Revolutionizing Automotive Industry through Microservices Architecture

In today’s digital era, transformation is sweeping across every industry, including the automotive sector. As Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) aim to provide more advanced and comprehensive features in their vehicles, they are turning towards innovative software solutions. One such solution is the implementation of a microservices architecture. In this post, we will delve into the world of microservices and how they are revolutionizing the automotive industry.

What are Microservices?

Microservices are small, independent services that work together to form a larger, more complex application. To comprehend this better, consider the example of a video streaming website. The site features several services such as:

  1. A search tool, which connects to a database with titles and relevant keywords to return relevant results.
  2. A media player, a separate service that provides high-quality video playback and viewer options, such as language preference.
  3. An algorithm recommending other videos based on user behavior.

In a microservices architecture, these services are independently deployable and managed. Changes to one service (say, the search tool) do not affect the functioning of another service (like the media player). This scenario is starkly different from monolithic architectures where services are interdependent and less flexible.

Microservices in the Automotive Industry

Microservices is not limited to web-based applications and online platforms. This innovative technology has found its application in the automotive industry as well.

Achieving Functional Safety with Microservices

In the automotive sector, functional safety is crucial. The industry standard ISO 26262 places high importance on this aspect. By implementing a microservices architecture, OEMs can achieve functional safety quickly and efficiently.

Testing and debugging each service independently improves the software’s overall quality, safety, and reliability. Simultaneously, it paves the way for faster software updates. OEMs can easily fix bugs and address security vulnerabilities using this architecture.

Abstracting Software from Hardware

In conventional vehicle architectures, the software and hardware are closely tied, making it difficult to update components without affecting the overall functionality. Microservices architecture provides a solution here: it abstracts the software from hardware, while encapsulating hardware-dependent pieces independently. This approach enables OEMs to replace or modify the software without worrying about affecting the underlying hardware or other software features.

Fostering Innovation

Another fascinating benefit of microservices architecture is fostering innovation. Modern vehicles need to support a diverse range of applications and functionalities – a challenging feat in a traditional monolithic architecture.

However, by implementing a microservices architecture and offering standardized APIs via a Software Development Kit (SDK), OEMs can support third-party developers in building and integrating apps into the vehicle’s software. As a result, developers can create innovative applications without having to navigate cumbersome hardware complexities.


Microservices architecture is no less than a game-changer for the automotive industry. It not only enhances software quality, safety, and reliability but also fosters more innovation by opening doors for third-party applications. As more automotive companies shift towards a microservices architecture, the future of automotive software development promises exciting possibilities.

Tags: #Microservices #AutomotiveSoftware #FunctionalSafety #Innovation

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Embracing the Future: Exploring the Leap to Serverless Architecture with Jaydeep Patadiya

Jaydeep Patadiya

In the dynamically evolving field of software development, revolutionary trends constantly emerge, paving the way for more efficient, effective, and organized methods of technological innovation. One such development that has recently garnered significant attention is the advent of serverless architecture. Associate Vice President – Sales at Radixweb, Jaydeep Patadiya, with his unparalleled experience and knowledge of customer needs, enlightens you about the journey into the future with Serverless Architecture.

What is Serverless Architecture?

The serverless architecture, also referred to as Function as a Service (FaaS), is a cloud computing model that dynamically manages the allocation and provisioning of servers. In stark contrast to traditional cloud computing models where the server management is done manually, serverless architecture frees developers from the arduous task of managing servers, allowing them to focus solely on application development.

Why the Shift to Serverless?

There are numerous reasons behind the growing inclination towards serverless architecture. From reduced operational costs, higher scalability, to ease of deployment and quicker go-to-market time frames, the benefits are far-reaching.

Moreover, since serverless architectures only charge for the actual usage or computation time, the efficiency increases multifold. It allows for extensive flexibility, with developers only required to run the code that supports individual requests or transactions, leading to optimal resource usage and ultimately, reduced costs.

