Advanced Guide to React Native: In-Depth Topics and Optimization Techniques

This guidebook on React Native, written by @anisurrahman072, offers an extensive look into more than 70 advanced topics in the field. The book is structured into 12 chapters and maintains a focus on RN v0.71.

Ultimate Guides for React Native Development

Each chapter in the book is titled as the "Ultimate Guide" on various React Native topics, ensuring that readers receive comprehensive information and instructions for each subject.

Chapter 001: New Architecture

The first chapter dives deep into React Native's new architecture, covering:

  • Codegen: For generating native code.
  • JSI (JavaScript Interface): Improves communication between JavaScript and native code.
  • Hermes Engine: A new JavaScript compiler aimed at improving performance.
  • Turbo Modules: Represent the next generation of native modules.
  • Fabric: A new rendering engine for React Native.
  • Yoga: A cross-platform layout engine that React Native uses for UI layout.

Chapter 002: Debugging and Optimization

The book continues with a guide on debugging and profiling, where readers can learn about:

  • Development menus for iOS and Android.
  • Chrome Dev Tools and Performance Monitor.
  • Understanding React Native's four threads.
  • Using Flipper for JavaScript context tracking.
  • Profiling tools in Xcode Instruments for iOS.
  • Android Profiler in Android Studio for Android app profiling.

Chapter 003: Component Testing with RNTL and Jest

The third chapter focuses on testing in React Native, highlighting the React Native Testing Library (RNTL) and Jest configurations. It discusses:

  • Various APIs for rendering, user events, firing events, etc.
  • Functionality of jest.fn() and jest.mock() for mocking behaviors.
  • Testing strategies for host and composite components.

Chapter 004: Hermes & Static Hermes

This chapter provides insights into:

  • Bundle release procedures and the relationship between the bundle and Hermes.
  • What Hermes bytecode (.hbc) is and how to enable the Hermes engine.
  • Instructions for enabling Hermes in older React Native versions and what Static Hermes entails.

Chapter 005: Enabling New Architecture

An important guide for enabling the new architecture, including:

  • Setting up the development environment.
  • Npx commands for both Android and iOS platforms.
  • Confirming the action of the new architecture within projects.

Chapter 006: Performance Optimization

Further, the guidebook discusses several strategies to optimize React Native performance such as:

  • The use of the new architecture and specific components like FlatList and SectionList.
  • Tips to avoid unnecessary console logs, implement cache mechanisms, and optimize images and animations.
  • Memory usage monitoring and navigation optimization practices.

Chapter 007: Virtualization Optimization

This chapter offers advice on how to optimize the virtualization of lists in React Native through:

  • VirtualizedList, FlatList, SectionList, and ScrollView optimizations.

Chapter 008: FlashList Optimization

It introduces FlashList and cell re-cycling as a performance-enhancing technique, discussing:

  • The RecyclerListView component.
  • How cell re-cycling differs from blank cells.
  • Effective implementation and performance monitoring of FlashList.

Chapter 009: Nested Virtualization Anti-Patterns

The book addresses common issues with nested virtualization and provides:

  • Explanations of the nested VirtualizedLists error.
  • Solutions to anti-pattern problems.

Chapter 010: Component Call Anti-Patterns

This chapter sheds light on best practices for component calls, detailing:

  • The differences between functional and React-specific ways of component calling.
  • Analysis of common errors and violations of React Hooks rules.

Chapter 011: In-App Purchase Guides

An invaluable resource for implementing in-app purchases, with topics like:

  • The basic flow of payment gateways.
  • Testing and implementation instructions for both Google and iOS in-app purchases.

Chapter 012: High-Level Component Patterns

Lastly, the guide touches on high-level component patterns and custom hooks covering:

  • Higher Order Component and Render Props patterns.
  • Comparing custom hooks with HOCs.
  • Scenario-based usage of custom hooks in state management.

Anticipation for Future Content

The book teases upcoming guides on C++ and JSI modules for readers to look forward to.

Contributions and Endorsements

The guidebook encourages community engagement through contributions and pull requests for enhancing the content. It has received endorsements from figures within the React Native community, including names from the RN Radio Podcast and Callstack.

