Dokémon: A GUI Tool for Docker Management

Dokémon is a user-friendly graphical interface designed to simplify the management of Docker containers. It enables users to handle multiple Docker servers from a single Dokémon instance.

Getting Started with Dokémon

Quickstart Guide

If you want to get Dokémon up and running quickly, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Data Directory: You'll need to create a directory to store the Dokémon data:

    mkdir ./dokemondata
  2. Launch Dokémon: Use Docker to run Dokémon:

    sudo docker run -p 9090:9090 \
                -v ./dokemondata:/data \
                -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
                --restart unless-stopped \
                --name dokemon -d productiveops/dokemon:latest

    After execution, Dokémon will be accessible through port 9090 on your host machine.

Advanced Configuration: Using Traefik with LetsEncrypt SSL

For those needing a secure setup, Dokémon can be configured to run behind Traefik with a LetsEncrypt SSL certificate. The example configuration involves:

  1. Traefik Setup: Configuring the Traefik container with detailed parameters, including enabling the Docker provider, configuring entrypoints, and setting up the LetsEncrypt resolver.

  2. Dokémon Service: Adding the Dokémon service with the appropriate labels for Traefik to route requests to it, and providing necessary volumes.

Steps to Configure:

  • Create a compose.yaml file with the configuration specified above.

  • Prepare the necessary directories for LetsEncrypt and Dokémon data:

    mkdir ./letsencrypt && mkdir ./dokemondata
  • Bring up the services using Docker Compose:

    docker compose up -d

After completion, you can access Dokémon at

Features and Functionality

Here are some of the key functionalities of Dokémon that enhance Docker container management:

  • Manage Multiple Servers: Control several Docker servers from a unified Dokémon interface.

  • Environment Variables Management: Handle different environment variables for various contexts within your Docker environments.

  • Deploy Compose Projects: Utilize Dokémon to deploy and manage your Docker Compose projects effortlessly.

  • Administrate Docker Resources: Manage a plethora of Docker resources like containers, images, volumes, and networks with ease.


Dokémon is made available under the MIT license, indicating that it is free to use and can be incorporated into both private and commercial projects with minimal restrictions.

By using Dokémon, developers can significantly enhance their Docker container management workflows, promoting greater efficiency and ease of use. Visit the official website at for more information.

Visit to explore Dokémon.

Note: Always replace with your actual domain name and with your email address when configuring SSL certificates with Traefik.

Tags: #Dokémon, #DockerManagement, #GUI, #ContainerManagement

Web Design Essentials: Scroll-margin, color-scheme, and text-wrap

Scroll-margin and :target Selector

Have you ever clicked an anchor link only to have the targeted element end up hidden behind a fixed header? It's a common frustration, but there's a CSS property designed to address this issue – scroll-margin. By applying scroll-margin-top to an element, you can adjust its scroll position to keep it in view when navigated to with an anchor link. For instance, using the CSS rule

:target {
  scroll-margin-top: var(--header-height);

With this snippet, any element that becomes the target of a navigation action (clicking an anchor link) will have a scroll margin applied equal to the height of the header. This ensures the element doesn't get obscured by a fixed header at the top of the page.

Moreover, the :target pseudo-class can be used along with the :is pseudo-class to apply a custom scroll-margin to different headings such as h2, h3, and h4. Here's an example:

:is(h2, h3, h4):target {
  scroll-margin-top: var(--header-height);

And if you want to add some extra space, calculated based on the line height, you can use the calc() function:

:target {
  scroll-margin-top: calc(var(--header-height) + 1lh);

The 1lh represents one line-height, ensuring that the scroll-margin is slightly larger than the header itself.

Color-scheme and User Preferences

In the world of web design, seamless integration with user preferences can significantly enhance the browsing experience. One such aspect is the theme of a website, which can be controlled using the CSS color-scheme property. The color-scheme property allows you to indicate which color schemes, dark or light, your website supports:

:root {
  color-scheme: dark light;

Additionally, developers can utilize a meta tag to inform the browser of supported color schemes before even loading the CSS:

<meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark">

This preemptive declaration can lead to a smoother experience because the browser can prepare proper color schemes even before the rest of the site loads.

