WhisperSpeech: An Overview

WhisperSpeech is an ambitious project aimed at pioneering the field of speech synthesis. The project's goal is to create a model equivalent to Stable Diffusion but in the domain of speech – promising powerful capabilities and easy customization. The project operates with a commitment to Open Source code and the use of properly licensed speech recordings, ensuring safety for commercial applications.

Key Features and Updates

WhisperSpeech is currently utilizing the English LibreLight dataset for model training and aims to expand to multiple languages in its forthcoming release, with support for languages like Whisper and EnCodec.

Progress Report as of January 18, 2024

The project showcases the ability to mix languages within a single sentence, with English project names flowing smoothly into Polish speech. They highlight:

  • Whisper Speech
  • Collabora
  • Laion
  • Jewels

Additionally, they provide a sample of voice cloning using a speech by Winston Churchill, demonstrating the technology's advanced capabilities.

Progress as of January 10, 2024

The team reports on a new SD S2A model that is notably faster and maintains high-quality speech output. They included a voice cloning example utilizing a reference audio file.

Progress as of December 10, 2023

The update included samples of English speech with a female voice and a Polish speech sample with a male voice.

Older updates have been archived, indicating a progression and commitment to continual improvement.

Downloads and Roadmap

Downloads available include pre-trained models and converted datasets. The roadmap proposes gathering a more extensive emotive speech dataset, exploring generation conditioning on emotions and prosody, establishing a community-driven collection of freely licensed multilingual speech, and training finalized multi-language models.

Architecture and Recognition

The architecture involves several components:

  • AudioLM: Not described in the text but likely a component of the overall speech synthesis framework.
  • SPEAR TTS: Likely another component of the framework or a technology used in conjunction with WhisperSpeech.
  • MusicGen: Possibly related to generating music or controlling prosody in speech.
  • Whisper: Used for modeling semantic tokens through OpenAI's Whisper encoder block.
  • EnCodec: Handles modeling of acoustic tokens, delivering audio quality at reasonable bitrates.
  • Vocos: A vocoder pretrained on EnCodec tokens, enhancing audio quality.

The block diagram visualizes the EnCodec's framework, detailing its function within the project architecture.

Acknowledgments and Citations

WhisperSpeech extends appreciation to its sponsors: Collabora, LAION, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, and www.gauss-centre.eu. Individual contributors, such as 'inevitable-2031' and 'qwerty_qwer', receive thanks for their assistance in the model's development.

Citations listed without details suggest the project's reliance on numerous Open Source ventures and research. The project stands on the shoulders of the broader research community, which it acknowledges through these provisional citation placeholders.

WhisperSpeech projects itself as not only a technical endeavor but also a community-focused initiative promoting openness and collaboration, as indicated by the mention of its presence on the LAION Discord server.

Note: This overview is based on the provided information and the context of the WhisperSpeech project documents. Specific insightful presentations and detailed technical mechanisms were mentioned but not thoroughly described in the text given.


  • #WhisperSpeech
  • #SpeechSynthesis
  • #OpenSource
  • #TextToSpeech


Carbon for React Native: A Guide to the Carbon Design System

Carbon Design System is an open-source design system created by IBM for digital products and experiences. It provides a collection of reusable components, guided by clear standards, that can be assembled together to build applications.

What is Carbon for React Native?

Carbon for React Native is an extension of the Carbon Design System tailored specifically for mobile application development using React Native. It enables developers to use Carbon's design philosophy and components within their mobile apps, ensuring consistency and efficiency in design.

Key Features of Carbon for React Native

Carbon for React Native offers several key features for developers who want to implement the Carbon Design System in their React Native applications:

  • Pre-built Components: A set of ready-to-use components that can be easily integrated into React Native applications.
  • Customizable Themes: Support for light and dark themes, with the ability to customize colors to fit your brand.
  • Icon Library: A comprehensive set of icons provided by '@carbon/icons', suitable for mobile interfaces.

Getting Started with Carbon for React Native

To start using Carbon for React Native, you should first install the package using a package manager like npm or Yarn:

npm install -S @carbon/react-native
# or
yarn add @carbon/react-native

For iOS applications, you need to run pod install inside the ios directory of your React Native project.

