Understanding Next.js Project Structure for Efficient Web Development

Next.js is a powerful framework built on top of React.js, offering universal, server-rendered React applications with little setup time. It follows a specific project structure with a way of organizing files and folders that make up your application. Understanding this structure is essential for maintaining, scaling, and optimizing your Next.js applications. In this guide, we will dissect the structure of a typical Next.js project.


The app folder houses the main logic and configuration files of your application. They include:

  • App Router: Controls the overall routes for your application.

  • Pages Router: Handles the specific routes for each page.

  • next.config.js: This is the configuration file for your Next.js application.

  • package.json: This is where the project’s dependencies and scripts are defined.

  • instrumentation.ts: This file is used for OpenTelemetry and Instrumentation setup.

  • middleware.ts: This file is used for setting up Next.js request middleware.

  • .env, .env.local, .env.production, .env.development: These files are for declaring environment variables for different deployment stages.

  • tsconfig.json: Contains configuration for TypeScript in your project.

  • jsconfig.json: Contains configuration for JavaScript in your project.


The pages folder has a specific naming convention and structure. It contains the React component that will be served for each route. The main files include:

  • _app.js (.jsx/.tsx): This is your custom App component. You can override the default component to control page initialization.

  • _document.js (.jsx/.tsx): This is your custom Document component, useful for rendering documents on the server, setting up initial state, adding additional elements to head, and more.

  • _error.js (.jsx/.tsx): This is your custom Error page. Next.js will render this file if there is an error.

  • 404.js (.jsx/.tsx): This is your custom 404 page. Next.js automatically renders this when a page is not found.

Public Folder

Public directory serves static assets like images, stylesheets, and scripts. This directory is also the root of your app, so public/favicon.ico translates to your-site.com/favicon.ico.

Folders and Files Naming Conventions

Naming conventions is important, as it allows Next.js to correctly route your application:

  • index.js (.jsx/.tsx): Represents the home page.

  • folder/index.js (.jsx/.tsx): Represents a nested page e.g. your-site.com/folder.

  • [folder] or [[...folder]]: Represents dynamic routes. Square brackets ([]) signify dynamic parts of your routing that depend on external data.


Understanding the structure of a Next.js project is vital for developing responsive, fast, and user-friendly web applications. The application structure is logical, straightforward, and built to scale. Next.js allows developers to leverage the power of server-side rendering, static site generation, and client-side rendering in a simple and efficient way. The specific file and folder conventions mean it is easy to understand how Next.js maps pages, routes, and related functionality.

Hopefully, this guide was useful in giving a breakdown of how the project structure works in Next.js. Happy coding!

Tags: #Next.js #React #WebDevelopment #ProjectStructure

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Exploring Next.js 13.4: Stable Release of App Router and Future of Server-rendered React Apps

In this post, we take a deep dive into the latest foundational release of Next.js, a game-changing framework for server-rendered React applications. We will discuss the highlights of the new 13.4 version, with particular focus on the stability of the App Router feature.

Table of Contents


Next.js, since its inception in 2016, has been providing a seamless way to server-render React applications, with the overarching objective of creating a dynamic, personalized, and global web. With the release of 13.4, the App Router is now deemed stable and ready to be adopted in production environments.

To install the latest version, use the following commands:

npm i next@latest react@latest react-dom@latest eslint-config-next@latest

The Birth of Next.js

Next.js was envisioned to facilitate server-rendered React applications employing a few key design principles:

  • Zero setup with the file-system as an API.
  • Everything is a function with only JavaScript required.
  • Automatic server rendering and code splitting.
  • Freedom to developers regarding data fetching.

After six years, a significant upgrade to the framework has been put forward to better achieve these design principles.

Streams and Routers

Since inception, the file-system based routing in Next.js has been a unique and user-friendly feature:

// Pages Router
import React from 'react';
export default () => <h1>About us</h1>;

This approach led to requests for enhanced support for layouts and flexibility in defining loading and error states. However, this was not easy to implement, given the existing router’s design.

