Advanced Node.js Interview Preparation

Choosing Between Express and Nest for Project Size

When making a decision between Node.js Express and Node.js Nest for a backend project, the project size and complexity are pivotal factors. Express, known for its simplicity and flexibility, is an excellent fit for small to medium-sized projects where rapid development and simplicity are required. Whereas Nest, built with TypeScript and offering a more structured framework, is optimal for larger projects needing a well-defined architecture and advanced features like dependency injection and modules for maintainable large-scale applications.

Understanding OAuth 2.0 and Its Advantages

OAuth 2.0 is an authorization protocol that facilitates third-party access to user data without sharing login credentials. The benefits of utilizing OAuth 2.0 include enhanced security through token-based authentication, a superior user experience by allowing access without sharing sensitive information, streamlined access control management, and improved scalability to support a growing number of users and services.

SOA vs MSA in Software Architecture

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) involves integrating various services, with each service performing a distinct portion of the workload. Microservice architecture (MSA), however, consists of smaller, autonomous services. MSA tends to have more granular services with focused responsibilities, uses lighter communication protocols, and its services can be independently deployed and scaled. In contrast, SOA usually involves larger, more interdependent services often communicating through enterprise service buses.

Backend Development Principles: Low Coupling and High Cohesion

The design principles of low coupling and high cohesion are fundamental to creating manageable and adaptable backend systems. Low coupling signifies minimized interdependencies among system components, fostering easier maintenance and scalability. High cohesion ensures the components within a module are related and perform a specific set of tasks collaboratively, improving the module's readability and reusability.

Securing Backend Systems

To safeguard backend systems, developers must employ secure coding practices, robust authentication and authorization mechanisms, data encryption, consistent security testing, and diligent monitoring and logging. Moreover, staying up-to-date with the latest patches and updates fortifies the system against emerging security threats.

PostgreSQL vs MongoDB with Node.js

Choosing between PostgreSQL and MongoDB for a Node.js server project involves evaluating the project's data-related needs. PostgreSQL is a robust, ACID-compliant relational database suited for structured data and complex queries, while MongoDB thrives with large volumes of unstructured data and offers scalability and flexibility. Moreover, the community and support ecosystem around both databases may influence the choice based on the specific requirements and preferences.

Implementing Caching in Backend Systems

Implementing caching is a strategic decision to improve performance by storing commonly accessed data for speedy retrieval. Factors like data access frequency, size, complexity, as well as the system’s latency and scalability requirements, must be considered. Caching promotes efficiency but must be managed to ensure data consistency and integrity.

Nest.js Architecture versus Other Node.js Frameworks

Nest.js differs from other Node.js frameworks like Express.js by emphasizing a modular architecture that includes modules, controllers, and services. It leverages TypeScript, which promotes better development practices and code maintainability. Nest.js's architecture pushes developers to create more organized and testable code, particularly advantageous for larger projects needing an enterprise-grade structure.

Testing Nest.js Applications

For Nest.js applications, testing practices include writing unit tests, integrating tests, end-to-end (E2E) tests, and implementing mocking and code coverage. Integrating continuous integration (CI) practices ensures that the codebase remains reliable and bug-free throughout the development cycle.

Understanding Nest.js Interceptors

Nest.js interceptors serve as advanced middleware components capable of modifying request and response objects, executing additional logic, and providing a way to encapsulate cross-cutting concerns like logging and error handling within an application, thus enhancing modularity and maintainability.

Role of Modules in Nest.js Projects

Modules in Nest.js encapsulate and organize related components, such as controllers and services, allowing for independent development and testing. They help manage dependencies within the application, enabling a clean, modular structure that is easy to maintain and scale.

Approaching Backend Project Deployment

Deploying a backend project involves preparing the code, selecting a hosting provider, setting up the environment, installing dependencies, building the application, and thoroughly testing. Post-deployment, continuous monitoring and maintaining are crucial. Using automation tools and adopting containerization can enhance the deployment process.

WebSockets in Real-Time Communication Projects

WebSockets are essential for applications requiring real-time bidirectional communication, like multiplayer games or collaborative tools. Implementing WebSockets allows clients and servers to exchange information quickly and efficiently, supporting a seamless and dynamic user experience.

Comparing GraphQL and REST APIs

GraphQL offers flexible data querying and efficient data loading without multiple requests that REST APIs often require; it is self-documenting and simplifies versioning. However, it comes with high complexity and a challenging caching process. Meanwhile, REST APIs are straightforward, easy to cache, and have a gentle learning curve, but may face data over-fetching or under-fetching and may require more requests to assemble comprehensive datasets.

