Master Top 15 Full Stack Frameworks for Software Development in 2022

As the world of tech entrepreneurship continues to reel from the aftermath of the global pandemic, businesses have been forced to adapt, resulting in a higher demand for professionals adept in design, database management, and frontend and backend development. To keep up with this trend, full stack developers should arm themselves with knowledge on various full stack frameworks.

Top 15 Full Stack Frameworks You Should Learn

These are the top full stack frameworks which should be on your radar for this year:

1. React.js

React.js is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It features a component-based architecture and virtual DOM, which facilitates fast development of interactive web applications. Big names like Walmart, Netflix, and Airbnb vouch for its reliability, efficiency, and ease of use.

2. Vue.js

Vue.js is a versatile, open-source frontend framework designed for creating user interfaces in an efficient manner. It’s known as the “progressive JavaScript framework” due to its flexible component architecture and reactive data binding system.

3. Angular

Angular, an open-source full stack framework developed by Google, is another well-used option in the market. It boasts features like an automated form validation, dependency injection, and two-way data binding, all of which help developers produce results faster and more easily.

4. The MEAN Stack

The MEAN Stack combines Node.js and Express.js technologies, providing developers with an efficient way to develop web applications quickly, while also achieving good performance and scalability.

  • Node.js is a runtime environment that facilitates the use of JavaScript on the server side, ideal for creating fast, scalable network applications.
  • Express.js is a minimalistic yet robust framework utilized in building APIs and web applications in conjunction with Node.js.

5. Django

Django is a high-level Python web framework that offers comprehensive tools and libraries allowing full stack developers to build secure and scalable web applications. This framework takes care of mundane tasks like managing databases, freeing developers to focus on coding.

6. Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails promotes a “do-not-repeat-yourself” principle which expedites application development. It’s a fantastic option for both small and enterprise-level projects thanks to its extensive library of open-source code.

7. Laravel

Laravel is the go-to PHP framework that follows the MVC pattern, offering clean and elegant syntax combined with an array of rich features such as routing, caching, and ORM. These features simplify the process of building modern and scalable web applications.


ASP.NET is a robust framework developed by Microsoft to aid developers in building enterprise-grade applications. This framework greatly suits HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. It also enables the creation of Web APIs and WebSocket APIs.

9. Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a Java-based framework that significantly reduces boilerplate code. It offers features that facilitate the easy building of production-ready applications, allowing developers to focus on creating robust and scalable applications.

10. Flask

Flask is a lightweight Python framework known for its flexibility and simplicity. Ideal for small to medium-sized applications, Flask allows developers to build web applications quickly without unnecessary complexity.

11. GraphQL

GraphQL uses a query language to connect APIs to existing data. It allows clients to make specific queries and generate predictable results according to their needs.

12. Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a free, open-source framework used for creating responsive websites. It’s compatible with major web browsers, making it a go-to for cross-platform app development.

13. jQuery

jQuery, a small yet feature-rich JavaScript library, aids in handling events, implementing AJAX, modifying HTML documents, and more.

14. Symfony

Symfony, an open-source, free PHP framework, comprises a set of reusable component libraries. Its extendable architecture enables the addition of new features and functionalities.

15. Ember.js

Ember.js, a JavaScript framework that prioritizes convention over configuration, aids in large-scale application development.

Concluding Thoughts

While learning these full stack frameworks can seem daunting, it’s never too late to improve your skills. By choosing to learn a full stack framework that aligns with your career objectives, you can enhance your skills and open doors toward new opportunities.

Career Opportunities at Full Scale

Full Scale, an Inc. 5000 lister company, provides an ideal environment for full stack developers to grow and develop. With a fully remote setup, we welcome applicants from all over the Philippines. Join our team and experience a work-life-balance-led work setup.

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Tags: #fullstackdevelopment, #learning, #webdevelopment, #developmentframeworks
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Essential Tools and Libraries for React in 2023: Optimizing Your Web Development Projects

React, one of the most widely-used JavaScript libraries, continues to be favored by developers in building dynamic and high-performance applications. As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of React in 2023, the ecosystem flourishes with constant advancements and innovations. With a vast array of tools and libraries available within the React ecosystem, selecting the right combination for your project may pose a challenge. In this post, we’ll delve into the most essential libraries that are widely used and trusted by developers and assist you in making informed decisions on the right tools to use for your next React project.

Getting Started with React

First-time React users might find it daunting to get started. Here are few ways to get started:

  • CodeSandbox and Stackblitz
  • Vite
  • Next.js

Use the following command to create a new Next.js application:

npx create-next-app@latest

Essential Libraries and Tools


Routing is a crucial part of any modern web application. There are several routing libraries available, but our top picks are React Router and Next.js.

Client State Management

State management libraries like the Redux Toolkit and Zustand can simplify managing complex application state and keep your UI in sync with your data.

Server State Management

Server state management refers to handling data stored on the server and accessed remotely by the client application. Our top picks for this category are TanStack Query and Apollo Client.

Form Handling

Formik and React Hook Form provide intuitive APIs for managing form state, validating inputs and submitting data. Our recommendation leans more towards React Hook Form.


Vitest, React Testing Library, Playwright, and Cypress are excellent libraries for testing the functionality of your React applications.


Styling is a crucial aspect of building modern web applications. With so many styling libraries available for React, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. Some popular solutions include Tailwind CSS, Styled Components, Emotion, CSS Modules, and Vanilla Extract.

