Unlocking Advanced Edge Computing: AMD ZU3’s Role in Real-Time Data Processing Webinar

It is time to mark your calendars for an exciting webinar on Advanced Edge Computing. Get ready to explore the transformative technology of Edge Computing that is increasingly shaping our digital world.

The digital landscape is evolving, and there’s a growing need for real-time data processing. As real-time processing finds more takers, the development of robust and efficient edge solutions becomes pertinent. Our webinar will address these development challenges and the role of technology like the AMD ZU3 in these applications.

AMD ZU3 and its Role in Edge Computing

AMD ZU3 is known for its adaptability and performance, making it a significant player in edge computing applications. It has varied applications ranging from software-defined radio to medical and AI. Our webinar will dive deep into the capabilities and advantages of AMD ZU3 in edge solutions.

Simplifying your Development Journey with OSDZU3

Developing edge computing solutions can be intricate, and the OSDZU3 System-in-Package from Octavo Systems, featuring the AMD ZU3 can prove to be of great assistance. Designed to streamline the development process, with the support of Avnet, it can save you up to 9 months of development time.

Why you Should Attend

This webinar is meant for professionals venturing into edge computing, professionals in AI, medical, and signal processing sectors who are keen on adopting efficient edge processing tools. Tech enthusiasts eager to learn about the latest in edge computing and its simplified development should undoubtedly mark their attendance.

What you will Gain

This webinar will provide a deep understanding of Advanced Edge Computing, its significance and applications. Attendees will get an insight into how the OSDZU3 System-in-Package simplifies the development journey. Additionally, they will learn about Avnet’s support role, ensuring a smooth and efficient development process.

Meet the Presenters

  • Dagan White – A seasoned professional with a rich experience in Xilinx, Lockheed Martin Coherent Technologies, and ITT Geospatial Systems. He has been the lead for electronics and systems development for mixed-signal electronics and FPGA development for LIDAR systems and radiometers.

  • Greg Sheridan – Having 10 years of experience, he has supported numerous customers in adopting new technology to meet their business objectives.

  • Phil Heine – His details and experience will be updated soon.

Webinar Details

The webinar is scheduled for 11/16/23 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm EST. Register and save a spot today!

Tags: #EdgeComputing, #Webinar, #AMDZU3, #OSDZU3

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Azion Wins Frost & Sullivan Award for Innovation in Serverless Edge Computing

Azion, a leading innovator in the field of serverless computing, recently received the prestigious 2023 North American New Product Innovation Award from Frost & Sullivan. The award acknowledges Azion’s cutting-edge work on their Edge platform, which revolutionizes the way developers build and deploy serverless applications.

Building Unprecedented Solutions with Azion

Azion’s remarkable Edge Application helps developers construct applications from square one, or modify an existing design. This robust platform enhances resiliency, accelerates speed, and reduces costs, making it an essential tool in the modern-day developer’s arsenal. Offering support for numerous web frameworks, such as Next.js and Vue.js, the platform facilitates web app development and the construction of dynamic web pages at the edge.

The Genesis of Azion

Established by a team of top developers, Azion was built around the feedback of the very community it serves. The company has crafted a set of solutions designed specifically to address the most urgent issues plaguing the industry. As a result, Azion Build is loaded with innovative features that developers can utilize to construct groundbreaking serverless, event-driven web applications on the edge.

As Michael Valenti, a senior industry analyst at Frost & Sullivan, said, “Azion Technologies Inc. based in Palo Alto, California, has developed an edge computing platform. Using feedback from developers, the company created its product suite, Azion Build, to simplify the creation of edge serverless applications.”

Exceeding Customer Expectations

With more than 100 edge locations spread across the globe, Azion ensures superior product performance by streamlining the building and deployment process. The company provides seamless worldwide connectivity and boasts an impressive 100% uptime, as endorsed by a service level agreement (SLA).

These features enable Azion’s customers to experience twenty times faster deployments and ten times faster applications on average. Moreover, Azion’s serverless computing model offloads management tasks from users, freeing them to focus entirely on producing remarkable applications.

