NextJS v14: Must-Know Features for React Developers

The release of NextJS v14 brings exciting updates to the React-based framework. Let's explore the new features and enhancements that are critical for developers to utilize in their Next.js applications.

Stable NextJS Server Actions

In this update, stable server actions are introduced. Developers can now write backend logic directly within their Next.js pages. This simplifies data fetching and form handling, promoting a smoother developer experience with less boilerplate code.

Viewport Page Configuration

NextJS v14 allows you to configure viewport settings on a per-page basis using metadata imports. This granular control over the viewport can result in better user experiences tailored to each page's content and design.

Minimum Node.js Version

The framework has raised the minimum required Node.js version to ensure compatibility and leverage the features offered by newer versions of Node.js. This step encourages developers to keep up with the latest improvements in the Node.js environment.

Improved Font Optimization

Font optimization is now even more efficient. Next.js can automatically inline critical font styles, eliminating render-blocking resources and potentially improving loading times.

ImageResponse Import Update

The 'ImageResponse' utility from 'next/server' simplifies the process of serving optimized images. It helps in streamlining the creation of image responses with proper caching headers, which can enhance the performance and reduce the payload size on image-heavy websites.

Image OnLoad Callback

An 'onLoad' callback for the 'next/image' component is now available, providing developers with the ability to execute custom logic once an image has fully loaded on the client-side. This can be particularly useful for performance tracking and dynamic user interface interactions.

Remote Image Patterns in NextJS Config

Next.js now offers the 'remotePatterns' configuration option, which allows for defining patterns for loading remote images. This enhances security and control by letting you specify which remote images should be optimized by the Next.js server.

Fetch Logging in Dev Mode

To assist in debugging, fetch logging is now available in development mode. Developers can have a better insight into the API calls being made, aiding in a quicker resolution of issues and fine-tuning of network requests.

Conclusion and NextJS Conf 2023 Recap

NextJS v14 introduces a suite of features that help save time and improve developers' workflow. The NextJS Conf 2023 provided a platform for the community to discuss and celebrate these advancements, encouraging everyone to stay motivated and keep pushing the boundaries of web development.

In conclusion, these significant updates not only demonstrate Next.js's commitment to enhancing developer experience but also to ensuring that React developers have the most efficient tools at their disposal to create cutting-edge web applications.

Stay motivated, keep pushing boundaries, and happy coding!


  • #NextJS
  • #ReactDevelopment
  • #WebDevelopment
  • #ModernJavaScriptFramework

Understanding Server Actions in Next.js and Related Tools

Introduction to Server Actions

Server Actions in Next.js are designed to simplify fetching and mutating data on the server side. They offer a more direct way to communicate with the server by using a simple function call from the client side.

Key Features of Server Actions

Easy Communication with the Server

By adding use server to a function, you turn it into a server function that can be easily invoked from the client side just by calling the function and awaiting the result.

Seamless Form Handling

Server Actions can be particularly useful for handling forms, as they allow for server-side operations without the need for additional JavaScript on the client side.

Reactivity Without JavaScript

They enable a form of server-driven reactivity that doesn't require JavaScript, making the pages lighter and potentially improving performance.

Monitoring and Transitions

Server Actions provide a way to monitor form submissions and support using transitions in conjunction with server operations.

Enhanced Querying

These actions are not only useful for mutations but also for querying data more efficiently from the server side.

Caching Support

Caching mechanisms can be applied to Server Actions to optimize performance by reducing redundant operations.

Related Tools and Resources

Jack Herrington's Contributions

Jack Herrington, the creator of the discussed Server Actions feature, is a host on the "React Round-Up" podcast. It is a valuable resource for those interested in React development topics.

Development Environment Preferences

Jack shares his preferences for development tools including:

  • VS Code Theme: Night Wolf [black]
  • VS Code Font: Operator Mono
  • Terminal Theme: oh-my-posh with atomic
  • Terminal Font: SpaceMono NF

Learning and Community Engagement

  • Next.js Documentation: The link to Server Actions documentation on Next.js provides an in-depth exploration of this feature.
  • React Round-Up Podcast: As a host on this podcast, Jack offers more insights into React and related technologies.
  • YouTube Channel Subscription: Subscribing to his YouTube channel can provide updates on new developments and tutorials.
  • Discord Server: An invitation to join the associated Discord server could offer community support and further learning opportunities.

Video Outline

The quoted content provides a timeline of the video, outlining the various topics covered. The video starts with an introduction, moves on to creating a project, focuses on server actions for forms, and discusses reactiveness without JavaScript. Later, it looks into form posts monitoring and transitions, queries with server actions, caching, and wraps up with an outroduction. Furthermore, there is an encouragement to become a pro React developer.


Jack Herrington's work on Server Actions offers a new and efficient way to handle data fetching and mutations on the server side within Next.js applications. It simplifies the communication between client and server and supports best practices for modern web development. The associated resources and tools mentioned are beneficial for those seeking to deepen their understanding of React and Next.js.

Tags: #Nextjs, #ServerActions, #ReactDevelopment, #JackHerrington