Maximizing SEM & PPC Strategy for Business Growth in 2023

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) has become one of the most influential strategies in the modern digital marketing world. With the masses resorting to search engines like Google for every trivial or significant requirement, businesses have an exceptional opportunity to reach a significant audience. In this post, we will delve into the importance of SEM, how it works, and provide a comprehensive guide to creating an effective SEM strategy in 2023.

Understanding Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM is an essential plan created to effectively reach your target audience through Paid Search or Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads appearing on search engine result pages (SERPs). Google is the most popular search engine, but other options like Bing, Yahoo, and Amazon are also worth exploring. Paid search requires payment, while SEO involves “free” approaches to increase organic search traffic. But this guide will exclusively focus on the paid advertising aspects of SEM.

How SEM Works

SEM starts with search engines, primarily, Google Ads. To use SEM effectively, you’re required to find relevant keywords to target. There are numerous online keyword tools such as Google’s Own Keyword Planner that can help you with this. You should also consider mapping out a list of negative keywords to avoid matching with irrelevant search queries.

Once your keywords are ready, you can develop your PPC ad and upload it on your account with the search engine. Google will automatically run an ad auction when a searcher enters one of your identified search terms. If you set up rules for your budget and bidding ahead of time, your ad will automatically participate in the auction. The whole process takes a matter of seconds.

Why is SEM important?

SEM is an extensive-reaching digital marketing strategy. While social media advertising can be restrictive and sometimes miss out on potential audiences, SEM guarantees visibility. Reports show that over 25% of web users click on the first Google search result. This also means, getting your website to the first page of SERPs can help you reach a wide audience.

SEM also offers quicker results than SEO techniques that require a long time to produce results. There are also other perks of SEM such as building brand awareness, providing quick results, and offering measurable feedback.

Notable SEM Strategies

When creating an ad campaign, remember to define your target audience, their pain points, the stage of the buyer journey you’re targeting, and what sets you apart from your competitors. Here are some successful strategies to consider:

1. Set Yourself Apart

Trust plays a crucial role in a customer’s buying decision. You need to set yourself apart and establish your expertise.

2. Create Urgency

Always give your potential customers a reason to act faster by putting a deadline on your offers.

3. Offer a Deal

Everyone loves a good deal. Advertising your current deal in the headline of your ad is a great way to grab attention.

4. Address Pain Points

Your customers usually look for solutions to their problems. Addressing their pain points in your ads can be a good strategy to get their attention.

5. Make it Easy to Convert

Ensure that it is easy for your leads to learn more about your company or make a purchase. Adding actionable links to a paid ad can make it simple for your audience to take advantage of your services.

With the right implementation, SEM can help you achieve both short-term and long-term goals. Bear in mind that it takes time and effort to craft, launch, manage and evaluate your ad campaigns.

Tags: #SEM, #DigitalMarketing, #PPC, #GoogleAds, #2023Strategy

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Master SEO: Comprehensive Guide for Beginners & Experts in Digital Marketing

Welcome to the dynamic world of SEO! From understanding basic SEO concepts to displaying mastery of advanced SEO techniques, this guide will equip you with the necessary knowledge to excel in your role, whether as a beginner or a seasoned professional in the digital marketing field.

What is SEO and Why is it Important?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a host of optimization techniques and actions designed to make a website friendly to search engines like Google. SEO techniques help businesses rank higher for relevant keywords, driving valuable traffic to the site at minimal cost. This makes SEO an invaluable tool for businesses seeking to establish a robust online presence.

Integrating SEO into a business strategy drives VISIBILITY, TRAFFIC, and boosts ENGAGEMENT. While paid ads and other online platforms can generate traffic to websites, the majority of online traffic is driven by search engines. Unlike most online marketing methods, SEO targets organic search, where you’re not paying for traffic.

SEO Interview Questions

To verify your expertise in SEO, interviewers tend to ask diverse questions. For freshers, expect questions like:

  1. What is SEO?
  2. Why is SEO important to businesses?
  3. Name a few important Google ranking factors.

For experienced professionals, you may face advanced questions like:

  1. What is RankBrain and why does it matter?
  2. How do you use content marketing for SEO?
  3. How do you see SEO and PPC working together to improve results?

