Understanding the Importance of a Design System in Brand Consistency

Consistency Across Products

Design systems serve as comprehensive guides to maintain visual and functional harmony across various products of a brand. Without a design system, products built at different times, by different teams, and for different purposes can result in a disjointed appearance that can confuse users and dilute brand recognition.

Benefits of Design Systems

Time Savings and Efficiency

Using a design system can significantly accelerate the development process. By having a predefined set of design rules and components, teams can avoid starting from scratch for each project, ensuring faster and more efficient product development.

Decreased Errors

The standardization inherent in design systems can lead to a reduction in errors. With less variability, there's a decreased chance of design inconsistencies, leading to a more polished and professional end product.

Increased Satisfaction

Not only do design systems benefit the end-users by providing them with a coherent experience, but they also boost the satisfaction of the development and design teams. Clear guidelines and reusable components make the development process smoother and more enjoyable.

React Native and Design Systems

Applying a design system in React Native development brings the unique advantage of consistency across both iOS and Android platforms. This approach promotes a uniform app experience regardless of the device, enhancing the brand's coherent visual communication.

Specific Tools and Solutions

  • Storybook and Zeplin are collaboration applications that can facilitate the transition from designs to React Native code.
  • IcoMoon, Jest, and Styled-components are other tools that can be integrated within a React Native design system.
  • Patch-package and React-native-shadow address platform-specific difficulties, such as implementing custom shadow effects on Android devices where React Native's built-in capabilities fall short.
  • React-native-svg allows for the use of scalable vector graphics within React Native applications, essential for incorporating custom designs.

Documentation and Example Apps

To ensure that developers can make the best use of a design system, comprehensive documentation and example applications are crucial. These resources provide clear instructions on how to use the components and preserve design integrity.

Limitations in React Native

While React Native streamlines the development process, it does have its own set of challenges when it comes to design systems:

  • Dependency on Third-party Packages: Projects often rely on third-party packages, which can introduce complications if they are not well-maintained or fall out of compatibility with new updates.
  • Visual Regression Tests: Tools like Loki help with visual regression testing in React Native, which is essential for maintaining consistency, but can add complexity to the development workflow.
  • Complicated Charts: Implementing complex charts in React Native sometimes requires specific packages like victory-native, which might not always align perfectly with the design system.

Design Systems Beyond React Native

Netguru's experience extends beyond React Native to design systems implemented in React for web applications. Having the web and mobile platforms share the same design system fortifies the brand's consistency, ensuring that all components behave uniformly across different media.

The Power of a Design System

A design system is an invaluable tool for any organization looking to establish and maintain a strong, consistent brand identity. It simplifies the development process, reduces errors, and ensures that all products resonate with the brand's ethos, regardless of the platform.

Tags: #DesignSystem #BrandConsistency #ReactNative #MobileDevelopment #WebDevelopment


Explore YouTube for the Best Cypress Tutorials

Cypress: The Cutting-Edge Front-end Testing Tool

In the world of web development, front-end testing is essential for ensuring that web applications perform correctly across different browsers and platforms. Cypress has emerged as a powerful tool for front-end testing, built to handle the complexities of the modern web. It differs from other testing tools as it runs in the same run-loop as the browser, offering a more consistent testing experience.

Why Seek Cypress Tutorials on YouTube?

YouTube has become an excellent resource for learning new technologies, and Cypress is no exception. With a wide array of video tutorials available, developers can find content ranging from beginner to advanced levels. The best part about seeking Cypress video tutorials on YouTube is the variety of teaching styles and practical demonstrations available, which can cater to different learning preferences.

What to Look for in a Quality Cypress Tutorial?

When searching for a Cypress tutorial on YouTube, consider the following aspects to ensure you're getting quality content:

Comprehensive Coverage

A good tutorial should cover the basics of setting up Cypress, writing different types of tests (like unit, integration, and E2E), and best practices for test structure and organization.

Clear Explanations

The instructor should provide clear and concise explanations of the concepts being demonstrated. They should break down complex topics into understandable segments.

Practical Examples

It's not just about theory; the best tutorials include real-world examples. Look for videos that go beyond simple demos and show how to solve common testing problems.

