Evolution and Diversity in the API Landscape

The Dominance of REST

REST, or Representational State Transfer, is the most common architectural style for web APIs and enjoys a usage rate of 86% among developers. While the usage has diminished slightly from 92% over two years, it still maintains its position due to its simplicity, scalability, and seamless integration with web services.

REST Architecture and Its Traits

REST relies on the standard HTTP methods and provides simplicity, modularity, and platform-agnostic design. It comes with mature tools and broad community support. However, it faces issues like over-fetching/under-fetching of data, versioning challenges, and stateless operation that can introduce overhead.

Webhooks for Real-Time Communication

Webhooks enable real-time, event-driven communication without the need for constant polling. This method, used by 36% of developers, is efficient and flexible, but it is not without challenges such as error handling and potential overload due to its real-time nature.

GraphQL's Growing Popularity

GraphQL, adopted by 29% of developers, offers strongly-typed schemas and precise data retrieval, reducing over-fetching. Its real-time updates and applications in complex queries are significant benefits, but it comes with a learning curve and potential resource overuse.

The Reliability of SOAP

SOAP, with its strong typing, built-in security, and ACID transaction support, offers reliable messaging and neutrality across languages and platforms. However, it's seen as complex and verbose, which may contribute to its limited community support and perceived rigidity.

Real-Time Communication via WebSocket

WebSocket is a protocol that provides real-time, bidirectional communication, favored in chat applications and online games. It boasts efficiency with its persistent connection but can be complex to implement and may have network limitations.

High-Performance gRPC

gRPC, utilized for inter-service communication, is known for its performance and multi-language support. It works with custom methods and facilitates streaming, but it faces hurdles in browser compatibility and debugging.

The Other Contenders

In addition to the major players, the API world includes specialized protocols like MQTT, AMQP, SSE, EDI, and EDA, which serve niche areas such as IoT and B2B transactions.

Conclusion: A Diverse and Evolving API Ecosystem

The API ecosystem is diverse, and while REST remains a solid choice, developers are exploring alternatives to address specific needs. Real-time communication is highly valued, as evidenced by the rising use of webhooks and WebSocket. Developers benefit from a multi-protocol approach, selecting from REST, GraphQL, gRPC, and others to create robust, efficient APIs.


#API #REST #GraphQL #WebSocket #TechnologyTrends


Ratatui TUI Library: An Overview


Ratatui is a Text-based User Interface (TUI) library that provides the necessary components to build feature-rich, interactive command-line applications.


To install Ratatui, you can use cargo add ratatui crossterm which includes the ratatui library along with crossterm for handling cross-terminal capabilities.


For beginners, a Hello World tutorial is available which demonstrates the initialization of a terminal, handling input events, drawing UI, and restoring the terminal state after the application exits.



Ratatui comes with a set of built-in widgets, including:

  • BarChart
  • Block
  • Calendar
  • Canvas for drawing points, lines, shapes, and a world map
  • Chart
  • Clear
  • Gauge
  • List
  • Paragraph with Scrollbar
  • Sparkline
  • Table
  • Tabs

Third-party libraries, bootstrapping templates, and widgets

An ecosystem of third-party libraries has grown around Ratatui, providing additional templates and widgets for developers:

  • ansi-to-tui
  • color-to-tui
  • rust-tui-template
  • tui-builder
  • tui-clap
  • tui-log
  • tui-logger
  • tui-realm
  • tui-realm-treeview
  • tui-rs-tree-widgets
  • tui-windows
  • tui-textarea
  • tui-input
  • tui-term


The library has been widely adopted, as demonstrated by the awesome-ratatui repo which showcases various applications built with Ratatui.


Alternative TUI libraries such as Cursive are also available, offering different features and design philosophies.


Acknowledgments to Pavel Fomchenkov who contributed an awesome logo for Ratatui.


Ratatui is available under the MIT license, allowing for broad use and modification.