End note: This book is positioned as a helpful resource for intermediate to advanced developers looking to deepen their knowledge of React Native, optimize performance, and create robust applications.


  • #ReactNative
  • #AdvancedGuide
  • #PerformanceOptimization
  • #NewArchitecture

Explore the Exciting World of React Native at App.js Conf 2024

App.js Conf is returning to Kraków, Poland from May 22-24, 2024, offering a dynamic platform for experienced developers and newcomers alike to delve into the latest innovations in React Native and Expo. This vibrant conference is a must-attend event to learn about new techniques, optimizations, and to network with fellow enthusiasts from across Europe.

React Native: Pushing the Boundaries

React Native is renowned for transcending the traditional limitations of mobile app development. It enables developers to write code in JavaScript while still providing a seamless native user experience on both Android and iOS platforms. With its declarative nature, React Native has simplified the development process, making it more approachable and efficient.

Declarative Animations with Reanimated

Reanimated is a game-changing library that brings a declarative API to React Native animations. This means a more straightforward approach to creating animations, with a significant decrease in complexity. By defining what an animation should look like, Reanimated takes care of the rest, animating the styles and properties automatically.

High-Performance, Smooth Interactions

Performance is key in mobile applications, and Reanimated excels in this area. It allows developers to define animations using plain JavaScript, which then run natively on the UI thread by default. This translates to consistently smooth interactions and animations, exceeding 120 frames per second for a truly native feel and a superior user experience.

Feature-Rich Capabilities

Beyond simple views or image animations, Reanimated offers a wealth of features. It integrates with device sensors and keyboards, allowing for more innovative and immersive experiences. Its capabilities also extend to Layout Animations and shared element transitions across navigation screens, facilitating more complex and visually striking effects.

Code Snippets: Witness the Power of React Native

App.js Conf 2024 will showcase how React Native and Reanimated come together to create stunning, high-performance applications. Here are some tantalizing snippets:

Gestures with Ease

import { Gesture, GestureDetector } from "react-native-gesture-handler";

Gesture integration with Reanimated makes for fluid, natural interactions within apps.

Seamless Layout Animations

function App() {
  return <Animated.View entering={FadeIn} exiting={FadeOut} />;

With just a few lines of code, views animate smoothly as they enter or leave the screen.

Sensor-Based Interactivity

const gyroscope = useAnimatedSensor(SensorType.GYROSCOPE);

Connect animations to gyroscope or accelerometer sensors for engaging, responsive designs.

Keyboard-Aware Animations

React Native's power further unfolds with animations that adapt based on the device's keyboard state and position, allowing for a more intuitive user interface.

Shared Element Transitions

function App() {
  return <Animated.View sharedTransitionTag="hero-element" />;

Elevate user navigation through shared element transitions, animating elements seamlessly between screens.

Conclusion: A Conference Not to Be Missed

App.js Conf 2024 in Kraków is shaping up to be an essential meeting point for the React Native community, packed with learning opportunities and showcases of cutting-edge technology. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting, this conference is the perfect place to expand your skills, discover new possibilities, and be inspired by the vast potential that React Native has to offer.

Learn More:
For further information and to keep updated on the conference’s schedule and speakers, attendees are encouraged to read the latest article on Reanimated 3 and the future of React Native animations.

Tags: #ReactNative #AppjsConf2024 #Reanimated #MobileDevelopment

Understanding Security on for App Development

Comprehensive Security Features of has integrated a variety of built-in security features to protect applications and user data. They have established a stable platform based on Amazon Web Services (AWS), which is renowned for its robust security measures. Compliance with industry standards is a key focus for Bubble, ensuring that the platform adheres to necessary regulations.

Key Built-in Security Features:

  • Industry Compliance: meets standards like GDPR and CCPA, which govern how user data should be treated.
  • Vulnerability Testing: Regular scanning for vulnerabilities is conducted to preempt security issues.
  • Data Recovery: Bubble offers point-in-time data recovery to protect against data loss.
  • Log Transparency: Extensive logging provides clear visibility into application activities.
  • Encryption: Using RDS AES-256 encryption, Bubble ensures data at rest is secure.
  • Developer Insights: Privacy features and rules are built-in, with no need for extra tools.