Impact On Business Agility

Azion’s continued innovation helps businesses increase resilience to unpredicted events, enhance speed, and reduce costs. Effectively, Azion’s serverless edge platform accelerates business agility by optimizing processes that empower developers to create and expand their global applications while bypassing the need for adjusting underlying infrastructure or operating systems. As Valenti observed, the efficient use of Azion’s platform can significantly aid applications transition from the cloud to the edge.

Recognition by Frost and Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan’s Best Practices awards identify companies for their incredible accomplishments and superior service in fields such as leadership, technical innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Their industry analysts meticulously evaluate market entrants through comprehensive interviews, in-depth analyses, and extensive secondary research to recognise best practices in industries across the globe.

Conclusively, Azion’s unmatched dedication to creating customer-centric, innovative solutions has set them ahead as a leading force in the edge serverless industry. The company’s recent award from Frost & Sullivan pays testament to their commitment to pushing the boundaries of serverless computing.

Noteworthy Tags: #Azion #EdgeComputing #ServerlessApplications #InternetOfThings #NewProductInnovationAward #FrostandSullivan
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Embracing the Future: Transitioning to Microservices Architecture for Improved Software

In the expanding world of digital technology, the microservices cloud-based architecture stands as a beacon of progress and improved quality. It represents a departure from the traditional monolithic software applications, offering a number of benefits including faster development cycles, improved fault tolerance, and easier deployment. However, transitioning to a microservices architecture also brings with it a number of challenges that must be carefully managed to ensure the security and privacy of users.


The Journey from Monolith to Microservices: Challenges and Solutions

Varun Talwar, co-founder of Tetrate, suggests that transitioning to a microservices architecture poses significant challenges due to the complex systems that many organizations operate. These systems, which have often been in place for many years, might disrupt functionality if modified.

A survey conducted by Asperitas Consulting further highlighted the issues faced during transition, such as staffing and tool availability. The migration journey from monolith to microservices can be a formidable task requiring an evaluation of all possible alternatives.

One suggested pathway to navigate this journey is through the 12-Factor App methodology created by developers at Heroku. This process includes steps like isolating dependencies, storing configuration data separately from the code, treating backing services as attached resources, and enabling continuous integration, amongst others.

Unleashing the Potential: Benefits of a Microservices Approach

Despite the hurdles, the significant advantages of a microservices system cannot be undermined. According to Loris Cro of Redis Labs, end users of software developed with microservices experience fewer performance issues, bugs, and general difficulties. Microservices also enable development teams to use different languages and database systems on a per-service level.

Yet, the choice to adopt microservices must be carefully weighed. Outcomes can turn unfavorable if there is inconsistency in the services offered, high latency with app communication, or if the microservices architecture prohibits extensibility, scalability, or feature additions.

Looking Ahead: Forecast and Trends in Microservices

The microservices architecture market is predicted to show significant growth, expanding from 5.49 billion USD in 2022 to an impressive 21.61 billion USD by 2023 according to market research. This speaks volumes about the regard for microservices in our digital future.

Trends expected to impact the development of microservices include enhanced insight into microservices’ actions, optimized monitoring, and improved reliability through the use of multi-cloud strategies.

Moving to microservices-enabled software can introduce new security challenges, yet companies are making this transition at an increased rate, with 85 percent of companies moving to a microservices structure. The sooner the transition is made, the more secure and reliable systems are likely to be.

kedarnath mundluru

About the author: Kedarnath Mundluru

Views expressed in this article are personal. The facts, opinions, and language in the article do not reflect the views of CISO MAG and CISO MAG does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.

Tags: #Microservices, #SoftwareArchitecture, #DigitalTechnology, #TransitionChallenges

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Accelerating Software Development: The Role of CI/CD in DevOps

Software development has rapidly evolved in the recent past. DevOps has emerged as a significant player in this evolution. As we dive into the world of DevOps, let’s shed some light on two pivotal practices: Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD).

