Exploring Edge Computing: Revolutionizing Data Processing and Storage

The world of technology is a bustling stage of evolving paradigms and emerging paradigms. Among these, edge computing undoubtedly stands as a crucial player. The paradigm has ever-increasing potential and applications, reshaping the way we perceive traditional computing models.

Billions of Connected Devices

In the present day, there are billions of devices, including smartphones, computers, security cameras, and machine sensors, that connect to the internet. These devices together generate massive amounts of data, mostly stored and processed over applications running in the cloud. This data-driven cloud relies on centralized data centers and platforms run by a handful of organizations.

The Advent of Edge Computing

Enter edge computing, a model that distributes the cloud’s scalable and elastic computing capabilities closer to the devices that generate and consume data. The locations for data storage and processing can vary—from an enterprise’s on-premise server, a communication service provider’s central office or cell tower, to a hyperscaler’s regional data center or an end-user’s device.

Categories of Companies Active in Edge Computing

The burgeoning world of edge computing boasts a diversified ecosystem. Although chipset makers, device manufacturers, application developers, security specialists, and system integrators significantly contribute to this ecosystem, we will mainly focus on four categories of companies. These include:

Public Cloud Hyperscalers

Communication Service Providers (CSPs)

CSPs often enjoy well-established relationships and trustworthiness with enterprise customers, forming an essential base for their Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) businesses. However, many still need to develop their strategy, value proposition, business, and operating models, partnerships, and customer-centric sales capabilities to offer and deliver these services effectively.

Infrastructure Equipment Vendors

Many IT equipment vendors are reinventing their hardware-centric product portfolios into more value-added, software-centric, and consumption-based business models. These evolving positions open up new opportunities in the edge computing landscape. For instance, HPE in 2018 devoted more than US$4 billion to build its edge computing business around the cloud and service-based business model.

Networking infrastructure vendors are also participating in this race. Given the increased spectrum availability, common architectures, and use case requirements, edge computing and private cellular networks are often implemented together. Consequently, the markets for edge computing and private cellular networks are developing in tandem.

Edge Cloud Management Platforms

Understanding the ins and outs of edge computing can open up plentiful opportunities in the IT sphere, providing a strategic edge in a data-driven world.

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