Documentation and Community

For developers looking to engage with the community or to delve deeper into the library's functionality, there are several resources available:

  • The official Ratatui Website
  • API Documentation
  • Examples showcasing different features and usage scenarios
  • git-cliff for generating changelogs following Conventional Commits standard
  • Guidelines for contributing to the project
  • Discussions about breaking changes and future directions are held on GitHub, Discord server, and Matrix at #ratatui:matrix.org.

Status of this fork

The Ratatui fork, maintained by Florian Dehau, merges changes from the original tui-rs, and the continuous development is reflected in its active community engagement through several online platforms.

By following the Quickstart guide, and with the resources available through the official website and community channels, developers can quickly build and customize efficient TUI applications using the Ratatui library.

Important Note

This overview does not include every individual code example or output image due to the content size limitations. For full detailed code examples and outputs, please refer to the Ratatui documentation and resource links provided.


Rectangle is a powerful window management app for macOS

Rectangle is a powerful window management app for macOS, enabling users to efficiently manage their workspace with a variety of keyboard shortcuts and snap areas. It is designed to be a worthy successor to the popular Spectacle Mac app, offering an easy-to-use interface and an array of features to enhance productivity on a Mac.

Open Source and Free Trial

Rectangle is an open-source application, signaling a commitment to transparency and community collaboration. Users are encouraged to try the app for free for 10 days, after which they can upgrade to Rectangle Pro for ₩13,233.

Minimal Learning Curve with Plenty of Shortcuts

One of the key benefits of using Rectangle is the simplicity it brings to window management. Users need to memorize less as they can repeat shortcuts to cycle through multiple window sizes. This is especially useful for users who handle numerous applications simultaneously and need to organize their workspace quickly and efficiently.

Rectangle Pro: Enhanced Capabilities

The Pro version of Rectangle provides additional functionality such as picking your snap areas. Users can drag windows to the screen's edges and corners, and the app will snap them into place. This feature caters to a variety of layout preferences, including portrait display layouts, accommodating users with different screen orientations.

Tribute to Spectacle

Rectangle honors its predecessor, Spectacle, by being a nearly complete drop-in replacement. For users transitioning from Spectacle, Rectangle offers the option to select the Spectacle default shortcuts when the app is first launched, making the switch seamless and familiar.

Donate and Support

As an open-source project, Rectangle welcomes donations from its users. Such contributions support its continued development and maintenance. The app showcases its appreciation for its supporters by recognizing Github Silver Sponsors, which include contributors like @Vesther, @gutzbenj, @manavm1990, @anglepoised, @ed-flanagan, @Crow-EH, and @svelle.

Rectangle Mac App presents itself as a robust solution for macOS users seeking to streamline their window management. Whether for casual users who prefer the free version or power users who upgrade to the Pro edition, Rectangle offers flexibility and functionality that improve day-to-day workflows on a Mac.

Tags: #RectangleMacApp, #WindowManagement, #macOS, #ProductivityTools


Dropzone: A Game-Changer for Mac Productivity


Dropzone is a Mac application that uplifts the drag-and-drop experience, catalyzes file transfers, simplifies app launches, and connects smoothly with numerous services. It’s tailored to boost workflow efficiency and heighten productivity for Mac users.

Features and Compatibility

  • Compatible with macOS version 10.15 and later.
  • The basic Dropzone app is free, including a 14-day trial for Dropzone 4 Pro.
  • Dropzone 4 Pro Lifetime is available for a one-time purchase of $35.
  • The app can also be sourced through Setapp or the Mac App Store.

Enhancing Productivity

Dropzone enhances productivity by making common tasks quicker and easier:

  • Drag files to the screen top to trigger action grids.
  • Drop files onto desired actions for immediate execution.
  • Utilize keyboard shortcuts, like pressing F3, to open Dropzone and execute actions with a simple keystroke.

User Reviews

Users from all walks of life, including those who work extensive hours, students, and professionals, laud Dropzone for its capacity to streamline their Mac operations and keep their desktops uncluttered. They cite features such as temporary storage for easy pasting, rapid organization, and the ability to perform tasks within the app without opening multiple folders.

Additional Features

  • Dropzone can be extended with additional actions that are easy to install.
  • It offers the ability for users to develop their own Dropzone actions using Ruby or Python.
  • Users can modify existing actions and share theirs with the community.

