Marques Brownlee’s Apple Vision Pro Impressions


Marques Brownlee shares his impressions of Apple's spatial computing device, the Apple Vision Pro.

Content Summary


  • The video starts with an introduction to the Apple Vision Pro.

What is it

  • At 0:28, Marques discusses what the Apple Vision Pro VR headset is.

How does it work

  • By 1:22, he explains the working mechanism of the headset.


  • In-depth discussion on computing aspects of the device begins at 7:28.

No Haptics

  • At 14:43, the lack of haptic feedback on the VR headset is addressed.


  • The weight of the headset is talked about at 15:50.

Battery Life

  • Marques gives insight into the battery life at 16:41.


  • The video concludes with his final thoughts at 17:43.

Additional Information

  • The content was published on June 5, 2023, and gathered over 17 million views.
  • The video includes references to other technologies and provides links to resources such as the podcast and merchandise store.
  • Marques Brownlee's channel has 18 million subscribers, indicating a wide audience for tech impressions and reviews.

Contextual Remarks

  • The Apple Vision Pro is a highly priced VR headset ($3500), and Marques Brownlee's insights can help potential buyers with their decision-making.
  • His impressions are of particular interest given his reputation for honest and thorough tech reviews.
  • The video appears to be part of a larger discussion on current and future tech trends, with Marques often exploring emerging technologies and their potential impact.

Marques Brownlee's Apple Vision Pro Impressions provide a detailed look at Apple's venture into spatial computing with a focus on functionality, wearability, and value from a trusted voice in the tech review space.

Tags: #AppleVisionPro, #MarquesBrownlee, #TechReview, #SpatialComputing