Regular Updates

With the continuously evolving web development landscape, ensure that the tutorial is up-to-date with the latest versions and features of Cypress.

Peer Reviews

Check the comments and ratings of the videos to see feedback from other viewers. This can often provide insight into the effectiveness of the tutorial.

Recommended YouTube Channels for Cypress Tutorials


A well-known educational channel that provides comprehensive tutorials, including on Cypress. They often feature full-length courses that can take you from a beginner to a proficient tester.

The Net Ninja

This channel offers concise and to-the-point tutorials, which can be great for quick learning. They have a specific playlist for Cypress tutorials.


Another reputable channel that provides in-depth tutorials and covers a range of web development topics, including Cypress.

Traversy Media

Known for clear and practical tutorials, Traversy Media's channel may have several videos dedicated to Cypress, teaching both basics and advanced topics.

By exploring these YouTube channels and considering the mentioned aspects when selecting a tutorial, you will be well-equipped to master Cypress for front-end testing. Remember, consistent practice is key to becoming proficient in any tool or technology, so be sure to apply what you learn in real-world projects.


  • #CypressTutorial
  • #FrontEndTesting
  • #YouTubeLearning
  • #WebDevelopment


What is RESTful API Design? Creating Easy-To-Use APIs for Developers

RESTful API design is a standard methodology for creating web services that facilitate communication and interoperability between computer systems on the internet. REST, which stands for Representational State Transfer, is an architectural style that uses a stateless communication protocol, most commonly HTTP.

Key Principles of RESTful API Design

When designing a RESTful API, there are several core principles that need to be followed:

Client-Server Architecture

RESTful APIs adhere to a client-server architecture, which means the API is designed to facilitate interaction between client applications and a server, with the server providing a resource-based service to the client.


Each client request should contain all the information necessary for the server to fulfill the request. APIs should not rely on any stored context on the server between requests.


Responses should be implicitly or explicitly labeled as cacheable or non-cacheable, which improves the efficiency of the network and the scalability of the server.

Uniform Interface

The API should have a uniform interface for interactions, which simplifies and decouples the architecture, allowing each part to evolve independently. This involves using standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.), and standard HTTP status codes to communicate errors and results.

Layered System

The API may have multiple architectural layers, with each layer having a specific function. This creates a scalable and flexible environment in which security, load-balancing, and caching can be managed efficiently.

Code on Demand (optional)

Servers can extend client functionality by sending executable code, although this is an optional feature and less common in practice.

Best Practices for Easy-to-Use APIs

To ensure the API is user-friendly for developers, consider the following best practices:

Clear and Consistent Naming Conventions

Use nouns to represent resources and verbs (HTTP methods) to represent actions. Keep URIs simple and predictable to assist developers in understanding and using the API.


Provide comprehensive and understandable documentation, including examples of request and response messages. Documentation is crucial for developers to integrate their applications effectively with the API.

Error Handling

Use standard HTTP status codes to indicate success or failure in an API request, and provide clear, actionable error messages.


Manage changes to the API through versioning, allowing developers to adapt to new features without breaking existing functionality.


Implement robust security measures, like authentication and authorization protocols (OAuth, JWT), encryption (HTTPS), and input validation to protect against common vulnerabilities.

Pagination, Filtering, and Sorting

For endpoints that return large amounts of data, offer pagination, filtering, and sorting options to help developers receive the specific data subset they need.

Performance and Rate Limiting

Optimize API performance to handle requests swiftly. Implement rate limiting to prevent abuse and ensure the API remains reliable under high traffic.

Creating RESTful APIs with these principles and best practices in mind not only aligns with the REST architectural style but also ensures that the APIs are efficient, reliable, scalable, and easy to use for developers, ultimately contributing to successful integrations and user satisfaction.

Tags: #RESTfulAPI #APIDesign #WebDevelopment #BestPractices


Swiss Basements and the State of Frontend Development

Modern web development has grown complex with the increasing expectations for dynamic and interactive websites. This complexity often comes with a cost – not in the form of a Swiss basement, but in the size and weight of web pages that must be shipped over networks. This presents a vexing problem for frontend developers, balancing the desire to create responsive, feature-rich sites with the need for performance and accessibility across different devices and network conditions.

