Serverless: Beyond the Backendless Future

Exploring a True Server-Free Architecture

The concept of serverless typically evokes the idea of offloading server management to a third-party provider. Yet, imagine a scenario where serverless is taken literally—no backend servers at all. A traditional web app running entirely without backend infrastructure seems improbable. Nonetheless, let's delve into a ServerFree™ architecture where this notion is a reality.

The Birth of the ServerFree™ Architecture

At its core, the ServerFree™ architecture is a radical deviation from traditional web application structures. It eliminates the need for backend servers, containers, and virtual machines, leaning solely on the client side to handle all operations, including those normally reserved for a server.

The Classic Architecture Approach: A Starting Point

The initial foray into the application's design utilizes classic architecture with subZero libraries, focusing on creating a robust database schema and a user-friendly layout. The MVP V1 includes custom components for an "Opportunities" page, a rich dashboard experience, and even a detour with Turso DB—a means to package the classic architecture for production deployment.

Steps Toward a Simplified Design

  • Database Schema Generation: Using npx @subzerocloud/scaffold@latest new for schema creation.
  • Server Configuration: Setting up server.ts to route requests.
  • Layout Adjustments: Making the sidebar more efficient by moving it to the top.
  • Enhanced Dashboard: Featuring open opportunities and average application progress.
  • Turso DB Integration: A SQLite based solution allowing deployment without data loss.

The Journey to ServerFree™ Architecture

Here begins the challenging yet innovative transition to a server-free environment. The future is visualized with SQLite, now compiled into WebAssembly, so that everything runs locally in the browser.

Constructing a WebAssembly-Based Application

  • SQLite with WebAssembly: Stores data using the Origin-Private FileSystem (OPFS), a new browser capability.
  • Web Worker Implementation: Back-end code is executed in a web worker to utilize SQLite with OPFS effectively.
  • Service Worker Role: Initially considered for running the entire backend, it instead intercepts UI requests due to OPFS limitations.
  • Main Thread Adaptation: The UI no longer handles authentication since the system operates on locally authenticated user files.

The Exhilarating Struggle

The path to the ServerFree™ concept started with a straightforward job application tracker. However, privacy concerns shifted the focus towards a complex exploration of web workers, service workers, and other browser technologies. This unexpected journey resulted in the unintentional birth of a potential new architectural paradigm.

Revolutionary Advantages and Potential Use Cases

The proposed ServerFree™ architecture promises several alluring benefits, particularly its no-backend-servers approach, heightened privacy due to local data handling, robust security by nature of direct computer authentication, and potential efficiency gains by offloading work usually done by a backend.


In this exciting proposal, we witness a hypothetical shift in web application development—a paradigm where servers are truly redundant, and local browser capabilities reign supreme. The ServerFree™ architecture champions privacy and efficiency, setting the stage for novel applications and a future where boundaries between the web and local computing blur into one.

#serverless #webassembly #architecture #applicationdevelopment

The Emergence and Benefits of Smart Home Technology

Smart home technology has transitioned from a futuristic concept to a daily reality, enabling our homes to automatically adjust to our needs and preferences. This revolution is fueled by the Internet of Things (IoT), allowing devices to communicate and create a synchronized environment for enhanced living. Households can now enjoy various benefits such as energy conservation, improved security, and personal customized comfort, thanks to this cutting-edge technology.

What Defines a Smart Home?

A smart home incorporates advanced automation systems to create a living space that is not only comfortable but also intuitive. It leverages IoT, cloud computing, and wireless connections to facilitate communication between various devices. This smart ecosystem can oversee tasks ranging from brewing morning coffee to home security, all controllable through a smartphone or voice command. The underlying aim is to improve the dwellers' quality of life through convenience and efficiency.

The Powering Mechanisms Behind Smart Homes

Smart home automation operates on a threefold basis:

  • The Internet of Things (IoT): It connects all smart devices, enabling them to communicate over the internet.
  • Cloud Computing: This stores and processes the data collected from smart devices.
  • Wireless Connectivity: It ensures devices communicate seamlessly without needing physical wires.

