoding Serverless Computing

Serverless computing is a cloud-based technology that allows businesses to execute their code without having to manage the underlying infrastructure. From scalability and maintenance to pricing, serverless computing radically departs from traditional cloud-based solutions such as the server, Cloud, and Platform as a service (PaaS).

Is Serverless Computing the Ultimate Problem Solver?

Many businesses view serverless computing as a magic bullet for their software engineering challenges. Several case studies, like the AWS Coca-Cola one, suggest significant reduction in operational costs and IT ticket volumes post migration to this architecture model. However, it’s important to remember that serverless computing is not a universal solution. Like any other technology, it comes with its fair share of challenges and limitations.

Unraveling the Downsides of Serverless Computing

While serverless computing can streamline multiple aspects of IT operations, some potential disadvantages could deter organizations from implementing it.

Lack of Control

By opting for serverless computing, businesses relinquish control over server hardware, execution environments, and updates, potentially complicating certain processes or applications.

Potential Performance Issues

In serverless computing, the processing times can fluctuate dramatically between runs due to the variable server specifications.

Security Risks

The “multi-tenancy” nature of serverless computing can potentially compromise the security and performance of applications.

Higher Costs for Long Processes

Serverless computing charges users based on code runtime, which could translate into higher overall costs for long-running applications.

Testing and Debugging Challenges

In serverless computing, developers might struggle to reproduce the production environment locally for testing. Debugging also becomes a complex task due to the lack of visibility into backend processes.

Should You Adopt Serverless Computing?

Despite the noted disadvantages, serverless computing can be an optimal choice in numerous instances. Businesses dealing with unpredictable server loads, requiring seamless scalability, or those in the early development stages might find serverless architectures a perfect fit.

Transformations via Serverless Computing: Noteworthy Use Cases

Several big guns in the industry, such as Slack, GreenQ, Coca-Cola, and HomeAway, have experienced successful transformations by embracing serverless computing. Each of these renowned establishments has utilized serverless solutions to address particular business needs, ranging from real-time travel recommendations to robust IoT platform establishment.

Serverless Computing vs. The Alternatives

When contemplating serverless, it’s essential to understand how it fares against its alternatives like servers, Cloud computing, and PaaS.

Serverless vs Cloud Computing

While Cloud computing necessitates Internet-based access to computing resources hosted by third-party providers, serverless computing takes it a notch higher by eliminating any concerns related to the management of these resources. It’s essentially a subsidiary of Cloud computing.

Serverless vs Server

Contrary to servers, serverless solutions allow for adaptable scalability and automated maintenance, with a pay-as-you-use payment model.

Serverless vs PaaS

While PaaS assures complete development and deployment in a cloud-based environment, serverless computing enables dynamic price adjustment based on usage. However, serverless tends to restrict control, complicating the testing and debugging of applications.

Wrapping Up

In essence, serverless computing is a significant milestone in the evolution of cloud services. While its benefits are compelling, they must be weighed against its demerits and the specific needs of your project. Carefully evaluate your operational requirements, IT capabilities, security regulations, budget constraints, and future aspirations before making a decision.

Remember, the most effective technology is the one that aligns with your specific needs and long-term business goals.

Tags: #ServerlessComputing #CloudServices #ITInfrastructure #SoftwareEngineering

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Top 5 Serverless Platforms of 2023: An In-Depth Comparison and Review

As the demand for efficient computing infrastructure continues to grow, businesses are moving away from managing their own server infrastructure and transitioning to serverless computing. This shift allows for enhanced agility, scalability, and overall performance. However, choosing the right serverless provider is a critical decision that can impact the success of your project.

In this post, we’ll delve into the top five serverless platforms of 2023, comparing them in terms of price, advantages, and potential limitations. Our hope is to assist you on your journey to finding a serverless infrastructure provider that matches your project’s size, needs, expertise, and future expansion goals.

