Start Building Now: 24 Engaging JavaScript Project Ideas for Beginners to Intermediate Coders

Learning JavaScript is an exciting journey, but just going through lessons and tutorials might not offer the practical experience of coding that you need to truly understand the language. One way you can reinforce your knowledge and gain this experience is by working on some JavaScript projects of your own.

In this blog post, I will list 24 JavaScript projects, ranging from beginner to intermediate level, that you can start working on right now. All these projects are open-source, which means you can use the source code for guided learning.

How to Choose Your JavaScript Project

Before I delve into the list of projects, it’s essential to understand how to pick the right one. The key is to start with simple projects and gradually move to more complex ones. It is important to set realistic expectations and choose projects that are a tad above your current skill level. Going for overly ambitious projects might lead to frustrations when you encounter difficulties that you can’t handle comfortably.

A well-chosen project is one that is slightly challenging but not too far beyond your current skill level. Aim for projects that push you to learn and improve your skills progressively.

Now let’s jump into the list of JavaScript projects that you can try.

JavaScript Project Ideas

  1. Vanilla JavaScript stopwatch: Create a stopwatch that needs three buttons for user interaction: Start, Stop, and Reset. Find sample project here.

  2. JavaScript clock: Practice variables and simple if loops by building a digital clock. Find sample project here.

  3. JavaScript calculator: Coding a calculator is excellent practice for your JavaScript skills. Incorporate addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division functionalities. Find sample project here.


  1. JavaScript Maze Game project: Code your own maze with JavaScript. It is somewhat more demanding and hence suitable for someone who is comfortable with the language. Find sample project here.

Also, check some other project ideas like JavaScript Simon game, JavaScript platformer game, JavaScript palindrome checker, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions about JavaScript Projects

What are good JavaScript projects for beginners?
Valid beginner project ideas include a simple stopwatch, tip calculator, animated navigation toggle, and others.

How do I start a JavaScript project?
Start by identifying what you want to code, break it down into manageable tasks, and then start coding.

Where can I start learning JavaScript for beginners?
There are several resources to start learning JavaScript: Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, Udemy, etc. also check out these top YouTube channels to learn programming.


Building JavaScript projects of your own helps you understand how the language syntax works, how different issues can be resolved, and most importantly gives you hands-on experience with coding.

So which JavaScript projects are you going to build next? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy coding!

tags: #JavaScriptProjects, #OpenSourceProjects, #CodingPractice, #JavaScriptLearning

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Choosing Between Vue and React in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript Frameworks

The intricate world of web development is constantly evolving, with new tools and frameworks continually being introduced to make developers’ lives easy. In the landscape of JavaScript frameworks, Vue and React have emerged as the frontrunners, each with its own set of advantages and quirks. In this post, we will delve deep into the endless “React vs Vue 2023” debate, helping you understand the unique attributes of each platform and make an informed decision on which is the best fit for your unique project requirements.

A Brief Rundown on JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript frameworks are essentially a toolkit for web developers, offering pre-written code that can be used for routine tasks and enhancing the efficiency and speed of development. Among the many choices available today, two JavaScript frameworks, namely Vue and React, garner ample attention and are often the topic of hot debate amongst developers and businesses alike.

Vue and React have both made a significant impact on the industry, with their ability to create interactive and user-friendly web interfaces. The choice between the two, however, can vary greatly based on factors like project requirements, team expertise, and personal preference.

A Snapshot of Vue vs React

Understanding what each framework can offer is the first step in choosing the right JavaScript framework for your project.

  • Vue – A progressive framework for building user interfaces that is designed to be adaptable.
  • React – A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, primarily for single-page applications.

While both Vue and React offer impressive speed and performance, their unique design philosophies, community support, learning curves, and industry usage make them suitable for different scenarios and projects.

Delving into the Learning Curve

An equally important consideration while choosing a JavaScript framework is the steepness of the learning curve, indicating how quickly your team can learn and adapt to the new platform.

Who is using React and Vue?

Several leading companies rely on either Vue or React for their web development needs.

React has been adopted by:

  • Facebook
  • Netflix
  • Instagram
  • Airbnb
  • WhatsApp

On the other hand, Vue has found users in:

  • Xiaomi
  • Alibaba
  • Grammarly

Understanding who is using these frameworks can offer insights into their practical applications and benefits.

