Gartner’s Forecast: Top 8 Tech Trends that will Drive Digital Transformation by 2024

The tech landscape undergoes rapid and ceaseless transformation. This ceaseless transformation brings forth revolutionary concepts and tech trends to the forefront. A comprehensive understanding of these shifts is paramount. Such insights became the vital business pillar for the Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo, where technological innovation and strategy met to predict the course of digital disruption. In this post, we are diving into analysts Bart Willemsen and Chris Howard’s key takeaways recorded at the Symposium, which highlighted the top strategic technology trends for 2024.

Democratized Generative AI

The effectiveness of Generative AI (GenAI) can make vast information sources, both internal and external, accessible to business users. Enterprises are adopting GenAI rapidly, bringing about significant democratization in corporate knowledge and skills. With large language models, businesses can connect their employees with knowledge in a conversational style, allowing a more in-depth semantic understanding.

AI Trust, Risk and Security Management (TRiSM)

As technological advancements zoom forward, so do the associated risks. The concept of AI TRiSM is gaining momentum as it aims at mitigating the risks and securing the operations of AI applications. Businesses applying AI TRiSM controls can expect elevated accuracy in decision-making processes by negating up to 80% of faulty and illegitimate information, as predicted by Gartner.

AI-Augmented Development

The AI-assisted software engineering trend points towards a shift in development methodologies, where AI steps in to aid the development process. Intelligent Applications close the gap in the market induced by the talent shortage, offering solutions that can streamline workflows, enhance efficiency and reduce error margins.

Augmented-Connected Workforce

Approximately 25% of CIOs aim to use augmented-connected workforce initiatives by 2027 to reduce time-to-competency by 50% for key roles, as projected by Gartner. This trend reveals the potential benefits of integrating augmented reality and IoT technologies in shaping tomorrow’s workforce.

Continuous Threat Exposure Management

Security investments directed towards continuous threat exposure management signify growing concerns over cybersecurity. As the enterprise landscape becomes more complex, the need for advanced and continuous threat management solutions becomes inevitable.

Machine Customers

Another trend worth noting is the emergence of Machine Customers. This concept is driving businesses to devise strategies and plan interactions for automated entities, thereby revolutionizing customer management norms.

Sustainable Technology

Sustainable technology, or more specifically, technologies reducing energy consumption, are on a surge given the increasing focus on sustainability and environmental concerns.

Platform Engineering

Lastly, Gartner acknowledges the rise of Industry Cloud Platforms as part of platform engineering. These specialized platforms are gaining traction as the choice of tech architecture to build mission-critical industry-specific applications.

The conversations that took place during the Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo only reiterate the accelerating pace of digital evolution, pushing businesses to adapt, innovate or get left behind. The symposium offered an amalgamation of tech foresight, revealing the course of the global technological landscape.

If you are interested in further exploring these topics and connecting with industry peers, do mark these dates for the next Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo events: Barcelona, Spain (November 6-9); Tokyo, Japan (November 13-15); Kochi, India (November 28-30).

Stay informed, stay ahead!

Tags: #GartnerSYM, #AIFuture, #TechnologyTrends, #StrategicInnovation

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