Still, one must be mindful that applying color-scheme to the root element or through a meta tag affects the entire document. However, with media queries, you can further tailor the appearance based on user preferences. For instance, applying a dark color scheme to a form if the user prefers dark mode:

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  form {
    color-scheme: dark;

Another method to implement color scheme preferences is by using the :has() pseudo-class, which allows conditions within the styling rules. Here’s how you could apply a dark theme if the body contains a class of .dark:

:root:has(body.dark) {
  color-scheme: dark;

Text-wrap for Aesthetic Text Alignment

Titles or headings with uneven line lengths can be visually unappealing and difficult to read. The CSS text-wrap property with the value balance aims to make text lines more evenly distributed, enhancing the readability and aesthetics of the text content:

h2 {
  text-wrap: balance;

When the balance keyword is used, the browser attempts to create line lengths that are as similar as possible, ideally preventing awkward line breaks. This cosmetic feature is not only about style – our visual processing finds balanced line lengths more comfortable to read.

Moreover, text-wrap: balance is a progressive enhancement, meaning it will work in modern browsers and degrade gracefully in older ones without disrupting the user experience.

Consider signing up for the Bejamas newsletter to stay up to date with the latest tips and trends in modern web development. You'll get valuable insights on creating more user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing websites.

Tags: #webdesign, #CSS, #userexperience, #frontenddevelopment

Vercel’s Developer Experience Enhancements for Enterprise Teams

Vercel has introduced new features to enhance the Developer Experience Platform for enterprise teams encompassing Conformance, Code Owners, and a reimagined dashboard experience, aimed at improving code health, performance, and security.

Conformance: Next-Level Static Analysis

The Conformance system on Vercel's platform brings an advanced level of static analysis by spanning multiple files, as opposed to checking each one individually. This approach grants a comprehensive overview of the entire codebase. Aside from identifying issues, it adds specific context to front-end issues, classifies and tags problems, and allocates a severity level to each matter. It even allows for granular ownership over both rules and rule violation exceptions.

Out-of-the-Box Analysis

Conformance provides out-of-the-box static analysis, to help teams scale the code quality effectively. It operates within CI/CD systems or locally to enhance various aspects like getServerSideProps for Next.js, overall performance, code health, and security.

Quantifiable Improvements

By focusing on addressing the most pressing issues, companies like Upstart have reported over 200ms improvement in performance across all pages, underscoring the practical benefits of Conformance.

Cutting Down on Debugging Time

Excessive debugging can drain a significant portion of developer time, amounting to a year's worth of effort in some cases. Vercel's Conformance platform places guardrails that redirect developers' focus from error detection to creation. This proactive resolution of potential issues frees developers from unnecessary dependencies, thereby boosting their productivity and innovation. For instance, reports suggest saving more than 45 days of Continuous Integration (CI) team work every week, with a 71% task cache hit rate.

Code Owners: Scaling With Your Company

As enterprise teams grow, maintaining an efficient code ownership system becomes crucial. The Code Owners feature on Vercel is framework-defined and works in tandem with the Git client to help scaling companies manage their codebase effectively.

Modifier Accessibility

Code Owners not only simplifies management but also elevates application security. For example, if there is unsafe usage of cookies in an application, the security rules can be centralized in an allowlist file. Security teams are designated as the code owners of these files, facilitating controlled access and requiring explicit approval for any changes.

Dashboard: Monorepo Management

Vercel has reimagined the dashboard experience, particularly for monorepo setups. The redesigned dashboard on makes it much easier to manage projects and can be a crucial part of the enterprise toolkit to move fast without breaking things.

Upgrading Frontend Workflows

With Conformance and Code Owners now Generally Available for Enterprise teams on Vercel, there's a focused effort on improving frontend workflows. These tools empower teams to deliver superior web experiences. Enterprises interested in these improvements are encouraged to contact Vercel to learn more about the Developer Experience Platform and its new features.