Comparing JavaScript Frameworks

There are numerous JavaScript frameworks apart from Vue and React, like Angular, Svelte, and Next.js, and understanding how Vue and React stack up against these others can offer a broader perspective on choosing the right one.

Why React is often the Chosen One

React is often the preferred choice for many developers and companies in the ongoing Vue vs React debate. Developed by Facebook and supported by a robust community, React uses a component-based architecture that allows for code reuse. It also introduced the revolutionary virtual DOM for efficient updates and rendering.

Choosing the Right Framework for Your Project

Making the right decision for your specific project can seem overwhelming with the ever-evolving JavaScript ecosystem. Important factors to consider include project requirements, the learning curve, community and ecosystem, performance, and future trends.

The right framework for your project is the one that best suits your specific needs and constraints. React has consistently proven to be a powerful tool for building dynamic, high-performance web applications, and that’s why we at have chosen to specialize in React.

Finally, regardless of the choice between Vue and React, always remember that the best choice is the one that benefits your specific project the most.

Tags: #JavaScript, #WebDevelopment, #React, #Vue.

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Mastering the Fusion of Creativity and Analytics in Digital Marketing Trends 2023

The digital marketing landscape is bustling more than ever, valued at a whopping $626 billion. The field’s dynamism involves a blend of creativity and analytics that both drives and captivates audience interests. This post takes a deep dive into the core components and trends in the digital marketing landscape of 2023.

The Creative Heart of Digital Marketing

Artistry manifests in digital marketing campaigns that do more than just sell – they touch hearts, just like Spotify’s “Wrapped” campaign. The soul of crafting these campaigns lies in understanding the audience. The more refined your understanding of your audience and their specific needs, likes, and dislikes, the better you can tailor your content, messaging, and products to appeal to them.

A study by Accenture shows how brands tailoring their experiences based on user behavior saw significant increases in their consumer base. This level of personalization results from an in-depth understanding of customer behaviors, interests and pain points, which helps create an experience unique and valuable to them.

The Analytical Brain of Digital Marketing

While creativity forms one half of the successful digital marketing equation, the other half owes to data. Data-driven marketing is the GPS guiding marketers through the complex digital landscape of 2023. Companies leverage data analytics to understand consumer behavior, predict trends, and make informed decisions.

The dynamic trio powering this data-driven approach includes Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Big Data. These technology advancements help analyze vast amounts of data in real-time, enabling businesses to personalize experiences at scale, much like Netflix and Amazon.

However, leveraging these advancements requires the right tools like HubSpot, Hootsuite, Google Analytics, and MailChimp. These tools help analyze and utilize data most effectively, underscoring why data is considered the world’s most valuable resource today.

Key Techniques for Mastering the 2023 Digital Marketing Landscape

Navigating the ever-changing landscape necessitates a keen understanding of the strategies at play. Here are two key techniques brands are leveraging in 2023:

Mobile Marketing

With over 5 billion mobile users worldwide, Statista reports that mobile marketing has grown exponentially. Brands implementing mobile marketing tactics have seen a 12% rise in revenue.

Influencer and Social Media Marketing

Around 49% of consumers rely on influencer recommendations for purchases, signifying the rising impact of social media marketing. Each social media platform offers unique ways to connect with different audience demographics, providing marketers with a versatile range of strategies for promotions.


To ace the digital marketing scene in 2023, you need to leverage both the art and science of the field. It’s not just about crafting creative campaigns but understanding your audience deeply and making data-driven decisions catering to their needs. Starbucks’ mobile strategy and Glossier’s influencer campaign are examples of this blend at work.

So, as we navigate this exciting terrain, ask yourself this: Are you leveraging the right data to fuel your creative efforts? How can you better combine the science of data with the art of understanding your audience to drive success in digital marketing?

Tags: #DigitalMarketing #MobileMarketing #BigData #SocialMediaMarketing

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Apple’s Inclusive Design Award Winners: Celebrating Diversity & Innovation in the App World

Apple’s commitment to inclusivity and diversity continues to shine through its stringent selection of the top apps on its platforms. These apps, whether created for entertainment, productivity or personal growth, have shown a remarkable consideration for a variety of users, making them accessible across languages, abilities, backgrounds, and locations. Here, we dive into the award-winning apps and games that have made a significant difference in the user experience.