How to Use Dropzone

  1. Drag a file to the top of your Mac’s screen to open a grid of actions.
  2. Drop the file onto the desired action to perform it instantly.
  3. Use keyboard shortcuts, like F3, to open Dropzone and execute actions even quicker.

What Users Are Saying

The app has received a plethora of positive testimonials on the Mac App Store. Users describe Dropzone as “game-changing,” highly efficient, and a critical tool that has become fundamental to their day-to-day digital workflows. The common theme praises the app’s intuitive use and its positive impact on productivity.


Dropzone stands out as a revolutionary app that not only simplifies the drag-and-drop function on Mac computers but also provides a suite of features that streamline daily operations. With its ease of use, compatibility, and the strong community support for further customization, Dropzone represents a key utility for enhancing productivity for a diverse range of Mac users.

Tags: #DropzoneApp, #MacProductivity, #DragAndDrop, #FileManagement


Introducing SuperDuperDB: AI Integration for Databases

What is SuperDuperDB?

SuperDuperDB is an innovative open-source framework designed to empower your existing databases with AI capabilities. It facilitates direct integration of AI into your data infrastructure, enabling features like streaming inference, scalable model training, and vector search, all within a streamlined environment. The straightforward API simplifies the building and management of AI applications, reducing the complexity typically associated with traditional MLOps pipelines.

Simplified AI Application Development:

  • Generative AI & LLM-Chat
  • Vector Search
  • Standard Machine Learning (Classification, Segmentation, etc.)
  • Highly specialized custom AI use-cases

Getting Started with SuperDuperDB

To dive into SuperDuperDB, you can explore the documentation, check out the superduper-community-apps repository, and even run Jupyter notebooks directly in your browser. The platform encourages community support by asking users to star the project on GitHub.

Key Features of SuperDuperDB:

  • Integration With Existing Infrastructure: No need for specialized vector databases or complex data migration processes.
  • Streaming Inference and Scalable Training: Operational efficiency for continuous data handling and model improvement.
  • Model Chaining: Combine different AI models for complex operations.
  • Simple Yet Extendable Interface: Manage various data types and features with an uncomplicated API.

Advantages Over Traditional Methods:

  • Data Management & Security: Maintain data within the database, improve security, and avoid duplication.
  • Infrastructure: Unify AI application development and management for better scalability and efficiency.
  • Coding: Minimize coding efforts thanks to a user-friendly Python API.

Core Functionalities:

Transform your database into an AI powerhouse with just one command:

db = superduper('your-db-uri')

Install, deploy, predict, and train AI models directly with your data storage:

m = db.add('model', preprocess='your-function', postprocess='your-function', encoder='your-datatype')
m.predict(X='input_column', select='mongodb_query', listen=True, create_vector_index=True)
m.fit(X='input_column', y='target_column', select='ibis_query')

Furthermore, SuperDuperDB enables the integration of externally hosted models, like OpenAI and Cohere, to complement your data ecosystem.

Use-Cases and Installation:

Examples of What You Can Do:

  • Deploy machine learning models directly in your database.
  • Train models using database queries without extra data processing.
  • Conduct vector searches through database content.
  • Integrate third-party AI models and APIs for enhanced capabilities.

Setting Up SuperDuperDB:

Installation is a breeze with Python’s package manager, pip, and Docker. Instructions and requirement details are provided to get you up and running quickly.

Community Engagement:

SuperDuperDB extends an invitation to users to participate in the growth and enhancement of the project. Engagement can be in the form of bug reports, documentation tweaks, feature suggestions, and more. The community can be reached via Slack, GitHub, or email.

Concluding Remarks:

SuperDuperDB is a tool that seeks to democratize AI integration into databases, bolstered by a supportive community and a clear vision for accessible, streamlined AI application development.


  • #SuperDuperDB
  • #DatabaseAI
  • #OpenSource
  • #MachineLearningIntegration


Efficient, Cost-Effective Dubbing with AI: Translation, Voice Synthesis, Lip-Sync Technology

DubbingAI provides advanced AI-powered solutions for the dubbing industry.