To get started with these features and enhance your team's capabilities, reaching out to Vercel is the next step for enterprises eager to scale their code health, performance, and security, and ultimately, to innovate more efficiently.


  • #Vercel
  • #DeveloperExperience
  • #EnterpriseTeams
  • #StaticAnalysis

Analysis of the Proposed Zero-Runtime CSS-in-JS solution for Material UI and Joy UI


The proposal presents a new CSS-in-JS solution focused on minimal runtime overhead and compatibility with emerging React Server Components. It seeks to replace Emotion with a system that is robust and performs well on the server side.

Key Aspects of the RFC

Problem Statement

The proposal identifies the compatibility issue with React Server Components when using Emotion, a popular CSS-in-JS library, especially for structural components like Box and Typography. Since RSCs don't support states or contexts, current theming practices that rely on React Context are incompatible.


The new CSS-in-JS solution must have minimal runtime to enhance performance and a small JS bundle size. It must also work with RSCs without dependency on unsupported APIs, support theme variables, and facilitate easy migration with minimal breaking changes. Additionally, the new solution should allow developers to easily navigate from the browser DevTools to the corresponding style definitions in the source code.

Options Considered

The proposal reviews several zero-runtime solutions including vanilla-extract, Linaria, PandaCSS, UnoCSS, and Stitches, identifying the strengths and limitations of each in the context of the requirements. For instance, vanilla-extract does not support theming out of the box, and Linaria requires separate tooling for theming and global styles.

Proposed Solution

The proposed solution involves adopting a compiled CSS-in-JS solution like linaria or compiled that supports the styled syntax and the sx prop. The proposed API includes support for theming, a styled utility from @mui/material, and the use of createTheme for defining component default properties and styling overrides. The API is designed to be intuitive, aligning with existing usage patterns within the Material UI ecosystem.

Example API Usage

The API allows for defining styled components with support for theming, variants, and default variants. It also enables conditional styling based on props and is designed to declaratively handle CSS generation and class name assignment.

Alternative Implementations

The proposal outlines alternative implementations that provide tailored solutions for different build tools, such as Vite and Next.js, through specific plugins, ensuring compatibility and optimized configurations for each environment.

Known Downsides

Some downsides of the first proposal are mentioned, including the need for additional configuration in next.config.js or vite.config.ts, as opposed to a simple install-and-use approach.

Resources and Benchmarks

The proposal provides references to playground apps created with Next.js and Vite to demonstrate the solution's feasibility and performance. It also refers to related GitHub issues that further discuss the implementation details and community feedback.


This RFC showcases a thoughtful approach to selecting a CSS-in-JS solution that will meet the future needs of Material UI and Joy UI, emphasizing performance, compatibility, and minimal disruption. The extensive review of available solutions and the detailed proposed API highlight a commitment to improving the development experience while adapting to the evolving React landscape.


  • #CSSinJS
  • #ReactServerComponents
  • #MaterialUI
  • #Performance

Pitch: Create, Share, and Measure Engaging Presentations

Pitch is a modern presentation software designed to help teams create beautiful presentations efficiently and effectively. It streamlines every aspect of the presentation-making process, from initial creation to collaboration, sharing, and analyzing engagement. Whether it's generating AI drafts, customizing templates with brand elements, real-time editing, or measuring audience engagement, Pitch is equipped to get results.

Starting with AI and Templates

The journey of making a presentation with Pitch begins with the generation of ideas and layouts. Users can:

  • Utilize AI to generate drafts quickly, which provides a solid starting point.
  • Explore over 100 expert-crafted templates to find the perfect fit for any presentation.
  • Incorporate their brand's unique colors and fonts, ensuring a consistent brand image.

Seamless Editing Experience

Pitch allows users to create polished slides with ease, thanks to its intuitive editing features:

  • Users can quickly add and format text, images, and videos.
  • Elegant animations can be built in just seconds, bringing slides to life.
  • Real-time collaboration is supported, so team members can edit together seamlessly.