Making the Right Decisions

In the rapidly transforming IT industry, it’s essential to adopt future-ready technologies to stay ahead in the game. Jaydeep Patadiya, by helping customers connect the crucial dots and make the right decisions, facilitates a seamless journey towards adopting new technologies like serverless architecture.

After all, embracing change is all about being in sync with customer needs and delivering solutions that align with the evolving industry trends.

Final Thoughts

Serverless architecture, with its host of promising capabilities and advantages, holds the potential to revolutionize the realms of cloud computing and software development. This trend is expected to further surge in the coming times, leading the way to much-awaited technological breakthroughs. Buckle up for an unforgettable journey in the world of serverless computing.

Tags: #ServerlessArchitecture #CloudComputing #SoftwareDevelopment #Innovation

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Recognizing Future Tech Innovators: İşbank, PKO Bank Polski and Schneider Electric as Forrester Tech Finalists

The world is witnessing an increasingly growing trend of corporations adopting advanced technology strategies in their business models. In recognition of this phenomenon, Forrester’s Technology Strategy Impact Award aims to celebrate organizations which have integrated future fit technology strategies into their operations to drive customer satisfaction and business growth. Let’s delve into the accomplishments of these companies.

The Elite Entries: İşbank, PKO Polski Bank, Schneider Electric

This year’s finalists have shown a remarkable ability to adapt to trending business needs, harnessing technology to meet the demands of their customers and employees creatively and resiliently. Spearheading this year’s finalists are İşbank, PKO Polski Bank, and Schneider Electric.

İşbank: Pioneering the Bank of the Future

As Turkey’s largest private bank, İşbank has been a vanguard in digital transformation. With its impressive motto, “the bank of the future”, the bank has introduced an expansive IT and digital vision that cultivates an inclusive, participatory approach to banking.

Their technological advancement extends to innovative platforms for banking, engagement with ecosystem collaboration, superapplications, and novel employee engagement models. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI), İşbank aims to cultivate digital immunity, enhance operational efficiency, and generate a resilient infrastructure.

Furthermore, İşbank is at the forefront of Turkey’s sustainable economic transition by joining the Net-Zero Banking Alliance. They launched the app Forest for the Future, a gamechanger mobile banking and tree planting platform that encourages users to reduce their carbon footprint.

PKO Bank Polski: Harnessing Technology for Value Creation

As a leading multinational banking institution, PKO Bank Polski has crafted a unique IT and digital strategy that emphasizes operational, digital, and technological development. Their mission is to remain prepared for future uncertainties, focusing on innovation and sustainability.

Their presence in various metaverse platforms for official gatherings, events, job fairs is the testament to their dedication to stay in sync with the latest technology trends. Moreover, PKO Bank Polski fosters innovation through a platform that collaborates with startups and fintechs, extending the reach of modern technology. Agile and customer-centric culture coupled with reskilling initiatives like PKO Cloud University and the Academy of Agility facilitate the smooth achievement of the company’s provocative visions.

Schneider Electric: Growing a Future Fit Partner Ecosystem with Platforms

Schneider Electric, a French multinational enterprise, excels in providing digital automation and energy management solutions. With a vast partner ecosystem, the company has seamlessly integrated platforms, AI, and data into its technology backbone, the EcoStruxure Platform.

Schneider Electric Exchange, an open collaboration platform, fosters co-innovation with a user base of over 70,000, accelerating digital transformation for efficiency and sustainability. The success of Schneider Electric is synonymous with the success of its partner network, whose power is amplified by the integration of platforms, AI, and data.

With these extraordinary entries leading the way, the future of technology strategies seems promising, and exciting times lie ahead for businesses and customers alike.

#Tags: #Technology #Innovation #Sustainability #BusinessStrategy

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Deloitte Tech Trends: Embracing Emerging Technologies for Business Innovation


With the rapid advancement of technology, businesses across industries are facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Deloitte’s annual Tech Trends report offers valuable insights into the impact of emerging technologies on groundbreaking innovations and foundational business areas. In this blog post, we will delve into the key trends highlighted in the report and discuss their implications for businesses.

