Explore Emerging Tech in Hybrid Cloud and Edge Computing at AWS re:Invent 2023

This year, AWS re:Invent is amping up the excitement by devoting a track focused solely on hybrid cloud and edge computing. Aspects like low latency and data residency, often taken for granted, will be given a whole new perspective during this conference. Get ready to imbibe insights about migration, modernization, and AWS at the far edge from industry leaders.

Expert Insights at a Glance

Starting with a comprehensive overview of AWS’s hybrid cloud and edge computing services, the event offers several session types suitable for different learning approaches, including innovation talks, breakout sessions, chalk talks, and workshops.

HYB201: The Leading Edge of AWS

Join the VP of Amazon EC2, Jan Hofmeyr, as he paints a vivid picture of AWS’s hybrid cloud and edge computing services. This leadership session offers another treat with Jun Shi, CEO and President of Accton, who will discuss how AWS hybrid, IoT, and ML services enabled smart manufacturing across Accton’s global manufacturing sites.

Low Latency: the Need of the Hour

Uncover how AWS edge infrastructure helps companies like Riot Games deliver optimal performance. Riot Games will share their journey of achieving single-digit millisecond latencies during the ‘Delivering low-latency applications at the edge’ breakout session.

Data Residency: Ensuring Regulation Compliance

Learn how organizations navigate the challenges of data residency and data protection at the edge during the ‘Navigating data residency and protecting sensitive data’ session. The importance of data residency regulations in the public sector will be a major talking point in these sessions.

The Road to Migration and Modernization

Discover successful hybrid cloud migration stories from companies that shifted from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud. Best practices for creating scale, flexibility, and cost savings will be shared in the ‘A migration strategy for edge and on-premises workloads’ session.

AWS at the Far Edge: Extending Boundaries

AWS breaks free from location constraints in the far edge segment. Remote oil rigs, defense territories, and even space, AWS reaches out to the farthest corners to deliver cloud services.

Interactive Exhibits – Amplify Your Learning Experience

The re:Invent offers an array of interactive demos that showcase how hybrid cloud and edge could prove to be game-changers. Immerse yourself in the Drone Inspector: Generative AI at the Edge demo or check out the hardware innovations inside an AWS Outposts rack at AWS Hybrid Cloud & Edge kiosk.

In Conclusion

AWS re:Invent 2023 is an unparalleled platform to explore cutting-edge technologies in hybrid cloud and edge computing. Dive into the transformative world of hybrid cloud and edge at AWS re:Invent 2023!

Tags: #AWS, #HybridCloud, #EdgeComputing, #AWSreInvent, #TechnologyTrends

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Future of PCB Technology: Insightful Trends & Forecasts till 2028

PCB or Printed Circuit Board technology is changing rapidly. It is evolving to meet the increasing demands of the electronics manufacturing industry. Here, we delve into the key insights shared in the research report “PCB Technology Trends 2023”, which encompasses the views of 60 participants, involving electronics OEMs, PCB fabricators, EMS companies, among others, globally.

Current State of PCB Fabrication

The research presents significant findings about the existing status quo in PCB fabrication. With an increasing demand for high-speed devices and systems with expanded capabilities, the PCB industry has seen remarkable innovations. The report tells an insightful tale of how booming technology trends are shaking up the PCB landscape, and how organizations are meeting these transformations head-on.

Industry Perspective

Among the respondents were 26 Electronic Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), whose perspective provides a deep understanding of the current market demands and emerging trends from the manufacturing side of the industry.

16 PCB fabricators were also part of the study, providing invaluable insights into the current state of the art in PCB manufacturing, including the techniques used and the challenges faced during fabrication.

In addition, the insights from 12 Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) companies and participants from 6 additional industry segments, show the evolving needs of the various stakeholders in the electronics industry.

Key Focus Areas

The study touches upon five major areas where the PCB industry is undergoing significant evolution.

Higher Density Boards

As devices become more compact and powerful, the demand for higher density PCBs increases. Factors such as miniaturisation and the need for improved performance are driving the transition towards increased interconnect density.