Additionally, you'll need to ensure the following dependencies are installed and up to date:

  • @carbon/themes
  • @carbon/icons
  • @carbon/icon-helpers
  • react-native-svg
  • react-native-webview

Recommended Settings and Configuration

Carbon for React Native recommends certain configuration settings, such as adding the font assets to the react-native.config.js file and setting android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" in your Android app to improve user experience.

Usage: React Native Components and Theming

The Carbon for React Native package makes using components straightforward. For instance, to use a Button component, you would import and implement it as follows:

import { Button } from '@carbon/react-native';

<Button kind="primary" text="My Button" onPress={() => {}} />;

The system also includes functions to work with themes and colors:

import { getColor } from '@carbon/react-native';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  example: {
    padding: 16,
    color: getColor('textPrimary'),
    backgroundColor: getColor('background'),

Overriding Themes and Contributing

Carbon for React Native allows developers to override the default themes to customize color schemes and fonts according to their branding needs. Developers can also contribute to the system by following the Carbon Design System's contributing guide.

Licensing and Community

Carbon for React Native is released under the Apache-2.0 license, ensuring that it can be freely and reliably used in commercial projects. Furthermore, developers are welcome to the community and are encouraged to contribute. There is a continuous integration (CI) workflow in place to ensure that all contributions meet the required standards. Additionally, developers can chat and collaborate on Discord.

In summary, Carbon for React Native is a powerful tool for implementing the Carbon Design System in mobile applications, providing a wide range of components, customization options, and community support to create cohesive and user-friendly designs.

Tags: #CarbonDesignSystem, #ReactNative, #OpenSource, #UIComponents, #MobileDevelopment


Marker: A Superior Document Conversion Tool


Marker is a software that converts PDF, EPUB, and MOBI files into markdown format. It is designed to be significantly faster than nougat, provide more accurate conversions, and have a lower risk of hallucinations (incorrect or fabricated content that doesn't exist in the source material).

Key Features

  • Support for various PDF documents, particularly optimized for books and scientific papers.
  • Capable of removing unwanted artifacts such as headers and footers.
  • Can convert many mathematical equations into LaTeX format.
  • Formats code blocks and tables effectively.
  • Compatible with GPU, CPU, or MPS hardware.

How Marker Works

The Marker operates through a pipeline of deep learning models to process documents:

  1. Text Extraction: It extracts text and performs Optical Character Recognition (OCR) using heuristics and Tesseract when necessary.
  2. Layout Segmentation: The layout segmenter analyzes the document's format.
  3. Column Detection: To handle multi-column documents.
  4. Nougat Model: Marker utilizes nougat for part of its processing.
  5. PDF Postprocessor: Cleans up the document after conversion.

Marker encountered a [repetition] in 1.5% of pages during testing, but it outperforms nougat in terms of speed and general-purpose usage, particularly with equation blocks.

Performance Comparison

Marker has been benchmarked against nougat, showing that it is 10x faster and uses less VRAM.

Community and Support

Marker has a community on Discord where users can interact and share their experiences.


While Marker is powerful, it does face some challenges:

  • Fewer equations converted to LaTeX compared to nougat.
  • Inconsistent whitespace and indentation management.
  • Not all lines may be correctly joined.
  • Better support for languages similar to English; limited support for Asian languages.
  • Optimized for digital PDFs, so heavy OCR isn't its forte.

Installation and Setup

For Linux

The installation involves cloning the Marker repository, running a few scripts for dependencies like Tesseract and Ghostscript, and setting up the environment with poetry.

For Mac

The Mac installation process is similar but utilizes Homebrew for installing requirements and then proceeds with setting up poetry and configuring the local environment.

Usage Guidelines


Prior to use, certain environment variables must be set, such as TORCH_DEVICE, INFERENCE_RAM, and ENABLE_EDITOR_MODEL, which can be customized within local.env and settings.py.

Converting Files

Marker can convert single files or batch convert multiple files. For batches, one can define several parameters like worker count, RAM usage per task, maximum number of pages, and default language.

Running Benchmarks

Marker provides a benchmark.py script to compare its performance against naive text extraction and nougat.

Commercial Usage

Due to licensing restrictions of underlying models like Layoutlmv3 and nougat, Marker is intended only for non-commercial usage.