Building a new version of the router was essential to cater to these needs and make the router compatible with streaming.

The Evolution of App Router

With the old Pages Router, layouts could not be composed, and data fetching could not be collocated with the component. However, with the new App Router, these limitations have been overcome:

// New: App Router ✨
// The root layout is shared for the entire application
export default function RootLayout({ children }) {
    return (
        <html lang="en">
// Layouts can be nested and composed
export default function DashboardLayout({ children }) {
    return (

Introducing Server Actions

The new feature, Server Actions, enables powerful server-first data mutations, reducing client-side JavaScript, and progressively enhanced forms. It allows seamless interaction with the rest of the data lifecycle, including the Next.js Cache, Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR), and the client router.

import db from './db';
import { revalidateTag } from 'next/cache';
async function update(formData: FormData) {
    'use server';
    await db.post.update({
        title: formData.get('title'),

The Future of Next.js

With marking the App Router as stable, Next.js has reached a significant milestone, post rigorous internal testing, and validation from many early adopters. And while further optimizations are in the pipeline, this milestone marks the path for clarity for where developers should start learning and building applications today.

Please note: The new features can be adopted on a per-route basis. Hence, you don’t need to migrate all your pages/ to app/ at once.

Next.js has always aimed to create more user-friendly, dynamic and cutting-edge applications on top of the React architecture. With the success of Server Components and App Router, we believe we’re moving in the right direction.

Tags: #Next.js, #React, #App Router, #Server-Rendering
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Exploring Top Jamstack Frameworks: Next.js, Gatsby, and More for Superior Web Development

Despite the flexibility and configurability, the modern development philosophy, Jamstack, is gaining rapid acceptance among developers. To further explore this agile architecture, we delve into some of the best frameworks for Jamstack.

Unfurling the Reign of Jamstack

The advent of Jamstack has fueled a sea change in the tech world. An astonishing 48% of eCommerce and tech companies have begun adopting Jamstack and aim to integrate it into their operations within the year. To explore Jamstack for yourself, take a look at its documentation, watch a tutorial, or create a demo site.

The Pioneers of Jamstack Frameworks


Next.js is a top contender in the Jamstack Developers Survey 2022. A dynamo of TypeScript, it serves static websites while allowing the integration of dynamic features for server-side rendering.

Key Features:

  • Dynamic HTML streaming
  • Data fetching
  • Built-in optimizations
  • API routes
  • Client and server rendering
  • Powerful routing and layouts
  • Middleware


With Gatsby.js, you can establish faster build times, generate SEO-friendly apps, and provide blazing fast website loading speeds. Alongside ready-to-use plugins and themes, Gatsby.js also provides access to Webpack, GraphQL, and other groundbreaking technologies.

Key Features:

  • Superior loading speed
  • Abundance of plugins, starters, and themes.
  • Scalability to meet demand.
  • Inherent support of web standards and tech.


Nuxt.js stands out due to its excellent performance and modularity. This framework also features a bundle analyzer for app optimization and is firmly rooted in user-friendly practices.

Key Features:

  • High level of modularity
  • FileSystem routing
  • Data fetching
  • SEO-friendly
  • Components auto-import
  • CDN support


Known for its incredibly fast speed, Hugo is ideal for swiftly producing static and dynamic sites. Though it might come with a slightly steep learning curve, a vast assortment of built-in templates and themes makes up for it.

Key Features:

  • Availability of over 300 themes
  • Efficient templating engine
  • Excellent performance
  • Support for shortcode
  • Multilingual support


Jekyll enables integrated usage with GitHub Pages, making it extremely convenient for hosting Jamstack websites. It is ideally suited for developing static sites, blogs, business websites, and even comprehensive enterprise web apps. However, it must be noted that underlying Ruby can make dependency management slightly time-consuming.

