Understanding Electron.js: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover what is Electron.js by learning more about its history.

If you're looking to understand Electron.js, you've come to the right place. This article covers what Electron.js is, its key features, architecture, developer tools, and how to set up your first Electron.js project.

What is Electron.js?

Electron.js is a framework that allows developers to create desktop-suite applications using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. It facilitates the process of working with cross-platform applications that can operate on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

A Brief History

Electron.js began in 2013 as an initiative to create a cross-platform text editor, known today as Atom. Originally dubbed Atom Shell, Electron.js has evolved into a robust tool for developers embracing web technologies.

Discover what is Electron.js by learning more about its history.

Key Features of Electron.js

Electron.js integrates web applications with desktop environments, harnessing the capabilities of Node.js APIs. It simplifies the development process by supporting native menus, dialogs, notifications, and automatic updates through npm modules.

Why Electron.js Matters

Electron.js caters to the complexities of desktop application development, such as packaging, installation, and updates. By providing built-in solutions, Electron.js enables developers to concentrate on their application's core features.

Electron from a Business Perspective

Using Electron.js can be highly beneficial for businesses, as it utilizes existing web technologies and development teams. This can lead to faster time to market and better utilization of resources.

A Look at Electron.js Architecture

Electron.js is composed of a blend of technologies: Node.js serves as the base, Chrome as the middle layer, and V8 JavaScript Engine as the topping.

  • Libchromiumcontent: A rendering library from Chromium.
  • Node.js: Allows JavaScript to run outside the browser.
  • V8 JavaScript Engine: Developed by Google, used for compiling JavaScript directly to native machine code.

Electron.js's Working Process


The main process is responsible for bootstrapping the application and handling system integration.

UI Rendering

Render processes manage the application’s user interface.

Getting Started with Your First Electron.js Application

Creating a Basic "Hello World" Application

To start, you need to create three files: package.json, main.js, and index.html.

  1. Use yarn init to create the package.json file:
    Electron.js Hello world installation — Step 1 code block.
  2. Modify package.json and add a start script:
    Electron.js Hello world installation — Step 2 code block.
  3. Install Electron:
    Electron.js Hello world installation — Step 3 code block.
  4. To start the app, use the following command:
    Electron.js Hello world installation — Step 4 code block.
  5. Add scripts to the main.js file to start the app and render HTML.
  6. Create index.html as the page to be rendered.

Trying Out Different Electron.js Features

There is a range of applications you can build with Electron.js – from media players to mapping applications. Experimenting with the platform will showcase its versatility.

Table comparing Electron.js APIs.


This guide aimed to provide a deep dive into Electron.js, highlighting its definition, features, architecture, and practical steps to get started. With its robust framework, Electron.js stands as a powerful tool for creating desktop applications using web technologies.

  • Electron.js
  • Desktop application development
  • Cross-platform software
  • JavaScript frameworks