Design Concerns and Signal Integrity

Design complexity has also escalated with the introduction of faster and multifunctional devices. Concerns regarding signal integrity have assumed paramount importance, feeding into the design-related decisions.

Changing Processing and Manufacturing Techniques

As the industry strives to produce more advanced PCBs, there is a shift in processing and manufacturing methodologies. Advances such as additive manufacturing and use of novel materials have come to the forefront.

Technical Business Challenges

The report also highlights several technical business challenges, like the increasing complexity of designs, cost sensitivities, and speed-to-market pressures that are impacting how the industry operations.

Compliance and Environmental Issues

In the era of increased awareness regarding sustainability, environmental concerns have also made it to the main-stage. Compliance with environmental regulations and adoption of “green” practices have added another dimension to the industry.

Forecast Till 2028

The predictions stemming from the data drawn from these industry segments shed light on the expected changes in these aspects by 2028. The imminent changes in PCB technology, highlighted in this report, forecast an exciting future for the industry, filled with innovation and growth.

Stay tuned to witness the fascinating journey of the PCB industry!

Tags: #PCBTrends, #ElectronicsIndustry, #TechnologyForecast, #ResearchReport

Note: This blog post is based on the research report, “PCB Technology Trends 2023”, published on 10th January, 2023.

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Troubleshooting Apache Kafka: Techniques with Python Flask & OpenTelemetry

With the prevailing shift towards real-time data processing, Apache Kafka has emerged as a cornerstone of many modern application architectures. Its power and versatility have made Kafka, a widely used data-streaming platform. But, no technology is without its share of challenges, and Kafka is no different. This blog post aims to explore the common pitfalls developers face with Kafka and offer proven troubleshooting techniques to resolve them. We’d round up with a live demonstration of how to connect, consume, and debug Kafka using a Python Flask app.

Kafka and its Challenges

Apache Kafka is a distributed event streaming platform capable of handling trillions of events daily. Its high-throughput nature makes Kafka a popular choice for real-time analytics and data processing tasks. Nevertheless, Kafka’s wide-ranging capabilities bring a set of complexities that developers often struggle with. These problems include difficulty troubleshooting issues, complex architecture, resource management, etc.

Troubleshooting Kafka: Techniques to Tackle the Challenges

Explicit knowledge of the challenges is the first step towards better management. The real effort, however, is in overcoming these challenges. Here, we break down some tried-and-tested troubleshooting strategies for Kafka.

Connecting, Consuming and Debugging Kafka using Python Flask

Python Flask, a lightweight Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) web application framework, is perfect for creating smaller scale applications. Leveraging Flask applications with a Kafka backend yields significant results. In an interesting live demonstration, we will highlight how to connect to a Kafka server, consume the streaming data, and debug common issues using Python Flask.

OpenTelemetry for Kafka: Extra Visibility

OpenTelemetry serves as an observability framework that yields crucial telemetry data for debugging and tracing. A brief discussion on this would provide understanding on how integrating OpenTelemetry can give you additional visibility into your Kafka-based workflows and help in better problem-solving.


In the field of real-time data processing, understanding Kafka’s quirks is critical for ensuring reliable deployments. Through this blog post, we aim not just to shine a light on Kafka’s problematic areas but to equip you with an arsenal of techniques to combat these challenges.

By providing a live demonstration of how Python Flask can interact with Kafka and discussing the role of OpenTelemetry in gaining additional visibility, we aspire to foster a better understanding of Kafka. The goal is to realize its full potential and apply it effectively to your next data streaming project.

Tags: #ApacheKafka, #PythonFlask, #OpenTelemetry, #TroubleshootingKafka

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Driving Business Innovation with WebAssembly in Edge Technology Adoption

The evolution of technology has dramatically influenced the trajectory of business operations and user experience delivery. Today, a significant jolt is seen in the accelerating adoption of edge technologies, driven by the need for engaging, real-time personal device experiences, and injecting computational power directly into industrial processes and appliances. According to NTT’s 2023 Edge Report, almost 70% of enterprises are expediting edge adoption to achieve a competitive edge and resolve essential business issues.