Key Features:

  • Built-in GitHub Pages compatibility
  • Excellent extensibility
  • Broad community support
  • Active contributors maintaining the project


If superior SEO-oriented, content-rich websites are what you aim for, TezJS is your go-to framework. It supports content lazy loading and manages environmental variables effectively.

Key Features:

  • Lazy loading of content
  • Routed based splitting
  • Dynamic routing
  • Management of environmental variables


Docusaurus allows for swift and easy setup of a Jamstack site. It uses React, enabling extension and customization for enhanced functionality. Also, it has a pluggable architecture that aids in the easy addition of new features.

Key Features:

  • Support for translations
  • Document versioning
  • Excellent content search capabilities

Other mention-worthy Jamstack frameworks include Hexo, GitBook, Astro, and VuePress, which are reshaping the world of website development with their unique features and capabilities.


With the ever-growing community of both developers and users, Jamstack is undoubtedly here to stay. It paves the way for the creation of high-performing sites and apps that can be molded uniquely according to specific requirements. Having explored the different frameworks, you can now leverage Jamstack to it fullest and explore new horizons.

Happy Jamstacking!

tags: #Jamstack #Next.js #Gatsby.js #Nuxt.js #Hugo #Jekyll #TezJS #Docusaurus #WebDevelopment

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Supercharging Frontend Development with Next.js: 13 Key Features and Benefits


Next.js has emerged as a powerful framework for frontend developers, providing a wide range of tools and features that streamline the development process and enhance user experiences. In this blog post, we will dive deep into 13 key features and benefits of Next.js from a frontend developer’s perspective. We will explore how Next.js enables faster page loads and better SEO through server-side rendering and static site generation. We’ll also discuss features like automatic code splitting, simplified routing, support for CSS and Sass, API routes for backend functionality, hot module replacement for real-time code updates, image optimization, TypeScript integration, internationalization support, authentication and authorization integrations, error handling and reporting, as well as deployment and hosting flexibility. By the end of this post, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how Next.js can supercharge your frontend development workflow.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Delivering Fast and SEO-Friendly Websites

Next.js allows for server-side rendering, which means that HTML content is generated on the server and sent to the client. This enables faster page loads, as the initial HTML content is immediately available to the user. Additionally, server-side rendering improves search engine optimization (SEO) by providing search engines with fully rendered HTML pages, allowing them to index the content effectively.

Static Site Generation (SSG): Pre-rendering Pages for Performance

Next.js supports static site generation, wherein pages are pre-rendered at build time. This allows for even faster loading speeds, as the entire page is generated and served as static HTML files. With static site generation, the content is pre-rendered for each page, eliminating the need for server-side processing during runtime.

Automatic Code Splitting: Optimizing Bundle Sizes

Next.js automatically splits your JavaScript bundles into smaller chunks. This optimization technique ensures that only the required code is delivered to the client, resulting in faster loading times and improved performance. With smaller bundle sizes, the initial page load is faster, and subsequent page transitions are smooth and efficient.

Routing Made Easy: Simplifying Navigation

Next.js comes with built-in routing capabilities that simplify the navigation within your application. Dynamic routing allows you to create routes with parameters, making it easy to handle dynamic content. File-based routing simplifies the organization and management of routes by mapping file names to URLs. These features make it effortless to create and manage navigation within your Next.js application.

CSS and Sass Support: Styling with Ease

Next.js provides seamless support for styling your components with CSS and Sass. The CSS and Sass files can be imported directly into your components, allowing you to write modular and reusable styles. Next.js also plays well with CSS-in-JS solutions like Styled Components, enabling you to take advantage of the benefits of this popular styling approach.

API Routes: Building Backend Functionality

Next.js’s API routes allow you to build backend functionality directly within your frontend codebase. You can define serverless API endpoints that interact with databases and other external services. This makes it easy to develop and integrate backend functionality into your Next.js application without the need for a separate backend server.