Continuous Integration and Its Role in DevOps

Continuous Integration, commonly known as CI, is the concept of regularly integrating code changes into a shared repository. The process involves developers committing their code changes multiple times a day to this shared repository. With each commit, automated build and test processes are triggered to ensure that the new code integrates efficiently with the existing codebase. This early detection and rectification of issues speed up development cycles and reduce integration problems.

Elucidating Continuous Deployment in DevOps

The Continuous Deployment or CD method takes CI a step ahead. Post the rigorous CI process, CD automates the deployment of these validated code changes to production or staging environments. In simple terms, CD enables a continuous and automated release of updates to end-users, significantly reducing manual intervention and the possibility of human errors during the process.

The Undeniable Worth of CI/CD in DevOps

Integrating CI/CD in DevOps brings about several benefits.

Speed and Efficiency

The foremost advantage of CI/CD is the expedited software development life cycle it brings about. Developers can release new features and fix bugs faster due to automated testing and deployment.

Quality Assurance

CI/CD enforces stringent testing and quality control. All issues are caught early in development, making the software high-quality with fewer bugs.

Risk Reduction

CD minimizes potential human errors that can occur during releases by automating the deployment process. Quick rollbacks to the previous software version also become possible if an issue arises in the production, thereby reducing downtime and user impact.


CI/CD encourages a culture of shared responsibility, fostering collaboration between development and operations teams.


CI/CD practices are highly scalable, making them apt for startups and the needs of large enterprises. As your software scales, CI/CD can adapt to accommodate this growth.

Implementing CI/CD into Your DevOps Pipeline

Incorporating CI/CD into your DevOps process involves a series of steps:

  • Version Control: Implement code versioning system
  • Automated Builds: Automate the build process for each commit
  • Automated Testing: Conduct automated tests for every code commit
  • Deployment Automation: Automate the software deployment process
  • Monitoring and Feedback: Monitor the deployed software for errors and get user feedback
  • Iterate and Improve: Implement changes and improvements based on the feedback.

Embrace CI/CD into your DevOps flow and equip your development teams to deliver software faster, of higher quality, and with reduced risk.

Useful Tutorials, Guides, and Resources

Top Reading Recommendations

Check Out These Events

  • Oct 12, 12:30PM (PST) – The devops challenge when scaling your production and company
  • Oct 13, 10:30 –11:30 PM (PST) – Fridays Virtual Meetup (Acing the CKA Exam Book, US timezone)

Exciting DevOps Jobs

Tags: #DevOps, #CI/CD, #SoftwareDevelopment, #DeploymentAutomation

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Maximizing SEO Performance with High-Speed Jamstack Websites

Throughout the past few years, the internet market has seen a significant rise in the number of new websites launching. As the market competition gets fiercer with over 1.88 billion websites available today, getting a good ranking on search engines has turned into a prime challenge. So, how do we tackle this? Search Engine Optimization (SEO), a vital tool in the digital milieu, emerges as our sword.

Understanding The Need for SEO

In layman’s terms, SEO enhances the visibility of a website for users searching for specific services or products on search engines like Google, Bing, etc. The better optimized a website is, the higher would be its visibility in the search results, and hence a greater chance of grabbing users’ attention. This optimization eventually leads to increased conversion rates.

But, how do we ensure our website is sufficiently optimized? Enter, Jamstack!

A Primer on Jamstack

Jamstack is a sleek, modern web development architecture that can aid in the creation of faster, better, and secure sites. As an abbreviation for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup, Jamstack employs client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt Markup for building statically generated websites. The web architecture is recognized for the high performance and security it affords, with organizations like Nike, Shopify, and PayPal endorsing it.

Why Opt for Jamstack?

Jamstack sites are renowned for their performance. Owing to their method of serving pre-built HTML files via a Content Delivery Network (CDN) instead of rendering them on the server, we get quicker full-page and DOM-ready loading time. This speed contributes to their higher positioning in search results as Google favors faster-loading pages.

Features Favoring SEO

Here are some of the prominent features that make Jamstack a favorite choice for creating SEO-rich sites:

Add Structured Data

Jamstack facilitates the inclusion of structured data, using JSON to encode linked data according to the relevance of a search phrase. This method, termed JSON-LD, enables efficient categorization of data. It’s a straightforward technique for static sites that require no additional preparation of content.