The Reach of Applications at the Edge

Applications in Cosmonic have the capability to run on any edge, whether it’s public clouds or users at ‘the far edge.’ The edge, it turns out, is a space of immense potential. Speedier adoption at the edge enhances performance, precision, and productivity by offering progressive, mobile-first architectures, and finely-tuned user experiences. These outcomes are delivered exactly when and where they’re needed, facilitated by emerging server-side standards like WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) and the WebAssembly Component Model. As a result, edge solutions are seeing faster delivery, increased features, and reduced costs.

Abstraction: The Pathway to Simplification

Over the past two decades, phenomenal progress has been accomplished in simplifying complex dimensions in the development experience. The strategy? Transitioning these layers to standardized platforms. This has facilitated a streamlined development effort, faster market penetration, and an accelerated pace of innovation with each succeeding wave.

Epochs of Technology: VMs to Kubernetes

From the initiation of Virtual Machines (VMs) to the emergence of Kubernetes, there’s a clear evolution in technology development that has optimized and simplified tasks for developers. Kubernetes’ ability to automate deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications has revolutionized the tech sphere.

Exploring Wasm’s Edge Advantages

The WebAssembly Component Model: A Game-Changer

WebAssembly (or Wasm) has emerged as a competent force in the tech space, promising safer, faster, and more efficient applications. Wasm’s platform-agnostic nature makes it a perfect tool for various operating systems including Windows, Linux, and Mac, promising fewer vulnerabilities and a seamless application experience.

Empowering Developers and Enterprises

Platforms that offer Wasm support present an attractive proposition for developers and enterprises. Developers find the simplicity and flexibility appealing, while enterprises are intrigued by the potential for better performance and productivity that such platforms offer.

Unleashing Wasm at the Edge

Impacting Consumer Edge: Streaming and More

The capabilities of Wasm can be leveraged at the consumer edge too. For example, streaming services can deliver unique, immersive experiences with Wasm, which are unmatched by conventional technology stacks.

Revolutionizing the Development Edge

Titans of industry, like Amazon, Disney, BMW, Shopify, and Adobe, have been pioneers in harnessing the power of the edge utilizing Wasm, setting an example for companies across the spectrum. The power and potential of Wasm in shaping and transforming the development landscape are immense, from back-end processes at the edge to user experiences on the farthest edge.

Tags: #WebAssembly #EdgeTechnology #WasmOnTheEdge #EdgeAdoption

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Exploring and Understanding the Rise of Microservices Architecture in 2021

Microservices architecture is gaining traction across a range of major tech companies, from Amazon to eBay, Netflix to PayPal, and Twitter to Uber. But what exactly is this architecture, and why is it so beneficial?

What is Microservices Architecture?

Microservices are especially helpful for large applications that must quickly and flexibly scale. Unlike traditional, monolithic software, microservices are deployable independently and can be combined in any configuration to meet the needs of an applications.

At its core, the microservice architecture comprises three major principles:

  1. Service isolation: Each service should function autonomously from other services within its eco-system.
  2. Service autonomy: Each service has its own APIs, data stores, and business logic.
  3. Service composition: Multiple services can work together to form large applications.

Designing Microservices Architecture

When designing a microservices architecture, there are several important considerations.

  • Service isolation: Each microservice should be created to operate autonomously from other services within its ecosystem.
  • Service Autonomy: Each service must possess its own APIs, data stores, and business logic.
  • Service Composition: Services should communicate among themselves to form larger applications.
  • Scalability: Architecture should allow services to scale independently, enabling flexible deployment options.
  • Deployability: Each service should be independently deployable.

Monitoring Microservices

Monitoring and managing microservices can be a difficult task. They might have been designed for scaling purposes, but they still require oversight to ensure smooth running. This entails understanding their purpose, performance metrics, and any errors or exceptions that might arise, and then taking any appropriate action required.