When preparing for an interview, it’s crucial to understand basic SEO terminology such as keyword frequency, density, difficulty, and proximity. Acquaint yourself with concepts like the definition of long tail keywords, the role of anchor text, and the significance of page speed.

Technical Aspects of SEO

One subset of SEO that is particularly important is technical SEO. This incorporates elements such as the speed of a page, Robot’s Meta Tag, HTML Sitemap, XML Sitemap, and others.

For instance, page speed, the measure of how fast your site loads for a user, is a ranking factor Google takes into account. A faster loading page translates to a better user experience. Factors that can improve page speed include reducing image sizes, enabling compression, reducing redirects, removing render-blocking JavaScript, leveraging browser caching, improving server response time, and more.

Social Media and SEO

Interestingly, SEO extends beyond your own website and includes elements like Social Media. For instance, using relevant keywords and hashtags in your social media posts can actually improve your overall positioning in search engine results. Moreover, social signals such as likes, shares, comments, and retweets by users can indirectly impact SEO by increasing website traffic and link acquisition, further emphasizing the need for an integrated approach to digital marketing.

In conclusion, SEO proves to be a critical component of any successful digital marketing strategy. From startup businesses looking to make their mark in the digital sphere to seasoned professionals seeking to optimize their digital performance, mastering the dynamics of SEO is key.

Happy optimizing!

Tags: #SEO #DigitalMarketing #TechnicalSEO #SocialMediaSEO

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2023 Guide: Mastering SEM for Effective Digital Marketing & Increased Conversions

Search engine marketing (SEM) is becoming increasingly critical in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing. As search engine algorithms keep changing, it’s essential for businesses to stay alert and adapt their digital marketing strategies.

In this blog post, we’ll be diving deep into the world of SEM. We’ll define SEM, distinguish it from SEO, underline its importance, and provide five practical tips for successful SEM strategies in 2023.

What is SEM?

SEM’s exact meaning can depend on who you’re talking to. Some people use the term to describe only the paid search activities aimed at improving visibility on Search Engine Results Page (SERP). However, others use it more generally to encapsulate all marketing efforts that drive website traffic from search engines, like Google.

SEM vs. SEO: What’s the Difference?

The primary difference between SEM and SEO lies in the method used to achieve visibility on SERPs. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) focuses on organically raising your website’s rank on search results, while SEM includes paid search methods like Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising.

So, can we consider SEM as an overarching term that includes SEO? To an extent, yes! You can learn more about SEO here.

Importance of SEM In Today’s Digital Landscape

SEM is an immensely powerful marketing tool for several reasons:

  1. It increases your likelihood of propelling your web page to the top of Google’s first page.
  2. It often achieves quicker results than organic SEO.
  3. It typically results in more qualified leads and conversions.

Although we’d love to say that any business could climb to the top of the SERP using organic SEO tactics alone, that might not always be the case. This is especially true for businesses in highly competitive fields. In such situations, an integrated SEM approach, involving both SEO and PPC, can be highly beneficial.

Top 5 SEM Tips for 2023

Now let’s look at how to get the most out of your SEM campaigns in 2023.

  1. Maximize Ad Extensions: Ad extensions are a fantastic tool that can significantly enhance your chances of attracting search traffic. Filling out all of Google’s available extensions can give you a leg up over about 80% of your competitors!

  2. Create a Custom Budget-Pacing Script: It’s easy to go over-budget quickly with paid search ads. To optimally use your monthly ad spend, create a budget-pacing script and set clear daily limits. This will ensure your ads show up high in search results all month long.

  3. Optimize Landing Pages: A captivating search ad won’t secure conversions unless it leads users to an effective landing page. Make sure your landing page is optimized for conversions.

  4. Improve Audience Targeting: The success of your advertising campaign highly depends on targeting the right audience. Spend time building a robust targeting strategy using precise keywords and geofencing.

  5. Focus on Clicks: While evaluating your paid search ad’s performance, prioritize click-throughs over impressions. Clicks provide a more accurate assessment of your ad’s effectiveness and can guide your future campaign strategy.