Defining Serverless Platforms

A serverless platform primarily takes care of managing server performance. Thus, opting for the right vendor becomes crucial. Main characteristics of serverless platforms include abstraction, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. These platforms allow you to focus on applications and services while your provider manages the underlying infrastructure.

AWS Lambda


The free tier supports one million requests in 400,000 seconds per month. The premium version is charged on a per-request and per-second basis: $0.20 for one million requests and 0.000016667 for 1 GB per second.


  • Pay-as-you-go pricing model
  • No need to manage infrastructure
  • Seamless code deployment
  • Connection to the API gateway


  • Limited control of the environment
  • Complex call patterns
  • Computation limitations

Use cases

Lambda is used and supported by many software development tools like Asana, CicrleCI, and InVisionApp.

Google Cloud Functions + Firebase


Offers pay-as-you-go pricing based on function execution time.


  • Cost-effective for small tasks
  • Instant updates


  • May be unreliable at times

Use cases

Companies like Lucille Games and Smart Parking have found use in Google Cloud Functions + Firebase.

Microsoft Azure


Azure uses a pay-as-you-go model and offers a price calculator to help determine costs.


  • Robust cybersecurity
  • Multiple scalability options


  • Requires knowledge on server management
  • Lower-performance speed

Use cases

Companies like HP and Asos have utilized Microsoft Azure for advanced AI serverless operations.

Alibaba Functions

An event-driven serverless platform for code development and updates.


$19 for a month of using a Linux-based instance with 2 GB memory and one CPU.


  • Easy trigger mechanism
  • Access to Chinese nods
  • Supports popular development languages like Node.js


  • Higher price
  • Limited number of APIs
  • No active English-speaking community

Use cases

Brands like Ford and Air Asia have employed Alibaba Functions in their workflow.

IBM Bluemix/OpenWhisk

A platform for event-triggered applications with flexible components for web-based projects.


IBM charges $0.000017 for an executed second, utilizing a pay-per-use system.


  • Flexibility
  • Command line control
  • Web IDE


  • A complicated user interface
  • Product bugs and technical limitations
  • Lack of competent technical support

Use cases

Companies like American Airlines and Ubank have implemented IBM Bluemix/OpenWhisk.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the future of Serverless?

Serverless technology has disrupted the IT sector, allowing developers to focus on delivering value rather than maintaining systems.

What is Serverless Computing?

Serverless Computing allows developers to focus on code while cloud-based services handle scaling and maintenance at run-time.

Is Serverless same as SaaS?

Though often confused, serverless is about eliminating server management while SaaS is about providing access to a provider’s applications over an internet connection.

Serverless platforms offer scalability, improved productivity, and cost-efficiency, and choosing the right one can indeed be a game-changer. The best decision hinges on understanding the specific needs of your project and finding a vendor that can match those needs accurately.

Tags: #ServerlessPlatforms, #CloudServices, #AWSLambda, #GoogleCloudFunctions, #Azure, #AlibabaFunctions, #Bluemix
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Snapshot Testing in React Native: A Comprehensive Guide with Jest

In this guide, we will delve into the world of snapshot testing in React Native going through, first, an overview of the Jest framework and then, how snapshot testing can be incorporated in your React Native application.

Using Jest for Testing in React Native

Jest is a very common testing library when it comes to React and React-Native due to its simplicity and the integrated snapshot testing feature. In order to initialize jest in your project, you can use react-native init. This will setup your test script and jest preset in your package.json as seen below.

  "scripts": {
    "test": "jest"
  "jest": {
    "preset": "react-native"

To test if Jest has been correctly set up, simply run yarn test. Jest should run and pass without any tests.

Snapshot Testing in Action

Snapshot tests are a very useful characteristic when you want to make sure your UI does not change unexpectedly. A snapshot test will capture a snapshot of your component and compares it to a reference snapshot file stored alongside your tests. Let’s illustrate this with a Intro component.