Optimize Static Sites

When dealing with static sites, developers need to consider critical parameters such as navigation, mobile traffic, URL structure, etc., beyond the quick loading of sites. To solve this, developers build sitemaps using Static Site Generators (SSGs) that come with in-built site mapping features or plugins.

The Benefits of Jamstack

Lets us dive into the benefits this wonderful web architecture offers when it comes to creating secure and SEO-friendly websites.

Unprecedented Security

Each request in Jamstack executes less code, leading to improved data security and fewer runtime mistakes. It essentially results in an improved user experience, fewer latency delays, and a reduced network journey distance.

SEO Indexing

Jamstack and SEO together can skyrocket your site’s performance. With Google prefering sites with speedier page loads and better keyword and URL placements, using Jamstack can actively boost user engagement and increase conversion rates.

Efficient Infrastructure Management

Multiple third-party APIs employed by Jamstack ensures fast, secure data communication and work, eliminating the need for backend infrastructure and codebase management.

Effective Content Management System

In the last decade, Jamstack has emerged as a popular CMS solution because of its decoupled front-end architecture. With static caching, content delivery is amplified without sacrificing the flexibility of the content publishing process.

Optimization Techniques for Your Jamstack Website

Here are some steps you can follow to further optimize your Jamstack website:

  1. Fast Page Loading: Through asset minification & optimized, responsive images, you can enhance the loading speed of your website.
  2. Proper Content Structure: Always create sitemaps with static site generator plugins and use appropriate keywords in static URLs.
  3. Mobile Experience: Ensure mobile responsiveness for a good browsing experience.
  4. Social Sharing: Building a strong social media presence will help draw quality traffic to your website.

In essence, Jamstack takes us back to the roots of web development via CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. By potentiating collaboration between developers, UX experts, and SEO specialists, it promises an exceptional user experience and high-level performance.

Tags: #SEO, #Jamstack, #WebDevelopment, #ContentManagement

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Revolutionizing Business Processes with Low-Code and No-Code Development Platforms

One of the pivotal shifts in the realm of software development and enterprise solution creating is the advent of low-code and no-code platforms. By enabling users to create applications seamlessly without the need for significant coding knowledge, these platforms are revolutionizing the way we think about software creation.

Overview of Low-Code and No-Code Platforms:

Low-code and no-code platforms are powerful application development approaches designed to empower non-technical users to create custom solutions. They offer distinctive advantages such as freeing up technical resources for more complex projects and allowing quicker deployment of apps.

Low code vs No code

No-Code Platforms:

No-code platforms are straightforward to use. A majority of them employ drag-and-drop architecture, making it convenient for users to create functioning apps easily. These platforms are best suited to help teams with specific demands of a limited scope.

Low-Code Platforms:

Low-code platforms, on the other hand, are primarily leveraged by IT professionals to create complex custom applications. These are helpful in reworking existing legacy systems or for projects that need a higher level of customization.

Decoding the Differences:

When comparing low-code and no-code platforms, certain fundamental differences point towards distinctly varied use-cases for each. Let’s deep-dive into these differences:

1. Application Integration:

Apps often need to retrieve data from various platforms. Despite low-code platforms allowing excellent system integration flexibility, no-code platforms often fall short in this aspect.

2. Training Requirement:

The need for training bumps up when using low-code platforms compared to their no-code counterparts due to the technical complexities involved in low-code development.

3. Target Audience:

No-code platforms are fit for anyone in the organization with a desire to innovate and improve procedures. However, low-code platforms target software developers and DevOps teams looking to reduce development costs and time.

How Businesses Benefit:

Low-code and no-code platforms have gained popularity among enterprises for their potential to accelerate software development and reduce costs. Here’s how businesses can benefit:

  • Rapid Application Development: No-code platforms are excellent for businesses looking to rapidly develop apps to address more straightforward business needs.

  • Increased Collaboration: Low-code platforms offer tools that enable non-technically oriented team members to participate in the development process, fostering a collaborative environment.