Hot Module Replacement (HMR): Instantaneous Code Updates

Next.js offers Hot Module Replacement (HMR), which allows for real-time code updates during development. With HMR, you can make changes to your code and see the updates instantly in the browser, eliminating the need for manual refreshes. This speeds up the iteration process and improves developer productivity.

Image Optimization: Efficient Handling of Images

Next.js provides powerful image optimization capabilities out of the box. It supports automatic image resizing, allowing you to serve appropriately sized images based on the device and screen size. Lazy loading is also supported, ensuring that images are loaded only when they are visible to the user. Next.js also provides support for responsive images, allowing you to deliver optimized versions of images based on the user’s device.

TypeScript Support: Enhancing Code Quality

Next.js seamlessly integrates with TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript. By using TypeScript, you can enhance the quality of your code by catching potential errors during development. TypeScript offers features like static typing, improved autocompletion, and type checking, which aid in better code quality and improved developer productivity.

Internationalization (i18n): Reaching a Global Audience

Next.js simplifies the process of internationalization by providing built-in support for multi-language websites. It offers features like language routing, allowing you to create routes based on different languages. Content translation is made easier with Next.js, enabling you to manage and translate your content efficiently. Next.js also provides support for locale management, allowing you to handle date, time, and number formats specific to different regions.

Authentication and Authorization: Secure User Management

Next.js seamlessly integrates with various authentication providers and libraries, making it easier to implement user authentication and authorization functionalities in your applications. Whether you need to authenticate users using OAuth providers like Google and Facebook or implement your custom authentication logic, Next.js provides robust integrations to handle user management securely.

Error Handling and Reporting: Robust Debugging

Next.js simplifies error handling and reporting by providing comprehensive error pages and server-side logging. When an error occurs, Next.js displays a friendly error page with detailed information, making it easier to debug and fix issues. Additionally, Next.js integrates well with error monitoring tools like Sentry, allowing you to capture and track errors in your production environment.

Deployment and Hosting Flexibility: Easy Scaling

Next.js offers flexibility in deployment and hosting options. It supports serverless deployments, allowing you to take advantage of cloud services like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions. Next.js also works well with static site hosting platforms like Vercel and Netlify, which provide easy scaling options and global content delivery networks (CDN). With Next.js, you have the freedom to choose the deployment and hosting solution that best suits your needs.


Next.js empowers frontend developers with a wealth of features and benefits that supercharge the development workflow. From server-side rendering and static site generation to automatic code splitting and simplified routing, Next.js provides the tools and capabilities to build high-performance web applications efficiently. With support for CSS and Sass, API routes for backend functionality, image optimization, TypeScript integration, internationalization, authentication and authorization, error handling and reporting, as well as deployment and hosting flexibility, Next.js proves to be a game-changer in frontend development. By leveraging the power of Next.js, developers can create robust and scalable web applications that deliver exceptional user experiences.

Tags: Next.js, Frontend Development, Server-Side Rendering, Static Site Generation, Routing, CSS and Sass, API Routes, Hot Module Replacement, Image Optimization, TypeScript, Internationalization, Authentication and Authorization, Error Handling, Deployment and Hosting

[Reference Link](!https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/supercharging-frontend-development-nextjs-13-key-features-sayad)

Using Apollo Client with Next.js 13: Simplifying Data Fetching and State Management


In this tutorial, we will explore how to integrate Apollo Client with Next.js 13 to simplify data fetching and state management in your Next.js applications. Apollo Client is a powerful GraphQL client that makes it easy to query, mutate, and subscribe to data from your GraphQL API. Next.js, on the other hand, is a popular React framework that provides server-side rendering, automatic code splitting, and simplified routing.

By combining Apollo Client and Next.js, you can take advantage of the benefits of GraphQL for data fetching and state management while leveraging the capabilities of Next.js for server-side rendering and performance optimization.