Inclusivity Winners

Universe – Website Builder

Universe Exploration Company has broken barriers with its Universe – Website Builder application. This app is designed with an all-inclusive user experience at its core, offering a seamless and intuitive platform for building websites. View on the App Store
Behind the Design: Universe — Website Builder

Stitch Game

Developed by Lykke Studios, Stitch has been recognized for its inclusive gaming performance. This game offers tremendous adaptability and comprehensive accessibility for gamers of all backgrounds. View on the App Store.
Behind the Design: Stitch

Delight and Fun Winners


Engaging, memorable, and satisfying are the qualities that earned Duolingo the Delight and Fun award. View on the App Store
Behind the Design: Duolingo


Afterplace, developed by Evan Kice, offers an amazing gaming experience that leaves users eager for more. View on the App Store
Behind the Design: Afterplace

Interaction Winners


The developers at Flighty LLC have outdone themselves with Flighty’s meticulously designed interface that offers effortless navigation on the app. View on the App Store
Behind the Design: Flighty


The game, Railbound, developed by Afterburn, delivers a top-tier user interface that has been specifically designed for its platform, ensuring an easy, enjoyable gaming experience. View on the App Store
Behind the Design: Railbound

Social Impact Winners


Headspace is a leading app in positive and significant social change, providing tools to improve life quality. View on the App Store
Behind the Design: Headspace


HandyGames’ Endling shines a light on crucial issues, achieving recognition as a game with a strong social impact. View on the App Store
Behind the Design: Endling

Visuals and Graphics Winners

Any Distance

Any Distance’s stunning graphics and skillfully drawn interface make it a winner in the Visuals and Graphics App category. View on the App Store
Behind the Design: Any Distance

Resident Evil Village

Capcom’s Resident Evil Village sets a high standard for graphic quality in games. Its visual appeal and the cohesive theme have earned it an award in this category. View on the App Store
Behind the Design: Resident Evil Village

Innovation Winners

SwingVision: A.I. Tennis App

SwingVision is synonymous with innovation as it leverages novel technologies to provide a unique A.I. assisted Tennis training experience. View on the App Store
Behind the Design: SwingVision: A.I. Tennis App


Second Dinner’s MARVEL SNAP stands out as an innovative game, providing unique and state-of-the-art experiences for its users. View on the App Store
Behind the Design: MARVEL SNAP

Tags: #AppleAwards #InclusiveApps #CreativeGames #InnovativeApps

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Decoding Programming: Libraries vs Frameworks and Their Impact on Web Development

When it comes to web development and programming, many concepts can initially seem complicated due to the use of certain terms such as libraries and frameworks. These two terminologies are some of the most commonly interchanged ones in the tech industry. However, they have distinctive uses and implications in actual programming. In this blog post, we aim to streamline your understanding of these terms and guide you through the basic concepts of programming along with some popular programming libraries.

Understanding Programming

Programming is essentially the process through which computer programs are constructed. Programmers write instructions by using specific symbols and words that command the computer to perform different tasks. Just like humans, computers also understand language. However, their language of instruction is different and is usually one of the various programming languages such as Swift, Python, JavaScript, etc.

The Concept of a Programming Library

A programming library is a cluster of prewritten code, which aids programmers in solving common problems and optimizing tasks. This pre-coded assembly of reusable code typically targets specific areas of programming and include components that can be used individually and are often configurable.

Implementation of Libraries by Developers

Libraries are utilized by developers to construct apps and websites in a more efficient manner. Each library targets a specific functionality, such as server connection, user authentication, algorithms, user interfaces, or data management. Developers often search for suitable libraries when they need to build a particular component quickly or face difficulties in doing so. Libraries facilitate a cohesive application building by enabling the use of multiple components from one source. They can also provide different perspectives on a task since coding methods vary among coders.