Sharing and Presenting

Once a presentation is crafted, sharing it with audiences is straightforward:

  • Presentations can be shared via a live link, allowing for easy distribution.
  • The software offers helpful presentation tools like speaker notes, a timer, and other aids.
  • Users have the option to embed their presentations on any website for wider visibility.

Measuring Engagement

Pitch provides analytics to help users understand the impact of their presentations:

  • Tailored links can be created for different recipients to track individual engagement.
  • Users can see when someone opens their deck, offering insight into interest levels.
  • Slide-specific tracking shows which parts of the presentation are garnering the most attention.

Integration with Popular Apps and Services

Pitch is designed to be the central hub for all presentation-related activities, and it integrates with other popular tools:

  • Notion
  • Slack
  • Brandfetch
  • Icons8
  • Giphy
  • Unsplash
  • Loom
  • Vimeo
  • YouTube
  • ChartMogul
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Sheets

Designed for the Whole Team

Pitch caters to a variety of users, from designers needing pixel-perfect layouts to sales professionals closing big deals:

  • The tool allows for creation of brand-specific style guides and custom fonts.
  • Presentations can be shared via links, complete with statistics on viewer engagement.
  • Non-designers are empowered to create visually stunning presentations with minimal effort.
  • The platform enhances company-wide efficiency and collaboration in presentation creation.

Features Packed for Presentation Excellence

Pitch is filled with features to enhance the quality and impact of presentations:

  • Custom fonts and branded templates for brand consistency.
  • Block animations and a brand asset library to create dynamic slides.
  • Unlimited media uploads and video embed capabilities.
  • Presentation analytics to track engagement and effectiveness.
  • Customizable speaker view and public link-sharing for optimized presenting.
  • Slide statuses, assignees, and video recordings to enrich content.

Elevating the Presentation Experience

Pitch challenges the traditional modes of presentation by offering a more collaborative, efficient, and insight-driven way to present. With its focus on design, smart editing, and analytics, Pitch positions itself as a go-to solution for anyone looking to improve their presentation game.

Pitch is not only about making presentations; it's about crafting stories that resonate with audiences, delivering them seamlessly, and understanding their impact. With its extensive features and integrations, it's clear that Pitch plays a crucial role in modernizing how we share ideas and connect with others through presentations.

Tags: #PresentationTool, #PitchSoftware, #TeamCollaboration, #EngagementAnalytics

Marker: A Superior Document Conversion Tool


Marker is a software that converts PDF, EPUB, and MOBI files into markdown format. It is designed to be significantly faster than nougat, provide more accurate conversions, and have a lower risk of hallucinations (incorrect or fabricated content that doesn't exist in the source material).

Key Features

  • Support for various PDF documents, particularly optimized for books and scientific papers.
  • Capable of removing unwanted artifacts such as headers and footers.
  • Can convert many mathematical equations into LaTeX format.
  • Formats code blocks and tables effectively.
  • Compatible with GPU, CPU, or MPS hardware.

How Marker Works

The Marker operates through a pipeline of deep learning models to process documents:

  1. Text Extraction: It extracts text and performs Optical Character Recognition (OCR) using heuristics and Tesseract when necessary.
  2. Layout Segmentation: The layout segmenter analyzes the document's format.
  3. Column Detection: To handle multi-column documents.
  4. Nougat Model: Marker utilizes nougat for part of its processing.
  5. PDF Postprocessor: Cleans up the document after conversion.

Marker encountered a [repetition] in 1.5% of pages during testing, but it outperforms nougat in terms of speed and general-purpose usage, particularly with equation blocks.

Performance Comparison

Marker has been benchmarked against nougat, showing that it is 10x faster and uses less VRAM.

Community and Support

Marker has a community on Discord where users can interact and share their experiences.


While Marker is powerful, it does face some challenges:

  • Fewer equations converted to LaTeX compared to nougat.
  • Inconsistent whitespace and indentation management.
  • Not all lines may be correctly joined.
  • Better support for languages similar to English; limited support for Asian languages.
  • Optimized for digital PDFs, so heavy OCR isn't its forte.

