Top 10 Essential Skills for Marketers in 2023: LinkedIn Data Insights

As the world continues to evolve, the demand for certain skills in the workplace also changes. In the marketing sector, both technology and shifts in customer behavior have significantly influenced the demand for specific skill sets. This post explores the top 10 skills that marketers need in 2023, as determined by data from LinkedIn.

1. Social Media Skills

In today’s digital age, proficiency in social media platforms extends beyond personal use. In 2023, companies are focusing on hiring social media strategists. These specialists understand how to use various social media platforms to promote business objectives measurably and significantly.

To boost your social media skills, consider taking the course ‘Social Media Marketing: Strategy and Optimization’ by Martin Waxman.

2. Management Skills

Interestingly, it’s not just marketing competency that employers seek when they hire for marketing roles. In 2023, companies are looking for professionals who possess strong management, communication, leadership, and project management skills.

Enhance your skillset with Laurie Ruettimann’s ‘Be The Manager People Won’t Leave’ course.

3. Digital Marketing Skills

The constant evolution of the digital space has made digital marketing skills more critical than ever. Enhance your digital marketing skills by taking Samantha Barnes’s ‘Marketing Analytics: Presenting Digital Marketing Data’ course.

4. Communication Skills

Effective communication skills have always been a vital attribute in marketing. To convey strategic plans cogently, marketers must clearly communicate to the broader organization.

To boost your communication abilities, consider Brenda Bailey-Hughes and Tatiana Kolovou’s ‘Communication Foundations’ course.

5. Strategy and Marketing Strategy Skills

In 2023, marketers must be adept at coordinating efforts across multiple platforms, ensuring a seamless brand and customer experience.

For general strategic thinking skills, consider the ‘Strategic Thinking’ course by Dorie Clark. For specific marketing strategy skills, try Deirdre Breakenridge’s ‘Create a Go-to-Market Plan’ course.

6. Leadership Skills

In 2023, it’s not just about commanding authority—it’s about providing direction. Bonnie Hagemann’s ‘Leading with Vision’ course can guide you on how to lead with a compelling vision.

7. Project Management Skills

Project management abilities have become more critical in modern marketing roles than ever before. Bonnie Biafore’s ‘Project Management Foundations’ course can enhance your technique in this area.

8. Advertising Skills

A marketer’s role involves accurately identifying target customers, understanding their needs, and strategizing product positioning accordingly. Check out Michael Taylor’s ‘Marketing Attribution and Mix Modeling’ course for more on this.

9. Customer Service Skills

Marketing is, at its heart, a service to the customer. In 2023, customer service skills are standing out as a key marketing competency. ‘Customer Service Foundations’ by Jeff Toister can help you ace this skill.

By adopting these skills, you can ensure you stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing landscape of marketing.


  • #MarketingSkills
  • #DigitalMarketing
  • #2023Trends
  • #SkillDevelopment

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