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {StyleSheet, Text, View} from 'react-native';

class Intro extends Component{
      <View style={styles.container}>
          <Text style={styles.welcome}> Welcome to React Native!</Text>
          <Text style={styles.instructions}>This is a React Native snapshot test.</Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    alignItems: 'center',
    backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
  instructions: {
    color: '#333333',
    marginBottom: 5,
    textAlign: 'center',
  welcome: {
    fontSize: 20,
    margin: 10,
    textAlign: 'center',

export default Intro;

To create the snapshot for this component, we will make use of React’s test renderer and Jest’s snapshot feature. We will build a generic test that will render our component and compare it with the snapshot.

import React from 'react';
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
import Intro from '../Intro';

test('renders correctly', () => {
    const tree = renderer.create(<Intro/>).toJSON();

We run this test with yarn test. Jest will then create a snapshot file which records the current state of the component. The snapshot file would look like something as below.

exports[`Intro renders correctly 1`] = `
<View style={ { "alignItems": "center", "backgroundColor": "#F5FCFF", "flex": 1, "justifyContent": "center", }}>
  <Text style={ { "fontSize": 20, "margin": 10, "textAlign": "center", }}>Welcome to React Native!</Text>
  <Text style={ { "color": "#333333", "marginBottom": 5, "textAlign": "center", }}>This is a React Native snapshot test.</Text>

Congratulations! You have now created your first snapshot test. Every subsequent run of the test will compare the rendered output with this snapshot. If the output is different, the test will fail.

To update the snapshot, you can use the -u flag as jest -u.


In this guide, we took a dive into snapshot testing in React Native with Jest. Snapshot tests provide a great way to ensure your UI does not change unexpectedly, further ensuring the stability of your application.

However, snapshot testing does not replace good old unit testing. These tests should be seen as an additional layer to validate your application’s UI logic.


react-native, jest, snapshot-testing, react-component

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JMS vs Apache Kafka: A Detailed Comparison for Better Message Brokering Choices

Last Updated: September 20, 2023

Message brokers have become an integral part of modern-day distributed computing architecture, thanks to their indispensable role in ensuring seamless communication and data transfer among different applications. At the core of this discourse, we often find two major platforms: Java Message Service (JMS) and Apache Kafka. The objective of this article is to offer a comparative analysis of these two platforms, to guide developers in making the best selection based on their unique project needs.

Introduction to Message Brokers

Message brokers can be understood as software systems or components that aid in the transmission of messages between different applications across a distributed system. They serve an intermediary function, taking charge of efficient and reliable delivery of messages from senders to receivers. Message brokers enable asynchronous communication, decoupling sender and receiver systems, and guaranteeing that messages are processed in a scalable and fault-tolerant manner.

Getting to Know Apache Kafka

What is Apache Kafka?

Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform designed to facilitate messaging between different points in a system. It maintains a stream of records in a cluster of servers, providing a robust logging mechanism for distributed systems. Kafka allows users to publish and subscribe to streams of records, process records in real-time and store streams of records. This platform is excellent for creating streaming data applications and pipelines.

Discovering JMS: Java Message Service

What is JMS?

Java Message Service, commonly referred to as JMS, is an Application Programming Interface (API) designed to facilitate communication between Java applications and other software components. JMS supports predefined messaging protocols, catering to the Java programming language. This messaging standard enables users to create, send, receive, and read messages between computers within a network. JMS allows developers to make software applications written in different programming languages communicate with each other.

Apache Kafka and JMS: Spotting the Similarities

Despite distinct design and architecture, Kafka and JMS share certain similarities, including:

  • Function as messaging middleware solutions
  • Existence of message brokers
  • Support for common messaging patterns
  • Capability to integrate with different programming languages and frameworks
  • Scalability to handle increased message volumes
  • Acknowledgment mechanisms

JMS and Kafka: Spotting the Differences

Major Differences between JMS vs Kafka

Despite these similarities, JMS and Kafka differ significantly in several ways, including:

  • Programming Style: JMS follows an imperative programming style while Kafka adopts a reactive style.