Managing the architecture of these microservices is also important. This may involve deploying new services, updating existing ones, and setting up alerting and logging systems.

Challenges of Microservices Architecture

Despite its increasing popularity due to flexibility and scalability, Microservices architecture pose several unique considerations.

  • Security Concerns: A microservices architecture may introduce additional security risks due to increased system complexity.
  • Data Consistency: Ensuring consistency can be challenging with multiple services accessing shared data.
  • Performance: Efficient distribution of data between services and effective collaboration can be an issue with numerous interconnected services.
  • Cost: The cost of running a microservices architecture can quickly add up.

Real-World Examples of Implemented Microservice Architectures

  1. Netflix: This global streaming service provider relied on the flexibility and scalability of microservices to cater to their over 137 million global subscribers.
  2. Amazon: Responding to the need for rapid scale and updating their e-commerce platform was made possible by a shift to microservices architecture.
  3. Uber: Aided by a microservices architecture, Uber was able to decrease operational costs.
  4. Spotify: The scalability provided by microservices architecture helps Spotify to handle its ever-increasing music streaming demand.

Future of Microservices Architecture

As we proceed into the digital future of 2021 and beyond, we can expect the prevalence and importance of microservices architectures to grow. This is especially true as DevOps practices gain popularity, with developers able to implement changes quickly and efficiently using the microservice architecture.

As firms continue to integrate artificial intelligence and cloud computing into their services, flexible and scalable architectures like microservices will become more and more critical.

Tags: #Microservices #DevOps #Scalability #SoftwareDesign

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Real-world Marketing Practice: University of Lynchburg Students Partner with Claytor Nature Center

Dr. Tim Schauer teaching a class

The students at the University of Lynchburg took a leap forward in merging their studying and real-world practice under the guidance of Dr. Tim Schauer in the Social Media Marketing class. His vision is to give students an insight into marketing through a platform with which they are familiar — social media.

Class with Live Projects

The process of turning a user of social media into a marketer who understands how to leverage the technology is one of the primary aims of these sessions. Dr. Schauer’s cool approach led to a partnership with Claytor Nature Center.

Students discussing their ideas

The students in Schauer’s class, instead of relying solely on theory, planned and created a comprehensive social media marketing plan to be presented to their client — Claytor Nature Center. They challenged their team management and presentation skills, aligned their strategies, audited the center’s existing efforts, identified audiences, and sought options for influencer partnerships.

At the Ground Level

The adrenaline rush is thrilling for the students, marketing major Evan Gavin ’24 notes, “The most exciting part of the project is being able to help Claytor.”. Talking about challenges, Lindsey Hair ’24, a statistics and data science major, confesses, “trying to come up with ideas that are not very costly. A lot of my first ideas were expensive and [we] had to find a way to either make them inexpensive or brainstorm other ideas.”

Goals and Future

Dr. Schauer in class

Working on live projects takes the learning experience to another level. Half of the class already has plans to work in this field or explore it as an option. Seeing the demand for social media classes, the University plans to introduce a Digital Media Marketing major this fall.

Finally, with a word of encouragement, Dr. Schauer reminds that you have to market yourself.

Tags: #SocialMediaMarketing #PracticalLearning #UniversityOfLynchburg #ClaytorNatureCenter

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Key ABCs to Personal Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Digital Footprint

With the relentless progress of technology in recent times, cybersecurity threats equally seem to be going up at an alarming rate. Cyber attacks are not only becoming more common, but also increasingly sophisticated. Protecting your digital data is of paramount importance in this digital age and the onus lies with us as individuals to secure our online lives. Therein lies the importance of this definitive guide providing you top-notch tips from A to Z to help secure your information and have a safe online adventure.

A: Always Logout

Ensure you properly log out after concluding online transactions. Needless lingering on online platforms increases vulnerability to cyber attacks.

B: Beware of Click Traps

Always exercise careful discretion with your clicks, especially on untrusted sources or suspicious links.

C: Clear Your Digital Traces

After your online sessions are complete, delete browsing history and clear cookies to limit information exposure.