The Evolution of Web Development: From PHP to Dynamic Rendering

In the early days of web development, PHP reigned supreme, enabling developers to generate dynamic HTML pages by integrating backend data. This was a significant step up from static HTML, offering users personalized, real-time content.

Despite its advantages, PHP's server-side rendering was primarily about presenting information, not interacting with it.

The Power Shift to Browsers and the Rise of SPAs

Two transformative developments reshaped the web: the improvement of JavaScript and the empowerment of browsers. The former allowed for robust client-side logic, while the latter turned browsers into powerful platforms capable of more than just displaying content.

This shift gave birth to the era of Single-Page Applications (SPAs) and Client-Side Rendering (CSR). The result was a more interactive web experience where browsers handled most of the rendering using downloaded JavaScript and other assets.

The Challenge: Balancing UX, Performance, and Complexity

While SPAs and CSR provided a leap forward in the user experience for those with high-speed, stable connections, they introduced problems for users on slower or unstable mobile networks. The heavy JavaScript bundles necessary for these dynamic sites led to slow loading times and poor interactivity until the page fully rendered.

Back to Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

The solution to these challenges is a return to server-side rendering. SSR allows developers to move the heavy lifting of rendering from the client to more capable and consistent server environments. The performance and compatibility gains of SSR can be significant, avoiding the complexity and user frustration of large JavaScript bundles and slow client-side interactivity.

The Concept of Islands Architecture and Fresh Rendering

An innovative approach to SSR is the islands architecture, a method that separates the rendering of individual components, permitting them to be served and rendered independently. This minimizes the JavaScript overhead and quickens interactivity.

How Server-Side Rendering Works

SSR involves creating and manipulating the DOM on the server side, utilizing the same JavaScript code that runs on the client side but responding differently based on the context. The server handles the initial rendering and sends out a fully interactive page to the client.

Using Templating Libraries Like Handlebars with Deno

With server-side frameworks such as Oak for Deno, developers can utilize templating libraries like Handlebars to simplify the creation of HTML templates. Through these libraries, servers can process templates and data models to produce HTML that gets sent to the client, delivering a full-fledged page without waiting for JavaScript bundling and execution.

Enhancing Templating with Interactive Elements

Developers can add interactivity to templated pages by using JavaScript for client-side enhancements. This can be seen in implementations where server templates provide the structure, while client-side scripts manage user interactions and dynamic content updates.

Combining Clients and Servers with Isomorphic JavaScript

Utilizing strategies like isomorphic JavaScript bridges the gap between client-side and server-side implementations, providing a unified codebase that executes differently depending on whether it runs on the server or the browser. This flexibility ensures a more cohesive rendering process and improves the overall developer experience.

The Future of SSR: Tools like Fresh and Deno Deploy

The drive towards improved SSR practices is exemplified by tools and frameworks like Fresh and platforms such as Deno Deploy. These tools focus on optimizing server-side rendering by making it easier to maintain and deploy, allowing developers to construct resilient applications capable of handling varied network conditions and device capabilities.

Conclusion: Harnessing SSR for Better Web Development

The complexity of modern web applications necessitates solutions like SSR to ensure a consistent experience across all user scenarios. This approach simplifies the web development process, yielding benefits such as enhanced performance, compatibility, and a maintainable codebase. As frontend development continues to evolve, the movement back to the server, reminiscent of those Swiss basements, seems to maintain its relevance and importance in providing robust and user-friendly web applications.

Tags: #WebDevelopment, #ServerSideRendering, #FrontendChallenges, #PerformanceOptimization


Complete Guide to Optimizing User Experience with Effective Front-End Testing

Front-end testing is an essential aspect of software development. It helps ensure a flawless user experience and solid product functionality. Let’s unravel the characteristics, types, and processes involved in front-end testing.

What Exactly Is Front-End Testing?

Front-end testing is the process of testing the user interface (UI) and overall user experience (UX) of a web application. This testing ensures the application is free of issues and offers users a smooth and easy-to-navigate experience. It assesses elements like alignment, navigation, page-load speed, overall functionality, and much more.

Front-end testing of websites is done to ensure websites function seamlessly, ensuring no negative impact on performance.