  • Cost Effectiveness: These platforms can significantly cut down on the number of developers required, reducing costs tremendously.

  • Agile Business Process: Enterprises can maintain an agile development process while keeping costs in check.

Use Cases for Different Scenarios:

Both low-code and no-code platforms cater to a wide array of use-cases, irrespective of the size of the organization or industry. An instance of a no-code use case would be for BI reporting and dashboards creation or for managing data applications. Low-code platforms shine when used in innovative next-gen technology use cases or for creating apps that span multiple departments.

Which To Choose?

The choice between low-code and no-code depends on the specific needs of the business. For complex, enterprise-grade applications embark on digitization, low-code is an excellent option. Meanwhile, no-code platforms are ideal for driving organizational innovation by providing a platform for new and creative ideas.

Why Kissflow for Low-Code/no-Code Development?

Kissflow is an excellent choice for low-code/no-code development given its purpose-built tools and collaborative, cloud-native architecture. Kissflow’s low-code platform uses a visual, model-driven approach, reducing the need for coding skills and transforming how business units work with IT development teams to build applications.

#NoCode #LowCode #SoftwareDevelopment #DigitalTransformation

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Complete Guide to Optimizing User Experience with Effective Front-End Testing

Front-end testing is an essential aspect of software development. It helps ensure a flawless user experience and solid product functionality. Let’s unravel the characteristics, types, and processes involved in front-end testing.

What Exactly Is Front-End Testing?

Front-end testing is the process of testing the user interface (UI) and overall user experience (UX) of a web application. This testing ensures the application is free of issues and offers users a smooth and easy-to-navigate experience. It assesses elements like alignment, navigation, page-load speed, overall functionality, and much more.

Front-end testing of websites is done to ensure websites function seamlessly, ensuring no negative impact on performance.

Front-End and Back-End Testing and Their Divergences

Back-End Testing

Back-end testing focuses on the server, database, and the functionality on the back-end of the software. This testing often involves CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

Back-end testing is crucial for identifying and eradicating bugs in the early stages of the development process, saving extensive time and resources.

The Difference between Front-End and Back-End Testing

Front-end and back-end testing both play vital roles in the overall software development process.

Front-end testing ensures that the user-facing interface is functional and meets UX requirements. It minimizes the importance of understanding the database and backend mechanics.

On the other hand, back-end testing focuses on server-side operations and the database functionality of the software applications.

Different Types of Testing

Unit Testing

Every single unit of code or functionality in the application is tested independently in unit testing. This process verifies that each piece of code works as expected and assists developers in spotting issues early.

Integration Testing

Integration testing involves interacting with different parts of the application in order to assess how well they work together. Integration testing tools help identify potential issues early, saving valuable time and money.

System Testing

System testing checks how a complete application operates under varying conditions. For instance, when users log in or when the system is exposed to stress, system testing ensures the application works properly.

Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing is a validation process to ensure the software meets the intended user’s requirements. It is typically performed by the development team and helps confirm user inputs, user flows, and front-end actions are functioning properly.

End-to-End Testing

This type of testing examines the flow of the application from start to finish, ensuring all system components work as expected and interaction among them is seamless.

Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing

This form of testing ensures a web application works appropriately across different browsers.

Online Surveys for Effective Front-End Testing

Online surveys offer an effective medium to receive user feedback for front-end testing. With platforms like resonio, you can set up a front-end testing survey to collect necessary feedback for website optimization.

The Process of Front-End Testing with Online Surveys

  • Identify the target audience
  • Create survey questions, multiple-choice, and open-ended
  • Choose the appropriate survey tools
  • Recruit suitable survey participants
  • Distribute the survey
  • Collect and analyze responses
  • Implement changes accordingly

Front-End Testing Challenges

  • Sample Bias
  • Length of the Survey
  • Interpreting Survey Responses
  • Survey Fatigue
  • Technology Limitations

Despite these challenges, the insights from front-end testing using online surveys can significantly contribute to improving website quality and user satisfaction.

Creating a Front-End Testing Plan

  • Decide your budget
  • Choose the tools
  • Set a timeline
  • Define the project scope

Planning properly ensures successful front-end testing and a high-quality end product.


