Shifting Paradigms: Transition from Microservices to Serverless Computing in Software Development

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, we often face various challenges while dealing with traditional 3-tier architecture applications. Issues may range from setting up servers, installing operating systems and necessary software, managing servers, designing applications with high availability and fault tolerance, and managing load balance – each of which may result in additional expenditure on infrastructure resources.

Understanding the Journey

Monolith applications, despite their comprehensive nature, have certain drawbacks – they are highly dependent, language/framework dependent, pose enhancement difficulties and scalability issues. In order to counter these shortcomings, there has been a shift towards microservices and serverless architectures.

What is Microservices?

Coined by James Lewis and Martin Fowler, microservice architectural style refers to when a singular application is developed in the form of a suite of small services, each of which runs in its individual process and communicates with each other through lightweight mechanisms such as HTTP resource API. Minimum centralized management of these services allows them to be written in multiple programming languages and different data storage technologies can be leveraged.

The Leap Towards Serverless Architecture

Ironically, the term ‘serverless architecture’ doesn’t imply the absence of a server. In fact, your application continues to operate on a server, but the distinction lies in server management and creation – you aren’t responsible for it. The serverless providers take care of everything while you focus solely on the code.

Although a serverless application shares characteristics with a microservice, it isn’t identical. While a microservice is larger and could encompass single or multiple functions, a serverless application depends on an event-driven function which consists of a small, specific code fragment.

Breaking Down Serverless Computing

Serverless computing has become the trendiest architecture in the software industry today. This architecture liberates developers from the responsibility of server and backend infrastructure management. Also, by adopting serverless compute service, developers can build loosely coupled, reliable, and scalable applications with ‘faster time to market’.

Essential Serverless Design Principles

In order to leverage serverless computing effectively, developers must adhere to its fundamental design principles:

  • On-demand execution: Serverless functions execute code only when necessary.

  • Stateless single-purpose functions: These facilitates improved debugging and testing as they are small, separate, units of logic.

  • Push-based, event-driven pipeline: This implies that each function performs a specific task driven by events.

  • Heavy and powerful front-end: Here, any static front-end can interact directly with the cloud services.

  • Use of third-party services: Helps sustain scalable applications that require high-bandwidth pipelines or use complex logic.


Serverless architecture is a crucial paradigm: it enforces more efficient scaling, is highly available, easily deployable reduces latency time and cost. Moreover, developers have more time for core development due to the reduction of infrastructure maintenance responsibilities.

Nonetheless, this paradigm shift isn’t devoid of its challenges. From a business standpoint, since serverless architecture is managed by external providers, there’s less control over server-side, increasing risk involvement. Not to mention, adopting a serverless provider necessitates addressing vendor lock-in. From a developer’s standpoint, handling and implementing functions for large applications might be time-consuming. Moreover, management of numerous functions might be challenging, risking the creation of mini-monoliths. Along with this, reliance on third-party providers for monitoring and debugging tools is unavoidable, this often leads to a dearth of operational tools.

That said, the acceptance and success of serverless architecture are hugely dependent on the business requirements rather than simply on the technology. When used appropriately, serverless can indeed do wonders.

Tags: #Serverless #Microservices #SoftwareArchitecture #AppDevelopment

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Top React Native Chart Libraries for Enhanced Data Visualization in Mobile Apps

Data visualization plays a crucial role in understanding complex datasets, making it easier for users to comprehend and utilize data effectively. By using graphs, charts, diagrams, and interactive infographics, we can present data simply and understandably. One such technology offering excellent data visualization is React Native, a popular framework for creating superior user interfaces.

This blog post explores a selection of the most effective React Native chart libraries, complete with examples and benefits, that you can utilize in your mobile development projects.

Importance of Charts in Mobile Applications

In mobile apps, data visualization is not only a choice but a necessity. Converting data into an easy-to-understand format gives users a better engagement experience, transforming raw, and unorganized data into valuable insights.

Through this article, we’ll journey through the top React Native chart libraries to help you enhance user experiences in your app, making data more understandable and actionable.

Best React Native Chart Libraries for Mobile App Development

React Native Chart Kit

React Native Chart Kit

The React Native Chart Kit is an excellent library for creating engaging charts. It offers a variety of chart types, including bar, pie, progress, bezier line, and line charts. It is responsive, easy to integrate, and comes with variable color schemes.

GitHub Repository

Benefits of Using React Native Chart Kit

  • Instant development environment
  • Dynamic tappable toolkits
  • Simplified productivity tool
  • Exceptional visualization of charts

React Native SVG Charts

React Native SVG Charts

This library utilizes React-native-SVG for rendering its graphs. It supports most chart forms, including Line, Pie, YAxis, XAxis, StackedBarChart, StackedAreaChart, Area, and progress circle charts.

GitHub Repository

Benefits of Using React Native SVG Charts

  • Straightforward visualization project
  • Professional approach with maximum convenience
  • Native SVG support

React Native Charts Wrapper

For Android:
React Charts Wrapper for Android

For iOS:
Native Charts Wrapper for iOS

This open-source library supports both iOS and Android platforms. It offers a variety of supported chart types, like line, scatter, bubble, pie, and more.

GitHub Repository

Benefits of Using React Native Charts Wrapper

  • Suitable for beginners
  • Uses HTML5 Canvas elements
  • Easy to understand and implement
  • Provides JavaScript-specific library creation

Victory Native

Victory Chart

Victory Native is very well known for its composable and declarative API, making the creation of interactive data visualizations a breeze.

GitHub Repository

Benefits of Using Victory Native

  • Easy and straightforward chart integration
  • Identical APIs for Android and iOS data generation
  • Simplified cross-platform charting

Other Noteworthy Libraries

  • React Native Pie Chart
  • React Native Responsive Line Chart
  • React Native E-charts Wrapper


All the libraries mentioned in this blog post are great tools for data visualization in React Native. Depending on your app’s needs and requirements, you can choose and experiment with the one that suits your project best. By embracing these frameworks, you can create clear, attractive, and helpful graphical representations of your data, enhancing the user experience of your mobile apps.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the best chart library for react native?
  2. What are the libraries for charts in React?
  3. How do you implement a chart in react native?
  4. Can I use GraphQL with React Native?
  5. Should I use Axios or React Native?

Tags: #ReactNative #DataVisualization #MobileAppDevelopment #ChartLibraries

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