Guide to JavaScript Frameworks: Overview & Getting Started with React, Ember, Vue, Svelte & Angular

As an aspiring front-end developer, the presence of several frameworks might seem overwhelming. This blog post aims to introduce these modern tools that have become a standard piece of equipment for nearly all businesses today.

The Need for a Framework

Firstly, let’s discuss the significance of a framework and why you should consider using them for web development. JavaScript frameworks solve multiple problems for developers. They simplify the process of building web applications, provide an organized structure to your code, help in developing scalable applications, and even assist in maintaining code consistency.

Moreover, when it comes to opting for a job in front-end development companies, having practiced a framework increases your appeal.

Choosing a Framework

Choosing a framework depends on the nature of the project you’re working on. Things you’d need to consider include the complexity of the project, community support for the framework, the learning curve, updates, and general popularity.

Understanding how the chosen framework operates in general, its relation to “vanilla” JavaScript, and the differentiating elements of each framework is vital. Do remember that selecting a framework isn’t related to mastering it completely, rather starting with the basics.

We aim to provide you with enough touchdown that would aid you in understanding the framework are key.


Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript is essential to get started with these frameworks. This understanding aids you in writing elegant, professional-grade code and fixes problems with utmost confidence.

Diving Into Frameworks

We’ll now introduce some of the renowned JavaScript frameworks.

React Framework

React simplifies the job of updating the DOM, handling browser events, and maintaining code. Some of the tasks we’ll cover include:

  • Understanding the basics of React.
  • Creating a React todo list app.
  • Breaking the app into manageable components.
  • Adding interactivity to the app.
  • Editing, filtering, conditional rendering in the app.
  • Enhancing accessibility in React.

Ember Framework

With Ember, we’ll learn about the framework, configure the Ember toolchain, build a sample app and set it up for further development. We’ll also learn about the componentization and structural planning of the application.

Vue Framework

Using Vue, we’ll cover the basics, create a new project, understand the project’s structure, and run the project locally. Later we will discuss how to create and render Vue components.

Svelte Framework

We’ll start with understanding the Svelte framework. Some of the features we will cover include: dynamic behavior, react, using Svelte stores, and TypeScript support in Svelte.

Angular Framework

In Angular, we’ll learn how to build an app ready for production. You’ll get to know your application structure and work up to display a basic list of to-do items.

The Choice of Frameworks

While there are a plethora of frameworks available, we’ve chosen and discussed widely renowned and used frameworks, each possessing strong community support and excellent documentation.

#JavaScriptFrameWorks #React #Ember #Vue #Svelte #Angular
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