The Ultimate Guide to Building React Projects: 7 Fun and Educational Ideas


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on building React projects! In this article, we will explore seven unique and fun project ideas that will not only enhance your React skills but also provide you with practical hands-on experience.

1. Image Carousel

Final Result

How to Build It

To create the image carousel, we will use React’s core library and the latest React version (18). The carousel should allow users to navigate backwards or forwards between images by clicking on buttons. The images can be stored in a simple array, and we will use React’s useState hook to manage the current image state. By updating the state, we can display the previous or next image as per the user’s button click.

In addition, we can add a CSS transition to animate the image as it changes, creating a visually appealing effect. This project will help you grasp essential React concepts, such as storing and updating state using useState, working with conditionals for displaying elements using ternaries, and using lists, keys, and .map() for rendering multiple components.

2. FAQ/Accordion

Final Result

How to Build It

The FAQ accordion component is another commonly used component that utilizes state. It allows users to reveal and hide content by clicking on accordion buttons. By toggling state using useState, you can ensure that each accordion opens or closes upon button press. You will also learn how to implement simple conditionals, such as the && operator, to display content only when the accordion state is open. You can create an entire FAQ section by rendering multiple accordion components and passing data to each component using props. This project will further enhance your understanding of React state management and data passing between components.

3. Quote Generator

Final Result

How to Build It

The quote generator project will introduce you to making HTTP requests and working with external APIs in React. Using the useEffect hook, you can fetch quotes from an external API as a “side effect” and store them in your app state, named quotes. By selecting a random quote from the array of fetched quotes and updating the state variable quote, you can display a new quote to the user. To make the process interactive, add a “New Quote” button that fetches a new random quote from the array when clicked. By utilizing the optional chaining operator ?, you can ensure that no errors occur when accessing the quote object’s properties in your app.

4. Shopping List

Final Result

How to Build It

The shopping list project will focus on managing and updating lists in React. Using the array spread operator, you can add new items to an array stored in your local state. Additionally, you will learn how to delete items from the list using JavaScript’s filter function. The project will also familiarize you with handling form inputs and retrieving their values when the user submits the form, using the onSubmit event handler. For added functionality, you can enable users to double-click on each item to strike through it, visually indicating its completion. This project provides hands-on experience with updating lists, using JavaScript array methods, and working with forms in React.

5. GitHub User Search

Final Result

How to Build It

The GitHub User Search project allows users to search for GitHub users based on their username or email using an input field. By storing the input value in the state variable query, you can perform an HTTP request to the GitHub API endpoint using the fetch API. Once the user profile data is fetched, you can display relevant information, such as the user’s name, avatar, and a link to their profile. To make the search functionality more user-friendly, consider implementing real-time search as the user types. Implementing a debounce function will ensure that the API is not overwhelmed with too many requests. This project will further enhance your skills in handling HTTP requests, updating state, and creating responsive user interfaces.

6. Video Player

Final Result

How to Build It

The video player project leverages React’s ability to work with the HTML <video> element and toggle between different videos. Users will be able to select different videos using a radio input. This project will teach you how to work with radio inputs in forms, pass props from parent components (Menu and Video) to child components, and implement the lifting state up pattern. By adding buttons to control features like autoplay and loop, you can enhance the functionality of the video player. This project showcases the importance of passing functions as props and managing state across components.

7. BMI Calculator

Final Result

How to Build It

The BMI calculator project focuses on using range inputs to allow users to select their weight and height interactively. By storing the weight and height values in state variables, you can calculate the user’s body mass index (BMI) whenever these values change. The project uses the useMemo hook to perform performant calculations based on the updated weight and height state. This project gives you hands-on experience with range inputs, performing calculations, and updating state based on user input.


Congratulations on completing this ultimate guide to building React projects! We have explored seven unique and educational project ideas that will help you solidify your React skills. By implementing these projects, you have gained hands-on experience in core React concepts such as state management, handling HTTP requests, working with external APIs, and creating responsive user interfaces. Keep on coding, and continue building new and exciting projects using React.


React, React project ideas, React components, useState, useEffect, HTTP requests, APIs, forms, state management, lifting state up

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