D: Don’t Carry Your PIN

Avoid carrying your PIN number in your wallet. It is more secure to memorize it.

E: Enlighten Yourself

Stay informed about the latest advancements in cybersecurity measures and implement them as needed.

F: Follow the Rules

Strictly adhere to the rules of social networking and maintain professional relationships at all times.

G: Guard Your Personal Information

Refrain from giving out your personal information without considering the potential risks involved.

H: Harbor a Positive Online Presence

Make sure your online presence is positive by sharing appropriate content and behaving respectfully.

I: Install Anti-virus Protection

Ensure your devices are protected with updated anti-virus software.

J: Jobs Against Fake News

Take the initiative to curb the spread of fake news. Do your part to maintain the integrity of information shared online.

K: Keep Software Updated

Frequently update your systems and software. Most updates come with improved security features.

L: Lock Your Devices

Never leave your devices unlocked when not in use.

M: Monitor Your Accounts

Regularly check your online accounts for unusual activities, reporting any suspicious activity to the relevant authority.

N: No Trust in Forward Messages

Never blindly believe forwarded messages. Always verify their authenticity before acting.

O: Only Trusted Sources for Apps & Software

Ensure all your apps and software are downloaded from reliable sources.

P: Public Wi-Fi With Caution

Be extra cautious when using public Wi-Fi. Use VPNs and avoid making financial transactions if possible.

Q: Quarantine Unused Apps

Isolate and uninstall unused apps or those that no longer serve any purpose. They might be potential security threats.

R: Respect Privacy

Others have the right to their online privacy, just as you do.

S: Scan Downloads from Internet

Always scan files downloaded from the internet before opening or installing them.

T: Turn on Automatic Updates

Enable automatic updates for your operating system. This ensures that you get the latest security patches promptly.

U: Use Strong Passwords

Include personal acronyms in your passwords to add another layer of complexity to them.

V: Verify Online Contacts

Always ascertain the identity of those you interact with online.

W: Watch Out for Online Scams

Keep an eye out for suspicious online activities that seem like scams.

X: Xtra Protection for Financial Transactions

Make sure that your online financial transactions have extra layers of protection.

Y: You Are Responsible

Taking your cybersecurity seriously makes you a responsible, cyber-aware citizen.

Z: Zero Dark Web Activity

Avoid involvement with the dark web. Activities conducted on it are generally illicit and highly risky.

In conclusion, each and everyone of us has a role to play in securing our online lives. Do not be complacent. Be vigilant and practice good cyber hygiene at all times. Stay safe!

Tags: #Cybersecurity #OnlineSafety #DataProtection #InternetHygiene

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2023 Digital Marketing: Entrepreneur’s Guide to Emerging Trends and Profitable Business Ideas

Welcome to the interactive realm of digital marketing that has transformed the business arena with innovative strategies, customer-centric approaches, and an expedited loop of market penetration. In an era where data-driven strategies are shaping entrepreneurial success, grasping onto the digital reins is integral for remarkable growth and global impact.

Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur prepping up for a start-up or a seasoned veteran looking to diversify, this guide will walk you through all you need to understand to tailor a prosperous digital marketing venture.

Table of Contents

  1. Deciphering the Digital Marketing Business
  2. The Framework of a Winning Business Idea
  3. The Promise of 2023: Top Business Ideas to Watch Out For
  4. Perks of a Digital Marketing Business
  5. 2023 Digital Landscape: Emerging Trends to Leverage

Before we unravel the dynamics of the digital marketing arena, let’s briefly understand why this world is worthy of exploration.

Deciphering the Digital Marketing Business

Traditional marketing techniques are undergoing seismic evolution as digital marketing emerges as the new frontier for businesses to thrive. The growth-inducing potential of digital marketing strategies is remarkably scalable, employing diverse channels to foster prosperous interactions with the target audience.

The digital marketing strategies encompass a wide array of channels, including Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content creation, and potent email campaigns. The digital realm offers a pool of opportunities, irrespective of business size or niche.