Front-End and Back-End Testing and Their Divergences

Back-End Testing

Back-end testing focuses on the server, database, and the functionality on the back-end of the software. This testing often involves CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

Back-end testing is crucial for identifying and eradicating bugs in the early stages of the development process, saving extensive time and resources.

The Difference between Front-End and Back-End Testing

Front-end and back-end testing both play vital roles in the overall software development process.

Front-end testing ensures that the user-facing interface is functional and meets UX requirements. It minimizes the importance of understanding the database and backend mechanics.

On the other hand, back-end testing focuses on server-side operations and the database functionality of the software applications.

Different Types of Testing

Unit Testing

Every single unit of code or functionality in the application is tested independently in unit testing. This process verifies that each piece of code works as expected and assists developers in spotting issues early.

Integration Testing

Integration testing involves interacting with different parts of the application in order to assess how well they work together. Integration testing tools help identify potential issues early, saving valuable time and money.

System Testing

System testing checks how a complete application operates under varying conditions. For instance, when users log in or when the system is exposed to stress, system testing ensures the application works properly.

Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing is a validation process to ensure the software meets the intended user’s requirements. It is typically performed by the development team and helps confirm user inputs, user flows, and front-end actions are functioning properly.

End-to-End Testing

This type of testing examines the flow of the application from start to finish, ensuring all system components work as expected and interaction among them is seamless.

Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing

This form of testing ensures a web application works appropriately across different browsers.

Online Surveys for Effective Front-End Testing

Online surveys offer an effective medium to receive user feedback for front-end testing. With platforms like resonio, you can set up a front-end testing survey to collect necessary feedback for website optimization.

The Process of Front-End Testing with Online Surveys

  • Identify the target audience
  • Create survey questions, multiple-choice, and open-ended
  • Choose the appropriate survey tools
  • Recruit suitable survey participants
  • Distribute the survey
  • Collect and analyze responses
  • Implement changes accordingly

Front-End Testing Challenges

  • Sample Bias
  • Length of the Survey
  • Interpreting Survey Responses
  • Survey Fatigue
  • Technology Limitations

Despite these challenges, the insights from front-end testing using online surveys can significantly contribute to improving website quality and user satisfaction.

Creating a Front-End Testing Plan

  • Decide your budget
  • Choose the tools
  • Set a timeline
  • Define the project scope

Planning properly ensures successful front-end testing and a high-quality end product.


Front-end testing plays a critical role in ensuring a superior user experience and optimal functionality of web applications. Knowing how to properly conduct these tests, understand their results and implement necessary changes is key to a successful web development project.

Incorporating online surveys in the testing process aids in gathering user feedback and adjusting the application’s usability and design accordingly for a more user-centric and high-performing application.

Tags: #FrontEndTesting #WebDevelopment #SoftwareTesting #OnlineSurveys

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Choosing the Best Web Development Platform: A Comprehensive Guide on Jamstack vs WordPress

When it comes to developing a web product for your business, choosing the right development stack is fundamental. Trends in web development have evolved significantly, and developers are now spoilt for choice. Among the options available, WordPress and Jamstack have emerged as preferred choices for many businesses. But how do you decide which is the right platform for your needs? Let’s break it down by understanding each platform and comparing their pros and cons.

Understanding WordPress

WordPress, which is found to be the preference for about 64.1 percent of developers,[^1^] is an open-source content management system. This user-friendly platform operates on a LAMP stack consisting of Linux OS, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and PHP.

Understanding Jamstack

Jamstack is not a specific software or platform. Instead, it represents a modern web development architecture based on three core tenets: JavaScript, reusable APIs, and mark-up. This methodology promotes the use of static files on content delivery networks (CDNs) and JavaScript-accessed services for any dynamic needs.

Comparison: Jamstack versus WordPress

While it can be said that comparing Jamstack to WordPress is like comparing apples to oranges due to their distinct methodologies and tools, there are notable similarities and differences between these platforms worth exploring.

Developer Experience

With Jamstack, developers have the flexibility to choose their preferred JavaScript libraries and frameworks. They can leverage modern tools like Babel and Webpack, and static site generators such as Gatsby and Hugo offer a seamless development experience. Moreover, Jamstack stores coded project’s in a repository like Git, enhancing the collaboration experience when multiple developers are involved in the project.