Security for Business Owners on

For business owners, security on is twofold: compliance with regulations and optional security measures.

Implementing Security Measures:

  • Legal Compliance: Understanding the security required to comply with regional and sector-specific regulations.
  • Enhanced Security: Opting for additional security to protect beyond the basic requirements.

Bubble's Robust Infrastructure and Security Tools

Bubble is powered by AWS, enhancing the security infrastructure through:

  • Physical Threat Mitigation: Safeguarding against tangible risks to server infrastructure.
  • Software and Vulnerability Management: Regular updates and proactive testing to prevent exploits.
  • Data Management: Protecting, encrypting, and offering recovery options for data.
  • Compliance Assurance: AWS’s adherence to certifications like SOC 2 and ISO 27001.

Handling Compliance Measures

Compliance is a critical aspect, with GDPR being a prominent example, imposing stringent data handling obligations.

Compliance and Data Handling:

  • GDPR Compliance: Managing app development within GDPR standards.
  • Data Processing Agreement (DPA): Formalizing how data is processed.
  • Other Standards: Considering other regulations like COPPA, HIPPA, and CCPA for specific data types.

Risk Assessment and Best Practices

Address data leaks and exposure risks by:

  • Proper Privacy Rules: Designating who can access what data.
  • Secure Coding: Checking for accidental exposure of sensitive data in the underlying code.
  • Settings Configuration: Diligently configuring app settings for enhanced security.
  • Secure Authentication: Implementing strong sign-up and login processes.

Security on a Business Scale:

  • Educating Teams: Training in security best practices.
  • Password Policies: Promoting the use of strong, unique passwords.
  • Incident Response Plan: Having protocols in place in case of security breaches.
  • Regular Audits: Performing assessments to locate and rectify vulnerabilities.

Conclusion on Bubble Security presents a substantial security architecture, often covering various aspects that business owners may overlook. Despite this, the ultimate responsibility for security lies with the app owners. By understanding and implementing the best practices outlined, businesses can ensure they make full use of the security capabilities offered by Bubble.

Looking for expert help in securing your Bubble app? Our team of seasoned professionals can provide guidance to ensure your application aligns with the best security practices. Contact us today!


  • #BubbleSecurity
  • #AppDevelopment
  • #DataProtection
  • #Compliance

GitHub’s Realtime Collaboration for Software Development

GitHub is evolving with new features like Realtime GitHub, which are designed to enhance online collaboration for software developers. Realtime GitHub is a prototype of multiplayer collaboration, allowing team members to instantly edit files in a repository together. Even though it's in real-time, it maintains GitHub's asynchronous work practices, such as pulling changes from other branches and merging back when ready.

Collaborative Workspaces at Next

Next is a distributed team that uses Google Docs for most writing tasks due to its user-friendly rich-text editing, ease of sharing through URLs, and the ability to collaborate in real-time. However, Google Docs has disadvantages, like being siloed from repositories and project materials, lacking a versioning system with other files, and not providing privacy for draft revisions.

Realtime GitHub's Approach

Realtime GitHub borrows the collaborative elements of Google Docs but tailors them for software development. It allows real-time editing, presence of cursor and selection, threaded comments with emojis, and supports GitHub's inherent asynchronous work style. A branch can be a private or collaborative space; after collaboration, changes can be merged back into the main branch.

Technical Underpinnings

Realtime GitHub must handle unique challenges: maintaining a consistent view of the entire codebase, providing both synchronous and asynchronous collaboration, and integrating with various artifacts and external tools. It aims to ensure that branching from any edit state is uncomplicated, and merging back the changes is seamless.

Existing CRDT Libraries

While existing Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDT) libraries offer decentralized collaboration for a large number of users, they aren't designed with GitHub's specific requirements in mind. Therefore, GitHub is exploring different design spaces to serve its collaboration needs better.

Collaboration Design

Some specific tools and concepts involved in this new approach include:

  • ProseMirror and Tiptap for document editing
  • Yjs and Automerge for collaborative state management
  • Replicache, Irmin, and other libraries for replicating changes across clients

GitHub also adopts ordinary Git operations to manage collaborative editing. The server notifies clients of branch changes, and clients pull changes, apply them locally, then submit changes back to the server. If conflicts occur, they rebased the changes and try again.