Before we get started, make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Node.js (version 12 or higher)
  • NPM (Node Package Manager)


To begin, create a new Next.js project by running the following command in your terminal:

npx create-next-app@13 my-app

Once the project is created, navigate to the project directory by running:

cd my-app

Next, install the required dependencies by running the following command:

npm install @apollo/client@rc @apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support

This will install Apollo Client and the experimental Next.js app support library.

Server Components

If you want to use Apollo Client inside server components, follow these steps:

Step 1: Setup Apollo Client

Create a new file lib/client.js in your project’s directory and add the following content:

import { ApolloClient, HttpLink, InMemoryCache } from "@apollo/client";
import { NextSSRInMemoryCache, NextSSRApolloClient } from "@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr";
import { registerApolloClient } from "@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/rsc";

export const { getClient } = registerApolloClient(() => {
  return new NextSSRApolloClient({
    cache: new NextSSRInMemoryCache(),
    link: new HttpLink({
      uri: "https://api.example.com/graphql",

In this file, we create an instance of Apollo Client and configure it with an HTTP link to our GraphQL API.

Step 2: Use Apollo Client in Server Components

To use Apollo Client inside server components, first import the getClient function in your component:

import { getClient } from "../lib/client";

Then, use the getClient function to safely get an instance of the Apollo Client scoped to the current request:

const client = getClient();

You can now use this client object to query, mutate, or subscribe to data from your GraphQL API.

Client Components (with server-side rendering)

If you prefer to use Apollo Client with client-side rendering, follow these steps:

Step 1: Setup Apollo Client

Create a new file lib/apollo-wrapper.js in your project’s directory and add the following content:

"use client";
import { ApolloClient, ApolloLink, HttpLink } from "@apollo/client";
import { ApolloNextAppProvider, NextSSRInMemoryCache, SSRMultipartLink } from "@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr";

function makeClient() {
  const httpLink = new HttpLink({
    uri: "https://api.example.com/graphql",

  return new NextSSRApolloClient({
    cache: new NextSSRInMemoryCache(),
    link: typeof window === "undefined" ? 
        new SSRMultipartLink({ stripDefer: true }),
      ]) : httpLink,

export function ApolloWrapper({ children }) {
  return (
    <ApolloNextAppProvider makeClient={makeClient}>

In this file, we define a wrapper component ApolloWrapper that provides the Apollo Client to its child components. The makeClient function creates an instance of Apollo Client and configures it with an HTTP link to our GraphQL API.

Step 2: Use Apollo Client in Client Components

To use Apollo Client inside client components, first import the ApolloWrapper component in your component:

import { ApolloWrapper } from "../lib/apollo-wrapper";

Then, wrap your component with the ApolloWrapper component to provide the Apollo Client:

  {/* Your component code here */}

You can now use Apollo Client to query, mutate, or subscribe to data from your GraphQL API inside your component.

Fetching Data

To fetch data using Apollo Client, you can use the useSuspenseQuery hook provided by the @apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr library. Here’s an example:

"use client";
import { useSuspenseQuery } from "@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr";

const query = gql`
  query {
    users {

export default function UsersPage() {
  const { data, loading, error } = useSuspenseQuery(query);

  if (loading) {
    return <div>Loading...</div>;

  if (error) {
    return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;

  return (
      {data.users.map((user) => (
        <li key={user.id}>{user.name}</li>

In this example, we define a GraphQL query using the gql tag from @apollo/client. We then use the useSuspenseQuery hook to fetch the data from our GraphQL API. The useSuspenseQuery hook returns the data, loading, and error states, which we can use to handle the different fetch states in our component.


In this tutorial, we explored how to integrate Apollo Client with Next.js 13 to simplify data fetching and state management in your Next.js applications. We learned how to set up Apollo Client in server components and client components, and how to fetch data using the useSuspenseQuery hook.

By utilizing the power of Apollo Client and Next.js together, you can take advantage of the benefits of GraphQL for data fetching and state management, while leveraging the capabilities of Next.js for server-side rendering and performance optimization.