WordPress, on the other hand, is supremely user-friendly and doesn’t necessarily require programming knowledge. However, it falls short in offering the comprehensive development environment Jamstack offers, mostly because project files are stored on a server.

Data Handling and Security

Jamstack scores high in the category of data handling and security. The architecture allows for easy data feed to platforms via a secure API, with developers having control over the data at all times. Conversely, with WordPress, the data stays within the platform, posing constraints when sharing it with other digital platforms.

Security is another critical consideration. WordPress has been known to suffer from security issues due to potentially vulnerable third-party plugins. Jamstack sites, by virtue of their static nature and separation of the front and back ends, are proved to be more secure in comparison.

Performance and Scalability

Performance is a crucial metric for website ranking, and this is an area where Jamstack websites outshine WordPress sites. With WordPress relying on server-side rendering technologies and having less control over third-party plugins, it’s not easy to optimize the sites’ performance. Jamstack, with its ability to deliver pre-built static files optimized even before they’re loaded, offers superior performance.

Scalability is also easier with Jamstack than WordPress. The initial costs may be slightly higher due to the architecture’s nature, but the total cost of ownership can be substantially lower as it supports easy implementation of new features.

Content Management

In WordPress, content management is built into the platform but combining content and presentation layers can make it challenging to use the content across multiple channels. On the other hand, Jamstack offers headless content management systems (CMS) allowing better content utilization across different media channels.

Making the Right Choice

Both WordPress and Jamstack have their strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, the decision to use either platform depends on the specific project requirements and available resources. Opt for Jamstack if you prioritize site security, excellent user experience, scalability, or data portability.

However, if you need to build a website quickly, lack technical knowledge, need an easy update process and variety of plugins, WordPress could be your ideal choice.

Tags: #webdevelopment, #Jamstack, #WordPress, #ContentManagementSystem

[^1^]: Source Needed

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Ultimate Guide to Top JavaScript Frameworks for Web Development in 2023

The technology landscape is constantly evolving and JavaScript frameworks have grown in importance for web development companies. Nearly all modern web development companies today utilize JavaScript frameworks for building applications that are robust, fast, and capable of handling large datasets.

This guide compares various JavaScript frameworks, highlighting their pros and cons, and helps you make an informed choice about which one to choose for your journey in the tech field as a web developer.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a JavaScript framework?
  2. The 8 Best JavaScript Frameworks for Beginners
  3. Getting Started With JavaScript Frameworks
  4. JavaScript Framework FAQs
  5. Where to Go From Here

What is a JavaScript Framework?

JavaScript frameworks are software applications that provide a foundation for developers to create web applications. They provide a set of tools, libraries, and infrastructures that make the development process easier, faster, and more efficient.

The 8 Best JavaScript Frameworks for Beginners


React is a popular choice for building web interfaces. It supports large scale projects and has a large and active community. However, it may be harder to learn compared to other frameworks such as Vue.


Angular is a good choice for creating single-page applications using the MVC model. It offers a lot of features right out the box and has a logical separation between presentation and logic.


Vue.js offers ease of use and good performance. It doesn’t have as many plugins and libraries as Angular or React, but it’s a good choice for beginners due to its simplicity.


Node.js is widely adopted by developers for its robustness, speed, and ease of use. It is not a framework but a backend environment for writing JavaScript.


Express is a powerful framework for Node.js that provides greater efficiency for rapid development.


Svelte compiles components into optimized JavaScript code instead of interpreting code during runtime, resulting in better app performance and smaller bundle sizes.


Ember.js offers great documentation and reinforces structure which can help new devs move between projects with ease.


Next.js builds on top of React and offers great features that improve app performance. It supports better SEO and faster development.

Getting Started With JavaScript Frameworks

Before jumping into JavaScript frameworks, it is recommended to establish a strong foundation in JavaScript. Having a solid understanding of JavaScript will enable you to tackle any new tool with ease.

JavaScript Framework FAQs

The most popular JavaScript frameworks in 2023 are React, Node.js, and jQuery.