Additional Strategies

For fine-grained real-time changes, clients write transactions updating the server's Git state and rebasing local changes. For coarse-grained changes like merges, they perform a three-way merge on the JSON structure, with manual resolution of conflicts when necessary.

Future Integration and Tools

Looking ahead, GitHub plans to:

  • Integrate Realtime GitHub backend with other platforms, such as a VS Code plugin or Copilot Workspaces
  • Explore deeper integration with GitHub features, including embedding data from issues and actions
  • Utilize additional collaboration tools like tldraw, CodeMirror, and Monaco

Realtime GitHub is a promising step for developers who collaborate online, blending real-time teamwork with the strengths of systematic version control.


  • Realtime Collaboration
  • Software Development
  • GitHub Features
  • Online Collaborative Workspaces

Building Microservices with Node.js and gRPC

Introduction to Microservices and gRPC

Building and managing large applications is a complex task. To simplify this, companies often break down these applications into multiple microservices. These microservices are small, independently deployable, and loosely connected, making it easier for separate teams to manage different parts of the application. For effective communication between these microservices, gRPC is a popular choice due to its lightness, performance, and type safety. Developed by Google, it uses HTTP/2 for transport and Protocol Buffers to serialize structured data.

In this comprehensive blog, we will explore how to create microservices with Node.js and facilitate their communication using gRPC.

Setting Up the Repository for Microservices

To start, we'll create a new project repository, structure our workspace, and organize the services and packages. Our directory layout will include src, dist, protos, and service folders. The protos directory will be particularly important, as it will contain our Protocol Buffer (protobuf) files which define the structure of the data and services for gRPC.

Defining the Protobuf for the product-service

The product-service microservice will use a protobuf file namely product.proto. This file will define the data structures related to products such as Product, and services like ProductService with RPC methods CreateProduct, GetProduct, and ListProducts. The product.proto file provides the contract for data communication.

Generating Typescript Files from Protobuf

Once the protobuf file is ready, we'll need to transform these definitions into language-specific code. Using tools like ts-proto alongside protoc, we can generate TypeScript files that include type-safe stubs for client and server implementations. The build script we write will facilitate this process, ensuring that our dist directory contains the necessary JavaScript and type declaration files.

Creating the gRPC Server

The product-service needs a gRPC server. We will use Node.js and additional libraries like typeorm to integrate database operations. After setting up our package.json using npm init, we'll structure our server code within the src directory, including:

  • A models directory with a product.ts defining the product entity.
  • A database folder with an index.ts file to configure our data source.
  • The main.ts file, which will configure and start our gRPC server.

We need to install various dependencies and create the tsconfig.json file to compile TypeScript into JavaScript.

Implementing Server Functionality

Within the server implementation, located in server.ts, we'll create methods corresponding to the RPC services defined in our protobuf file. These methods include createProduct, getProduct, and listProducts. If a service is called but not implemented, the server responds with the status UNIMPLEMENTED.

By setting up controllers in src/controllers/product.controller.ts, we can handle incoming RPC requests. The ProductController class will contain methods like createProduct, which takes a CreateProductRequest from the client and converts it into a Product entity to be stored in the database.

Handling Errors and Feedback

Our server implementation needs to handle various scenarios, such as when a product is not found (NOT_FOUND) or when an internal server error occurs (INTERNAL). It also maps the data from our database into the structures defined in our protobuf file, ensuring the correct format when sending responses back to the client through methods like ListProducts and GetProduct.

Creating a gRPC Client

For testing our server, we create a gRPC client. Using npm init, we scaffold another package.json file in a test-client folder. After setting up tsconfig.json, we write a main.ts in the src folder to implement our client functionality using @grpc/grpc-js.

The client uses a ProductServiceClient to send requests to the server, invoking methods like createProduct, getProduct, and listProducts. We make sure to handle security by establishing the right credentials (in our case credentials.createInsecure() due to the local testing environment).

