React 18 Ensures High-Performance in Next.js Apps

Version 18 of React has introduced a more high-performance framework which is beneficial for developers creating single-page applications. This version is particularly friendly with Next.js, as well as other frameworks like Remix and Relay.

Embracing Version 18 with Next.js

React 18 requires the latest version of Next.js, which is version 13. To take advantage of React 18, you can either create a new Next.js project or update an existing one. To do this, the next command is used for creating as well as upgrading projects.

Streaming Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

One of the standout features that come with React 18 in the context of Next.js is Streaming SSR. This is a methodology where the server sends HTML content to the client in increments, improving the initial load times by not waiting for the entire data before rendering. Streaming SSR contrasts with the traditional method where the entire page has to be ready before being sent to the client.

Implementing React Suspense in Next.js

React Suspense works hand-in-hand with the Streaming SSR functionality. It allows certain components of the UI to be displayed while waiting for other components to finish loading, providing a better user experience as it feels faster. Example code snippets like FeedComponent and WeatherComponent show how developers can implement this in their application.

Server Components with React 18

Another advancement React 18 brings to Next.js is the distinction between client and server components. These components allow for rendering logic to be offloaded to the server, which can perform the heavy lifting, thereby reducing the load on the client device.

Client-side Components

Next.js allows for client components which run solely on the user's device. Such components make use of React hooks like useState and useEffect.

Server-side Components

Server components, on the other hand, handle their processing on the server and send the final output to the client. This can significantly improve app performance since it reduces the amount of JavaScript required to be loaded on the client side.

Other Features and Benefits

The release also includes features like automatic batching, which don't require additional configuration but offer improved performance through batched state updates even in non-browser environments.


Version 18 of React has clearly set the stage for developers using Next.js to enhance their applications. With improvements like Streaming SSR, implementation of React Suspense, and utilization of server components, developers can now craft applications that are not only faster and but also provide better user experiences.

To adopt these features and improve the performance of your applications with Next.js and React 18:

  • Upgrade to Next.js 13 if you haven't already.
  • Familiarize yourself with the new features, especially streaming SSR and the use of Suspense.
  • Consider refactoring your components into client and server components for better performance.
  • Keep in mind the available Syncfusion React UI components to boost your app's user interface.

This guide should help you integrate React 18 into your NextJS projects effectively.


  • #React18
  • #NextJS
  • #WebDevelopment
  • #ServerSideRendering

The State of JavaScript and Emerging Trends in Web Development

JavaScript and its ecosystem continue to evolve, offering new approaches and solutions for building modern web applications. The recent shift from client-side rendering (CSR) to server-side rendering (SSR) marks a significant trend in the industry, driven by performance optimization and user experience improvements.

The Rise of SSR and Meta Frameworks

The inception of single-page applications (SPAs) led to the popularity of frameworks like React.js, Vue.js, and Svelte.js. These frameworks traditionally relied on CSR, where the heavy lifting of rendering web pages is done on the client's browser. The development community is now seeing a distinct move towards SSR-based architecture, enabling the server to render pages before they reach the client, improving load times and SEO performance.

Notable frameworks that have embraced SSR include:

  • Next.js: Often referred to as "the real React 18 release," Next.js signifies a major leap in React development with SSR capabilities built-in.

  • Remix: A modern framework that takes SSR to the next level by offering better data loading and caching mechanisms.

  • SvelteKit: The SSR companion to the component-based framework Svelte.js. It offers lightning-fast SSR and a simplified developer experience.

  • SolidStart: An SSR framework that utilizes Solid.js, a reactive library for building efficient UIs, promising a seamless SSR integration.

These frameworks all aim to provide better performance and user experience by leveraging SSR, but the landscape doesn't stop evolving there.

Advanced Rendering Techniques and the Edge Computing Wave

While SSR and static site generation (SSG) began the performance optimization journey, more refined techniques such as Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) and Streaming SSR have surfaced. ISR allows for individual page rebuilds at set intervals or on-demand through API calls, significantly reducing rebuild times. Streaming SSR tackles the single-threaded limitations of SSR by sending application chunks progressively, boosting perceived performance.

Pairing these techniques with serverless computing on the edge—where functions are deployed on distributed edge networks—further enhances web performance. Cloudflare Workers, Vercel's Edge Network, and Deno Deploy exemplify the focus on reducing latency and improving time to interactive (TTI) experiences.