Key Features

  • Automated Speech Recognition (ASR): Converts spoken dialogues into text.
  • Language Translation: Translates the script into various languages.
  • Voice Synthesis: Reproduces voices with emotion and intonation.
  • Lip-Sync Technology: Syncs dubbed audio with original video movements.
  • Custom Voice Creation: Crafts unique voices tailored to characters.
  • Multi-language Support: Offers a wide range of language options.
  • Integration with Editing Software: Works with professional video editing tools.
  • Speed and Efficiency: Accelerates the dubbing process significantly.
  • Cost-Effective: Reduces expenses compared to traditional dubbing methods.
  • Scalability: Suits projects of different sizes, from small clips to full movies.


Guide to JavaScript Frameworks: Overview & Getting Started with React, Ember, Vue, Svelte & Angular

As an aspiring front-end developer, the presence of several frameworks might seem overwhelming. This blog post aims to introduce these modern tools that have become a standard piece of equipment for nearly all businesses today.

The Need for a Framework

Firstly, let’s discuss the significance of a framework and why you should consider using them for web development. JavaScript frameworks solve multiple problems for developers. They simplify the process of building web applications, provide an organized structure to your code, help in developing scalable applications, and even assist in maintaining code consistency.

Moreover, when it comes to opting for a job in front-end development companies, having practiced a framework increases your appeal.

Choosing a Framework

Choosing a framework depends on the nature of the project you’re working on. Things you’d need to consider include the complexity of the project, community support for the framework, the learning curve, updates, and general popularity.

Understanding how the chosen framework operates in general, its relation to “vanilla” JavaScript, and the differentiating elements of each framework is vital. Do remember that selecting a framework isn’t related to mastering it completely, rather starting with the basics.

We aim to provide you with enough touchdown that would aid you in understanding the framework are key.


Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript is essential to get started with these frameworks. This understanding aids you in writing elegant, professional-grade code and fixes problems with utmost confidence.

Diving Into Frameworks

We’ll now introduce some of the renowned JavaScript frameworks.

React Framework

React simplifies the job of updating the DOM, handling browser events, and maintaining code. Some of the tasks we’ll cover include:

  • Understanding the basics of React.
  • Creating a React todo list app.
  • Breaking the app into manageable components.
  • Adding interactivity to the app.
  • Editing, filtering, conditional rendering in the app.
  • Enhancing accessibility in React.

Ember Framework

With Ember, we’ll learn about the framework, configure the Ember toolchain, build a sample app and set it up for further development. We’ll also learn about the componentization and structural planning of the application.

Vue Framework

Using Vue, we’ll cover the basics, create a new project, understand the project’s structure, and run the project locally. Later we will discuss how to create and render Vue components.

Svelte Framework

We’ll start with understanding the Svelte framework. Some of the features we will cover include: dynamic behavior, react, using Svelte stores, and TypeScript support in Svelte.

Angular Framework

In Angular, we’ll learn how to build an app ready for production. You’ll get to know your application structure and work up to display a basic list of to-do items.

The Choice of Frameworks

While there are a plethora of frameworks available, we’ve chosen and discussed widely renowned and used frameworks, each possessing strong community support and excellent documentation.

#JavaScriptFrameWorks #React #Ember #Vue #Svelte #Angular
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Securing CI/CD Pipelines: A Comprehensive Guide on Overcoming Dependabot Challenges and Security Risks

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) have become the cornerstones of modern software engineering but their usage also comes with challenges. In a world where the pace of software development is roaring, developers are continually looking for better ways to integrate and deploy their work. This pursuit has led to the widespread acceptance of automation tools such as Dependabot that continue to shape how we approach software development. However, despite such advancements, a number of complexities and vulnerabilities remain that directly impact the security and integrity of our CI/CD pipelines. In this article, we delve deeper into what has become the lifelines of consistent and efficient software development, while shedding light on areas that need improvement.

What is the Role of Dependabot?