In conclusion, this blog provides a detailed walkthrough of setting up microservices in Node.js with gRPC communication. Using TypeScript and Protocol Buffers enhances the developer experience with type safety and contracts for data exchange. The system we've covered includes a server with CRUD operations for a product service and a corresponding client to interact with it.

Following this guide, developers can develop scalable microservices that communicate efficiently through gRPC, enjoying advantages like lightweight communication, improved performance, and the convenience of independent deployment and scalability.

Tags: #Nodejs, #Microservices, #gRPC, #ProtocolBuffers

Comprehensive Guide to Testing Your App with Cypress

Understanding Cypress and Your Back End

When integrating testing into your development process with Cypress, it is crucial to grasp the interplay between the testing framework and your application's back end. Cypress communicates with your application's server, often via JSON, to check the responses your front end receives.

State Management in Tests

Proper state management is essential for end-to-end (e2e) testing. Using Cypress commands like cy.exec(), cy.task(), and cy.request(), you can set up and tear down states to create the environment needed for your tests.

Seeding Test Data

You may need a database in a specific state to test different features, such as an empty state or pagination. Seeding the database before each test ensures that you start with the right conditions. This is done by running executable scripts or writing custom commands for seeding in your test environment.

Simplifying with Stubs

Alternatively, you can accelerate testing by stubbing network requests and bypassing the server. Stubs enable you to simulate server responses, allowing your tests to run faster. However, you must ensure that the stub data corresponds to the data your server would actually send to avoid false test passes.

Best Practices and Anti-Patterns

Start with a Local Server

Starting a local development server rather than testing against a production server has numerous advantages. It allows you to control the environment, take shortcuts, seed data, disable security features for testing, and reset the server or database state as needed.

Avoid Shoehorning Tests

Writing tests after the application is built can lead to more challenges than writing them alongside development. To lower initial hurdles, it is best to include tests from the beginning of the development process.

Smoke Tests

While the majority of tests should ideally use stubbed data for speed and simplicity, it's still wise to have a few smoke tests that use real data to ensure everything functions correctly in a live environment.

Cypress Configuration for Your App

Basic Configuration

You can configure Cypress to match your development settings, such as setting the baseUrl in the configuration file cypress.config.js or cypress.config.ts. This means you can use cy.visit('/') to access your local server without specifying the full URL.

Extensive Configuration Options

Cypress offers a multitude of configuration options for tweaking its behavior to suit your needs. These adjustments range from setting default timeouts and environment variables to selecting specific test reporters.

Effective Authentication Testing

Testing authentication effectively is often one of the hardest parts of e2e testing. However, Cyprus provides both conventional approaches and innovative methods to handle this efficiently.

Coverage for Login Flows

Ensure that mission-critical flows, like signup and login, are covered. Tests should be devised to handle various scenarios such as invalid credentials, complex password requirements, and edge cases like locked or deleted accounts.

Custom Commands and cy.session()

Craft custom commands, like cy.login(), to streamline repetitive tasks like logging in before tests. Additionally, the cy.session() command can retain the login state across tests, significantly reducing test suite runtime.

Third-Party Authentication

Handling third-party authentication services (e.g., Auth0, Okta) is made possible with commands like cy.origin() and strategies outlined in the Authentication Recipes provided by Cypress.

Real-world Testing Strategies

Stubbing Network Requests

Utilize stubbing as a primary strategy for speeding up test execution. Although care must be taken to ensure fixture stubs are accurate, Cypress provides a guide for handling network requests, giving you confidence in mocking server interactions.

Test Environment Setup

Configuring the testing environment before each test run ensures your tests start from a known state. Commands like cy.exec() for system commands or requests to test-specific routes can be used to configure this setup efficiently.

Exploring Cypress Guides

Once you have set up the basics, you might want to delve into Cypress's other resources, like tutorial videos, API documentation, and the Real World App (RWA) examples, to deepen your understanding and use of Cypress in testing scenarios.

Now that you've acquainted yourself with the essentials of Cypress testing, it's time to apply these practices to your app. With careful setup and strategic use of Cypress's capabilities, you can create a robust testing suite that greatly enhances the quality of your application.