Front-end testing plays a critical role in ensuring a superior user experience and optimal functionality of web applications. Knowing how to properly conduct these tests, understand their results and implement necessary changes is key to a successful web development project.

Incorporating online surveys in the testing process aids in gathering user feedback and adjusting the application’s usability and design accordingly for a more user-centric and high-performing application.

Tags: #FrontEndTesting #WebDevelopment #SoftwareTesting #OnlineSurveys

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Maximizing Social Media Engagement: The Four Pillars of Effective Content Strategy

In the vast and dynamic world of social media marketing, understanding and effectively implementing your strategy is of utmost importance. The four pillars of social media content create a solid foundation to build a successful social media campaign. In this article, we delve into these pillars and uncover the significance they carry in propelling your social media strategy forward.

Understanding the Pillars of Social Media Content

The four pillars of social media content can be simplified into the following categories:

  1. Educational
  2. Inspirational
  3. Conversational
  4. Promotional

The Four Pillars of Social Media Content

Educational Content

This type of content aims to provide value and information to your audience. It can be in the form of blog posts, how-to guides, eBooks, webinars, among others. Providing educational content positions you as an authority in your field, building trust with your audience.

Inspirational Content

Inspirational content primarily serves to motivate your audience. Leveraging inspirational quotes, success stories, and motivational videos can resonate emotionally with your audience, making your brand more relatable.

Conversational Content

As the name suggests, conversational content is geared towards initiating discussions with your audience. It encourages user-engagement and could come in the form of questions, polls, surveys, etc.

Promotional Content

While the ultimate goal of your social media strategy might be to market your product or service, too much promotional content can be off-putting for your audience. Striking a balance is key.

By incorporating these four pillars in your content strategy, you should be able to maintain a healthy and engaging relationship with your audience on social media.

Leveraging the Power of Social Media with SocialDeck


With 3k followers, SocialDeck is paving the way in social media strategy, offering training and developing effective content strategies. From crafting compelling social media posts that capture attention to strategizing comprehensive social media plans, SocialDeck has covered all the bases when it comes to social media marketing.

In conclusion, understanding the four pillars of social media content and leveraging them accordingly in your strategy can be a game-changer for your online presence. The world of social media is ever-evolving, and keeping up with these changes is paramount to stay ahead of the curve.

Tags: #SocialMediaStrategy #ContentPillars #SocialDeck #OnlineMarketing

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Exploring Edge Computing: Revolutionizing Data Processing and Storage

The world of technology is a bustling stage of evolving paradigms and emerging paradigms. Among these, edge computing undoubtedly stands as a crucial player. The paradigm has ever-increasing potential and applications, reshaping the way we perceive traditional computing models.

Billions of Connected Devices

In the present day, there are billions of devices, including smartphones, computers, security cameras, and machine sensors, that connect to the internet. These devices together generate massive amounts of data, mostly stored and processed over applications running in the cloud. This data-driven cloud relies on centralized data centers and platforms run by a handful of organizations.

The Advent of Edge Computing

Enter edge computing, a model that distributes the cloud’s scalable and elastic computing capabilities closer to the devices that generate and consume data. The locations for data storage and processing can vary—from an enterprise’s on-premise server, a communication service provider’s central office or cell tower, to a hyperscaler’s regional data center or an end-user’s device.

Categories of Companies Active in Edge Computing

The burgeoning world of edge computing boasts a diversified ecosystem. Although chipset makers, device manufacturers, application developers, security specialists, and system integrators significantly contribute to this ecosystem, we will mainly focus on four categories of companies. These include:

Public Cloud Hyperscalers

Communication Service Providers (CSPs)

CSPs often enjoy well-established relationships and trustworthiness with enterprise customers, forming an essential base for their Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) businesses. However, many still need to develop their strategy, value proposition, business, and operating models, partnerships, and customer-centric sales capabilities to offer and deliver these services effectively.