Contrasting Libraries and Frameworks

Though often used interchangeably, libraries and frameworks are somewhat different from each other. Libraries usually consist of objects and functions that must be configured to work together and cater to solving specific problems within a development scheme. They allow programmers to manage the flow of an application, add custom lines of code, and efficiently incorporate necessary components.

Framework, on the other hand, act more like blueprints. They encompass collections of components that are pre-configured to work seamlessly together and often come with a preset architecture that the developers must follow. Frameworks focus on providing a comprehensive solution for a specific methodology. It’s like comparing a model house with standard options (framework) versus customizing and assembling flat-pack furniture (libraries).

A Look at Popular Programming Libraries

Several popular programming libraries facilitate simple and efficient coding. Some of the renowned ones that are primarily data science libraries are mentioned below:

  • NumPy

Python-based NumPy helps developers scroll through massive datasets in less time.

  • Matplotlib

Matplotlib is another Python library used in conjunction with NumPy to manage datasets and generate standard graphing functions for data visualization.

  • TensorFlow

TensorFlow functions to create and train machine learning models.

  • Apache Spark

Apache Spark supports SQL, making it a popular choice.

In the realm of JavaScript libraries, several ones stand out:

  • Node.js

Node.js aids in the building of scalable network apps and supports backend functions programming in JavaScript.

  • React.js

React.js is useful for the construction of web app user interfaces.

  • Vue.js

Vue.js supports efficient app creation with fewer code lines than its counterparts.

  • jQuery

jQuery simplifies JavaScript programming and accelerates web page loading.

  • p5

p5 is designed for creative programming and aids in interactive visuals creation with code.

  • Polymer

Polymer enables the reuse of HTML elements.

  • Dojo Toolkit

The modular Dojo Toolkit assists in the rapid development of unique user interfaces for cross-platform apps and websites.

Embarking on Your Programming Journey

Programming libraries and frameworks, while often confused, serve important roles in developers’ workflows. They allow for more efficient creation of applications by providing pre-written lines of code. But, it’s important to remember that libraries aim at efficiency, and it’s the developers’ responsibility to ensure their effective use.

If you’re ready to delve into programming and scripting, start with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, followed by building an application with a library of your choice. Good luck!

Programming #WebDevelopment #ProgrammingLibraries #Frameworks

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Unlock Success in 2023: Five Steps to Master Your Productivity Plan

Staring down the imminent arrival of 2023 can be a daunting prospect. Many tasks will await you, some foreseen and many unforeseen. You can banish this overwhelming feeling by creating a well-structured productivity plan. Having a productivity plan is like having a road map for accomplishing your short-term and long-term goals. It helps maintain focus, ensuring that you’re moving in the right direction.

How can you create a productivity plan for 2023? Here are five crucial steps to adhere to when constructing your plan:

Step 1: Develop a Mission Statement

A mission statement serves as your guiding light. This statement reflects the purpose of your goals and what you wish to achieve. It also tells you why these goals matter and how they align with your values. In essence, your mission statement is your constant reminder of why you’re embarking on this journey.

Step 2: Develop Core Goals and Objectives

Goals give direction to your plans. Your core goals become the destinations on your roadmap. They provide clarity and focus your efforts toward achieving significant milestones. Objectives, on the other hand, are the steps you need to take to reach these goals.

Step 3: Formulate Strategies and Tactics

It’s not sufficient to know where you’re going; you must also know how you’ll get there. Formulating strategies and tactics will involve conscious planning about the use of resources, allocating time and setting tasks that align with your objectives.

Step 4: Set Priorities and Deadlines

Setting priorities determines the order in which you’ll accomplish your tasks. Deadlines, on the other hand, are vital in maintaining a sense of urgency, preventing procrastination and keeping you on schedule. Ensuring that each goal has a realistic and well-defined timeline makes the mission more achievable.

Step 5: Implement the Plan

The final step is implementing the plan. All the stages preceding this hold no value if the plan is not put into action. Start working towards your goals, consistently assessing your progress and making necessary changes as you move along.

Following these steps, you can craft an effective productivity plan for 2023, tailored to meet your needs. Remember, a productivity plan is not set in stone. It’s essential to perform regular reviews, assessing progress, identifying any shortcomings and tweaking the plan as required.