At the core of a smart home, sensors gather environmental data, which is processed by a smart hub that sends commands to actuators. These commands may adjust your thermostat, control lighting, or activate security systems, making your home respond exactly as you desire.

The Role of IoT Devices in Smart Homes

IoT devices are essential components in smart homes, serving as the building blocks for this interconnectivity. From smart locks to thermostats and lighting systems, these devices facilitate a coherent and hassle-free living experience by allowing remote control and communication with other smart devices within the home.

Advantages of Smart Home Technology

Smart homes provide significant benefits, some of which include:

Increased Energy Efficiency

Smart devices can significantly cut down on energy consumption by automating and optimizing their operation, leading to reduced utility bills and a smaller ecological footprint.

Improved Security

IoT-enabled security systems allow remote monitoring of your home, ensuring continuous protection and enhancing peace of mind.

Personalized Comfort

IoT devices can tailor your home to your preferences, from music to lighting, via simple voice commands, providing a uniquely comfortable experience.

Enhanced Health and Wellness

Smart homes can better manage air quality and lighting, positively impacting your health and well-being.

Streamlined Maintenance

IoT devices can preemptively identify maintenance needs, thereby conserving time and resources while reducing repair costs.

Saving Time and Resources

Automated smart appliances allow for chores to be managed remotely, freeing up your time for more important activities.

The Futuristic Path of Smart Homes

The future of smart homes is centered around homes that are not only intelligent but also capable of learning from our routines to optimize our comfort and efficiency. Homes will soon be more than living spaces; they will be adaptive ecosystems that anticipate our needs and manage our environment accordingly.

Innovations in Smart Home Design

Exceptional examples of smart home technology in modern architecture are:

  • The Edge by PLP Architecture, Amsterdam: A building optimizing energy efficiency with intelligent design and sustainable energy sources.
  • Casa Pi by Taller Aragonés, Spain: A residence showcasing voice control, security, and optimized energy usage, blending luxury with smart technology.


The advent of smart home automation offers a glimpse into the future of living spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but are attuned to the residents' needs. With the continuous evolution of technology, these smart ecosystems promise a life of ease, sustainability, and personalized comfort.

Tags: #SmartHomeTechnology, #IoT, #HomeAutomation, #EnergyEfficiency, #Architecture

Advanced Node.js Interview Preparation

Choosing Between Express and Nest for Project Size

When making a decision between Node.js Express and Node.js Nest for a backend project, the project size and complexity are pivotal factors. Express, known for its simplicity and flexibility, is an excellent fit for small to medium-sized projects where rapid development and simplicity are required. Whereas Nest, built with TypeScript and offering a more structured framework, is optimal for larger projects needing a well-defined architecture and advanced features like dependency injection and modules for maintainable large-scale applications.

Understanding OAuth 2.0 and Its Advantages

OAuth 2.0 is an authorization protocol that facilitates third-party access to user data without sharing login credentials. The benefits of utilizing OAuth 2.0 include enhanced security through token-based authentication, a superior user experience by allowing access without sharing sensitive information, streamlined access control management, and improved scalability to support a growing number of users and services.

SOA vs MSA in Software Architecture

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) involves integrating various services, with each service performing a distinct portion of the workload. Microservice architecture (MSA), however, consists of smaller, autonomous services. MSA tends to have more granular services with focused responsibilities, uses lighter communication protocols, and its services can be independently deployed and scaled. In contrast, SOA usually involves larger, more interdependent services often communicating through enterprise service buses.

Backend Development Principles: Low Coupling and High Cohesion

The design principles of low coupling and high cohesion are fundamental to creating manageable and adaptable backend systems. Low coupling signifies minimized interdependencies among system components, fostering easier maintenance and scalability. High cohesion ensures the components within a module are related and perform a specific set of tasks collaboratively, improving the module's readability and reusability.