If all of this seems too complicated, it’s because it is! An effective SEM strategy requires expert knowledge and constant tweaking, and the tips mentioned above are just scratching the surface.

Companies like Bluetone Media specialize in search engine marketing, offering services in both SEO and SEM. They stay updated with Google’s latest trends and algorithm changes, constantly improving their search marketing techniques to yield the best results for their clients.

Need help with your SEM? Feel free to contact us.

Tags: #SEM, #SEO, #DigitalMarketing, #SearchEngineMarketing

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Forecasting 2023: Strategizing with Powerful Statistics in the Digital Marketing Arena

Digital marketing is constantly shifting, with emerging technologies providing new ways of connecting with consumers. Armed with these 70+ powerful digital marketing statistics, you can navigate the digital marketing landscape and formulate a robust strategy for 2023.

Making The Strategy

The importance of having a clear and documented digital marketing strategy cannot be overstated. Astonishingly, about 45% of organizations still don’t have a clear-cut digital marketing strategy. A study by Smart Insights points out that businesses with a documented strategy are 313% more likely to report success than businesses without one [Smart Insights, 2020], [CoSchedule, 2019].

Visual Content Is King

A significant shift towards visual content has been observed among online marketers, with about 74% employing visuals in their content more than 70% of the time [Venngage, 2020]. Despite the effectiveness of visual content, it still remains a challenge for about 23.7% of marketers who cite creating their own visuals as difficult [Hubspot, 2020].

The Magic of Blogging

Blogs continue to be a favorite tool among marketers – 55% of marketers consider blog content creation a top priority [Hubspot, 2018]. Statistics show that blog posts exceeding 2000 words yield favorable SEO results and when supplemented with images, they have an impressive 94% more views [OptinMonster, 2020], [Jeff Bullas, 2018].

The Power of SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is instrumental in driving traffic to your content. It has been found that 74% of all search traffic comes from Google alone, with over 98,000 searches happening every second [NetMarketShare, 2019], [Internet Live Stats, 2019].

Landing Pages: An Invaluable Asset

Having multiple landing pages has been found to be beneficial for businesses. Companies boasting of over 40 landing pages have been found to generate 12 times more leads compared to those with only 1-5 pages [HubSpot, 2022].

The Impact of Photos and Videos

Interesting statistics around photos and videos underline the need for their inclusion in the digital marketing mix. Posts that include images get 650x more engagement than text-only posts [Medium, 2018]. As for videos, by 2023, they will constitute 83% of the world’s internet traffic [Biteable, 2020].

The Infographics Revolution

Infographics are an excellent way to communicate complex information succinctly. They are hugely popular amongst B2B marketers, with around 65% of them incorporating infographics into their strategy [Content Marketing Institute, 2018].

Digital Marketing on Social Media

With over half the world now active on social media, platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube offer unprecedented access to potential customers.

Use these statistics to guide your digital marketing strategy in 2023.

Tags: #DigitalMarketing #DigitalStrategy #SocialMediaMarketing #ContentMarketing

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Ultimate Guide to Efficient, Economical Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Small and emerging businesses often struggle with limited marketing budgets. Thankfully, the digital era has paved the way for a plethora of marketing strategies that are not just cost-effective but also highly effective. This comprehensive guide delves deep into a variety of free and low-budget marketing ideas tailor-made for small businesses.

Table of Contents

  • Free and Fast Marketing Ideas
  • Free Marketing Ideas with a Bit More Effort
  • Quick and Low-Budget Marketing Ideas

Free and Fast Marketing Ideas

Marketing ideas that are not just cost-effective but also time-saving are a boon for business owners. Here are some strategies that you can implement right away, without denting your wallet.

1. Google My Business Account

A free and essential marketing tool, a Google My Business account can significantly enhance your online visibility. With proper optimization, your business can rank higher on Google maps, thereby reaching a wider audience.

2. Social Media Engagement

Regularly participating in discussions on social media platforms can boost your brand’s visibility and customer engagement. From running polls to sharing brief informational posts, harness the power of social media to market your business effectively.