Tags: #Cypress #Testing #E2ETesting #TestAutomation

Nodejs API Server – A Full-Stack Starter Kit by AppSeed

Nodejs and Express are widely adopted for creating API servers due to their ease of use and community support. AppSeed harnesses these technologies to provide developers with a full-stack ready starter that can significantly accelerate the development process. Featuring full-stack capabilities with the React Soft Dashboard, this starter is tested across multiple NodeJS versions and comes with several vital features such as Json Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication, SQLite for the data layer, and passport-jwt integration for handling OAuth.

Overview and Features

The AppSeed starter is a project scaffold designed for developers looking to create a new Express/Nodejs API Server. It offers a number of pre-configured features:

  • JWT Authentication: Ensures secure communication and user authentication in the application using Json Web Tokens (JWT).
  • SQLite Integration: Lightweight, disk-based database that does not require a separate server process, making it perfect for development and smaller apps.
  • Passport-Jwt Strategy: Enables authentication token strategies for securing Express/Node.js applications through the passport-jwt library.
  • OAuth with GitHub: Allows users to authenticate using their GitHub account, simplifying the login process.
  • Support: Provided through Discord & Email channels to assist users with potential issues or questions regarding the usage of this starter kit.
  • Full-stack Ready with TypeScript: The starter includes frontend capabilities with React Soft Dashboard, built with TypeScript.

Compatibility and Testing

Testing ensures that the project runs smoothly across different environments. The Nodejs API Server starter has been tested with:

  • NodeJS versions: v18.0.0, v16.10.0, v14.15.0
  • Package Managers: Both NPM and YARN are supported for package management and script execution.

Setup and Configuration

The starter kit provides clear instructions for setting up the development environment. Here's a brief overview of the steps:

  1. Navigate to the Project Directory: cd <project-directory>
  2. Install Dependencies: Run yarn or npm install.
  3. Database Migrations: Execute the command yarn typeorm migration:run to set up your database schema.
  4. Environment Variables: Copy .env.sample to .env and configure the required environment variables such as PORT, SQLITE_PATH, SECRET, and GitHub OAuth credentials.
  5. Development Server: Start the development environment using npm run dev or yarn dev.
  6. Production Build: Compile the project using the build script.
  7. Running the Server: Launch the built server from build/index.js, ensuring that the PORT is set in .env.

Codebase and Structure

The codebase is designed to be simple and intuitive, allowing easy expansion and customization. The project directory encapsulates various components, including configuration files, source code, and utilities.

API and Endpoints

The provided API endpoints enable basic operations such as user registration, login, and logout:

  • Register: POST api/users/register
  • Login: POST /api/users/login
  • Logout: POST api/users/logout

Additionally, management scripts are included for updating user roles within the system.

SQLite and Migrations

The starter includes meticulous instructions for setting up SQLite and running or generating database migrations. These steps make sure the database layer is appropriately structured for the application's needs.

Conclusion and Credits

AppSeed's Nodejs API Server is a comprehensive, open-source starter that simplifies the development process for full-stack applications. Among other accolades, it credits numerous inspirations and similar projects which guided its creation, exemplifying community collaboration in the open-source ecosystem.


  • #Nodejs
  • #Express
  • #FullStack
  • #AppSeed

Modern Engineering Tech Stacks: Debugging Node.js Applications

Debugging Node.js applications requires a combination of tools and techniques. This guide encapsulates the essentials of modern debugging workflows using logging, modules, and integrated development environments.

Debugging with Logs in Node.js

Logging is the foundational debugging technique in Node.js. It involves recording application events and errors to a log, which can be reviewed later for debugging purposes. In Node.js, you can use console.log(), console.error(), and console.warn() to log messages, errors, and warnings respectively.

The debug Module in Node.js

The debug module provides a flexible and granular logging mechanism. It allows you to create named debugging instances and control the verbosity of the logs through environment variables.

Example Usage

const debug = require('debug')('myapp:server');
function add(a, b) {
  debug('Adding %d + %d', a, b);
  return a + b;
let result = add(2, 3);
debug('Result: %d', result);

To run with debugging enabled:

DEBUG=myapp:* node index.js

Debugging with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) provides a robust debugging interface with features like breakpoints, watch expressions, and a real-time debugging output.