Securing Backend Systems

To safeguard backend systems, developers must employ secure coding practices, robust authentication and authorization mechanisms, data encryption, consistent security testing, and diligent monitoring and logging. Moreover, staying up-to-date with the latest patches and updates fortifies the system against emerging security threats.

PostgreSQL vs MongoDB with Node.js

Choosing between PostgreSQL and MongoDB for a Node.js server project involves evaluating the project's data-related needs. PostgreSQL is a robust, ACID-compliant relational database suited for structured data and complex queries, while MongoDB thrives with large volumes of unstructured data and offers scalability and flexibility. Moreover, the community and support ecosystem around both databases may influence the choice based on the specific requirements and preferences.

Implementing Caching in Backend Systems

Implementing caching is a strategic decision to improve performance by storing commonly accessed data for speedy retrieval. Factors like data access frequency, size, complexity, as well as the system’s latency and scalability requirements, must be considered. Caching promotes efficiency but must be managed to ensure data consistency and integrity.

Nest.js Architecture versus Other Node.js Frameworks

Nest.js differs from other Node.js frameworks like Express.js by emphasizing a modular architecture that includes modules, controllers, and services. It leverages TypeScript, which promotes better development practices and code maintainability. Nest.js's architecture pushes developers to create more organized and testable code, particularly advantageous for larger projects needing an enterprise-grade structure.

Testing Nest.js Applications

For Nest.js applications, testing practices include writing unit tests, integrating tests, end-to-end (E2E) tests, and implementing mocking and code coverage. Integrating continuous integration (CI) practices ensures that the codebase remains reliable and bug-free throughout the development cycle.

Understanding Nest.js Interceptors

Nest.js interceptors serve as advanced middleware components capable of modifying request and response objects, executing additional logic, and providing a way to encapsulate cross-cutting concerns like logging and error handling within an application, thus enhancing modularity and maintainability.

Role of Modules in Nest.js Projects

Modules in Nest.js encapsulate and organize related components, such as controllers and services, allowing for independent development and testing. They help manage dependencies within the application, enabling a clean, modular structure that is easy to maintain and scale.

Approaching Backend Project Deployment

Deploying a backend project involves preparing the code, selecting a hosting provider, setting up the environment, installing dependencies, building the application, and thoroughly testing. Post-deployment, continuous monitoring and maintaining are crucial. Using automation tools and adopting containerization can enhance the deployment process.

WebSockets in Real-Time Communication Projects

WebSockets are essential for applications requiring real-time bidirectional communication, like multiplayer games or collaborative tools. Implementing WebSockets allows clients and servers to exchange information quickly and efficiently, supporting a seamless and dynamic user experience.

Comparing GraphQL and REST APIs

GraphQL offers flexible data querying and efficient data loading without multiple requests that REST APIs often require; it is self-documenting and simplifies versioning. However, it comes with high complexity and a challenging caching process. Meanwhile, REST APIs are straightforward, easy to cache, and have a gentle learning curve, but may face data over-fetching or under-fetching and may require more requests to assemble comprehensive datasets.

Best Practices for Scalable Nest.js Applications

Ensuring Nest.js applications are scalable and maintainable involves using modular architecture, implementing dependency injection, and adhering to best practices such as using pipes, filters, interceptors, and guards. Embracing async/await patterns and leveraging TypeScript with appropriate tools like Swagger for API documentation can significantly contribute to the robustness of your Nest.js applications.

Join EPAM Anywhere for remote Node.js development opportunities and let your expertise flourish.

Authored by a Senior Software Engineer with over 5 years of experience specializing in cross-platform development and React Native training programs.

Tags: #NodeJS #NestJS #SoftwareDevelopment #JobInterview #OAuth2.0 #Architecture #Security #Databases #Caching #Testing #WebSockets #GraphQL #RESTAPI #Deployment #Scalability

Deloitte Tech Trends: Embracing Emerging Technologies for Business Innovation


With the rapid advancement of technology, businesses across industries are facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Deloitte’s annual Tech Trends report offers valuable insights into the impact of emerging technologies on groundbreaking innovations and foundational business areas. In this blog post, we will delve into the key trends highlighted in the report and discuss their implications for businesses.