3. Tagging on Social Media

An underrated yet powerful tool, tagging customers or related brands in your social media posts can expand your reach to an entirely new audience base.

Free Marketing Ideas with a Bit More Effort

If you are capable of investing a little more time and effort, there are deeper, more robust marketing strategies that you can employ.

1. Local SEO

Take advantage of Google’s algorithm to appear on the first page of search results. From adding location-based keywords to getting listed in online directories, there are multiple aspects to optimizing your local SEO.

2. Email Marketing

With a bit of creative thinking, you can use email marketing to encourage your audience to take the next step with your business.

Quick and Low-Budget Marketing Ideas

Limited funds do not necessarily translate into limited marketing opportunities. Here are marketing ideas that require a small budget but deliver great results.

1. Host or Attend Events

Approachable and interactive events can form a significant part of your marketing strategy. Hosting webinars or attending industry events can introduce your business to a whole new audience.

2. Customer Referral Program

Referral marketing can tap into the potential of word-of-mouth promotion, a phenomenon that influences a sizable portion of consumer purchasing decisions.

Setting Up Local Contests

Actively participating in community or local events can give you direct access to your target audience.


Marketing doesn’t always have to cost a fortune. With effective planning and strategic execution, free and low-budget marketing ideas can yield immense benefits for small businesses. Every business is unique, and the key lies in choosing the strategies that align best with your brand’s vision and objectives.

Tags: #LowBudgetMarketing #SmallBusiness #DigitalMarketing #MarketingStrategies

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Essential Digital Marketing Strategies for Business Growth and Success

In the contemporary world of business, marketing plays a critical role in enhancing brand awareness and consolidating customer loyalty. Shifting trends and evolving consumer demands require businesses to adapt proactively, particularly in the realm of digital marketing. Here’s everything you need to know to level up your game in digital marketing.

Understanding the Concept of a Marketing Strategy

A marketing strategy is essentially a business’s plan of action for promoting its products or services. While the specific details may vary across different strategies, certain core components are crucial. These include a value proposition, target demographic, messaging, goal definition, competitor analysis, and performance metrics.

An Overview of Nine Essential Marketing Strategies

In the age of the internet, digital marketing strategies are gaining prominence. Let’s delve into the nine primary digital marketing strategies you can use to promote your business online.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves optimizing your website content for higher ranking in search engine results, thereby leading to increased traffic. The efficiency of SEO marketing is reflected in its impressive Return on Investment (ROI) of about 2,200 percent.

Email Marketing

Email marketing, involving the promotion of your brand to your email subscriber base, boasts the highest average ROI among digital marketing strategies – a staggering 3,600 percent.

Social Media Marketing

Leveraging the engrained dominance of social media platforms in our daily lives, social media marketing strategy generates an average ROI of 95 percent.

Content Marketing

Through informative and engaging content, the primary goal of content marketing is to generate website traffic. The ROI can be inconsistent given the elusive nature of visitor behavior and engagement.

Affiliate Marketing

With affiliate marketing, you can tap into a broader customer base without the legwork of building it organically. The ROI here depends on varying factors and can be hard to pin down precisely.

Influencer Marketing

Social media influencers, due to their large and engaged following, can generate an average ROI of 520 percent for the businesses choosing this route. That said, the success of influencer marketing is subject to many factors, like the influencer-business fit.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing

As the name suggests, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing involves paying for each visitor click. While the average ROI of 200 percent might not compare to its other digital marketing counterparts, it can effectively boost your website traffic.

Mobile Marketing

With increasingly growing mobile interaction, mobile marketing tactics like SMS marketing, location-based marketing, and mobile-optimized content can yield a whopping ROI of 10,500 percent.

Video Marketing

High-quality, shareable video content can generate significant engagement levels, boosting the ROI of video marketing.

Deciphering the Best Digital Marketing Strategy

While it might be tempting to determine the best marketing strategy based on ROI, the reality may vary based on customer preferences. This implies the use of a mix of digital marketing strategies, all analyzed using appropriate analytical aids to determine their effectiveness.