Digital Marketing Business

The Framework of a Winning Business Idea

A tailor-made, dedicated business idea serves the readers’ delight and becomes the cornerstone of your venture. Let’s explore the essential components of formulating a smart, winning business idea:

Identifying Business Goals

A well-defined set of business goals is the compass guiding your efforts towards meaningful outcomes. Clarity regarding objectives enables you to draft an effective strategy for their realization, whether in terms of brand awareness, customer retention, or sales conversion.

Evaluating Target Audience

Understanding the needs, preferences, and demographics of your target audience will enable you to draft personalized content and strategies, fostering an amplified reach and engagement.

Deciding the Digital Marketing Strategy

The right culmination of multiple strategies, tailored to your specific business goals and target audience, is the key to realizing success in the digital realm.

The Promise of 2023: Top Business Ideas to Watch Out For

Enroute to the future, let’s explore some promising digital marketing business ideas you can capitalize on in 2023:

  • Content Creation and Marketing Services
  • Video Marketing Services
  • Influencer Marketing Agency
  • AI-Powered Chatbot Development
  • Voice Search Optimization Services
  • E-commerce Marketing Specialists

Perks of a Digital Marketing Business

Embarking on a digital marketing venture offers a plethora of benefits, ranging from lower operational costs to higher sales and profits, and a global reach.

2023 Digital Landscape: Emerging Trends to Leverage

As we step into 2023, these are the trends to harness for a prosperous digital marketing business:

  • Mobile Shopping Dominance
  • AI and Machine Learning Integration
  • AR and VR Experiences
  • Adoption of Voice and Visual Search
  • Increasing Focus on Personalization and Customization
  • Data Privacy and Protection
  • Sustainability and Ethical Marketing

Are you excited to navigate this exhilarating journey and take your business to the next level?

Join the Alibaba.com community today! [#Complete]

Tags: #DigitalMarketing, #BusinessStrategy, #2023Trends, #Entrepreneurship
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Revolutionizing Software Testing with AI: Top 7 AI-Powered Testing Tools

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to make waves in various domains, its influence on software testing and Quality Assurance (QA) methodologies can scarcely be overlooked. Test automation, backed by the revolutionary potential of AI, now boasts enhanced efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and reliability, marking a significant leap from the traditional waterfall model to a landscape now dominated by DevOps and Agile development principles.

In this blog post, we explore the transformative impact of AI-driven testing, and introduce some key tools for AI-powered test automation.

The Emergence of AI-Driven Tools for Test Automation

The remarkable progress in test automation tools has been instrumental in restructuring the discipline of QA methodologies. The AI-enabled tools outperform their conventional counterparts through their easy-to-maintain features leveraging AI capabilities. They possess self-healing functionalities and autonomously correct test scripts based on alterations in the application. This automatic adjustment of tests whenever changes occur conserves time and streamlines the process.

The AI-powered tools hold a strong allure in the market as enterprises are eager to infuse AI into their automation lifecycles. Let’s look at seven such tools currently dominating the market.

1. Testsigma

Testsigma offers a multitude of features aimed at making the test development process effortless and simplified. It employs Natural Language Processing for creating easily understandable test scenarios. The tool is equipped with functionalities that bolster its capabilities and minimize maintenance.

2. TestCraft

With support for multiple programming languages, TestCraft excels in facilitating developers in creating scripts in various languages and executing them within the tool. It also offers integration capabilities, making it an efficient tool for comprehensive testing.


Offering swift test automation development, ACCELQ is a tool that minimizes maintenance efforts and offers seamless adaption to fast-release changes. Its capability to harness AI to automatically generate test cases makes it an essential tool in AI-driven test automation.

4. Applitools

Applitools stands out for providing visual test analytics and comprehensive test management capabilities. Its ability to integrate with existing tests eliminates the need for new scripts, thus saving time and resources.

5. Testim

An ideal tool for organizations seeking automated tests for user testing, Testim does not require a transition of the QA team into an automation-focused unit. Its intuitive and user-friendly UI/UX design makes it an attractive option.

6. Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs features an error-reporting tool that actively monitors and generates detailed error reports. Furthermore, its capabilities extend to cross-browser testing and the monitoring of APIs, making it a comprehensive tool for robust testing.

7. Functionize

The power of Natural Language Processing (NLP) makes Functionize an user-friendly testing platform. Forming test cases is as simple as typing plain English descriptions. It quickly generates thousands of tests, covering a broad range of desktop and mobile browsers.

Concluding Remarks

While automated test suites may not always simplify your testing efforts, a well-crafted Test Automation strategy is vital in realizing the intended return on investment (ROI) for automation. Therefore, defining goals for Test Automation, whether it’s fast-tracking testing for enhanced time-to-market or executing more inclusive tests within the existing timeframe, is of chief importance.

Tags: #AIDrivenTesting, #TestAutomation, #QAmethodologies, #SoftwareTesting

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Emerging Trends in Web Development: Hyperlocal Future with Serverless Edge Computing and WebAssembly

As we step into 2023, two emerging trends in the field of web development demand our attention: Serverless Edge Computing and a combination of WebAssembly and Service/ Web Workers.

The Intersection

At first glance, these two trends seem to exist in parallel universes. But on deeper examination, they intersect at the heart of what promises to be a hyperlocal future of the web.


Diving Deeper: Serverless Edge Computing

Deno, the secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript, proclaims that “The Future of the Web is on the Edge”.

In this era of edge computing and serverless functions, we’ve once again returned to allowing servers to carry out most of the work. This system involves delivering predominantly HTML and CSS.

Distinguishing this approach is the presence of globally-distributed ‘edge networks’ significantly reducing the latency when delivering server-rendered content to our web applications. Meanwhile, ‘serverless’ functions have drastically reduced the need for managing resources.

Previously, Amazon Web Services (AWS) reigned supreme in this realm. However, we now see an expansion in the list of vendors for app distribution, including CloudFlare, Vercel, Render, and Deno Deploy.

WebAssembly and Service Workers

WebAssembly, now in its sixth year, constitutes an exciting development. Native to browsers for approximately three years now, and with version 2.0 currently in draft, WebAssembly has revolutionized web development.

At its core, WebAssembly enables compiled binaries of non-JavaScript languages such as Rust to run in the browser at speeds rivaling native application performance. It’s somewhat like integrating a server into your browser, facilitating complex work such as 3D rendering much faster than possible with JavaScript.

When we integrate WebAssembly and service workers, we can develop powerful web applications that offload work from the server to the client by delivering an extensive set of JavaScript codes.

But doesn’t this contradict our first approach: server-first edge network applications?

The Best of Both Worlds


Edge networks paired with serverless compute providers are already offering capabilities to implement WebAssembly on their platforms. It facilitates truly write-once-run-everywhere code packages.

Simultaneously, service workers enable client applications to fetch and cache assets. Edge nodes, located in the vicinity, can significantly hasten the downloading of these assets.

Usually, a serverless function will process an initial app request in the normal app lifecycle, while subsequent requests run natively in the client. This gives developers incredible flexibility in optimizing where their application performs the bulk of its processing.

The Road Ahead

This new paradigm of server-first development coupled with the idea of universally runnable WebAssembly is still developing. The ability to intelligently manage server-client handoffs with service workers is still in its early stages, and it is interesting to observe how it will evolve.

As edge networks multiply and competition intensifies among providers, we’re eager to see what potential unfolds. Services that deploy your app across varied edge networks, ensuring near data-center communications for your users, might soon become commonplace.

The possibility of municipalities investing in this infrastructure opens up an intriguing prospect: instead of private corporations, local governments could host your app, with server compute functionality literally in your users’ backyards.

The combination of hyper-specialized edge networks and the client-side computing power of WebAssembly and service workers could possibly reduce latency and boost app performance significantly, resembling native offline desktop applications. This is the hyperlocal future of the web, and it’s just about to materialize.

Tags: #WebDevelopment, #ServerlessEdgeComputing, #WebAssembly, #ServiceWorkers

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