Installation and Setup

For Linux

The installation involves cloning the Marker repository, running a few scripts for dependencies like Tesseract and Ghostscript, and setting up the environment with poetry.

For Mac

The Mac installation process is similar but utilizes Homebrew for installing requirements and then proceeds with setting up poetry and configuring the local environment.

Usage Guidelines


Prior to use, certain environment variables must be set, such as TORCH_DEVICE, INFERENCE_RAM, and ENABLE_EDITOR_MODEL, which can be customized within local.env and

Converting Files

Marker can convert single files or batch convert multiple files. For batches, one can define several parameters like worker count, RAM usage per task, maximum number of pages, and default language.

Running Benchmarks

Marker provides a script to compare its performance against naive text extraction and nougat.

Commercial Usage

Due to licensing restrictions of underlying models like Layoutlmv3 and nougat, Marker is intended only for non-commercial usage.

For inquiries or issues regarding commercial restrictions, users can contact Marker's support via


Marker's development has been greatly influenced by open-source models and datasets provided by various organizations, including Meta, Microsoft, IBM, and Google.


Marker showcases an advancement in document conversion technology, offering fast, accurate, and reliable conversion of complex documents into markdown format. Nevertheless, it has some current limitations and restrictions concerning commercial use, which are being addressed.


  • #DocumentConversion
  • #MarkerTool
  • #PDFtoMarkdown
  • #DeepLearningModels
  • #OpenSource

Dato: A Comprehensive Menu Bar Calendar and Clock for macOS

Dato is a versatile menu bar application designed to provide a comprehensive calendar, events, and world clocks display for macOS users. With macOS 13 or later compatibility, it enhances productivity through its highly customizable features and supports a multitude of locales and languages, though the menus and settings are in English.

Enhancements in Dato 5

Interactive Event Handling

  • Clicking on an event now opens its details, a change from hover-over displays.
  • Right-click for additional event actions, such as muting or hiding notifications.
  • Double-click to open an event in the default calendar application.

Contextual Awareness

  • Clicking “upcoming event in menu bar” opens the main Dato window, providing more context like subsequent events.

Customization and Accessibility

  • Hide main Dato menu bar item through settings.
  • Hide events directly from the menu bar.

Features Galore

  • Calendar views with week numbers and event indicators.
  • Upcoming events glance for the next week.
  • Support for reminders.
  • Customizable time zones display with custom names.
  • Integration with video call services, like Zoom and Google Meet.
  • Multi-time zone clocks in the menu bar.
  • Customizable date & time formats.
  • Searchable time zones database with offline access.
  • Integration with various calendar services (iCloud, Google, Outlook, etc).

Trial and Tips

  • Available for trial through Setapp.
  • Tips include double-clicking to open events and long-pressing days to open in the calendar app.

Keyboard Shortcuts and Gestures

  • Extensive keyboard shortcuts for navigation and functionality.
  • Gestures for calendar interaction and event management.

Troubleshooting and Customization

  • Solutions for common issues like space constraints in menu bars with notches.
  • Tips for video call services integration.
  • Customization of date and time displays adhering to system settings.
  • Fullscreen notifications with event joining functionality.

Integration with Other Services and Apps

  • Compatibility with Velja app for opening meeting links in preferred browsers.
  • Shows how to display time zones in the menu bar and address high CPU usage.

FAQs and User Support

  • FAQs cover feature requests, calendar services support, fullscreen notification settings, and more.
  • Contact information for feedback and support inquiries.

Advantages Over Other Apps

  • Dato is presented as a superior menu bar UI choice compared to Fantastical and iStat Menus, with emphasis on customization and aesthetics.
  • It offers different features from Itsycal, focusing on both calendar and time aspects.

Legacy and Open Source Policy

  • Previous versions are made available, although compatibility is limited to older macOS variations.
  • A decision against open-sourcing to prevent clones.

