Don’t Ban ChatGPT in Schools. Teach With It.

A recent article published in The New York Times discusses the potential benefits of using OpenAI’s chatbot, ChatGPT, in schools rather than banning it. The author, Kevin Roose, argues that while there are concerns about potential cheating, the educational value of ChatGPT outweighs the risks.

Roose starts by sharing his experience giving a talk to K-12 teachers and administrators, where he realized their interest in ChatGPT as an AI tool. ChatGPT is a chatbot that can write essays, solve math problems, and even produce working computer code. While some may worry that students could use it to cheat on their homework, Roose believes that banning ChatGPT would be a mistake.

According to Roose, ChatGPT has the potential to be a valuable educational tool. It can help students with their assignments, provide feedback on their work, and assist with problem-solving. Rather than seeing it as a threat, Roose suggests that teachers and educators should embrace ChatGPT and find ways to incorporate it into their teaching.

He proposes several ways to use ChatGPT in the classroom. For example, students could use ChatGPT to practice their writing skills by engaging in conversations and receiving suggestions on how to improve their essays. It could also be a useful tool for students to explore complex scientific or mathematical concepts by providing explanations and offering step-by-step solutions.

Roose acknowledges the concerns about cheating and emphasizes the importance of teaching students about the ethical use of AI tools. He suggests that educators should educate students on how to leverage AI responsibly and ensure that they understand the limitations and potential risks.

In conclusion, Roose advocates for utilizing ChatGPT as an educational tool rather than banning it. He believes that the benefits of incorporating AI technology into the classroom far outweigh the risks. By teaching students how to use AI responsibly, educators can harness the power of ChatGPT to enhance learning experiences and prepare students for a future filled with advanced AI tools.

Tags: ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, education, technology.