Serverless at the Edge and Global Reach

Serverless computing, though still reliant on physical servers, shifts the burden of server management to cloud providers. Functions can be scattered globally, minimizing the distance between the server and the end user, which is the essence of edge computing. Companies like PlanetScale, Xata, and Supabase are tapping into this technology to offer more responsive and cost-effective solutions.

The Emergence of Monorepos

Beyond the server-client interaction, development practices also adapt. Monorepos, once the domain of large-scale applications, have grown popular even among smaller companies and open-source projects. Turborepo, Nx, and Lerna are tools that facilitate monorepo management, streamlining development processes and enhancing code sharing.

Styling, Data Management, and Deployment

Development trends also reflect in the adoption of modern CSS frameworks such as Tailwind CSS and the exploration of new utility-first approaches like UnoCSS. Data management and APIs have seen a shift towards tools like Prisma for database access, GraphQL for efficient data querying, and TanStack Router for navigation in React applications.

When it comes to deploying and building applications, the community is moving towards faster, more efficient tools like Vite, esbuild, and Vitest, leaving behind older staples like create-react-app.

The Growing Influence of Artificial Intelligence

AI tools such as GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT are beginning to play a role in web development. While they offer potential productivity boosts, there is also concern about the impact of AI-generated content on the web's quality and SEO landscape.


Web development is experiencing a dynamic period, with advances in rendering techniques, serverless edge computing, monorepos, and AI integration reshaping the landscape. Developers must keep up with these trends to build faster, more efficient, and user-friendly applications.

Tags: #WebDevelopment #JavaScript #ServerSideRendering #EdgeComputing #DevelopmentTrends

Swiss Basements and the State of Frontend Development

Modern web development has grown complex with the increasing expectations for dynamic and interactive websites. This complexity often comes with a cost – not in the form of a Swiss basement, but in the size and weight of web pages that must be shipped over networks. This presents a vexing problem for frontend developers, balancing the desire to create responsive, feature-rich sites with the need for performance and accessibility across different devices and network conditions.

The Evolution of Web Development: From PHP to Dynamic Rendering

In the early days of web development, PHP reigned supreme, enabling developers to generate dynamic HTML pages by integrating backend data. This was a significant step up from static HTML, offering users personalized, real-time content.

Despite its advantages, PHP's server-side rendering was primarily about presenting information, not interacting with it.

The Power Shift to Browsers and the Rise of SPAs

Two transformative developments reshaped the web: the improvement of JavaScript and the empowerment of browsers. The former allowed for robust client-side logic, while the latter turned browsers into powerful platforms capable of more than just displaying content.

This shift gave birth to the era of Single-Page Applications (SPAs) and Client-Side Rendering (CSR). The result was a more interactive web experience where browsers handled most of the rendering using downloaded JavaScript and other assets.

The Challenge: Balancing UX, Performance, and Complexity

While SPAs and CSR provided a leap forward in the user experience for those with high-speed, stable connections, they introduced problems for users on slower or unstable mobile networks. The heavy JavaScript bundles necessary for these dynamic sites led to slow loading times and poor interactivity until the page fully rendered.

Back to Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

The solution to these challenges is a return to server-side rendering. SSR allows developers to move the heavy lifting of rendering from the client to more capable and consistent server environments. The performance and compatibility gains of SSR can be significant, avoiding the complexity and user frustration of large JavaScript bundles and slow client-side interactivity.

The Concept of Islands Architecture and Fresh Rendering

An innovative approach to SSR is the islands architecture, a method that separates the rendering of individual components, permitting them to be served and rendered independently. This minimizes the JavaScript overhead and quickens interactivity.

How Server-Side Rendering Works

SSR involves creating and manipulating the DOM on the server side, utilizing the same JavaScript code that runs on the client side but responding differently based on the context. The server handles the initial rendering and sends out a fully interactive page to the client.

Using Templating Libraries Like Handlebars with Deno

With server-side frameworks such as Oak for Deno, developers can utilize templating libraries like Handlebars to simplify the creation of HTML templates. Through these libraries, servers can process templates and data models to produce HTML that gets sent to the client, delivering a full-fledged page without waiting for JavaScript bundling and execution.