For inquiries or issues regarding commercial restrictions, users can contact Marker's support via marker@vikas.sh.


Marker's development has been greatly influenced by open-source models and datasets provided by various organizations, including Meta, Microsoft, IBM, and Google.


Marker showcases an advancement in document conversion technology, offering fast, accurate, and reliable conversion of complex documents into markdown format. Nevertheless, it has some current limitations and restrictions concerning commercial use, which are being addressed.


  • #DocumentConversion
  • #MarkerTool
  • #PDFtoMarkdown
  • #DeepLearningModels
  • #OpenSource


Introducing SuperDuperDB: AI Integration for Databases

What is SuperDuperDB?

SuperDuperDB is an innovative open-source framework designed to empower your existing databases with AI capabilities. It facilitates direct integration of AI into your data infrastructure, enabling features like streaming inference, scalable model training, and vector search, all within a streamlined environment. The straightforward API simplifies the building and management of AI applications, reducing the complexity typically associated with traditional MLOps pipelines.

Simplified AI Application Development:

  • Generative AI & LLM-Chat
  • Vector Search
  • Standard Machine Learning (Classification, Segmentation, etc.)
  • Highly specialized custom AI use-cases

Getting Started with SuperDuperDB

To dive into SuperDuperDB, you can explore the documentation, check out the superduper-community-apps repository, and even run Jupyter notebooks directly in your browser. The platform encourages community support by asking users to star the project on GitHub.

Key Features of SuperDuperDB:

  • Integration With Existing Infrastructure: No need for specialized vector databases or complex data migration processes.
  • Streaming Inference and Scalable Training: Operational efficiency for continuous data handling and model improvement.
  • Model Chaining: Combine different AI models for complex operations.
  • Simple Yet Extendable Interface: Manage various data types and features with an uncomplicated API.

Advantages Over Traditional Methods:

  • Data Management & Security: Maintain data within the database, improve security, and avoid duplication.
  • Infrastructure: Unify AI application development and management for better scalability and efficiency.
  • Coding: Minimize coding efforts thanks to a user-friendly Python API.

Core Functionalities:

Transform your database into an AI powerhouse with just one command:

db = superduper('your-db-uri')

Install, deploy, predict, and train AI models directly with your data storage:

m = db.add('model', preprocess='your-function', postprocess='your-function', encoder='your-datatype')
m.predict(X='input_column', select='mongodb_query', listen=True, create_vector_index=True)
m.fit(X='input_column', y='target_column', select='ibis_query')

Furthermore, SuperDuperDB enables the integration of externally hosted models, like OpenAI and Cohere, to complement your data ecosystem.

Use-Cases and Installation:

Examples of What You Can Do:

  • Deploy machine learning models directly in your database.
  • Train models using database queries without extra data processing.
  • Conduct vector searches through database content.
  • Integrate third-party AI models and APIs for enhanced capabilities.

Setting Up SuperDuperDB:

Installation is a breeze with Python’s package manager, pip, and Docker. Instructions and requirement details are provided to get you up and running quickly.

Community Engagement:

SuperDuperDB extends an invitation to users to participate in the growth and enhancement of the project. Engagement can be in the form of bug reports, documentation tweaks, feature suggestions, and more. The community can be reached via Slack, GitHub, or email.

Concluding Remarks:

SuperDuperDB is a tool that seeks to democratize AI integration into databases, bolstered by a supportive community and a clear vision for accessible, streamlined AI application development.


  • #SuperDuperDB
  • #DatabaseAI
  • #OpenSource
  • #MachineLearningIntegration


Top Free and Open Source API Testing Tools for Developers in 2023

As software development processes become more agile and lean towards continuous integration and delivery, quick feedback has become essential. API testing comes into play here, being faster and more reliable compared to UI testing. In this guide, we delve into some of the best free and open-source API testing tools for 2023.

What is API?

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a specification that acts as an interface for software components. API testing, often referred to as headless testing, comprises bypassing the UI and directly communicating with an application via its API.

Factors to Consider When Choosing API Testing Tools

The right API testing tools should allow you to use one test script for multiple purposes, including API load or stress performance testing and security testing. Here are a couple of top-notch free API testing tools to consider.

