A Guide to UI Testing Best Practices

UI testing is a crucial component of the software development lifecycle, ensuring that user interfaces are functional, reliable, and user-friendly. This guide serves as a comprehensive resource for best practices in UI testing, built upon the contributions of experts and the UI testing community. It covers a range of topics from testing strategies and general best practices to server communication testing, advanced concepts, and tools that can be employed in the testing process.

Overview of Testing Strategies

Component vs (UI) Integration vs E2E Tests

Different types of tests serve different purposes in the UI testing landscape. Component tests focus on individual components in isolation, UI Integration tests assess how components work together, and End-to-End (E2E) tests simulate real user scenarios to ensure the entire application works as intended.

Avoid Perfectionism at the Beginning

Starting simple and focusing on key functionalities can be more pragmatic than trying to achieve perfection from the outset. It's about prioritizing the most critical tests and gradually building comprehensive coverage.

Choosing a Reference Browser

To ensure consistency, it's advisable to choose a reference browser for testing efforts, while still keeping cross-browser compatibility in mind.

Writing Tests Before Fixing Bugs

When a bug is discovered, writing a test that replicates the issue ensures that once fixed, the bug does not reoccur, maintaining the quality of the application.

Test Granularity

The best practice encourages having numerous small, independent tests instead of a few long ones. This approach facilitates easier maintenance and more explicit failure diagnosis.

Generic Best Practices

Await, Don't Sleep

In UI testing, it's recommended to wait for deterministic events rather than using arbitrary sleep times, which can lead to flaky and unreliable tests.

Naming Test Files Wisely

Clear and descriptive test file names improve maintainability and help new testers understand the scope and purpose of the tests.

Debugging UI Tests

Debugging is essential in UI testing. Knowing the best practices to quickly identify issues in tests can save time and improve reliability.

Reaching UI State for Testing

Creating the specific UI state needed for testing can be challenging, but it's crucial to test the application's response under various conditions.

Using your Testing Tool as a Development Tool

Leveraging the capabilities of your testing tool beyond just testing, such as during the development phase, can enhance productivity and code quality.

Keeping Abstraction Low

A lower level of abstraction in tests can make them easier to debug and understand, though there's a balance to be struck between simplicity and the DRY principle.

Server Communication Testing

Testing communication between the client and server is a crucial part of UI testing, ensuring that requests and responses are handled correctly. Additionally, monitoring tests can detect potential issues in real-time server communication.

Tips for Beginners

Testing Pyramid Approach from the Top

For those new to testing, starting with high-level tests and working down to more granular levels provides a solid foundation for understanding the testing process as a whole.

The Role of Tools

The right tools can greatly facilitate the UI testing process. Cypress is highlighted as a tool that addresses common UI testing challenges and supports various testing types, including visual regression testing.

Advanced Topics

Advanced concepts such as Test States, Test Flake, Combinatorial Testing, Performance Testing, and Email Testing are covered to provide insights into more complex testing scenarios and how to handle them effectively.

Real-Life Examples

The guide not only theorizes best practices but also provides real-life examples and case studies to demonstrate practical application, such as distinguishing between front-end integration tests and back-end E2E tests, and simplifying React Component Tests.

Obsolete Chapters

As tools and methodologies evolve, some chapters become outdated. The guide maintains a section for obsolete chapters, such as those on using Cypress for unit testing, which has now been superseded by newer versions of the tool.

Steering Committee and Acknowledgments

A steering committee comprising Stefano Magni from Hasura and Murat Ozcan from Extend oversees the guide. Contributions from the community are acknowledged, with 🌻 symbols for successful pull requests and ⭐ for approved new best practices.

The UI Testing Best Practices guide represents the collective wisdom of seasoned professionals and the larger testing community. It is a dynamic resource, constantly updated to reflect the latest advancements, making it an indispensable manual for anyone involved in UI testing.

Tags: #UITesting, #BestPractices, #SoftwareDevelopment, #QualityAssurance


Comprehensive Guide to Mastering API Testing: Techniques, Tools, and Effective Practices

The integral role of API integration in today’s software development landscape is undeniable. It acts as the bridge that connects diverse systems and services, providing seamless functionality. However, the task doesn’t end with mere integration; an equally crucial component is API testing. This practice ensures the performance, reliability, and security of your API integrations. This article aims to be your comprehensive guide to API testing, including different testing techniques, popular tools, and best practices to ensure an effective testing process.

APIs and The Significance of API Testing in Their Integration

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are foundational elements supporting a significant portion of web services today. They act as intermediaries, facilitating interaction and data exchange between different systems. When APIs are integrated, they form robust, functional applications, making API testing an essential part of the integration process.

API testing is far from a mere procedure in your software development lifecycle or a box to be checked. It’s a fundamental practice that verifies the viability and security of the integrated system. At its heart, API testing ensures that the API performs its intended functions, providing smooth functionality.

However, given the interconnected nature of API integration, a minor malfunction can lead to a system-wide disruption. These malfunctions can hamper user experience or even lead to severe financial repercussions. The significance of API testing lies in its capability to identify such potential issues, allowing developers to nip problems in the bud, thereby ensuring smooth API integration.

Testing Techniques for APIs

Every API testing strategy must be well-structured, aiming for functional, scalable, secure, and user-friendly APIs. However, this is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ process. Several testing techniques need to be considered, each addressing different aspects of the API performance.

Functionality Testing

This testing validates that the API behaves as expected, focusing on its intended functionality.

Load Testing

This process involves testing APIs under various loads, ensuring they are robust enough to handle fluctuating web traffic.

Security Testing

In today’s digital age where security is paramount, APIs should be secure to prevent any breaches.

Usability Testing

This type of testing ensures the API provides a seamless experience for developers using it for integration processes.

Popular Tools for API Testing

Selecting appropriate tools for API testing depends largely on your specific needs. Some may prefer user-friendly designs, while others may seek in-depth analytics or robust security features.

Among the popular ones, Katalon Studio, Postman, JMeter, and Apigee each offer unique features catering to diverse testing requirements. Understanding these features can help you select the best-suited tool for your needs or even consider using multiple tools for extensive API testing coverage.

Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is known for its ease of use, versatile support, and a budget-friendly pricing structure.


Postman is renowned for its REST client capabilities and straightforward collaboration features.


JMeter brings efficient test result management capabilities, efficient parameter handling, and CI pipeline integration to the table.


Apigee offers insights into API performance, efficient API deployment and is particularly tailored for modern digital businesses.

API Testing Best Practices

Adhering to best practices can ensure your APIs function correctly and are optimized for performance, security, and durability. Some of these best practices include adopting a proactive testing approach, implementing a ‘shift-left’ approach, continuous testing, considering security and access control issues, comprehensive test scenarios, and managing documentation and collaboration effectively, to name a few.

Staying on top of these best practices, adapting to new ones, and continuously improving your approach to testing is the key to delivering seamless and trustworthy API integrations.

In conclusion, the importance of API testing in the cohesive functioning of systems in today’s interconnected software development landscape cannot be overstated. Adopting a thoughtful approach to testing, utilising efficient tools, and aligning with best practices can ensure the delivery of reliable, efficient, and secure API integrations.

Tags: #APITesting, #APIIntegration, #DevelopmentTools, #BestPractices

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