UI Component Libraries

UI component libraries such as Material UI and Mantine UI can be huge time-savers. Additionally, there are Tailwind CSS frameworks like ShadCN, Daisy UI, and Headless UI.


For animation, we recommend Framer Motion. Also, React Spring Framer Motion provides a motion component and the animate prop.

Data Visualization

Victory, React Chartjs, and Recharts are popular data visualization libraries for React. These libraries significantly reduce the learning curve of creating beautiful and interactive visualizations that can help users understand complex data.


Tables can be a challenging component to implement. However, libraries like TanStack Table and React Data Grid make it easy to create powerful and customizable tables with features like sorting, filtering, and pagination.

Headless CMS

To reduce the need to update and deploy code just to make content updates to your site or app, use a headless CMS like


For internationalization, consider using libraries like i18next or React-Intl.

Dev Tools

TypeScript for type-checking and Storybook for developing UI components in isolation are recommended development tools.

Native Mobile Apps

React Native is a popular framework for building native mobile apps using React.

Other Awesome Libraries

Other noteworthy libraries include dnd kit, react-slick, and react-dropzone.

Wrapping Up

The React ecosystem continues to evolve at a rapid pace in 2023. Whether you’re just getting started with React or you’re a seasoned React developer, there are a multitude of options available to help you stay productive and build great user experiences.

Tags: #React #JavaScript #WebDevelopment #ReactLibraries

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Predicting Future of Web Development: Key Front-End, Back-End and Tech Trends for 2023

The foundation of the Internet as we know it was laid down in the year 1991 with the publication of the first-ever webpage. Fast forward to today, web development has come a long way from simple static pages to intricate, dynamic websites. For a business to stay relevant, it is now virtually mandatory to make its presence felt on the digital landscape.

In this fiercely competitive ecosystem, web development is continually evolving to keep up with shifting user expectations and technological advancements. What defines the future of web development? Let’s delve into the latest trends in both front-end and back-end web development, as well as other crucial technology trends.

Front-End Web Development Trends

Front-end development plays a fundamental role in shaping user interaction and experience. Although trends come and go at the drop of a hat in this realm, some manage to stand the test of time. The following are expected to gain significant traction in 2023.

1. JS

An astounding 65% of respondents in a 2022 Statista survey reported using JavaScript in their careers, rendering it the most employed web technology globally. Key reasons for its popularity include:

  • Wide-ranging support by popular browsers such as Safari, Firefox, and Chrome.
  • Its object-based, dynamic nature that allows use on both the server and client side.
  • Its capacity to make web interactions seamless.
  • An array of awesome libraries and frameworks for developers to utilize.

2. Jamstack

Jamstack, an architecture that displays dynamically generated content on a statically delivered website, is fast becoming a darling of front-end developers. It offers a faster, simpler, and more cost-effective environment, and its websites require no server or database protection, making them more secure.

3. Mobile-First Approach

With mobile internet usage steadily outpacing desktop usage, the mobile-first approach for web development continues to be a dominant trend.

4. Headless CMS Architecture

Headless CMS is rapidly gaining favor over traditional CMS solutions. Its significant advantage is the ability to store and manage content in one place and deploy it across any desired front-end via APIs.

5. Server-Side Rendering

Server-side rendering (SSR) is now considered a vital tool for SEO by Google, especially when it comes to high-ranking search results.

6. PWAs

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) bring to the table their offline working capability, coupled with support for push notifications and background updates.

Back-End Web Development Trends

The back-end ecosystem is steeped in continuous innovation aimed at enhancing codebases, raising code quality standards, and fortifying infrastructure security. The following tools and applications are set to be game-changers.

7. Django

Django, a Python-based framework, allows developers to create complex, feature-rich web apps with ease.

8. Elixir

Elixir, with its simplicity and concurrency, is a favorite among developers.

9. Serverless Computing

Serverless applications running on cloud servers eliminate the need for back-end developers to worry about server availability, infrastructure management, or idle capacity.

10. Enhanced Cyber Security

Given the exponential increase in cyber threats, cyber security is poised to be a major focal point in the back-end ecosystem in the coming years.

Other Pivotal Technology Trends for Web Development

Besides the front-end and back-end trends, certain overarching technological developments are set to shape the landscape of web development.

11. Chatbots and AI

Chatbots and AI are fast becoming indispensable. They automate processes, ensure user engagement with the brand, and offer an excellent user experience.

12. Dark Mode Experience

Dark Mode, which offers reduced eye strain with light text displayed on a dark background, is fast becoming popular and is expected to continue to trend in the coming years.

13. Motion UI

A well-crafted Motion UI grabs user attention by providing a visually appealing sequence of animated elements that are often easier and quicker to perceive than static information.

14. Augmented and Virtual Reality

AR and VR technologies have immense potential to uplift the user experience across a wide array of industries, making them a likely trend to take off in the future.

Are You Ready to Embrace the Future?

As the world of technology continually evolves, so do the trends shaping it. Staying abreast of these trends and integrating them into your tech stack can ensure your business remains at the forefront of its industry.

If you’re seeking a technology partner to future-proof your business, could be the ally you need. Feel free to explore our services from the menu.

Tags: #WebDevelopment #TechnologyTrends #FrontEnd #BackEnd

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