Dato: A Comprehensive Menu Bar Calendar and Clock for macOS

Dato is a versatile menu bar application designed to provide a comprehensive calendar, events, and world clocks display for macOS users. With macOS 13 or later compatibility, it enhances productivity through its highly customizable features and supports a multitude of locales and languages, though the menus and settings are in English.

Enhancements in Dato 5

Interactive Event Handling

  • Clicking on an event now opens its details, a change from hover-over displays.
  • Right-click for additional event actions, such as muting or hiding notifications.
  • Double-click to open an event in the default calendar application.

Contextual Awareness

  • Clicking “upcoming event in menu bar” opens the main Dato window, providing more context like subsequent events.

Customization and Accessibility

  • Hide main Dato menu bar item through settings.
  • Hide events directly from the menu bar.

Features Galore

  • Calendar views with week numbers and event indicators.
  • Upcoming events glance for the next week.
  • Support for reminders.
  • Customizable time zones display with custom names.
  • Integration with video call services, like Zoom and Google Meet.
  • Multi-time zone clocks in the menu bar.
  • Customizable date & time formats.
  • Searchable time zones database with offline access.
  • Integration with various calendar services (iCloud, Google, Outlook, etc).

Trial and Tips

  • Available for trial through Setapp.
  • Tips include double-clicking to open events and long-pressing days to open in the calendar app.

Keyboard Shortcuts and Gestures

  • Extensive keyboard shortcuts for navigation and functionality.
  • Gestures for calendar interaction and event management.

Troubleshooting and Customization

  • Solutions for common issues like space constraints in menu bars with notches.
  • Tips for video call services integration.
  • Customization of date and time displays adhering to system settings.
  • Fullscreen notifications with event joining functionality.

Integration with Other Services and Apps

  • Compatibility with Velja app for opening meeting links in preferred browsers.
  • Shows how to display time zones in the menu bar and address high CPU usage.

FAQs and User Support

  • FAQs cover feature requests, calendar services support, fullscreen notification settings, and more.
  • Contact information for feedback and support inquiries.

Advantages Over Other Apps

  • Dato is presented as a superior menu bar UI choice compared to Fantastical and iStat Menus, with emphasis on customization and aesthetics.
  • It offers different features from Itsycal, focusing on both calendar and time aspects.

Legacy and Open Source Policy

  • Previous versions are made available, although compatibility is limited to older macOS variations.
  • A decision against open-sourcing to prevent clones.

In Essence

Dato offers an enhanced interface for managing calendars, events, and time zones directly from the macOS menu bar, with a focus on customization and integrations for an improved user experience. The application is updated with interactive and user-friendly features, making it a valuable tool for users looking for streamlined event and time management.

Tags: #DatoApp, #MenuBarCalendar, #macOSProductivity, #TimeManagement


Unlock Academic Excellence: Top 5 Efficient Study Habits for High-achieving Students

As a student, you are often inundated with a wealth of information, tight schedules, and high-stake examinations. It can be overwhelming trying to wrangle the perfect study method, but the fact is, there isn’t one. What’s important, however, is using your time wisely and crafting study habits that are individually tailored to benefit you. This blog post will dive into five key study habits that can contribute to your academic success.

Habit 1: Set One Study Goal a Day

Waking up every day with a committed study goal in mind is a great way to strategically use your time. This can be something as simple as reading a particular number of textbook chapters or practicing a set number of exam questions.

Start your day with the question: “What is the ONE thing I am committed to completing today?”

Write this question in big letters and hang it where you can see it immediately after waking up. As you move through your day, ensure you’re constantly working on completing that goal.

Habit 2: Take on Challenging Tasks First

There is no benefit in postponing challenging cognitive tasks till late at night. It’s a common misconception among students that all-nighters equate to more study time. But this is far from the truth.