  • Content Segregation: JMS separates content using queues and topics, while Kafka uses topics for this purpose.

  • Message Format: JMS typically deals with messages in text or binary format, while Kafka supports messages in various formats.

  • Filtering Method: JMS provides message selectors for filtering messages, while Kafka offers robust filtering capabilities through Kafka Streams or consumer group subscriptions.

  • Routing System: JMS offers both point-to-point and publish-subscribe routing mechanisms, while Kafka employs a publish-subscribe model with topic-based routing.

  • Message Storage: JMS typically does not retain messages beyond their delivery, while Kafka provides durable message storage with configurable retention periods.

Making the Choice between JMS and Kafka

The preference between these two platforms depends on various parameters, including the use case, the necessity of scalability, the importance of message persistence, the preferred programming paradigm, and integration requirements. Your choice between JMS and Kafka should be influenced by your project’s specific needs and goals.

Conclusion: JMS and Kafka – Unique in Their Ways

In conclusion, the decision between JMS and Kafka is contingent on your specific needs and objectives. If your project demands a well-structured, predictable and ordered messaging service, JMS could be your go-to choice. Conversely, if your applications necessitate real-time data streams, processing large data volumes in a dynamic, event-driven environment, then Kafka seems to fit the bill. Regardless of your choice, both JMS and Kafka serve as reliable conduits for facilitating seamless communication between your applications.

Authors: Ritvik Gupta

Tags: #JMS #ApacheKafka #MessageBrokers #DistributedSystems

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Kafka’s Revolutionary Leap: Transitioning from ZooKeeper to KRaft for Enhanced Real-Time Data Processing

In the realm of real-time data processing, Kafka, developed by Confluent, has garnered a stronghold with a sprawling presence in over 150,000 organizations. However, with rapidly growing data and throughput requirements, the Kafka platform has been facing the heat, primarily due to its dependence on Apache Zookeeper for managing its crucial system metadata. On the quest for a more nimble solution, the architecture now embarks on a transformational journey from Zookeeper to KRaft.

The Achilles Heel: Apache Zookeeper

Where does the problem lie? Critics have identified a significant part of the problem in how Zookeeper operates. According to the Java expertise site Baeldung, ZooKeeper functions entirely independently of Kafka, which exacerbates the system admin’s management dilemmas. It also retards the system’s overall responsiveness.

Distinctively, other distributed systems, like Elasticsearch, have internalized the synchronization aspect. Kafka, however, is unable to monitor the event log and this results in a lag between the controller memory and the ZooKeeper’s state.

As explained by Colin McCabe from Confluent, ZooKeeper stores metadata about the system itself, such as information about partitions. Over time, the number of partitions that users manage has significantly increased, causing a lag in the system’s responsiveness. When a new controller is elected, the partition metadata fed to the nodes also takes more time, slowing down the entire system.

Dissolving the Dependence: The Advent of KRaft

The solution comes in the form of KRaft. Kafka deployments can now maintain hot standbys with KRaft, eliminating the need for a controller to load all the partition data. Underpinning Kafka’s architecture, KRaft is based on a stream metaphor that houses an inflow of changes. This makes it possible to monitor the stream, identify the current position, and effectively catch up if there’s any lag.

The exploration doesn’t end here. Looking to minimize metadata divergence, the idea is to manage metadata itself through this stream process. In simpler terms, a log will be employed to manage streaming changes to the metadata. This ensures a clear ordering of events and the maintenance of a single timeline.

The outcome? KRaft has successfully managed to lower the latency of metadata reads by a factor of 14, meaning that Kafka can recover 14 times faster from any problem. The platform can now store and maintain up-to-date metadata on as many as 2 million partitions.

Stepping Stones: Towards Full KRaft Implementation

The maiden steps to KRaft implementation have been made with Kafka 3.3, but the journey towards fully ditching Zookeeper is a measured one, expected to culminate with version 4 release. By then, users still reliant on ZooKeeper will have to transition to a Bridge Release.