In Essence

Dato offers an enhanced interface for managing calendars, events, and time zones directly from the macOS menu bar, with a focus on customization and integrations for an improved user experience. The application is updated with interactive and user-friendly features, making it a valuable tool for users looking for streamlined event and time management.

Tags: #DatoApp, #MenuBarCalendar, #macOSProductivity, #TimeManagement

Quick Setup and Use of Scalar for Meeting Management

Easy Connection with Google Workspace

Scalar offers a swift setup process, typically taking under five minutes. This ease of setup starts with connecting Scalar to your Google Workspace. However, it's important to note that as of the current information, only Google Workspace Administrators have the capability to establish this connection.

Once connected, the platform can immediately begin retrieving all meeting data from the Workspace calendar. This feature enables organizations to keep track of meeting activities with minimal effort.

Customization and Management

After the initial connection to Google Workspace, Scalar users can personalize their experience by enabling or disabling predefined guidelines from the available library. This customization allows users to adhere to corporate standards or adapt to specific workflow needs easily.

Furthermore, users have the flexibility to create their own Guidelines. These guidelines can be tailored to meet the unique needs of their teams or the entire organization, ensuring that company policies are represented and enforced within the meetings.

Sign-Up Process

To start taking advantage of Scalar's features, users must first sign up. The process is designed to be straightforward and quick, facilitating a smooth transition to using the service.

Seamless Integration

Scalar emphasizes ease of adoption through the use of a Google Chrome extension. This extension adds an additional layer of information to the employee's Google Calendar. The integration is so seamless that employees don't need to switch to a new tool or adapt to a different workflow. This strategy is aimed at maximizing the adoption rate across the company.

The extension's layer of information serves as a constant communication tool, sending reminders and updates about the guidelines to be followed. With this automation, Scalar aims to ensure that employees always have the necessary information at their fingertips during their usual calendaring activities.

Get Started Without Hassles

Scalar encourages companies to get started with their service quickly, highlighting the 'no new workflows' approach that promotes easy adoption among employees and teams.

Data-Driven Insights on Meeting Guidelines

Scalar recognizes a common challenge in policy implementation: measuring the actual impact of guidelines. Traditionally, companies had to rely on discussions and surveys to gauge effectiveness. With Scalar, live and automated data collection and feedback is possible.

The platform provides actionable insights into the adoption and effectiveness of company guidelines. For instance, administrators can track how many meetings are scheduled on a 'No Meeting Day' or identify meetings lacking a set agenda. This data can be invaluable for improving company practices and ensuring that guidelines are having their intended effect.

To encourage companies to explore these capabilities, Scalar offers a 'try for free' option, providing potential users with the opportunity to see the platform's benefits without any initial investment.

Scalar appears to be a comprehensive tool for managing and optimizing meeting practices within organizations. Its easy connectivity, personalized guidelines, seamless integration, and data-driven insights are designed to enhance meeting efficiency and ensure adherence to company policies.

Tags: #MeetingManagement #GoogleWorkspaceIntegration #CompanyGuidelines #DataDrivenInsights

Introducing Drawww: The Future of AI-Driven Creativity on iPad

Experience the Power of Instant Artistic Creation

Welcome to a new chapter in digital artistry with Drawww, an innovative real-time AI drawing app exclusively designed for the iPad. It combines speed, privacy, and creative freedom, allowing anyone from hobbyists to professional artists to redefine their creative expression.

Fast Generations with Apple's Advanced Technology

Drawww harnesses the speed of Apple's most advanced silicon, promising lightning-fast AI results. Now, generating art is as quick as a flash of lightning with Drawww's top-notch performance.

Your Privacy, Our Priority

The app is meticulously crafted to ensure that your creative process always stays private. Furthermore, Drawww operates seamlessly without internet access, granting the freedom to create anytime, anywhere.

From a Spark to a Masterpiece

Every great piece of art starts with an idea. Drawww is the perfect canvas for artists to begin with a simple concept and enrich it with intricate details, all while the app intuitively understands and assists in the creative journey.