Where to Go From Here

Now that you know about different JavaScript frameworks and their strengths and weaknesses, you are ready to select the best framework for you and start creating your first project. Learning JavaScript and its frameworks can be a step towards building a career in web development.

Tags: #JavaScript #WebDevelopment #Tech #Frameworks

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Unleashing the Power of JavaScript: Basics to Enhance Web Interactivity and User Experience

JavaScript, dubbed as one of the most popular modern web technologies, paves the way for a more dynamic and interactive user experience on the web. We’re here to guide you through the basic concepts and exciting features of JavaScript and inject some life into your web pages!

1. What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is an incredibly adaptable and novice-friendly programming language. As you become more adept, you can venture into developing games, animated 2D and 3D graphics, comprehensive database-driven apps, and much more!

JavaScript is compact yet highly flexible. Developers have created a multitude of tools atop the core JavaScript language, unleashing an immense amount of functionality with minimal effort. These tools encompass APIs and third-party libraries which expedite the site building process.

2. JavaScript Basics

For a comprehensive understanding of the language, it’s essential to gain a grasp of the core JavaScript features that are standard in all programming languages. Getting comfortable with these concepts will give you a significant leapstart into other coding languages as well!


Variables are needed to produce anything of interest in programming. Values in JavaScript can range from Strings and Numbers, to more complex forms like Arrays and Objects.

let myVariable = 'Bob';
let myVariable = 10;
let myVariable = [1,'Bob','Steve',10];
let myVariable = document.querySelector('h1');


The working of JavaScript hinges on the understanding of its operators. These include Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, and other logical operators.


JavaScript conditionals add decision-making capabilities to the scripts. The simplest and most used form is If…Else.

let iceCream = "chocolate";
if (iceCream === "chocolate") {
    alert("Yay, I love chocolate ice cream!");
else {
    alert("Awwww, but chocolate is my favorite…");


Functions are blocks of code that are designed to perform a particular task. They are executed when invoked (called).

function multiply(num1, num2) {
    let result = num1 * num2;
    return result;


JavaScript is tailored to react to events. A JavaScript can be executed when an event occurs, like a user clicking on an HTML element.

3. Enhancing Your Webpages

Learning the essentials paves the way to enhance your webpages. Add features like image changers or personalized welcome messages, utilize the Web Storage API to store data from the user, and incorporate DOM manipulations and events to raise the interactivity of your pages.


While we’ve merely skimmed the surface of JavaScript, its in-depth study will escalate your web development journey to new heights. If you find these tidbits intriguing and wish to dive deeper, avail of the resources we’ve compiled in the section below! Happy coding!

Tags: #JavaScript #WebDevelopment #Programming #Coding

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Understanding Next.js Project Structure for Efficient Web Development

Next.js is a powerful framework built on top of React.js, offering universal, server-rendered React applications with little setup time. It follows a specific project structure with a way of organizing files and folders that make up your application. Understanding this structure is essential for maintaining, scaling, and optimizing your Next.js applications. In this guide, we will dissect the structure of a typical Next.js project.


The app folder houses the main logic and configuration files of your application. They include:

  • App Router: Controls the overall routes for your application.

  • Pages Router: Handles the specific routes for each page.

  • next.config.js: This is the configuration file for your Next.js application.

  • package.json: This is where the project’s dependencies and scripts are defined.

  • instrumentation.ts: This file is used for OpenTelemetry and Instrumentation setup.

  • middleware.ts: This file is used for setting up Next.js request middleware.

  • .env, .env.local, .env.production, .env.development: These files are for declaring environment variables for different deployment stages.

  • tsconfig.json: Contains configuration for TypeScript in your project.

  • jsconfig.json: Contains configuration for JavaScript in your project.


The pages folder has a specific naming convention and structure. It contains the React component that will be served for each route. The main files include:

  • _app.js (.jsx/.tsx): This is your custom App component. You can override the default component to control page initialization.

  • _document.js (.jsx/.tsx): This is your custom Document component, useful for rendering documents on the server, setting up initial state, adding additional elements to head, and more.

  • _error.js (.jsx/.tsx): This is your custom Error page. Next.js will render this file if there is an error.