Give it a try in your Next.js projects and experience the joy of simplified data fetching and state management with Apollo Client and Next.js!

Remember, to stay up to date with the latest features, best practices, and community events, make sure to subscribe to our Apollo insider newsletter. No junk mail, guaranteed!

Tags: Apollo Client, Next.js, GraphQL, Data Fetching, State Management

[Reference Link](!https://www.apollographql.com/blog/announcement/frontend/using-apollo-client-with-next-js-13-releasing-an-official-library-to-support-the-app-router/)

Next.js vs. Nuxt.js: A Comparison of JavaScript Frameworks

Next.js and Nuxt.js are two popular JavaScript frameworks used for building modern web applications. While they have similarities in terms of their purpose and features, there are also key differences that make each framework unique. In this blog post, we will compare Next.js and Nuxt.js, discussing their features, use cases, pros, and cons, to help you decide which framework is the best fit for your project.


As developers, it is crucial to choose the right tech stack for your web application. Next.js and Nuxt.js are both powerful frameworks that enable developers to build scalable and performant web applications. Next.js is built on top of React, while Nuxt.js is built on top of Vue.js. Let’s explore each framework in more detail.


Next.js is an open-source framework developed by Vercel that leverages server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) to enable fast and efficient web development. It provides a seamless development experience with features such as file-based system routing, automatic code splitting, and built-in CSS support. Next.js offers great compatibility with the React ecosystem and is widely used for building Jamstack websites, e-commerce platforms, and progressive web applications (PWA).


Nuxt.js is a meta-framework built on top of Vue.js, designed to facilitate the development of universal Vue applications. It provides developers with a robust toolset for building server-rendered (SSR) and statically generated (SSG) applications. Nuxt.js offers features such as file system routing, automatic code splitting, server engine called Nitro, and a module ecosystem that allows developers to extend the functionality of their applications. It is commonly used for building universal applications, single-page applications (SPA), and static generated pages.

Feature Comparison

Both Next.js and Nuxt.js offer numerous features and advantages, but they differ in certain aspects. Let’s compare some key features of the two frameworks:

Sever-side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG)

Next.js and Nuxt.js both support server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG). SSR enables fast initial page loads and improved SEO since the content is rendered on the server and sent to the client as HTML. SSG generates static HTML files at build-time, which offers significantly improved performance and reduces the load on the server. Both frameworks provide great flexibility in choosing between SSR and SSG based on project requirements.

Developer Experience

Next.js and Nuxt.js both prioritize developer experience and strive to provide a seamless development environment. They offer features such as hot module reloading, automatic transpilation, and a rich plugin ecosystem to enhance productivity. Both frameworks have extensive documentation and active communities, making it easier to find support and resources when needed.


Next.js uses a file-based routing system, where each file in the pages directory represents a route. This approach simplifies routing and makes it intuitive to navigate through the application. On the other hand, Nuxt.js uses a similar file-based routing system, but also supports nested routes using folders and nested files.

SEO Optimization

Both frameworks offer built-in support for SEO optimization. Next.js enables server-side rendering, which ensures that web pages are fully rendered on the server before being served to the client. This results in better SEO performance as search engines can easily crawl and index the web pages. Nuxt.js also supports server-side rendering and generates static HTML files, improving SEO by providing search engines with pre-rendered content.

Pros and Cons

Next.js Pros:

  • Versatility between SSR and SSG.
  • Great developer experience.
  • Compatibility with the React ecosystem.
  • Efficient SEO optimization.

Next.js Cons:

  • Limited plugin support compared to other frameworks.
  • Less flexible routing system compared to Nuxt.js.

Nuxt.js Pros:

  • Opinionated structure and setup.
  • Robust module ecosystem.
  • Great developer experience.
  • SEO optimization.

Nuxt.js Cons:

  • Can be challenging to work with custom libraries.
  • May experience server strain with high traffic.