Your biological clock or circadian rhythm determines at what times you perform best. Your brain’s peak performance for critical, analytical, and problem-solving tasks is usually 2-4 hours after you wake up. During this time, your brain can concentrate maximally, making it the prime time to tackle challenging study tasks.

Habit 3: Break Down Your Day into Short Study Periods

Studies have shown that shorter study periods can enhance focus and effectiveness. Rather than sitting for hours non-stop, try to break your study time into small manageable chunks.

For instance, reviewing study material can be broken into 50-minute increments followed by a 10-minute break. Alternatively, the Pomodoro technique, which consists of 25-minute study blocks with 5-minute breaks in between, can also be beneficial.

Habit 4: Make Summary Notes

Passive learning rarely leads to effective knowledge retention. Therefore, rather than just reading your textbooks, you need to actively participate in learning by making summary notes. This not only improves retention but also supports your cognitive skills.

Your notes should cover key concepts, ideas, and topics relevant to your learning objectives. Using colors to highlight priority concepts and interlinking ideas can make the revision process easier and more efficient.

Habit 5: Use Breaks to Improve Memory

The Zeigarnik effect, a psychological phenomenon, states that we remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed ones. This is because when we start a task and then interrupt it with a break, a task-specific tension is created that can improve cognitive function.

Therefore, intentionally integrate breaks into your study sessions and engage in activities unrelated to your learning during those periods. This will not only relieve you of potential burnout, but it will also harness the power of the Zeigarnik effect to your advantage.

By implementing these five effective study habits, you can considerably elevate your academic performance, minimize stress, and maximize success.

Tags: #EffectiveStudyHabits, #AcademicSuccess, #TimeManagement, #ActiveLearning

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Unlock Success in 2023: Five Steps to Master Your Productivity Plan

Staring down the imminent arrival of 2023 can be a daunting prospect. Many tasks will await you, some foreseen and many unforeseen. You can banish this overwhelming feeling by creating a well-structured productivity plan. Having a productivity plan is like having a road map for accomplishing your short-term and long-term goals. It helps maintain focus, ensuring that you’re moving in the right direction.

How can you create a productivity plan for 2023? Here are five crucial steps to adhere to when constructing your plan:

Step 1: Develop a Mission Statement

A mission statement serves as your guiding light. This statement reflects the purpose of your goals and what you wish to achieve. It also tells you why these goals matter and how they align with your values. In essence, your mission statement is your constant reminder of why you’re embarking on this journey.

Step 2: Develop Core Goals and Objectives

Goals give direction to your plans. Your core goals become the destinations on your roadmap. They provide clarity and focus your efforts toward achieving significant milestones. Objectives, on the other hand, are the steps you need to take to reach these goals.

Step 3: Formulate Strategies and Tactics

It’s not sufficient to know where you’re going; you must also know how you’ll get there. Formulating strategies and tactics will involve conscious planning about the use of resources, allocating time and setting tasks that align with your objectives.

Step 4: Set Priorities and Deadlines

Setting priorities determines the order in which you’ll accomplish your tasks. Deadlines, on the other hand, are vital in maintaining a sense of urgency, preventing procrastination and keeping you on schedule. Ensuring that each goal has a realistic and well-defined timeline makes the mission more achievable.

Step 5: Implement the Plan

The final step is implementing the plan. All the stages preceding this hold no value if the plan is not put into action. Start working towards your goals, consistently assessing your progress and making necessary changes as you move along.

Following these steps, you can craft an effective productivity plan for 2023, tailored to meet your needs. Remember, a productivity plan is not set in stone. It’s essential to perform regular reviews, assessing progress, identifying any shortcomings and tweaking the plan as required.

With a well-structured productivity plan, you will be equipped with a roadmap leading to the achievement of your goals in 2023. It’s your tool, guide, and companion in reaching your desired outcomes efficiently and promptly.

So gear up and get ready to dominate 2023 with a robust productivity plan.

Tags: #ProductivityPlan #GoalSetting #TimeManagement #PlanningForSuccess

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