A Guide to UI Testing Best Practices

UI testing is a crucial component of the software development lifecycle, ensuring that user interfaces are functional, reliable, and user-friendly. This guide serves as a comprehensive resource for best practices in UI testing, built upon the contributions of experts and the UI testing community. It covers a range of topics from testing strategies and general best practices to server communication testing, advanced concepts, and tools that can be employed in the testing process.

Overview of Testing Strategies

Component vs (UI) Integration vs E2E Tests

Different types of tests serve different purposes in the UI testing landscape. Component tests focus on individual components in isolation, UI Integration tests assess how components work together, and End-to-End (E2E) tests simulate real user scenarios to ensure the entire application works as intended.

Avoid Perfectionism at the Beginning

Starting simple and focusing on key functionalities can be more pragmatic than trying to achieve perfection from the outset. It's about prioritizing the most critical tests and gradually building comprehensive coverage.

Choosing a Reference Browser

To ensure consistency, it's advisable to choose a reference browser for testing efforts, while still keeping cross-browser compatibility in mind.

Writing Tests Before Fixing Bugs

When a bug is discovered, writing a test that replicates the issue ensures that once fixed, the bug does not reoccur, maintaining the quality of the application.

Test Granularity

The best practice encourages having numerous small, independent tests instead of a few long ones. This approach facilitates easier maintenance and more explicit failure diagnosis.

Generic Best Practices

Await, Don't Sleep

In UI testing, it's recommended to wait for deterministic events rather than using arbitrary sleep times, which can lead to flaky and unreliable tests.

Naming Test Files Wisely

Clear and descriptive test file names improve maintainability and help new testers understand the scope and purpose of the tests.

Debugging UI Tests

Debugging is essential in UI testing. Knowing the best practices to quickly identify issues in tests can save time and improve reliability.

Reaching UI State for Testing

Creating the specific UI state needed for testing can be challenging, but it's crucial to test the application's response under various conditions.

Using your Testing Tool as a Development Tool

Leveraging the capabilities of your testing tool beyond just testing, such as during the development phase, can enhance productivity and code quality.

Keeping Abstraction Low

A lower level of abstraction in tests can make them easier to debug and understand, though there's a balance to be struck between simplicity and the DRY principle.

Server Communication Testing

Testing communication between the client and server is a crucial part of UI testing, ensuring that requests and responses are handled correctly. Additionally, monitoring tests can detect potential issues in real-time server communication.

Tips for Beginners

Testing Pyramid Approach from the Top

For those new to testing, starting with high-level tests and working down to more granular levels provides a solid foundation for understanding the testing process as a whole.

The Role of Tools

The right tools can greatly facilitate the UI testing process. Cypress is highlighted as a tool that addresses common UI testing challenges and supports various testing types, including visual regression testing.

Advanced Topics

Advanced concepts such as Test States, Test Flake, Combinatorial Testing, Performance Testing, and Email Testing are covered to provide insights into more complex testing scenarios and how to handle them effectively.

Real-Life Examples

The guide not only theorizes best practices but also provides real-life examples and case studies to demonstrate practical application, such as distinguishing between front-end integration tests and back-end E2E tests, and simplifying React Component Tests.

Obsolete Chapters

As tools and methodologies evolve, some chapters become outdated. The guide maintains a section for obsolete chapters, such as those on using Cypress for unit testing, which has now been superseded by newer versions of the tool.

Steering Committee and Acknowledgments

A steering committee comprising Stefano Magni from Hasura and Murat Ozcan from Extend oversees the guide. Contributions from the community are acknowledged, with 🌻 symbols for successful pull requests and ⭐ for approved new best practices.

The UI Testing Best Practices guide represents the collective wisdom of seasoned professionals and the larger testing community. It is a dynamic resource, constantly updated to reflect the latest advancements, making it an indispensable manual for anyone involved in UI testing.

Tags: #UITesting, #BestPractices, #SoftwareDevelopment, #QualityAssurance


Future QA Tools & Automation Testing Trends: Revolutionizing Software Development in 2023

The software industry is undergoing rapid evolution, with Agile methodology taking the reigns for swift product releases. In an effort to deliver quality products speedily and affordably, organizations heavily rely on automation testing.

From creating test scripts from the developer perspective to moving on to end-to-end(e2e) visual layer testing for the users’ experience, the techniques have revolutionized. Today, automation testing is evolving like never before to accommodate the latest innovations in tech.

Let’s delve into the trends unfolding in the software testing market in 2023, along with some QA tools expected to boost your automation testing process.