Enhancing Templating with Interactive Elements

Developers can add interactivity to templated pages by using JavaScript for client-side enhancements. This can be seen in implementations where server templates provide the structure, while client-side scripts manage user interactions and dynamic content updates.

Combining Clients and Servers with Isomorphic JavaScript

Utilizing strategies like isomorphic JavaScript bridges the gap between client-side and server-side implementations, providing a unified codebase that executes differently depending on whether it runs on the server or the browser. This flexibility ensures a more cohesive rendering process and improves the overall developer experience.

The Future of SSR: Tools like Fresh and Deno Deploy

The drive towards improved SSR practices is exemplified by tools and frameworks like Fresh and platforms such as Deno Deploy. These tools focus on optimizing server-side rendering by making it easier to maintain and deploy, allowing developers to construct resilient applications capable of handling varied network conditions and device capabilities.

Conclusion: Harnessing SSR for Better Web Development

The complexity of modern web applications necessitates solutions like SSR to ensure a consistent experience across all user scenarios. This approach simplifies the web development process, yielding benefits such as enhanced performance, compatibility, and a maintainable codebase. As frontend development continues to evolve, the movement back to the server, reminiscent of those Swiss basements, seems to maintain its relevance and importance in providing robust and user-friendly web applications.

Tags: #WebDevelopment, #ServerSideRendering, #FrontendChallenges, #PerformanceOptimization

Boosting Performance and Speed of Your Next.js Applications: Best Practices and Optimizations

The performance of an application is intimately linked with the time it takes to serve the application’s code, style elements, and data to the client during the first interaction. The application’s performance can degrade if the server needs to send additional assets like images during the initial interaction. Good news is, developers can employ several strategies to enhance the speed of their Next.js applications.

Leveraging Server-side Rendering

Server-side rendering (SSR) is a technique that involves rendering the initial HTML of a webpage on the server before delivering it to the web browser. Using SSR can decrease the time needed to render the first page on the client side, which means users get to see your page’s content much faster. In addition, SSR is beneficial for improving application performance, particularly on mobile devices.

Here’s an example of how you can use server-side rendering in your code:

// This function will be called by the server
export async function getServerSideProps({context}){
    // Fetch data from external API
    const res = await fetch(`YOUR_API`)
    // Returning the fetched data
    return {
        props: {
            data: res

The Power of Dynamic Imports

Traditionally, applications usually load all the necessary components and CSS during the initial load. Dynamic import, however, allows you to break your code into smaller chunks and load them on demand. This approach implies you can import particular components as and when they’re needed. For instance, you can lazy load the login component for users who aren’t logged in. To use dynamic imports, you should import your code via an ES2020 dynamic import.

Caching Frequently Used Content

For API routes, apply Cache-Control to enforce caching rules, like this:

export default function handler(req, res){
    res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 's-maxage=10')

And for server-side rendering:

export async function getServerSideProps({ req, res }){
    res.setHeader('Cache-Control','public, s-maxage=10, stale-while-revalidate=59')
    return { props: {} }

Next.js automatically adds caching for static files and assets, so you don’t need to manually set it.

Removing Unused Dependencies

Unused dependencies can increase the size and loading time of your app and may also cause unexpected behaviors. So, it’s always a good idea to keep track of the dependencies that aren’t in use and remove them.

Image Optimization

Image optimization, which includes reducing the size of image files and saving them in the correct format, can greatly improve performance. You can use the Next.js Image Component for this purpose.

Here’s an example:

import Image from 'next/image'

function OptimizedImage(){
    return (
            <h1>Optimized Image</h1>
                alt="Any Text" 

export default OptimizedImage

Optimizing Your Scripts

Use Next.js script component to optimize your scripts. For instance:

import Script from 'next/script'

export default function OptimizedScript(){
    return (
                onError={(err) => console.log('Error')} 
                onLoad={() => {
                    // Function to perform after loading the script
                strategy = "beforeInteractive"

Next.js is popular because it allows developers to build vibrant JavaScript apps without constructing backend infrastructure. Additionally, it is packed with features that can significantly improve application performance while carrying out most of the heavy lifting on the server. Following these best practices can help you harness these features and build faster Next.js applications.

Tags: #nextjs #performance #serversiderendering #dynamicimport
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