Dependabot is an automated tool that keeps your project updated by checking and proposing changes to outdated dependencies. Its seamless integration with popular software development platforms like GitHub means it’s able to check thousands of files and provide modification suggestions that can be approved with just a single click. This simplification of seemingly mundane tasks, such as updating project dependencies have caused a paradigm shift in how we approach software development. It has paved the way for intensified usage of CI/CD, an essential part of the DevOps movement.

The Need for Security Amidst CI/CD

The wide acceptance of CI/CD workflows has revolutionized how we develop and deploy software. It offers a streamlined way of merging work from different developers and deploying them to the production environment seamlessly. However, the problem arises when we start to encounter security issues within these pipelines. These conduits link the internal processes of software creation and deployment with the external world of software development tools and platforms. Needless to say, comprehension and effective management of this link is crucial to tackling the security problems we face.

Automated scripts scan for security vulnerabilities, testing is done rigorously, and coding standards are upheld throughout the process. Yet, even with these checks in place, there are instances where security breaches prove to be a persistent problem. One key reason for this is that CI/CD pipelines are not secure by default and require developers to impose additional measures for safeguarding their systems against threats.

Best Practices for Securing CI/CD Pipelines

Security should be an inherent feature of CI/CD pipelines. Although the likes of GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD, and CircleCI prioritize flexibility and ease of use, there remains a lack of robust default security measures. However, these platforms have taken strides in the right direction. For instance, GitHub Dependabot provides security checks to enhance project security. Nevertheless, more can be done. Below are some practices that can assist in securing your CI/CD pipelines:

Restrict Access and Minimize Privileges

Access to the pipelines should be restricted to trusted users only. Implementing an authentication process that minimizes privileges can help ward off unwanted access.

Enforce Multi-factor Authentication

To further ward off unauthorized access, enforce multi-factor authentication (MFA). This requires users to provide more than one form of identification before access is granted.

Utilize OpenID Connect (OIDC)

Adopt a user authentication process such as OpenID Connect (OIDC).

Pre-review Software Dependencies

Having a process in place to review software dependencies can help identify any security risks before they reach production.

Secure Runtime Secrets

It’s crucial to ensure the protection of runtime secrets as these can leak important information that could compromise the security of your project.

Implement Advanced Defense Systems

Implement advanced defense systems and security checks. Incorporating things like honeytokens can help alert developers of any potential breaches.

The path towards secure CI/CD pipelines is not short, but applying these aforementioned practices can take us an important step closer. By prioritizing security within our CI/CD pipelines, we’re setting the foundation for long-term efficiency, consistency, and ultimately, success in software development.

Tags: #CI/CD, #DevOps, #SoftwareSecurity, #Dependabot

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Revolutionizing Medicare: CMS’s New TCET Pathway for Quicker Access to Emerging Technologies

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have announced a significant transformation in their approach to coverage reviews and evidence development. This transformation is part of CMS commitment to encouraging innovation while providing consistent and quick access to emerging technologies for Medicare beneficiaries. The proposed change is known as the Transitional Coverage for Emerging Technologies (TCET) pathway.

What does the TCET Pathway entail?

The TCET pathway is a new expedited route for Medicare coverage. Voluntary in nature, the TCET pathway is designed specifically to support specific FDA-designated Breakthrough Devices. As such, the pathway aims to provide an effective, predictable, and transparent coverage review process while developing robust safeguards for the Medicare beneficiaries.

The TCET pathway offers manufacturers several benefits. This includes opportunities for enhanced engagement with CMS before market launch and an unprecedented level of flexibility to address any evidence gaps related to coverage.

The ultimate goal of the TCET pathway is twofold. Firstly, to develop robust evidence to assist patients and physicians in making informed healthcare decisions. Secondly, to ensure that Medicare beneficiaries receive high-quality care.

The Role of Coverage with Evidence Development (CED) in TCET

The TCET pathway leverages coverage with evidence development processes to expedite Medicare coverage of Breakthrough Devices. The pathway aims to resolve uncertainties regarding coverage options through a pre-market evaluation of the potential risks and benefits of technologies. This also helps in identifying significant evidence gaps.

The TCET pathway also assists in coordinating benefit category determination, coding, and payment reviews. Lastly, the pathway allows manufacturers to plug any evidence gaps using fit-for-purpose studies.