Emerging Software Testing Trends in 2023

Quality Assurance (QA) is now not just about identifying bugs but also preventing them. Every stakeholder involved in the process is sharing the onus of assuring quality, leading to the need for convenient to use QA tools. To cater to this, the tech industry is launching trends that simplify the use of these tools. Here are some expected directions:

Customer Experience: A Rising Priority

Companies need to focus on their vision and the latest market trends to remain competent. Striking a balance between their product aspirations and customer satisfaction is paramount for growth.

No-code and Low-code Applications: The New Rage

With AI and visual modeling, low-code and no-code tools help simplify test case creation and expedite test runs. As these require minimal coding knowledge, manual testers and other professionals can actively participate in the QA process.

AI and ML in QA: Next Big Thing

Integrating AI and Machine Learning in QA tools has led to a massive boost in performance and productivity. These technologies aid in areas such as:

  • Self-healing automation test scripts: Self-healing denotes the automatic detection and resolution of failures in automated test scripts without human supervision.
  • Test case prioritization: ML algorithms can analyze test results, historical data, and usage patterns to optimize test execution and improve overall efficiency.
  • Test data generation: AI can automatically generate test data based on predefined criteria, simplifying testing applications with multiple inputs.

QAOps and Agile: The New Strategy

QAOps, an emerging practice, integrates QA into the software delivery pipelines, fostering better collaboration between QA, operations, and development teams.

Hyperautomation: The Future

Hyperautomation combines several automation tools such as AI, ML, Natural Language Processing, and Robotic Process Automation, utilizing AI-driven decision-making benefits.

Cloud-based Testing: New Norm

Cloud-based platforms offer scalability and growth options as needed. Several forthcoming QA tools are leveraging this tech.

Hallmarks of an Ideal Test Automation Tool

An excellent QA tool should feature:

  • Ease of Use
  • Integration
  • Scalability
  • Reporting
  • Customization
  • Collaboration
  • Security
  • Support

Different Forms of Automation Testing

Organizations use a combination of various automation testing types to ensure their applications meet quality and performance provisions:

  • Integration Testing
  • Functional Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • End-to-End Testing
  • Acceptance Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Security Testing
  • User Acceptance Testing

Top 5 Distinguished QA Tools for 2023

Here are the top five QA tools brewing to transform testing in their domain:

  • LambdaTest
  • testRigor
  • Qase
  • Applitools
  • Mockaroo

Final Remarks

Automation testing is a crucial component of the software development process, witnessing increasing significance. Technological advancements and new emerging trends encourage QA teams to rethink traditional operation ways. In 2023, it’s imperative to stay updated with modern tools that can improvise your testing process, enhance your software’s quality, and eventually benefit your enterprise.

Tags: #AutomationTesting #SoftwareDevelopment #QualityAssurance #Trends2023

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Top AI-Powered Software Testing Tools for Enhanced Quality Assurance in 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming various aspects of our lives, and software testing is no exception. AI software testing refers to quality testing activities using well-designed quality validation models, methods, and tools driven by AI. The purpose is to test the intelligence, functions, and features of a system based on machine-learning models and technologies. These activities revolve around validating the capabilities and behaviors of AI technology and ensuring high quality in system quality parameters.

The significance of using AI in software testing comes to light when we understand that most existing and future software will be developed with AI-based features and functions. There’s a lack of AI-based testing methods and solutions, making it critical for businesses to harness the capabilities of best AI testing tools.

Why Choose AI-powered Software Testing Tools?

Traditional techniques and tools are not equipped to test AI-based features and functions. This gap necessitates the need for AI tools for test automation.

AI test automation tools are widely known among developers, being embraced by even significant enterprises. These tools provide a unified platform to execute and maintain test automation across various devices and browsers. With the adoption of these tools, businesses can expedite the delivery of application and software product releases.

Several AI testing tools are available in the market, each offering diverse features to ensure system integrity and quality.

Top AI Testing Tools in 2023


Mabl is a reliable enterprise SaaS solution that uses low-code test automation to strengthen high-velocity teams. It boasts a unified platform to execute and maintain test automation across different mobiles, browsers, and API. Its API testing, SaaS testing, and auto-healing capabilities make it a powerful tool.


Functionize is an AI-based test automation tool designed to improve test creation, eliminate test flakiness, and accelerate releases. Teams of all sizes can leverage this tool to streamline their testing processes.


Testim is another powerful AI testing tool, known for its record modular tests, JavaScript customization, root-cause analysis, and auto-improving smart locators.


Applitools steps in as an AI testing tool equipped with Visual AI testing, tracking bugs and their root causes, and compatibility with every interface.


TestCraft distinguishes itself with scriptless testing tools, adaptive AI/ML technology, and quick automation capabilities.

Eggplant Functional

Eggplant functional uses image-based technology, supporting the automation of most of the operating systems, and provides flexibility in test designs, improved testing, and real-time device use for testing.