Infrastructure Equipment Vendors

Many IT equipment vendors are reinventing their hardware-centric product portfolios into more value-added, software-centric, and consumption-based business models. These evolving positions open up new opportunities in the edge computing landscape. For instance, HPE in 2018 devoted more than US$4 billion to build its edge computing business around the cloud and service-based business model.

Networking infrastructure vendors are also participating in this race. Given the increased spectrum availability, common architectures, and use case requirements, edge computing and private cellular networks are often implemented together. Consequently, the markets for edge computing and private cellular networks are developing in tandem.

Edge Cloud Management Platforms

Understanding the ins and outs of edge computing can open up plentiful opportunities in the IT sphere, providing a strategic edge in a data-driven world.

#edgecomputing #cloudcomputing #datacenters #internetofthings

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Microsoft Ignite 2023: Revolutionizing Future of Work with AI and Copilot Technology

As the year 2023 draws to a close, the transformational power of artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping how we work in every industry. At the forefront of these dynamic changes is Microsoft, and through our showcase event, Microsoft Ignite, we aim to highlight these advancements in AI.

The Work Trend Index: Redefining Work With Copilot

A recurring question we often encounter is: How much will Copilot impact work? Research outcomes from the Work Trend Index reveal promising results:

  1. Overall change in work: 70%
  2. Increased productivity: 68%
  3. Enhanced security: 68%
  4. Adoption speed: 4x faster
  5. Overall adoption: 64%
  6. Preference for AI solutions in services driven industries: 87%
  7. Demand for smarter solutions in IT departments: 75%
  8. Adoption in Microsoft 365: 77%

We are thrilled to announce about 100 news items focusing on varying aspects of an AI-led strategy, across industries, from adoption rates to productivity enhancements and improved security.

Microsoft Ignite 2023: AI Innovations Galore

During Ignite, we are set to announce key new innovations for our datacenter fleet, including state-of-the-art AI-optimized silicon technology from industry partners and Microsoft’s new chip designs.

Microsoft Azure Maia, Microsoft Azure Cobalt, and Azure Boost

These new additions to AI will vastly improve infrastructure options for our customers, while expanding the partnerships with silicon providers.

AMD MI300X and Azure VMs: A Game-Changing Affiliation

We are thrilled to add AMD MI300X accelerated virtual machines (VMs) to Azure, designed explicitly for AI workloads, featuring AMD’s latest GPU, the AMD Instinct MI300X.

NVIDIA H100 and H200: The New Powerhouses

Our NC H100 v5 Virtual Machine Series is being built for NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs, aimed at mid-range AI training and generative AI inferencing. We are also excited about the ND H200 v5 Virtual Machine Series, another AI-optimized VM hosting the upcoming NVIDIA H200 Tensor Core GPU.

Copilot: A Game-Changer for Microsoft and Users

We foresee a future with a Copilot for all users and tasks. The new Copilot-related updates include:

  1. Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365
  2. Microsoft Copilot Studio
  3. Microsoft Copilot for Service: providing role-based support
  4. Copilot features in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Guides
  5. Microsoft Copilot for Azure

With these new advancements, we aim to ensure everyone can leverage the power of AI tools and data connection.

Microsoft Fabric and Expanded Ecosystem

We are excited to announce Microsoft Fabric, alongside the expansion of our ecosystem, working in alliance with industry-leading partners. We are also introducing Model-as-a-Service, Azure AI Studio, and Vector Search.

AI Language Processing with GPT versions

GPT-3.5 Turbo and the newly announced GPT-4 Turbo will revolutionize language processing. For visual recognition tasks, we have DALL E 3 under the Azure AI Vision service.

Evolving Copyright Commitments

We are expanding the Customer Copyright Commitment (CCC) and introducing Azure AI Content Safety to protect users in various environments, from the classroom to the chatroom.

New Experiences in Windows 11 and Windows 365

We are introducing new experiences in Windows 11 and Windows 365 for IT and employees while unveiling several new AI and productivity tools for developers.

Unified Security Operations Platform and Security Copilot

We are introducing new technologies like the Unified Security Operations Platform and are expanding the Security Copilot.

Tags: #AI, #MicrosoftIgnite, #AzureAI, #Copilot, #Microsoft365
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