Tool #1: Postman

Postman, initially a Chrome browser plugin, has transitioned into a robust tool compatible with Mac and Windows. Its merit lies in its ability to set up all headers and cookies your API expects and validate them when returned.


  • Great for both automated and exploratory testing.
  • Numerous integrations.
  • No need to learn a new language.


  • Some features have become paid.

Tool #2: Karate

Karate stands out due to its human-like syntax, which ensures high maintainability. It’s well suited to non-programmers and requires no Java knowledge for test writing.

Tool #3: SoapUI

SoapUI is an open-source tool that lets you create Groovy custom code and complex scenarios, among other things. Its Pro version is more user-friendly and includes extra functionality.

Tool #4: HttpMaster

HttpMaster is designed for automating testing of websites and services. It’s notably useful for testing RESTful web services and API applications, also allowing API response monitoring.

Tool #5: Rest-Assured

Rest-Assured is an open-source tool that simplifies the manual testing of REST services. It eliminates boiler-plate code and supports the BDD Given/When/Then syntax.

Other Tools to Consider

Several other tools you should check out include RoboHydra Server for API integration testing, hippie-swagger for validating all aspects of a swagger file, PyRestTest, a python-based REST testing tool, and Katalon Studio, an all-in-one test automation solution.

API Testing Using Playwright and Cypress

While these tools are primarily used for browser-based end-to-end testing of web applications, they can be used for API tests. For instance, Playwright can be coupled with the “axios” library to make API requests.

Taking a Look Forward

With 2023 around the corner, the landscape of SOAP and REST API test tools is continuously evolving. Expect this list to grow as more efficient and dynamic tools are brought to market.


  • #APITestingTools
  • #OpenSource
  • #2023
  • #SoftwareTesting

Reference Link

Start Building Now: 24 Engaging JavaScript Project Ideas for Beginners to Intermediate Coders

Learning JavaScript is an exciting journey, but just going through lessons and tutorials might not offer the practical experience of coding that you need to truly understand the language. One way you can reinforce your knowledge and gain this experience is by working on some JavaScript projects of your own.

In this blog post, I will list 24 JavaScript projects, ranging from beginner to intermediate level, that you can start working on right now. All these projects are open-source, which means you can use the source code for guided learning.

How to Choose Your JavaScript Project

Before I delve into the list of projects, it’s essential to understand how to pick the right one. The key is to start with simple projects and gradually move to more complex ones. It is important to set realistic expectations and choose projects that are a tad above your current skill level. Going for overly ambitious projects might lead to frustrations when you encounter difficulties that you can’t handle comfortably.

A well-chosen project is one that is slightly challenging but not too far beyond your current skill level. Aim for projects that push you to learn and improve your skills progressively.

Now let’s jump into the list of JavaScript projects that you can try.

JavaScript Project Ideas

  1. Vanilla JavaScript stopwatch: Create a stopwatch that needs three buttons for user interaction: Start, Stop, and Reset. Find sample project here.

  2. JavaScript clock: Practice variables and simple if loops by building a digital clock. Find sample project here.

  3. JavaScript calculator: Coding a calculator is excellent practice for your JavaScript skills. Incorporate addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division functionalities. Find sample project here.


  1. JavaScript Maze Game project: Code your own maze with JavaScript. It is somewhat more demanding and hence suitable for someone who is comfortable with the language. Find sample project here.

Also, check some other project ideas like JavaScript Simon game, JavaScript platformer game, JavaScript palindrome checker, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions about JavaScript Projects

What are good JavaScript projects for beginners?
Valid beginner project ideas include a simple stopwatch, tip calculator, animated navigation toggle, and others.

How do I start a JavaScript project?
Start by identifying what you want to code, break it down into manageable tasks, and then start coding.

Where can I start learning JavaScript for beginners?
There are several resources to start learning JavaScript: Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, Udemy, etc. also check out these top YouTube channels to learn programming.


Building JavaScript projects of your own helps you understand how the language syntax works, how different issues can be resolved, and most importantly gives you hands-on experience with coding.

So which JavaScript projects are you going to build next? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy coding!

tags: #JavaScriptProjects, #OpenSourceProjects, #CodingPractice, #JavaScriptLearning

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