  • 404.js (.jsx/.tsx): This is your custom 404 page. Next.js automatically renders this when a page is not found.

Public Folder

Public directory serves static assets like images, stylesheets, and scripts. This directory is also the root of your app, so public/favicon.ico translates to your-site.com/favicon.ico.

Folders and Files Naming Conventions

Naming conventions is important, as it allows Next.js to correctly route your application:

  • index.js (.jsx/.tsx): Represents the home page.

  • folder/index.js (.jsx/.tsx): Represents a nested page e.g. your-site.com/folder.

  • [folder] or [[...folder]]: Represents dynamic routes. Square brackets ([]) signify dynamic parts of your routing that depend on external data.


Understanding the structure of a Next.js project is vital for developing responsive, fast, and user-friendly web applications. The application structure is logical, straightforward, and built to scale. Next.js allows developers to leverage the power of server-side rendering, static site generation, and client-side rendering in a simple and efficient way. The specific file and folder conventions mean it is easy to understand how Next.js maps pages, routes, and related functionality.

Hopefully, this guide was useful in giving a breakdown of how the project structure works in Next.js. Happy coding!

Tags: #Next.js #React #WebDevelopment #ProjectStructure

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Maximizing Web Development with Jamstack: A Comprehensive Guide

In the field of web development, one concept has recently taken center stage – Jamstack. If you’re wondering about this new-generation technology for modern interactive web applications, you’ve come to the right place.

Table of Content

  1. Understanding the LAMP Stack
  2. Rise of Jamstack
  3. Features of Jamstack
  4. Headless CMS
  5. Advantages of Jamstack
  6. Limitations of Jamstack

Understanding the LAMP Stack

The genesis of Jamstack becomes clearer once we delve into the conventional LAMP stack. Predominant in web development for the past 15 years, LAMP stack is an acronym for Linux (the operating system), Apache (the server software), MySQL (the database), and PHP/Perl (server-side languages). A significant downside of LAMP-based websites is the need for a powerful web server. As page visit rates increase, the demand for server-side computing power surges and page load times increase – a critical issue in a world of short-attention-span users frequently browsing on mobile devices.

Rise of Jamstack

Out of this problem arose the static website movement in 2015, leading ultimately to the development of Jamstack. It emerged as a groundbreaking approach transforming how websites should function.

Features of Jamstack

Let’s explore some fundamental features propelling Jamstack to the forefront of web development technology:

Compiling The UI

Ahead of time by pre-rendering the entire site and serving static assets via Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), Jamstack achieves faster load times and improved reliability.

Decoupled Frontend

By separating the frontend from backend services, coding becomes simplified with a clear contract for UI communication, reducing complexity and improving understanding of how external changes affect the frontend.

Dynamic and Personalized Web Apps

Jamstack enables developers to request data from the frontend, allowing for dynamic and personalized web apps that power rich and interactive experiences.

Distributed Persistent Rendering (DPR)

DPR is a unique feature of Jamstack, effectively reducing build times for larger sites by sharing the rendering work. It involves rendering some pages as part of a deployment build while leaving others to render on-demand based on requests.

Headless CMS

The CMS for Jamstack sites, known as headless CMS, separates content from presentation. It allows multiple web pages to easily use it, delivering the content via API calls in a format easily processed by JavaScript.

Advantages of Jamstack


Jamstack is inherently safe as it reduces the surface area of a site vulnerable to attacks by serving pre-generated, static pages.


As the websites are served via a CDN, they are inherently scalable, providing seamless user experience during web traffic spikes.

Better developer experience:

With a clear separation between the frontend and backend, developers can focus on their specific areas of expertise.


As most resources are pre-compiled, static, and served via a CDN, Jamstack sites are very fast, improving user experience and SEO performance.

Limitations of Jamstack

While Jamstack has many advantages, it’s not without its limitations. Take note of long build times for large sites and an initially challenging learning curve for beginners.

Despite such restrictions, Jamstack offers a plethora of possibilities for web development, with the promise of larger-scale sites, dynamic web apps, and enhanced inclusivity across development teams.

Let’s continue blurring the boundaries and building a superior web, together!

Tags: #WebDevelopment, #Jamstack, #DynamicApps, #PreRendering

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