Unleash Your Creativity with Unlimited Layers

Say goodbye to constraints, as Drawww offers unlimited layers in your digital workspace. Each layer is an unexplored territory, ready to contribute to your evolving digital masterpiece.

Precision Meets Intuition with Best-in-class Tools

Artists can indulge in a suite of precision tools such as brushes, pencils, and erasers, each offering customizable sizes and transparency to perfectly cater to their unique art style.

Revolutionary Formats for Artistic Flexibility

Prepare to embrace next-generation formats that propel the future of AI-driven creativity. Drawww leads the charge, providing artists with a platform to become pros today, not tomorrow.

Realizing Every Artist's Dream

Drawww is not just for the elite; it's designed so that everyone can channel their inner artist. Simply envision your art, and let Drawww bring it to life in front of your eyes.

Instantaneous Access and Sharing Capabilities

Gone are the days of waiting ages for apps to load. Drawww boasts lightning-fast opening times and enables seamless sharing across devices, ensuring your art is always within reach.

Designed with AI at its Core

Drawww isn't just compatible with AI; it's specifically built with AI parameters at its core, continuing your work effortlessly from where you left off.

A Harmonious Blend of Vector and Pixel

By merging the worlds of bitmap and vector, as well as object and pixel, Drawww's drawings create a unique fusion that offers unprecedented flexibility and quality in digital art.

Pre-Order Drawww Now: Your Portal to Artistic Innovation

Take the step into the future with Drawww. By pre-ordering now, you secure your spot at the forefront of AI-assisted art creation. Fast, secure, and bursting with creativity—Drawww is your companion on the exciting journey of artistic discovery.

Become a part of a transformative movement in digital artistry. With Drawww, unleash your potential and watch as your drawings are instantly realized.

Tags: #AI_Drawing_App, #iPad_Art_Creation, #Creative_Technology, #Digital_Artistry

Opinions on Merge Commits, Rebasing, and Squashing in Git Workflow


The discussion on merge commits versus rebasing versus squashing is a common one in software development circles. The gist of the argument presented here is the belief that no single strategy is the right answer for all situations. Instead, each method has its place and should be used contextually. The author outlines personal preferences and experiences, favoring a mixed approach tailored to the specifics of each case.

Merge Commits

The author prefers using merge commits for the majority of pull requests (PRs), to preserve the true history of development. Merge commits show the flow of work and are easy to revert if needed. They also support the effectiveness of git bisect, a debugging tool, which works best with a history of smaller, buildable commits rather than large squashed commits. The ability to pinpoint a bug in a smaller change set is highly prized, and merge commits maintain this granularity. Having a policy of keeping each commit buildable is emphasized, although the author acknowledges human error and also recognizes the need to fix up commits for others in open-source projects.


Squashing is used by the author when a PR consists of many Work-In-Progress (WIP) commits that only contribute to a single, focused goal with a relatively small overall diff. In these cases, squashing is beneficial to avoid cluttering the history with redundant "WIP" entries. However, the author notes the importance of rewriting the commit message to ensure it is descriptive and not just a concatenation of the squashed commit messages, which is the default behavior of Git.


Interactive rebasing is the method of choice for the author when dealing with PRs that contain both a large diff and many "WIP" commits. Rebasing allows for selective squashing and reordering of commits, which can clean up the project history. This process is believed to be part of good commit hygiene, a practice that developers should be familiar with. In situations with large PRs, the author prefers using a Git GUI client, which provides a more user-friendly interface for handling many changes—this is the sole situation where a GUI is preferred over the command line interface (CLI).

Concluding Remarks

Ultimately, the decision between merging, squashing, and rebasing should depend on the context of the changes being integrated into a codebase. The author's preferences illustrate a pragmatic approach that values preserving history, maintaining buildable commits, and ensuring clarity in the commit log. Good commit hygiene is underscored as an essential skill for developers, whether in open-source or professional environments.


  • #VersionControl
  • #GitWorkflow
  • #MergeCommits
  • #Squashing
  • #Rebasing