Creating a Winning Digital Marketing Strategy

To implement an effective digital marketing strategy, follow these five steps:

  1. Determine Your Goal
  2. Research Your Target Audience
  3. Create Your Marketing Message
  4. Create Specific Marketing Materials
  5. Publish and Analyze

In conclusion, digital marketing strategies are indispensable for business success in the modern era. With the right tools and persistence, businesses can tap into the potential of digital marketing to maximize their growth and sustainability.

Tags: #DigitalMarketing #MarketingStrategy #BusinessSuccess #OnlineMarketing

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Key Digital Marketing Trends and Statistics for 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

Staying up-to-date with the latest marketing trends is vital for businesses and marketers looking to strive for success. In line with this, 2023 promises to deliver newer trends, emphasizing mobile optimization, user-friendly interfaces, and suitable influencer collaborations as was the case in 2022.

We’ve gathered 25 notable digital marketing statistics to fashion your brand’s marketing strategies for the upcoming year.

Social Media Marketing Statistics

  1. Roughly 59% of the world’s population is engaged on social media platforms according to an 84% report from Smallbizgenius.
  2. Gen Z-ers are the top demographic who come across and become interested in new products via social media, at a staggering 71%. Millennials aren’t far behind either, with 51% using social media.
  3. Social media platforms currently house almost 3 billion users.
  4. Advertisers are ready to splurge over $173 billion on social media marketing by the end of 2022.

ROI From Paid Media

  1. With a 200% return on investment (ROI), paid media continues to give profitable returns.
  2. However, not everyone is entranced by such results. In fact, “70-80% of users ignore sponsored search results.”
  3. An overwhelming majority (89%) of companies are willing to reinvest in paid content from influencers.
  4. It’s worth noting that 28% of internet users find these sponsored pieces influential.
  5. 58% of millennials have reportedly made purchases influenced by online ads.

Converting Customers: The Pipeline

  1. Websites that are optimizing customer journeys are witnessing an impressive 15% conversion rate.
  2. According to a report by Techjury, 44% of Business-to-Business (B2B) website visitors land on the homepage instead of designated landing pages.
  3. It’s interesting to note that 81% of sales transactions occur after a potential customer has interacted with the company at least seven times.
  4. Testing has shown that eliminating navigation mechanisms on your platform can lead to increased customer purchases and interactions.

User Experience (UX) Statistics

  1. Remember, a bad user experience can alienate customers, with “88% of online shoppers won’t return to a site after a bad user experience.”
  2. The visually appealing format of a bulleted list attracts 70% of people, compared to 55% who are drawn to lists without any bullets.
  3. Ensuring mobile optimization is essential, as approximately ¾ of visitors vow not to return to a site if it is not mobile-friendly.
  4. A majority of users (70%) abandon their shopping carts pre-checkout due to poor or unoptimized UX.
  5. Approximately 8 in 10 customers express a willingness to pay more for a superior customer experience.

General Digital Marketing Statistics

  1. Mobile devices are the preferred choice for internet users, with 52% of all website traffic stemming from them.
  2. Organic growth is highly favored, with 53% of mobile users prioritizing this aspect.
  3. An overwhelming majority of people (93%) consider visuals very integral to purchasing decisions.
  4. A high percentage (83%) of Americans place a lot of importance on smooth user experiences.


Marketing strategies continue to evolve. To stay competitive and successful, businesses and marketers must adapt. By staying informed about the latest marketing trends and statistics, you can gain valuable insights that can help you plan for the future more effectively.

Tags: #DigitalMarketing, #MarketingTrends, #MarketingStatistics, #UserExperience(success)
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Exploring 2023 Digital Marketing Stats: Trends and Insights in SEO, PPC, and Email Marketing

If you’re a business owner or digital marketer gearing to leverage cutting-edge insights into the constantly evolving world of digital marketing, buckle up! We will be discussing a plethora of facts and figures related to Email Marketing, PPC, SEO, eCommerce, Influencer Marketing, and so much more.

The Power of Digital Marketing Statistics

Having a firm grip on digital marketing statistics is imperative to remain competitive and strategize effectively. Let’s delve into reasons behind their significance.