What is a Fit-for-Purpose Study?

A fit-for-purpose study is one where the design, analysis plan, and study data are all aligned perfectly with the objective of the study. In many cases, these studies may leverage data already collected through routine care delivery.

Key Features of the TCET Pathway

  • TCET is applicable to certain FDA-designated Breakthrough Devices that fit within a Medicare benefit category.
  • Manufacturer participation in the TCET pathway is voluntary.
  • CMS may conduct an early evidence review (Evidence Preview) before FDA approves the marketing authorization for the device.
  • For Breakthrough Devices in the TCET pathway, CMS aims to finalize a TCET NCD within six months after the FDA market authorization.

Stakeholder Involvement in TCET development

During the development of the TCET pathway and the new evidence development framework, CMS took into account extensive feedback from numerous stakeholders. This includes patient groups, medical professionals, device manufacturers, innovators, and other Federal agencies. Thereby, ensuring that Medicare promotes access to emerging medical technologies while upholding rigorous evidence standards crucial to Medicare beneficiaries.

TCET Procedural Notice Public Review

CMS issued a procedural notice outlining newly proposed criteria, which will be open for public review for 60 days. This includes an updated Coverage with Evidence Development guidance document and new guidance documents that review health outcomes and their clinically meaningful differences. CMS is expected to further publish more detailed fit-for-purpose guidance later this year.

With the TCET procedural notice and guidance documents, CMS is further reinforcing its commitment to making evidence-based healthcare accessible to its beneficiaries, thereby ensuring better health outcomes.

_For more details about the TCET Pathway, visit

Tags: #MedicareCoverage #TCET #EmergingTechnologies #HealthCareInnovation

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Top Digital Marketing Trends and Strategies for Success in 2023: SEO, Social Media, and Influencer Marketing

Digital marketing is an ever-evolving domain that requires constant attention and adjustments to stay relevant. As we step into 2023, let’s explore some new digital marketing strategies that can set you apart in this competitive landscape.

1. Social Media Marketing

Social media continues to be a robust platform that allows brands to engage directly with their audience. There is a growing focus on building genuine relationships rather than just pushing sales. Utilizing Instagram stories, Facebook live events, or making the most of Twitter trends can yield considerable benefits.

How Social Media Marketing is Changing in 2023:

  • User-generated content: More brands are using their customer’s content for promotion, providing an authentic voice to their brand story.
  • Values-based engagement: Companies are more explicit about their core values, engaging with their audience on social issues.
  • Rise of short film content: Apps like TikTok have shown the power of short video content. It can be an effective tool for marketers when targeted correctly.

2. Search Marketing: SEO and SEM

With the growing number of websites, standing out in search engine results is becoming more critical. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are key strategies to drive organic and paid traffic to your website.

SEO Updates for 2023:

  • Voice search: With the rise in smart speakers, optimizing for voice search has become crucial.
  • Mobile-first indexing: Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites, making it vital for your website to be responsive on mobile devices.

3. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has emerged as a persuasive way to connect with target audiences. Partnering with thought leaders in your industry not only boosts visibility but can also build trust.

Shaping Influencer Marketing in 2023:

  • Micro-influencers: Instead of high-priced celebrities, marketers are turning to influencers with a smaller but more engaged audience. They’re perceived as more reliable and genuine.
  • Long-term partnerships: Rather than one-off promotions, brands are developing long-term collaborations with influencers. This repeated exposure can enhance brand credibility.

I would not be discussing these strategies without the pointers from Ricky at “Income School”. Also, if you want to learn more in detail about each strategy, consider joining the free on-demand video masterclass “The Automated Clients-on-Demand Website Blueprint for Service Businesses” available here.

Also, if you’re searching for a reliable hosting service for your website, you might want to check out the exclusive discount on Siteground here.

Remember, to stay ahead of the competition in 2023, it’s critical to understand the shifting digital marketing landscape and deploy your strategies accordingly.

Tags: #DigitalMarketing #SEO #SocialMediaMarketing #InfluencerMarketing

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