Attaching to Node.js Processes

Attaching to a Node.js process allows real-time debugging, an essential feature for diagnosing issues in live environments. To attach to a running Node.js process in VS Code:

  1. Start your Node application with the --inspect flag.
  2. Find the process ID (PID) and attach using:
    node --inspect=9229 --pid=<pid>
  3. Open your debugger client and connect to the specified debugging port.

Setting Up an “Attach” Configuration in VS Code

For quick attachment, configure an "Attach" profile in the launch.json file:

  "type": "node",
  "request": "attach",
  "name": "Attach",
  "port": 9229

V8 Inspector Integration

The V8 Inspector API allows debugging through browser-based DevTools or standalone clients, enhancing the debugging experience with features like breakpoints and stack traces.

Using Source Maps

Source maps link the compiled code, such as TypeScript, back to the original source, making debugging much easier. Different tools and modules, like source-map-support, enable and help in resolving source maps accurately.

Profiling Node.js Applications

Profiling helps identify performance bottlenecks. It involves analyzing CPU and memory utilization during application execution. The --prof flag or third-party tools like Chrome DevTools can be used for profiling Node.js applications.

Smart Stepping and Breakpoints

Smart stepping, along with advanced breakpoint features like conditional breakpoints and logpoints, enables precise control over the debugging session, helping you pinpoint issues without getting lost in tangential code paths.


Debugging in Node.js is versatile and dynamic, capable of handling the complexities of modern applications. A strategic blend of logging, debugging modules, IDE integrations, and profiling constitute a comprehensive toolkit for developers in the digital era.

Tags: #Node.js #Debugging #Logging #VisualStudioCode #Profiling

Elevating Test-Driven Development with E2E Tests

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a methodology that instructs developers to write test cases before programming the actual features. Incorporating End-to-End (E2E) tests within this framework is becoming increasingly significant as it ensures a comprehensive evaluation of the software from the user’s point of view.

The Essence of Test-Driven Development

TDD is built on the concept of writing tests initially in order to guide the software development process. These tests are executed repeatedly through the development cycle, constantly checking that the software behaves as expected. This approach encourages an iterative method where coding, testing, and designing occur simultaneously, leading to higher quality software and better-designed code.

Why Prioritize Test-Driven Development?

TDD allows organizations to concentrate on creating a stable and functional product by emphasizing the importance of testing just as much as development. It eases the process of development by validating code through a series of tests which helps in detecting errors early, reducing later troubleshooting.

The Role of E2E Tests in TDD

End-to-end testing is pivotal to TDD as it verifies the complete functionality of the software. It checks all integrated components to work seamlessly together. To simplify the process, teams can follow two main approaches:

  1. Write Smaller Tests: This method involves writing fine-grained tests that focus on small functionalities, enhancing the precision of the testing process.

  2. Write End-to-End Tests: Complementary to smaller tests, E2E tests examine the system’s complete operation and check that every component is interconnected properly.

E2E tests are especially advantageous because they cover a broader scope and can prevent over-coding by validating the necessity of every piece of code written.

Best Practices for Combining TDD with E2E Tests

A few best practices in implementing TDD with E2E tests include:

  • Creating a List of Features: Define what needs to be tested without aiming for impractical 100% coverage. Focus on essential features needing E2E testing.

  • Following the E2E Testing Lifecycle: Acknowledge the four main phases in E2E tests and plan accordingly, including specifying tasks, scheduling, and role determinations.

  • Testing Horizontally and Vertically: Ensure good coverage and quality by testing across different applications and layers within the software.

  • Tracking Data Flow: Understand data movement between systems to identify dependencies and errors pre-testing.

  • Breaking Complex Workflows: Simplify tests by breaking down complicated processes into smaller, manageable units, which makes troubleshooting more efficient.

  • Building Adaptable Tests: Recognize factors like fluctuating load times and design tests that can adjust to such variables to reduce false positives.

Concluding Thoughts

In the current landscape, where applications spread across various platforms, TDD with the integration of E2E tests simplifies the process, ensuring each module is tested thoroughly. ACCELQ’s emphasis on TDD reflects an understanding that quality software is the product of comprehensive testing strategies.