KIP-833, designating Kafka 3.5 as a bridge release, facilitates the migration from ZooKeeper without downtime. The upgrade process involves accentuating new controller nodes and adding functionality to the existing ones. The new KRaft controller will lead the ZooKeeper nodes.

As explained by McCabe, the system will run on the old mode for a while during the transition, allowing for gradual enrollment of brokers. When all brokers are in KRaft mode, the system will function in dual write mode, making it easier to revert to ZooKeeper if required.

With widespread expectations of enhanced performance and streamlined management, the move from ZooKeeper to KRaft is indeed a significant milestone in Kafka’s evolution. The glowing prospects of Confluent’s Kafka are indeed heartening to observe.

Tags: #Kafka, #Confluent, #ZooKeeper, #KRaft, #RealTimeProcessing

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Enhancing Stream Processing with Apache Kafka in Kestra Application Development

Apache Kafka is a revered name in the realm of distributed event store and stream-processing platforms. It is highly recognized for its robust functionality in handling voluminous data at a compelling speed. To further augment Kafka’s capabilities, there’s Kafka Streams – intricately designed to simplify the creation of data pipelines and conduct high-level operations like aggregation and joining.

In this blog, we will dive deep into understanding the nuances of working with Kafka while building Kestra and leveraging its strengths in stream processing, navigating through its limitations, and customizing it to suit our specific requirements.

Why Apache Kafka?

Faced with the challenge of choosing a persistent queue for our application without any additional dependencies, we crossed paths with numerous candidates like RabbitMQ, Apache Pulsar, Redis, etc. However, Apache Kafka was the one that stood out, efficiently catering to all our project needs.

One major advantage of Kafka is that it allows us to embed the application directly within our Java application, removing the need for managing a separate platform, quite literally taking microservices to the next level.

Working with Kafka Topics

Kafka comes with its own set of constraints as it isn’t a database. It may seem confusing at first to use the same Kafka topic for source and destination.

Consider this example of a topology, which has the topic as the source, some branching logic, and two separate processes writing to the same destination. Here, the risk of overwriting the previous value becomes evident, ultimately resulting in data loss.

The Custom Joiner for Kafka Streams

To combat this issue, we came up with a customized joiner for Kafka Streams. This alternative was designed to process the executions and split the microservice into multiple topics such as:

  • A topic with the executions (multiple tasks)
  • A topic with task results

Our custom joiner needed to manually create a store, incorporate merge function, and get the last value. This ensured that regardless of the number of task results entering in parallel, the execution state is always the latest version.

Dealing with Distributed Workload Between Multiple Backends

In our application, Kestra, a scheduler with scheduled execution or long-polling mechanism (detecting files on S3 or SFTP) looks up all flows. To avoid a single point of failure on this service, we needed to split the flows between all instances of schedulers.

We did it by relying on Kafka’s consumer groups that handled complexities of a distributed system for us. Kafka undertakes all the heavy parts of the distributed systems. In case of a thousand flows, every consumer will have ~500 flows, thanks to Kafka’s phenomenal handling of:

  • Heartbeat to detect consumer failure
  • Notifications for rebalancing
  • Ensuring exactly-once semantic for a topic

Monitoring and Debugging

While working with Kafka streams, monitoring and debugging can be a real challenge due to the lag in streams. To alleviate this, we chose to deal with only one topic at a specific time.

This approach helped us minimize network transit and group all streams by source topics.

Throughout this process, we learned some notable tips that helped us navigate our challenges. We were able to adapt our code efficiently to Kafka and make it work well for our use case.

In the end, the experiences and learnings derived from working closely with Apache Kafka and Kestra have been immensely rewarding. If you’re interested in our work and want to learn more, you can find us on GitHub, Twitter, or join our discussions on Slack.

Message us if you found this article helpful or if you have any questions about Apache Kafka.

Tags: #ApacheKafka #Kestra #StreamProcessing #Microservices

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