Eyes to the Sky: Three Enduring Eternities

In the realm of IT, there has been a constant evolution of pioneering innovations in interaction, information, and computation. These three pillars serve as the foundation of modern computing. From early mainframe systems to cloud computing and edge computing, the way we interact with technology, access and process information, and execute complex computations has continually evolved.

Through the Glass: Immersive Internet for the Enterprise

The adoption of immersive virtual experiences, such as the metaverse, is rapidly increasing in the enterprise world. These immersive technologies offer new opportunities for business models, training, and collaboration. By utilizing virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies, organizations can create realistic and engaging virtual environments, enabling employees to collaborate in a more immersive and interactive manner.

AI Gains Credibility: Learning to Trust our AI Colleagues

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly valuable in various business applications. However, building trust in AI tools remains crucial. Organizations must focus on gaining the trust of workers and end users to effectively leverage the power of AI. Transparent AI algorithms, explainable AI models, and robust data privacy and security practices are essential in establishing trust and ensuring ethical AI adoption.

Above the Clouds: Taming Multicloud Chaos

As businesses increasingly adopt multicloud strategies, managing disparate cloud environments can become complex and chaotic. To simplify the management of multicloud environments, many enterprises are relying on abstraction and automation. These technologies provide a single pane of control for managing complex cloud infrastructures, allowing organizations to streamline operations, improve scalability, and optimize cost-efficiency.

Feet Firmly on the Ground: Three Foundational Forces

While emerging technologies disrupt traditional business models, it is essential for organizations to integrate these innovations with existing systems and investments. Three foundational forces, namely the business of technology, cyber and trust, and core modernization, play a critical role in enabling seamless integration and operation.

Flexibility, the Best Ability: Reimagining the Tech Workforce

To thrive in the fast-paced and ever-evolving technology landscape, organizations need to reimagine their approach to the tech workforce. Instead of solely relying on a limited supply of tech talent, organizations should focus on skill-building, tap into creative sources of talent, such as gig workers and crowdsourcing platforms, and provide an engaging talent experience to attract and retain top-notch professionals. Embracing flexible work arrangements and fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation are key to building an agile and resilient tech workforce.

In Us We Trust: Decentralized Architectures and Ecosystems

As confidence in centralized institutions decreases, decentralized architectures based on blockchain technology have the potential to rebuild trust. These “trustless” systems can provide a more secure and transparent environment, enabling organizations and individuals to transact and collaborate with increased confidence. From secure digital identities to decentralized finance and supply chain traceability, blockchain-based ecosystems are revolutionizing various industries and transforming the way trust is established and maintained.

Connect and Extend: Mainframe Modernization Hits Its Stride

Contrary to popular belief, mainframe systems continue to play a crucial role in many organizations’ IT infrastructure. By connecting and extending mainframe systems to emerging technologies, enterprises can drive digital transformation while leveraging their existing investments. Modernizing mainframes allows organizations to enhance scalability, improve performance, and incorporate innovative technologies such as AI, cloud computing, and automation. This integration enables businesses to optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and unlock new opportunities for growth.


The future of technology holds promising opportunities, with emerging technology disciplines on the horizon. These new technologies, known as xTech, including quantum computing, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and others, are set to rival IT in their impact on business innovation. As organizations navigate the ever-evolving technology landscape, embracing these emerging trends and fostering a culture of innovation will be critical to staying competitive and driving sustainable growth.


The Deloitte Tech Trends report offers valuable insights into the transformative power of emerging technologies on businesses. By understanding and embracing these trends, organizations can stay ahead of the curve, drive innovation, and unlock new possibilities for business success.

Tags: technology trends, emerging technologies, business innovation, immersive experiences, artificial intelligence, multicloud, decentralized architectures, mainframe modernization

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