Playwright supports end-to-end testing across different browsers using a single API, robust GUI tools for debugging, and a strong emphasis on usability.


Katalon offers low code with high scalability and versatile test designs. It supports diverse testing methodologies and integrates natively with CI/CD and ALM tools.

Ranorex Studio

Ranorex Studio supports full-fledged automation for a high-quality delivery of mobile and desktop applications.

Sauce Labs

Sauce Labs supports continuous testing solutions, error reporting, and is compatible with most of the operating systems.

As you can see, there are a host of AI-powered testing tools available in the market. Each provides unique features, and your choice totally depends on your specific business requirements. The right tool can significantly improve your business operations and contribute to its long-term success.

Tags: #AI #SoftwareTesting #AutomationTools #QualityAssurance

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Complete Guide to Best Practices and Future of Frontend Software Testing

In the realm of software development, quality assurance is paramount. Frontend testing takes a center stage in this process by ensuring that applications are running flawlessly from the user’s standpoint. This explores the critical interaction of the user with the application and helps debug issues that might escape the radar of unit or integration tests.

A well-rounded approach to frontend testing diversifies into several facets including unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end (E2E) testing. This comprehensive guide elucidates on these different types, best practices, challenges, and the future of frontend testing.

Types of Frontend Testing

Unit Testing

Unit testing acts on the minutest fragments of the application in a detached environment and usually zeros in on singular functions or components.


  • React: React Testing Library, Enzyme
  • Vue: Vue Test Utils
  • Angular: Karma + Jasmine

Integration Testing

Ensuring that the individual units or components operate collectively in a seamless manner is the primary objective of integration tests.


  • Cypress (performs both integration and E2E testing)

End-to-End (E2E) Testing

By automating browser activities, E2E tests ensure the functional integrity of the application as a complete system.


  • Cypress
  • Puppeteer
  • Selenium
  • TestCafe
  • Playwright

Visual Regression Testing

Visual regression testing is a vital checkpoint to ensure that changes and modifications do not trigger inadvertent visual side-effects.


  • Storybook + add-ons (for component isolation)
  • Applitools Eyes
  • Percy

Best Practices for Frontend Testing

A robust strategy for frontend testing should incorporate the following best practices.

Maintain a Testing Pyramid:

This pyramid involves:

  • A solid base of numerous unit tests
  • A mid-section comprising fewer integration tests
  • A peak constituted by an even lesser number of E2E tests

Mock External Dependencies:

For a consistent and controlled testing environment.

Test Realistic User Interactions:

Emulating real-world user interaction scenarios ensures that the application behaves as expected in the hands of the end-user.

Continuous Integration (CI):

Implementing CI practices enable detecting and rectifying errors more quickly and efficiently.

Stay Updated:

Evolve along with ever-changing testing techniques, methodologies, and tooling landscape.

Challenges in Frontend Testing

While testing forms the backbone of software development, it is not without its share of challenges.


Random, unpredictable failures during testing, often due to dependency on uncontrollable variables, can cause flakiness.

Slow Execution:

Comprehensiveness sometimes come at the price of speed, when a thorough testing process takes significantly longer time to execute.

Maintaining Test Data:

Maintaining and managing an extensive dataset for thorough testing can be a complex task.

Cross-browser Compatibility:

Ensuring that the application functions seamlessly across, and is compatible with, a diverse range of browser environments can pose a tremendous challenge.

Tips to Address Challenges

Retry Mechanisms:

Implementing retry logic can help to handle flakiness by re-running failed tests automatically.

Parallel Execution:

Running tests in parallel can fast-track the testing process and save precious time.

Use Mocks and Stubs:

Leverage mocks and stubs to simulate dependencies and achieve more efficient, controlled, and reliable tests.

Cross-browser Testing Tools:

Deploy tools designed for cross-browser testing to ensure compatibility across diverse browser environments.

Future of Frontend Testing

The technology horizon promises an exciting future for frontend testing.

AI-Powered Testing:

Application of Artificial Intelligence in testing promises real-time error corrections and more intelligent, comprehensive testing strategies.

Improved Developer Tooling:

Evolution of developer tools to include robust testing capabilities offers opportunities for more efficient testing workflows.

Shift-left Testing:

This approach advocates introducing testing early in the development cycle, promising improved quality, quicker releases, and cost efficiency.

Frontend testing, while posing its set of unique challenges, remains a cornerstone for delivering a seamless user experience. Investing time and effort in setting up a solid testing strategy, choosing the appropriate tools, and training the team can pay rich dividends in the long run.

Tags: #FrontendTesting #SoftwareDevelopment #QualityAssurance #DeveloperTools

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