Best Practices for Scalable Nest.js Applications

Ensuring Nest.js applications are scalable and maintainable involves using modular architecture, implementing dependency injection, and adhering to best practices such as using pipes, filters, interceptors, and guards. Embracing async/await patterns and leveraging TypeScript with appropriate tools like Swagger for API documentation can significantly contribute to the robustness of your Nest.js applications.

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Authored by a Senior Software Engineer with over 5 years of experience specializing in cross-platform development and React Native training programs.

Tags: #NodeJS #NestJS #SoftwareDevelopment #JobInterview #OAuth2.0 #Architecture #Security #Databases #Caching #Testing #WebSockets #GraphQL #RESTAPI #Deployment #Scalability

Exploring the Evolution and Trends of Databases for Serverless and Edge Computing

As developers build applications with serverless and edge computing, there is a need for innovative tools to support this transformation. This article focuses particularly on databases that support this paradigm shift. The focus will be more on transactional workloads rather than analytical workloads, considering how massive the “backend” space is, including search, analytics, data science, and more.

The following are the criteria for this overview:

  • Services which pair exceptionally well with serverless and edge computing
  • Services that support JavaScript and TypeScript codebases

New Programming Models for Modern Applications

Traditional relational databases have been around for years, but serverless-first solutions require a new programming model. This new model should ideally leverage connectionless solutions, be web native and lightweight. Developers now prefer thin client libraries and an infrastructure that abstracts complexities like connection pooling or caching.

For a bonus, developers now favor databases or libraries which provide tooling to enable type-safe access to your data. Examples of such tools are Prisma, Kysely, Drizzle, Contentlayer, and Zapatos.

Solutions like Neon and Supabase have emerged to abstract connection management for databases like Postgres, providing developers with a simplified means to query and mutate data. The process involves using a client library that works with an HTTP API for Supabase or a special proxy for Neon.

While using WebSockets might introduce additional latency, they are faster for subsequent requests. Connection management, rather than going away, is now being handled by the vendor. Take PlanetScale for example, they can handle up to a million connections, effectively taking connection management worries off developers’ hands.

Emerging Trends for Database Companies

The evolving programming model has spurred the following key trends in the database industry:

  • Data Platforms – Databases are increasingly transitioning into data platforms to accommodate adjacent solutions like full-text search and analytics.
  • Decoupling of Storage and Compute – Inspired by companies like Snowflake, an increasing number of players in the industry like Neon, are decreasing the cost of a “database at rest” by decoupling storage and compute.
  • Infinite Scaling Solutions – Solutions like DynamoDB have made it possible to scale infinitely without the need to adjust memory, storage, CPU, clusters, and instances.
  • Global Data – The availability of specialized data APIs and user-specific data stores have made global data a reality.
  • Serverless Solutions – More databases are embracing serverless; however, what “serverless” means to various companies varies somewhat.

To help you better understand your options, I have categorized the solutions based on whether they are “established” or “rising”, whether they are serverless/serverful, as well as their level of maturity (i.e., whether they are generally available (GA) or pre-GA). Below are some examples:


Firestore – a well-adopted document database with built-in support for authentication, real-time workloads, and cross-platform support for mobile.
MongoDB Atlas Serverless – has an entire data platform, including search / analytics / etc.


Convex – very useful for real-time workloads, but also has a simple, type-safe interface for querying/mutating data.
Grafbase – If you love GraphQL, Grafbase is worth exploring.
Neon – Provides Postgres with separation of storage and compute.

Other Solutions

  • Caching Engines: Stellate, Prisma Accelerate, ReadySet.
  • Cloud Provider Offerings: AWS Dynamo, Azure SQL, Azure CosmosDB, Google Cloud SQL, Google BigTable, and more.
  • Content Management (Headless CMS): These can still act as a database, just a different domain-specific solution. Sanity, Contentful, Sitecore, and more.

Feedback is very much welcome. Who have I missed? Of these services, which ones have you tried and liked?

Special Thanks

A special thanks to Guillermo Rauch, Paul Copplestone, Fredrik Björk, Anthony Shew, Craig Kerstiens, Jamie Turner, Nikita Shamgunov, Yoko Li, Pratyush Choudhury, Stas Kelvich, Enes Akar, and Steven Tey for reviewing this post.

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Tags: #Databases, #Serverless, #EdgeCompute, #ProgrammingModels

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