  • Competitive Advantage: Statistics provide a snapshot of the current trends, allowing you to stay ahead of the competitors.
  • Resource Allocation: Comparing performances across various platforms enables optimal allocation of resources.
  • Strategic Confidence: Using statistical data lends credibility and assurance to your plans.

Essential Digital Marketing Infographics

In 2023, the global digital advertising spending is projected to hit a staggering $602.25 billion. Here are some crucial statistics:

  • The highest sector within digital marketing will be Search Advertising, making up $202.40 billion.
  • The biggest spender worldwide is expected to be the United States at an estimated $232.70 billion.
  • Advertising spend per user within the Social Media segment is set to average at $45.11.
  • By 2026, a massive 69% of total advertising spending will be driven by smartphones.
  • Programmatic advertising is projected to generate 87% of Digital Advertising revenue by 2026.
  • The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of digital marketing from 2021 to 2026 is predicted to be 17.6%.

General Digital Marketing Statistics

Understanding the industry’s general landscape can be quite beneficial, and these general statistics provide an overview:

  • In 2023, desktops will account for 39% and smartphones 61% of ad spending. This gap further increases by 2026 with desktops at 31% and mobile phones at 69%.
  • Programmatic ad spending dominates in 2023, with 84% share as compared to 16% for Non-Programmatic.
  • As of a Gartner survey, businesses devote 72% of their marketing budget towards Digital Marketing.

Email Marketing Statistics

As one of the most trusted forms of communication, Email marketing has seen continued success. Here are key stats to consider for 2023:

  • Global email usage is estimated to reach 4.14 billion.
  • The daily exchange of emails is predicted to be approximately 319.6 billion.
  • The Monday emails have the highest open rate at 22% while Sunday emails have the lowest at 20.3%.
  • If an Email has an emoji in its subject line, it can incite a 56% increase in conversion rate.

E-commerce & Mobile Commerce Statistics

Ecommerce has seen exceptional growth, especially in the wake of the pandemic. Here are relevant insights:

  • 2.14 billion people, making 27% of the world’s population, are shopping online.
  • The average conversion rate for e-commerce websites is between 1.81% and 3.71%.
  • Shopify dominates the e-commerce sector, hosting 5.6 million out of 24 million e-commerce websites globally.

Meanwhile, mobile commerce segments account for $3.4 trillion in retail e-commerce sales. One compelling figure shows that 70% of all e-commerce site visits come from smartphones.

SEO & PPC Statistics

SEO has been the backbone of digital marketing strategies for years. Here are key stats for 2023:

  • Organic traffic accounts for 53% of all website traffic.
  • Leads generated via SEO have a 15% closing rate.

Pay-per-click, or PPC, can bring in quick qualified leads:

  • Businesses are projected to spend $190.5 billion on search advertising globally in 2024.
  • PPC brings in 2x the visitors as compared to SEO.

Key Social Media Marketing Statistics

Social Media Marketing continues to grow, with estimates projecting the industry to reach $223 billion by early 2023. Here are the top five social media platforms as of 2023:

Platform | Monthly Active Users
— | —
Facebook | 2,910 million
Youtube | 2,562 million
Whatsapp | 2,000 million
Instagram | 1,478 million
WeChat | 1,263 million

Trends Shaping the Future of Digital Media Marketing

Augmented Reality (AR) and voice search are among the new trends to watch for. By 2030, the worldwide augmented reality market is estimated to reach $461.25 billion. Moreover, 61% of shoppers prefer businesses with augmented reality offerings.

Digital Marketer Earnings

A digital marketing manager can expect to earn between $68k to 85k on average. Factors such as the level of expertise, industry, and job location can influence this.


This comprehensive list of digital marketing statistics should be instrumental in making informed decisions and shaping your future digital marketing strategy. Stay tuned for more updates!

Tags: #DigitalMarketing #SEO #PPC #Ecommerce #EmailMarketing

Sources: Statista, Intergrowth, WordStream, DemandSage, Smallbizgenius, Hubspot, Backlino, Shopify, Ahrefs, Semrush, Litmus, Optin Monster, Emfluence, Content Marketing Institute, Elevently, Convince and Convert, Sale Cycle, AdRoll, Get Response

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