With a well-structured productivity plan, you will be equipped with a roadmap leading to the achievement of your goals in 2023. It’s your tool, guide, and companion in reaching your desired outcomes efficiently and promptly.

So gear up and get ready to dominate 2023 with a robust productivity plan.

Tags: #ProductivityPlan #GoalSetting #TimeManagement #PlanningForSuccess

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Boost Your Hiring Process with iMocha’s Comprehensive Cypress Skills Test

Cypress, a next-generation end-to-end testing tool, has transformed the landscape of web application testing. With its modern automation features, it provides a strong platform for individuals to create, debug, and run tests effectively. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the features and benefits of Cypress and how utilizing iMocha’s Cypress skills test can streamline the hiring and learning and development process.

Why Choose Cypress?

Cypress has been designed to cater to the modern day needs of front-end developers and QA engineers. Packed with multitude of automation features, Cypress simplifies the web testing process and offers several advantages:

  • Easy Test Creation: With Cypress, creating tests for web applications is incredibly straightforward.
  • Visual Debugging: Cypress enables visual debugging, making it easier to identify and fix errors.
  • Seamless Integration: Cypress can be used in continuous integration builds, enhancing developers’ workflow.

Revolutionize Your Hiring with iMocha’s Cypress Skills Test

iMocha’s Cypress skills test offers a comprehensive way to assess the technical and non-technical skills of individuals. This specialized test is beneficial in more ways than one:

  • All-inclusive Assessment: The test covers a wide range of topics including end-to-end testing, installation, automation testing, and more.
  • Analyze with Test Analytics: Its inbuilt test analytics functionality helps recruiters and L&D managers evaluate their applicant pipeline, measure test performance, and analyze invitation data.
  • Informed Decision Making: The insights provided by the Cypress skills test assists in making informed talent decisions.

This unique blend of Cypress testing tool and iMocha’s skills test is a game changer for the tech industry, helping businesses make the right hiring decisions and to educate their existing employees.

Tags: #Cypress, #iMocha, #Testing, #WebAppTesting, #AutomationFeatures

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Google I/O 2023: Innovations Unveiled in AI, Pixel Devices, and Android Features

Google I/O 2023 has been nothing short of extraordinary, unveiling a series of breakthroughs in AI technology, powerful product updates, and an impressive new hardware lineup. We’re thrilled to reveal what we’ve been working on and believe in the value this will bring to our global user community.

Driving Innovation with AI

At Google, we firmly believe that innovation is the key to creating products that are not only helpful but also intuitive. We demonstrated this at I/O, showcasing the power of AI in building useful tools and features across our platforms.

Personalized Android Wallpapers

First, we introduced our custom wallpapers for Android. Powered by AI, users can now personalize their devices to not only look distinct, but also represent their individual taste and style.

Advanced Editing Tools in Google Photos

We realize the need for a powerful, AI-driven photo editing tool and hence, have upgraded Google Photos. The advanced editing tools now allow you to perfect your photographs in a more refined, professional manner, in fewer steps and less time.

Search that Digs Deeper

Finally, digging deeper into any topic on Google Search has been made simpler. Leveraging AI, our latest snapshot feature curates in-depth information, helping users to explore the intricate facets of any given subject.

Introducing Our New Hardware Lineup

Beyond software and services, we’re also innovating in our device lineup. This year, we unveiled an exciting array of hardware that pushes the boundaries of what a mobile device can do.

Google Pixel Tablet

Be it work or leisure, the new Google Pixel Tablet is designed to manage your multimedia tasks smoothly with breathtaking visuals.

Pixel Fold

Meet the Pixel Fold – embodying the future of smartphones with its foldable screen technology. With the Pixel Fold, we’ve blurred the lines between smartphones and tablets.

Pixel 7a

Last but not least, the Pixel 7a, an affordable option packed with all the features and power of our premium models. We believe high-end technology should be accessible to all.

Wrapping Up

From creating smarter AI-driven features to designing new devices that redefine the mobile world, Google I/O 2023 has been a significant milestone for us. We’re grateful for your continued support and excited to see what you’ll create with these pioneering products and features.

