Join the Evolution of Web Development at Netlify Conference, Compose

Octobers are known for their crisp weather and vibrant colors, but at Netlify, this coming October means a new chapter begins: the advent of our first-ever Netlify Conference, Compose.

But why replace the Jamstack Conf we all know and love, you ask? No worries! Here’s all that you need to know about this revamp and what we are aiming for with the change.

The Genesis of Jamstack Conf and Its Impact

It was the year 2018 when Jamstack Conf first saw the light of the day. Its mission? To catalyze and nurture an emergent community of web developers and an ecosystem of vendors. To challenge the reigning monolithic architectures and propagate the paradigm of “Jamstack.”

Through seven conferences, Jamstack Conf left a significant footprint in the web development space. The principles it advocated are now at the heart of many popular technologies, that span an array of names and nomenclatures.

A Progressive Change: The Netlify Conference

So what’s next after seven successful conferences? The evolution continues, but the format changes, making way for the Netlify Conference.

As the market matures, so does our approach. The Netlify Conference will allow us to serve a wider audience, discussing and dissecting Netlify’s offerings, strategic partnerships, and providing insights into the broader developer ecosystem without undermining the grit and spirit of the original Jamstack movement.

This conference places its focus on harnessing the power of the evolving Netlify platform while retaining the roots embedded in Jamstack principles.

Looking Ahead: Netlify Conference and Beyond

As we embark on this new journey, we invite everyone who has been part of the Jamstack family and anyone swayed by the irresistible allure of web development to be a part of the inaugural Netlify Conference.

Together, we hope to explore uncharted territories in the web development landscape, guided by the very principles that gave birth to Jamstack, and those that propel Netlify.

This isn’t an end to a chapter. It’s a continuation of a journey, with the same mission but a different name.

Join us at the Netlify Conference, Compose, this October to partake in the future of web development.

#NetlifyConference #WebDevelopment #Jamstack #NetlifyCompose

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