Guide to Shipping Your Next.js Application to Production: Deployment with Vercel and Self-Hosting

Next.js is a widely preferred framework for React.js. This guide will take you through the essentials of deploying your Next.js applications to production.

Deploying to Vercel

Deployment with Vercel is a breeze thanks to its zero-configuration approach. All Next.js features are supported, and with Vercel, you massively enhance your scalability, availability, and global performance.

Self-Hosting Next.js

Next.js can be self-hosted in three different ways:

  1. A Node.js Server

  2. A Docker Container

To self-host Next.js in a Docker container, you can use the docker build -t nextjs-docker . to build your Docker image, followed by docker run -p 3000:3000 nextjs-docker to run your Docker container.

  1. A Static Export

You start as a static site or Single-Page Application (SPA), and later optionally upgrade to use features that require a server.

Next.js and Server Components

Next.js allows the incremental adoption of the App Router. Also, Next.js can support both build time and runtime environment variables. By default, environment variables are only available on the server, and required on the client-side need to be prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC_.

Image Optimization with Next.js

Image optimization is a built-in feature in Next.js. By installing sharp, npm install sharp, you can alter the caching behavior of optimized images.

Next.js and Middleware

Next.js has support for Middleware. Middleware allows you to run server-side code before rendering your page. Middleware has been introduced from Next.js 12.

Next.js Caching

Next.js can cache responses, generated static pages, build outputs, and other static assets to boost performance. You can configure the Next.js cache to your particular needs.

Working with Environment Variables

Next.js has full support for environment variables and provides an easy way to use them on both the server-side and the client-side.


In production environments, you should handle process signals. If NEXT_MANUAL_SIG_HANDLE is set to true, you can manually handle SIGTERM and SIGINT signals.

In Conclusion

Next.js is an excellent choice for production-ready React.js applications thanks to its performance, adaptability, and scalability. Whether you’re deploying through Vercel or self-hosting, Next.js provides the tools and flexibility needed for you to meet your application’s needs.

Tags: #Nextjs, #Vercel, #Deployment, #SelfHosting

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