Pooja Sharma, Content Manager at ACCELQ, underscores the urgency for TDD and the transformative impact it can have on software development processes, evident in the company’s commitment to technology and quality.

For any inquiries regarding Test-Driven Development or End-to-End testing and their implementations, Pooja Sharma at ACCELQ is available to provide expertise and guidance.


  • #TestDrivenDevelopment
  • #E2ETests
  • #SoftwareQuality
  • #DevelopmentBestPractices

Awesome System Design Resources on GitHub

GitHub has become the go-to platform for developers and organizations around the world. Offering a multitude of features, it supports the entire software development lifecycle. This is why it’s an excellent resource for system design enthusiasts and professionals seeking information, tools, and community support. Let's delve into some of the key features that make GitHub an indispensable tool for system design.

Automate Any Workflow with GitHub Actions

One of GitHub's most powerful features is GitHub Actions. It allows developers to automate workflows, making it easier to integrate continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) into their projects. Actions can be used to build, test, and deploy code directly from GitHub. Additionally, one can create workflows that automate tasks such as sending notifications or deploying to a production environment when a pull request is merged.

Host and Manage Packages with GitHub Packages

GitHub Packages is a feature that provides package hosting alongside your source code. It supports several package management tools, including npm, Docker, Maven, NuGet, and more. This integrated package hosting makes it convenient for users to find and install packages directly from GitHub, and for authors to publish and share their packages with the world.

Security: Find and Fix Vulnerabilities

Security is pivotal in system design, and GitHub provides tools to help developers identify and fix vulnerabilities in their code. The platform offers automated security fixes and security advisories, which inform developers about detected vulnerabilities and propose solutions. Moreover, GitHub's Dependabot keeps track of dependencies in your project and suggests updates to keep everything secure.

Codespaces: Instant Dev Environments

For system designers, setting up a consistent development environment can be time-consuming. With GitHub Codespaces, you can have a fully configured development environment up and running in seconds. These environments are customizable and can be shared among team members, ensuring that everyone is developing in a unified setting.

Copilot: Write Better Code with AI

GitHub Copilot is an AI-powered tool that assists in writing code. It suggests code snippets and entire functions in real-time as you type. Copilot can significantly improve productivity and is an excellent resource for understanding best practices in coding.

Code Review: Manage Code Changes

Code reviews are essential for maintaining high-quality code. GitHub provides a comprehensive code review system where you can discuss and review changes, suggest improvements, and collaborate more effectively with your team.

Plan and Track Work with GitHub Issues

The Issues feature of GitHub is a simple yet powerful way to track tasks, enhancements, and bugs for your projects. It's a central place to manage your work and collaborate with your team on solving problems and creating new features.

Outside-the-Code Collaboration: Discussions

GitHub isn't just about code—it's also about the people who write it. The Discussions feature allows users to have conversations about their projects outside the context of code changes, fostering a community atmosphere.

Explore New Territories

GitHub is vast, and there's always something new to explore. With features such as trending repositories and topics, collections of curated content, and the ability to explore all features, GitHub remains a treasure trove for system designers looking to learn and discover new tools and methodologies.

Enhance Knowledge with GitHub Learning Resources

The platform offers a wide array of learning resources such as GitHub Skills, white papers, e-books, and webinars. The ReadME Project and GitHub community articles provide insights and stories from developers around the world.

Support Open Source with GitHub Sponsors

GitHub Sponsors provide a means for developers to fund open source contributors. This feature underscores the community spirit that GitHub fosters, enabling the growth and sustainability of open source software.

Feedback, Search, and Pricing Tailored for Your Needs

GitHub allows users to provide feedback, which the platform takes seriously. With advanced search features and flexible pricing models, it caters to individuals, startups, enterprises, and educational institutions, emphasizing its commitment to serving a diverse user base.

In conclusion, GitHub provides a comprehensive set of features that cater to the needs of system designers looking to automate workflows, manage packages, secure their code, set up development environments, write better code with AI, and collaborate with others. It’s a platform that not only hosts your code but also fosters a community of learning and sharing, which is invaluable for anyone involved in system design.

Tags: #GitHub #SystemDesign #DeveloperTools #Automation