Tags: #GoogleIO2023 #GoogleAI #GooglePixel #GoogleSearch

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Crafting Ultimate Workspaces: Spotlight on Best Pinterest Desk Setups for Gamers, Coders, & Creators

In the new era of working and studying from home, having a productive workspace has become more critical than ever before. Pinterest, the platform known for sharing creative ideas, provides a plethora of inspiration for desk setups. Here, we explore some of the awe-inspiring desk setups Pinterest has to offer.

Gaming Room Setup

Gaming Room Setup, Computer Setup, Desk Setup, Study Room Decor, Bedroom Decor, Pokemon, Grow Room, Desk Inspiration, Home Office Setup

A well-equipped gaming room setup was shared by a user Henco Eloff. Multi-monitor setups, LED lights, ideal positioning of the keyboard, mouse, and even Pokemon collectibles give the set up a personalized touch. This setup is not just about aesthetics; it’s designed to provide comfort during long gaming sessions.

Bea Kyotto’s Laptop Setup

༶•┈୨♡୧┈•༶ 𝑏𝑒𝑎 𝑘𝑦𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑜 ༶•┈୨♡୧┈•༶

Bea Kyotto’s laptop setup is simple yet efficient. The setup with a laptop, additional monitor, and minimum decor items is appealing and straightforward, Perfect for those who adopt a minimalist lifestyle.

Home Office Setup

Home Office Set Up, Office Setup, Office Workspace, Home Office Design, Gaming Setup, Mac Setup, Long Desk, Desk Goals

A neat home office setup, shared on Pinterest, features an exceptionally long desk that caters to various tasks. It accommodates the computer setup along with an array of stationery and a lamp. The clean setup along with the view from the adjacent window creates an inviting workspace.

Home Studio Setup

Home Studio Ideas, Home Studio Setup, Computer Desk Organization, Computer Desk Setup, Bedrooms

Pinterest also presents quite a few impressive home studio setups. Here’s an example that incorporates multiple screens, professional recording equipment, and a mix of functional and decorative components arranged snugly in a room dedicated to creativity.

Coding Setup

Html Cheat Sheet, Clean Laptop, Coding For Beginners, Coding Bootcamp, Programming Humor, Coding School, Desktop Setup, Bedroom Setup, Coding For Kids

A space designed specifically for coding learners includes handy HTML cheat sheets, a clean laptop, and a tranquil environment conducive to concentration and focus.

Whether you need a workspace for gaming, coding, or creative tasks, Pinterest draws together innumerable ideas that might help spark the inspiration needed to design a workspace that fits your vibe and needs perfectly.

Tags: #WorkspaceIdeas #HomeOfficeSetup #Pinterest #DeskSetupInspiration

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Understanding the Magic Behind React Syntax: New JSX Transform in React 17

React is an efficient and flexible JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. By using React, web developers can create reusable UI components. These components help with maintaining the code when working on larger scale projects.

The Old Way: Importing React

Before the updates, React developers had to import the React module explicitly to be able to write JSX. This code illustrates that concept:

import React from 'react';
function BoringComponent() { 
  return ( 
    <div>Hello, world!</div> 
} ;

Without this import statement, the JSX syntax, an HTML-like syntax, would not be recognized by the JavaScript compiler.

Paradigm Shift: Why this Change?

In newer React versions, the explicit import of the React module is not required anymore. This change came about for a few reasons:

  1. Simplification of Code: It helps to simplify the code as it removes unnecessary imports.
  2. Improving Readability: This change enhances code readability by reducing the clutter caused by unnecessary imports.
  3. Increasing Robustness: The code becomes more robust by reducing the risk of errors from incorrect imports.

How Does this Change Work?

The crucial part lies in understanding how JSX works behind the scenes. Every JSX element gets transpiled to a React.createElement call. Let’s see an example:

function SmartComponent() 
return ( 
  <div>Hello, world!</div> 
); }

In the past, behind the scenes, React implicitly called the React.createElement. React no longer needs to do this, which is why the import statement is no longer necessary.

This new magic comes from the new JSX Transform introduced in React 17.

To sum it up, the recent updates in React have removed the need to import the React module when writing JSX elements enhancing simplicity, readability, and robustness of the code.

Tags: #React, #JSX, #ES6, #React17, #createElement_isMagic

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