Eyes to the Sky: Three Enduring Eternities

In the realm of IT, there has been a constant evolution of pioneering innovations in interaction, information, and computation. These three pillars serve as the foundation of modern computing. From early mainframe systems to cloud computing and edge computing, the way we interact with technology, access and process information, and execute complex computations has continually evolved.

Through the Glass: Immersive Internet for the Enterprise

The adoption of immersive virtual experiences, such as the metaverse, is rapidly increasing in the enterprise world. These immersive technologies offer new opportunities for business models, training, and collaboration. By utilizing virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies, organizations can create realistic and engaging virtual environments, enabling employees to collaborate in a more immersive and interactive manner.

AI Gains Credibility: Learning to Trust our AI Colleagues

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly valuable in various business applications. However, building trust in AI tools remains crucial. Organizations must focus on gaining the trust of workers and end users to effectively leverage the power of AI. Transparent AI algorithms, explainable AI models, and robust data privacy and security practices are essential in establishing trust and ensuring ethical AI adoption.

Above the Clouds: Taming Multicloud Chaos

As businesses increasingly adopt multicloud strategies, managing disparate cloud environments can become complex and chaotic. To simplify the management of multicloud environments, many enterprises are relying on abstraction and automation. These technologies provide a single pane of control for managing complex cloud infrastructures, allowing organizations to streamline operations, improve scalability, and optimize cost-efficiency.

Feet Firmly on the Ground: Three Foundational Forces

While emerging technologies disrupt traditional business models, it is essential for organizations to integrate these innovations with existing systems and investments. Three foundational forces, namely the business of technology, cyber and trust, and core modernization, play a critical role in enabling seamless integration and operation.

Flexibility, the Best Ability: Reimagining the Tech Workforce

To thrive in the fast-paced and ever-evolving technology landscape, organizations need to reimagine their approach to the tech workforce. Instead of solely relying on a limited supply of tech talent, organizations should focus on skill-building, tap into creative sources of talent, such as gig workers and crowdsourcing platforms, and provide an engaging talent experience to attract and retain top-notch professionals. Embracing flexible work arrangements and fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation are key to building an agile and resilient tech workforce.

In Us We Trust: Decentralized Architectures and Ecosystems

As confidence in centralized institutions decreases, decentralized architectures based on blockchain technology have the potential to rebuild trust. These “trustless” systems can provide a more secure and transparent environment, enabling organizations and individuals to transact and collaborate with increased confidence. From secure digital identities to decentralized finance and supply chain traceability, blockchain-based ecosystems are revolutionizing various industries and transforming the way trust is established and maintained.

Connect and Extend: Mainframe Modernization Hits Its Stride

Contrary to popular belief, mainframe systems continue to play a crucial role in many organizations’ IT infrastructure. By connecting and extending mainframe systems to emerging technologies, enterprises can drive digital transformation while leveraging their existing investments. Modernizing mainframes allows organizations to enhance scalability, improve performance, and incorporate innovative technologies such as AI, cloud computing, and automation. This integration enables businesses to optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and unlock new opportunities for growth.


The future of technology holds promising opportunities, with emerging technology disciplines on the horizon. These new technologies, known as xTech, including quantum computing, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and others, are set to rival IT in their impact on business innovation. As organizations navigate the ever-evolving technology landscape, embracing these emerging trends and fostering a culture of innovation will be critical to staying competitive and driving sustainable growth.


The Deloitte Tech Trends report offers valuable insights into the transformative power of emerging technologies on businesses. By understanding and embracing these trends, organizations can stay ahead of the curve, drive innovation, and unlock new possibilities for business success.

Tags: technology trends, emerging technologies, business innovation, immersive experiences, artificial intelligence, multicloud, decentralized architectures, mainframe modernization

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