Next.js and Nuxt.js are both reliable and powerful JavaScript frameworks for building modern web applications. Next.js offers a versatile solution with great compatibility, while Nuxt.js is known for its opinionated structure and module ecosystem. Choosing between Next.js and Nuxt.js depends on your project requirements and familiarity with React or Vue. It is recommended to consider factors such as server-side rendering, routing flexibility, SEO optimization, and developer experience when making your decision.

Tags: JavaScript Frameworks, Next.js, Nuxt.js, React, Vue

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Building Faster, More Personalized Web with Vercel’s Frontend Cloud


In today’s fast-paced digital world, speed and personalization are key factors in delivering a successful web experience. Developers need the proper tools and infrastructure to build websites that are not only fast but also tailored to the needs of their users. This is where Vercel’s frontend cloud comes in.

Vercel provides developers with the frameworks, workflows, and infrastructure to build a faster, more personalized web. With its native Next.js platform and cutting-edge serverless technology, Vercel empowers developers to create high-performance websites that can withstand any traffic spike. Let’s explore the features and benefits that Vercel offers.


Zero Config, More Innovation

Vercel eliminates the need for time-consuming and unnecessary processes that slow down development. It allows developers to focus on their creativity and build when inspiration strikes. With its zero config approach, developers can get started quickly without the hassle of complex configurations.

Always Fast, Always Online

Infrastructure plays a crucial role in delivering a fast and reliable web experience. Vercel ensures that websites built on its platform are always fast and always online, providing a seamless user experience.

Dynamic Pages, Static Speed with Edge Functions

Vercel’s Edge Functions enable developers to create dynamic pages while maintaining static speed. This powerful feature allows for a more interactive web experience without sacrificing performance.

The Native Next.js Platform

As the native platform for Next.js, Vercel provides developers with all the tools they need to build their websites exactly as they imagine. From automatic API handling to built-in image and performance optimizations, Next.js on Vercel offers a complete toolkit for web development.

Real-Time Insights with Analytics

Understanding user behavior and website performance is crucial for improving the web experience. Vercel’s Analytics feature provides real-time insights, allowing developers to optimize their applications for peak performance.

Serverless Storage for the Frontend

Storing and managing frontend assets can be a challenging task. Vercel offers serverless storage, allowing developers to easily store and retrieve assets for their websites without the need for complex server configurations.

Integration with Backend and End-to-End Testing

Vercel seamlessly integrates with any data source, headless CMS, or API, making it easy to connect your website to your backend systems. Additionally, Vercel’s cloud primitives, including caching and serverless functions, work perfectly on localhost for end-to-end testing and debugging.

Collaborative Development with Preview Deployments

Frontend development is a collaborative process, and Vercel enhances this collaboration with automatic Preview Deployments. Every code change triggers a new live preview site that can be shared with the team for real-time feedback and review. Integrations with platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket make this process seamless.

Optimized for Performance and SEO

Speed and SEO go hand in hand when it comes to delivering a delightful user experience. Next.js and Vercel work together to ensure the best performance for end users while maintaining best-in-class SEO practices.

Global Edge Network and Guaranteed Uptime

Vercel deploys content around the world, ensuring fast access for users regardless of their location. With its global edge network, updates to your website are propagated within 300ms. Additionally, Vercel offers first-party monitoring and observability, allowing developers to analyze logs, understand traffic and usage, and easily optimize their applications.

Begin Your Vercel Journey

Importing an existing project from a Git repository is made easy with Vercel. Simply select your preferred Git provider, such as GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket, and import your project seamlessly. Alternatively, you can choose to clone a template from popular frameworks like Next.js, SvelteKit, Nuxt.js, or Vite to jumpstart your project.


Vercel’s frontend cloud provides the ideal environment for developers to build a faster, more personalized web. With its powerful features, easy integration with backend systems, and collaborative development workflows, developers can create high-performance websites that delight every visitor. Begin your Vercel journey today and experience the future of web development.

Tags: frontend, web development, Vercel, Next.js, performance
